Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2551: Xianmenzuo son-in-law

"You said he doesn't know how to cultivate, how did the Xu family like him?"

"Who knows! Anyway, I know that he has been in Xu's family for three years, and he hasn't even touched his wife's fingers!"

"It's a waste, a waste!!"

Gu Junshi has long been ridiculing these habits. He lowered his head, selected the textbooks his family needed, and took out jade coins to buy.

He does not earn jade coins, so he does the housework of the Xu family.

Don't think that there is no slavery in the heavenly court, how is it possible?

The servants, boys, and servants are all low-level wind immortals!

"Look, look!"

After Gu Junshi found a stick of incense, he had already bought the necessary texts of the Xu family. He was about to leave when he heard a voice coming from a distance, "This time the only Wen Heng selected by Tian Ting Jun is freshly released, Xiao Hua and Xiao Wen Heng He turned out to be born, and won the Apocalypse's Choice in one fell swoop!"


Gu Junshi was stunned on the spot. He looked at the crowded Confucian scholars in the distance with jade coins to buy the Xiayun Festival, vying to see Junxuan Wenheng, who is rare in the heavens. He whispered in his heart, " Xiao... Xiao Hua?"

"Yes... Is it the real Xiao Huaxiao?"

With the appearance of the two words Xiao Hua, the memories of previous lives flowed like water in Gu Yanshi's mind!

Yes, Gu Yanshi is the reincarnation of Zhuang Bi, and he is now the fifth life!

Thinking about it, a proud smile came from the corner of Gu Yanshi's mouth. This smile was exactly the same as Zhuang Bi, but it was completely different from Gu Yanshi's usual life.

Gu Zhuoshi flew over and took out the jade coins to buy a Xiayun Festival. How could he know that a male fairy had seen him nearby, and he laughed and said, "Dumb son-in-law, what? You want to participate in the election too?"


The male immortal’s words caught the attention of other people. They were not looking sideways, and even sarcastically, “Who doesn’t know that Xu’s dumb son-in-law is the most trash? Even ordinary texts can’t be displayed. He still wants to participate in Apocalypse selected??"

"Yeah, yeah, I really didn't expect that the most beautiful jade lady in Lingxu City actually married him, are the Xu family blind?"

Gu Yanshi glared at each other.

"What are you looking at?"

The male immortal raised his sleeves and beat Gu Yanshi into the air. He cursed, "I'm upset to see you pretending to be like this. Do you think you are a celestial immortal! You even crooked your mouth, Disdain and sneer, who do you think you are?"


The blood that was supposed to be cold suddenly rushed out of Gu Yanshi's blood, and he hadn't tasted excitement for three years.

However, he just gritted his teeth and suddenly thought of something, his eyes closed slightly, and his clenched fists let go.

"Look, it's a paper tiger, he's the best at pretending, he was deceived by Father Xu back then?"

The male immortal glanced at Gu Lushi dismissively, and after a curse, flew away lazily.

I don’t know how many small cities like Lingxu City are in the city of Xuhuangcheng, and ordinary wind immortals like male immortals do not know how many. They have limited qualifications and are content with the status quo. How many years do they live? Fengxian, there is no other pursuit at all.

Laughing at Gu Yanshi for a long time, seeing that he did not resist and was dumb again, the immortals also felt bored and gradually disappeared.

However, just when Gu Yanshi was about to return, a long-faced male fairy with a smile on his face flew over and looked at Gu Yanshi with a smile: "Dumb, your green hat is very beautiful!"

"What green hat?"

The male and female fairies who were about to fly away once again saw the **** blue-headed fly, and hurriedly flew back, all looking at the long-faced fairies!

"Dumb, Yu Niang is drinking flower wine with Qionghua Building and Master Shen, don't you know?"

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you, and you can't speak!"

"A green hat on the left and right will keep you warm..."

As he said, the long-faced fairy flew away with a smile, as if sneered at Gu Zhuoshi, he was refreshed.

"Qionghua Building?"

The immortals who had a good deed were overjoyed. They looked at each other and immediately flew up and headed towards Qionghua Building.

Gu Yanshi looked up at the crowd, turned and flew back to Xu's house.

"Look at it, useless!"

Behind him, a few immortals sneered, "Someone drank wine with his wife and gave him a cuckold. He didn't dare to go and take a look!"

Gu Yunshi turned around and looked at them with shame.

"What are you looking at?"

The fairy is not afraid at all, but provocatively said, "I didn't drink wine with your lady!"

"You have the ability to go to Qionghua Building!"


Gu Junshi did not turn around this time, but urged his body to move towards Qionghua Tower.

"Oh my god, the wonder of the world, the dumb son-in-law went to the Qionghua Tower to catch the rape!"

Qionghua Building is a restaurant built with Qionghua.

In a pavilion shaped like a flower bud, Yu Niang is drinking with a white-faced male fairy who is naturally the so-called son of Shen Yu Shen.

Shen Yu's eyes were full of peach blossoms, and she looked at Yu Niang a little foolishly.

It is said that the heavenly female fairies are all good skins, and there are not many that are not good-looking, but the reason why Yu Niang is famous in Lingxu City is naturally charming.

Not to mention that Yu Niang's skin is like jade, and her whole body is crystal clear, like a jade that can be played with. Just to say that Yu Niang's beautiful eyes are like smoke waves make Shen Yu's heart moved.

"Master Shen, please~"

Yu Niang's green fingers raised her wine glass and said softly.

"The fairy is polite~"

Shen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Just call Shen Yu~"

"That's not dare~"

Yu Niang chuckled and said, "I have to worry about Mr. Yu about Xu Jiazhan's business alliance. How dare I be abrupt?"

The sound of "Master Jade" made Shen Yu more happy than "Shen Yu". He squeezed Yu Niang's finger lightly and whispered: "That's not a trivial..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for Shen Yu to say anything, the pavilion Wenban shook violently, making a "buzzing" sting.


Shen Yu was unhappy, looked up, and shouted.

Unfortunately, no one answered.

"I'm afraid it's a mistake, right?"

Shen Yu smiled, said, and then stretched out her index finger to gently slide on the back of Yu Niang's hand!


Without waiting for Shen Yu to say the second sentence, the literary ban was broken, and Gu Yanshi broke in from outside.

"who are you??"

Shen Yu got up angrily and scolded.


Behind Gu Junshi, Empress Yu ran out and stood in front of Gu Junshi with a smile, "It's nothing, Master Shen, this is my servant. He is looking for Yu Niang. It's okay. You continue to drink, I will take He goes!"


Listening to her mother-in-law's words, Gu Junshi was so angry that her eyes were burning, and she was angry, "My lady is here to accompany someone to drink, I can't find her, and she became a servant!"

"What are you looking at?"

Yu Niang yelled, UU reading www.uuká, "Don't hurry up and get out of here, why is the pestle here?"

Say goodbye to 2020, no matter what you lose or gain, 2020 is finally over.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, once looked forward to the present and so on.

2021 has arrived, and fellow Taoists still have to face life positively.

The task of Tanhua is to finish the fairy world chapter perfectly, and I hope that fellow Taoists will continue to support.

Of course, the best gift for everyone in the New Year is to add more, please accept it.

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