Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2547: Dzogchen who is not victorious (you fellow Taoists, happy new year!...

   Different from Xiao Cheng's scratching his ears and cheeks, in Junxuan's examination room, Gu Wei watched seven unicorn ghosts fall into the jade garden with infinite glow, his eyes lighted up.

   Gu Wei doesn't know how to grow jade, but the vast astronomical phenomena have already told him that Xiao Hua has grown spirit jade!

The unicorn shadow disappeared, the Xia Cai disappeared, and a loud roar of beasts came from the jade garden, and then, the jade garden burst into pieces, one of them seemed unclear, but the power was obvious. The unicorn rushed out of the jade garden!


   The unicorn stood in the air, raised his head and screamed, and looked at Xiao Hua who was smiling and standing not far away. He obediently flew over, rubbing his probe against Xiao Hua.

   " it really Lingyu?"

   Zuo Zhongyu flew down, a little dumbfounded, he asked in a low voice.

   "Yes, Zuo Shi~"

   Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is a jade unicorn, the spirit of jade, it should be a spirit jade!"

   "Xiao Hua~"

   Gu Wei smiled all over his face. The more he looked at Xiao Hua, the more he liked it, and said, "Is it Lingyu? It doesn't count if you say it, you need Zhaoming Qitianlu to decide!"

   "No ruling is needed~"

Gu Wei had just finished speaking. The old man who was blocking Li He flew down with a walking stick in his hand. He looked at the Qilin and raised his hand. There was light khaki smoke billowing on Qilin's body. After the light smoke disappeared, there was a khaki jade. Quietly floating in the air, the old man looked at the jade and said, "This is a jade with Qilin Yuanling."

   After finishing speaking, the old man raised his hand and grabbed it. The jade fell into his hand. The old man opened his mouth and said, "Student Xiao Hua, Jun Xuan selected the special level to plant spirit jade, and he has achieved great results!"

   After finishing speaking, the old man walked away swaggeringly.

   "He...who is he?"

   Even though Xiao Hua knew it well, he still had a puzzle on his face and asked.

   "This is Zhaoming Qitianlu!"

   Gu Wei smiled and said, "Just like your Qilin Lingyu!"

   "Oh, students understand!"

   Xiao Hua nodded hurriedly.


Gu Wei gave a thumbs up and praised, "Xiao Hua, Zuo Zhongyu and I were still worried about you just now. If you can't plant a jade that surpasses the King of Jade, how can we remedy it? You will give us a big Surprise!"

   "Don't dare~"

   Hsiao Hua said modestly, "Students have already prepared for the selection of jade, but they are not sure and dare not say anything."


   Gu Wei beamed his face and said, "Now your special level has been completed, and I don't know the next level. Do you want to choose the book or study it?"

   "I still have a teacher!"

   Xiao Hua simply handed it over to Gu Wei.


   Gu Wei looked at Zuo Zhongyu and smiled, "Like Zhongyu, I will leave this level at the end and it depends on your learning level!"

   "Everything will do~"

   At this time, Xiao Hua was no longer better than Mao Xuan. He had already obtained the essence of the four books, five classics and six art books in Qunyu Shuling, and he was not afraid of learning.

   The six arts of Confucianism are "rituals, music, shooting, imperialism, books, and numbers", which evolved into an extremely complicated system in the heavenly court. Even Xiao Hua, who also channels the magical powers of Confucianism, Buddhism, and demons, is dumbfounded.

   However, I have to say that the heavenly Confucian cultivators are able to excite the various potentials of people. The entire system is huge, and each Confucian can dominate in a certain place.

   Xiao Hua's draw this time is the "water chaser" of "Royal".

  Yu is the technique of driving a horse-drawn carriage, commonly known as the Five Royals, which are called Mingheluan, Chasing Water Chariot, Crossing Monarch Biao, Dance Crossing and Zhuoqin Zuo.

  The so-called chasing waterwheel means that the mortal means that it will gallop along the curved bank without falling into the water.

   There are many interpretations of the "water chasing car" in Tianting, one of which is the method of water escape.

   Since it is an escape technique, let alone Junxuan, it is the Sixth Apocalypse Selection. If Xiao Hua is second, no one dares to say first.

   After all, Xiao Huaguang's method of escape is unparalleled in the world!

Although a bit of a bully, seeing Xiao Hua's figure differentiated by the number of days, the size of each figure is different, the speed is different, and even the mystery of the secret of the secret, easy to pass the risk of weak water coverage. territory.

   Zuo Zhongyu and Gu Wei looked at each other, their faces couldn't help but feel excited.

   Judging from their experience and vision, Xiao Hua's "water chaser" is undoubtedly outstanding, and it is absolutely possible to achieve great perfection.

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua's figure stood still at the other end of the weak water danger, Gu Wei raised his hand somewhat urgently and "brushed" the sky above the sky. A blue flame was born, and the flame was as large as the sky. Flames.

   The flames fell like squally storms, just covering the weak water danger.

   Within the flames, the three hundred and sixty phantoms that Xiao Hua had just revealed through the escape technique condensed again!

At this time, the flames within these phantoms began to rotate, first from the inside out, and then from the outside and inside, after rotating 36 times, the flames turned into cyan and returned to the flame, which was three hundred and sixty cyan. The flames stained the entire blue flame.


   The space vibrates, and the flame turns into a blue flower blooming!

  "Blue is out of blue, blue is out of blue~~"

   Zuo Zhongyu couldn't help but excitedly said, "This is the Dzogchen, Xiao Hua, are too good!"

   Xiao Hua touched her nose, but she was embarrassed in her heart. You can't win!

   "Xiao Hua~"

   Gu Wei shook the ban, swept away the flames in the sky, unable to conceal his inner joy, and whispered, "There is the final level, are you...are you sure?"

   The reason why Gu Wei put the exploration of literary styles at the end is because he really has doubts about Xiao Hua's perfection.

   Xiao Hua is of course a rare Wen Kui, who has drawn branches derived from Wen Yun to achieve great success, but the time interval between Mao Xuan and Jun Xuan is too short, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Gu Wei can't believe that Xiao Hua will grow flowers again in a hundred years!

   Gu Wei has never seen such a situation.

Seeing Xiao Hua nodded calmly, Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu were not calm. The two looked at each other. Gu Wei took a deep breath and cautiously raised his hand in the air. It was still a round of round sun, and then the sun fell. Cover Xiao Hua.

   Regardless of what Gu Wei said, Xiao Hua urged Shu Yu Jue.

   Of course, the Shu Yu Jue at this time had no idea how perfect it was compared to the Lan Family Shu Yu Jue, how many times better it was!

   Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu immediately stared with bated breath, and looked at the sun nervously. Gu Wei felt that his heart was about to jump out!


   The sun began to vibrate wildly, and the whole building was shaking.

   "Great Perfection, Great Perfection~~"

   Gu Wei jumped up happily, feeling that he was happier than Xiao Hua.

   Zuo Zhongyu seems to be much more cautious than Gu Wei. After all, he has seen Xiao Hua Dzogchen twice, and his eyes are fixed on Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen.

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