Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2556: Windfall


Xiao Hua smiled, "But I don't know where Red Cliff is?"

"Here, here~"

Yinghu hurriedly took out a pamphlet from his sleeve and handed it to Xiao Hua.

"So you stole it?"

Xiao Hua looked at the thin booklet, not at the Xiayun Festival, and said with a smile.

"how can that be possible?"

Yinghuo's face flushed red, and said, "I found this from somewhere else..."

While Yinghuo was talking, Xiao Hua's face changed sharply, and all expressions of ecstasy, surprise, etc. flashed past.

It is said that Xiao Hua can already be in chaos, but things are really unexpected, so in front of this little fairy, Xiao Hua did not conceal his excitement.

"what happened?"

Yinghuo was a little strange, after all, Xiao Hua hadn't opened the pamphlet.

How did she know that the moment Xiao Hua took the pamphlet, he had already sent the pamphlet into the space, and his mind had already read it. Moreover, although the pamphlet had not changed much, and Zhou Xiaoming had not changed much, but Xiao Hua had already sensed it. The causal connection between Travels and Zhou Xiaoming!

It turns out that the clue of Zhou Xiaoming's memory is this Red Cliff travel note, but I don't know why, this travel note is no longer in the book pavilion, if there is no confusion, Xiao Hua must have returned without success!


Xiao Hua opened the pamphlet, read it at will, and smiled, "Xiao owes you a favor!"

"You take me to Red Cliff~"

Yinghuo smiled, "Even if I pay back my favor..."

However, before Yinghuo finished speaking, a thunderbolt of "Rumble" sounded outside the pavilion, and at the same time, "Woo" was another rosy color that rushed in from the pavilion and fell into a step before Xiao Hua. Hua knew that this was the time limit, and he had to leave Wufeng Pavilion!

Just when Xiao Hua was about to step on the steps, the "boom" pavilion exploded out of thin air, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky to cover the magic.


Xiao Hua realized at this time that someone had opened the Wufeng Pavilion to find Yinghuo in the Thunderbolt just now.


Amid the screams, the thunderbolt formed a passage through the sky and the earth, and at the top of the passage, a flame giant was burning.

But after listening to the flame superstar, a majestic voice sounded: "Ying'er, is there enough trouble? You should be back!!"

Yinghuo within Pili's face was pale, she gritted her teeth and said: "I'm not making trouble, I have the right to find my own happiness..."


The majestic voice snorted coldly, and a puff of great force shattered the entire building in the morning, "You are not responsible for your marriage!"

Immediately, a glance comparable to lightning swept towards Xiao Hua, and that voice was even more arrogant: "This is the husband-in-law you are looking for??"

"But Song Xian, an ant-like thing..."

"What's up with him?"

Yinghuo shouted, tears splashing from her face, "He can accompany me to see Xiang Feizhu, he can take me to Hongya, and he can accompany me whatever I want!"

"He won't oppose what I do!!"


Before Yinghuo finished speaking, a fire-colored thunderbolt was born in front of Xiao Hua, and it hit Xiao Hua's eyebrows directly.

Xiao Hua was slightly angry, but looking at the fiery thunderbolt, he did nothing, because thunderbolt did not intend to kill him, but just wanted to punish him a little!

"Boom" the fiery thunderbolt disappeared, and Xiao Hua was unscathed!


Xiao Hua smiled, looked at the flame superstar above the thunderbolt, and Yinghua who had been completely imprisoned, and asked, "Yinghua, do you want to go to Red Cliff with me?"

Yinghuo nodded repeatedly, exclaiming overjoyed: "Think, think!!"


"Xiao promises you that he will pay you back!"

Xiao Hualang laughed, raised her hand a little, "brushing" the arrogant thunderbolt immediately died down, and slowly disappeared like a stream of water, while Yingdou looked at her whole body incredibly, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"You can go back now~"

Xiao Hua glanced faintly at the sky above the pavilion, and said, "When I pay the favor, I will send her back!"


The thunderbolt slammed quickly, looking like he wanted to break through the imprisonment, and the majestic voice was extremely angry.

However, before the voice uttered the second word, Xiao Hua's **** flicked, "booming" thunderbolt, fire, etc. Everything was swept away by a violent wind! !

"Xiao...Xiao Wenheng??"

Yinghuo flew up and down, looked at Xiao Hua up and down, and said in surprise, ""

"Stop talking~"

Xiao Hua smiled, "Let's go out first!"

"Good, good!"

Yinghuo didn't expect Xiao Hua to surprise herself so much, she nodded like a chicken pecking rice and stepped onto the steps.


A voice rang in midair on the steps: "Xiao Hua, it's time for you to stay in Wufeng Pavilion and see Shushan. Please leave immediately. You are welcome to come to Shushan after passing the British election!"

After that, Xiao Hua stepped down and turned into a writing pen, rolling Xiao Hua and flying out.

Yingluo curled her lips, she was still on the steps.

The surrounding pavilions were still flashing, and the bamboo forest was swaying, but Xiao Hua did not go directly outside the Five Phoenix Pavilion, but fell in front of a pavilion.

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Gu Wei was waiting there, accompanied by Zuo Zhongyu, and when he saw Xiao Hua coming, he smiled and said, "Wufeng Pavilion and his party, are there any gains?"

"Thank you, Master Gu~"

Xiao Hua observed his words, knowing that Gu Wei and others did not know what was happening in Wufeng Pavilion, so he respectfully replied, "The students have gained a lot!"


Zuo Zhongyu took advantage of the situation and asked, "Master Gu said earlier, how are you thinking about it?"

"It's better to be respectful than fate,"

Seeing Gu Wei's eager gaze, Xiao Hua replied: "The students on the left and right should also listen to the words of the saint. Why not do it?"

"it is good!"

Gu Wei was overjoyed and touched his palm, "I will arrange the jade cart to take you to the Tianshu Academy!"

"Master Gu~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly said, "It is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books, students think..."

"Xiao Hua~"

Zuo Zhongyu waved his hand, "Tianshu Academy is far to the east of Xuhuangcheng. The distance of the earth is far beyond what you think; and there are quite a few dangerous places along the way. It's not easy."

Gu Wei also persuaded: "Moreover, it takes too long to fly through the ordinary jade belt Wouldn't it be better for you to study in the bookstore in this world?"

"Also] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "However, the student met a literary friend in Wufeng Pavilion. She wanted to go to the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. The student thought that the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm was near the academy, and agreed to go with her! "

Xiao Hua didn't know where the Tianshu Academy was before, that is, in Yinghu's Red Cliff Travels, Xiao Hua saw the record about the Tianshu Academy and knew that the Tianshu Academy was inextricably linked to the Gu family.

Now that Yinghuo had agreed to take a trip to Hongya, Xiao Hua also agreed to go to the Tianshu Academy.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, once looked forward to the present and so on.

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