Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2539: Unexpected salary draw


   Bi Cheng and the others immediately screamed with pain, as if they could not bear the pain of Bihen's bite!

   The disciples of Yunlou couldn't help frowning on Thursday and Friday.

   After all, Bicheng and the others are Wuyunlou disciples, so they attacked and killed them face-to-face, isn't it just to hit Wuyunlou in the face?

   What they didn’t know was that this was just the beginning of the nightmare of Bi Cheng and the others. In the next three days and nights, Bi Cheng, Bi Heng, and Bi Sheng had no choice but to die.

   After the body is bitten by Bihen, it is the sub-body, and behind the sub-body is the soul...

   "Kill no one too much~"

   Finally a disciple of Wuyunlou couldn't help but persuade, "They killed the Gaojia Qingyueran branch, and the fairy can kill them as much as possible, such a brutal torture..."

   "Do you need to be fair?"

  Xiao Hua squinted his eyes and said, "Where were you when Qingyuean was washed in blood?"

   "Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering!"

   "Do you believe that after Bicheng and Bi Heng, there are still many Wuyunlou disciples who know the truth about Qingyue'an more or less?"

   "Why hasn't anyone come forward after so many years?"

   "If someone, I, Xiao wants to make things big, can you still stand here alive?"

   Xiao Hua's threat is obvious, but the host of Wuyunlou does not speak, who dares to speak?

   Bicheng and others were wailing alive for ten days and ten nights before they were completely destroyed!

  The host of Wuyunlou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Because of the disappearance of these people's spirits, Xiao Hua presented the Kunlun Mirror and ordered Gu to shoot the whole team to return!

   Seeing the starry sky team like a cloud like a sea, the other Wuyunlou disciples shut up.

   This is strength!

   One-on-one, no problem, whoever of you will come, Xiao Xian will do it!

   Gang fights, no problem, the Stars and Sky are waiting for hundreds of millions of people, the reputation of the battle of Jie Chong, and the glory of the Jade Demon Team are not blown out!

   The blood feud was avenged, the team withdrew, Xiao Hua arched his hands, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your accomplishment, but until now, I don't know the name of the host, Gao, I'm really sorry!"

   "Old man Zhang Yi!"

   The host of Wuyunlou was a little bit ashamed, and said lightly, "Since the great enmity is avenged, the old man respectfully sends Xianren Xiao!"


   Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, Xiao has done the last thing and left Wuyun City immediately!"

   "What else is there?"

   Zhang was surprised, feeling bad in his heart.


   Xiao Hua clapped his hands, in the Kunlun mirror, forty-nine fairy infants flew out and landed everywhere in Qingyue'an!


  As the fairy infant cast the spell, the entire Qingyue Ridge began to vibrate, and the Kunlun mirror had clear light covering the entire Qingyue Ridge.

   "You...what are you doing?"

   Zhang Yi anxiously said.

   "I'll take Qingyue'an away!"

   Xiao Hua looked innocent, and said, "Didn't the Lord Zhang say it?"

   "Gao Ruli can't leave Qingyue'an, he can't leave Qingyue'an with the secret technique of painting. For our family reunion, Qingyue'an will no longer be bullied by others, I can only take Qingyue'an away?"


   Zhang flushed, and raised his hand to stop it.

   Xiao Hua said coldly: "Lord Zhang, I promised you and did it according to your requirements. Don't make me embarrassed!!"

   "The demon lord I have killed in the demon league is not one or two. It is rare to see the warmth of the human family in the heaven!"

   "I think my father-in-law's Qingyuelan should stay in my space fairy tool. After saving time, I will see my father-in-law and I will return to Wuyun City!"

   Xiao Hua’s words are not leaking, don’t you Zhang Yi not let me take away the finger paintings, and let me take Gao Ruli?

   I will take Qingyuelanxing directly, right?

Ying Yi next to    was so excited that he almost knelt to Xiao Hua!

   If the Ying family were so domineering, how could they wait until today?

   Zhang had a pale face. He stayed here for ten days and ten nights. The wailing of Bi Cheng and others was just a slap in the face.

   He paid such a heavy price, and in the end it turned out to be this end. He really wanted to fight Xiao Hua!

   However, at this time, he is the same as the Ying family back then, he has scruples.


   Zhang Yi snorted and said, "I don't want to see Xiao Xian in Wuyun City, I hope Xiao Xian can do it for himself!"

   "Don't worry~"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "Xiao will leave immediately, and I also told the original poster Zhang honestly that Xiao Xian will never come to Wuyun City again."


   Zhang Yi nodded in satisfaction, urging his figure to leave.


   Just as Zhang Yi's figure left, Qingyuean's clear light had disappeared completely!


   Xiao Hua looked at Zhang Yi's back, he knew that he slapped Zhang Yi in the face again.

   Since he had torn his face, Xiao Hua said again: "Of course, after Xiao Xian, Xiao Sheng will come to visit Lou Zhu, and that is not necessarily!"

   After finishing talking, Xiao Hua laughed loudly, and took Jiu Xia Yang Chang to go!

   "Damn, damn, damn!!"

   Zhang was in midair, and he cursed three times in succession.

   And the other Wuyunlou disciples, looking at the empty mid-air, looked at each other one by one. This is the ultimate plan of drawing salaries from the bottom of the pan, I am afraid they would never have thought of it!

   "Xiao Lang~"

   Jiu Xia held Xiao Hua's hand and said softly, "You are so domineering today!"

  "So so~"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "The world is third!"

   "If Xiao Lang is the third in the world, my concubine can't figure out who is the first and second in the world!"

   Jiu Xia said, her eyes flowed suddenly, she covered her mouth and smiled, "Oh, concubine body knows, if so, Xiao Lang should be the fourth in the world!"

   Jiuxia naturally refers to Xinxin, Liu Yanyu and Zixia, but Xiao Hua tilted his head for a moment and shrugged and said, "If so, you can only be the fifth husband!"

   "Hee hee,"

   Nine summers laughed, UU reading www. "No, Xiao Lang will never be fifth, and the concubine will always be behind Xiao Lang."

   After talking to Jiu Xia for a while, Xiao Hua sent Jiu Xia into the Kunlun Wonderland to reunite her with his relatives, and then he looked around for himself and found a direction to show his light and escape!

   Xiao Hua knew that Zhang Yi would never rest assured that he would stay in Wuyun City, and he would be better off.

   About ten days later, Xiao Hua escaped from Guangdun. He knew that this place must still be Wuyun City Region, but he didn't know Yingyi's arrangement, so he wanted to arrange this matter first.

   Looking for a quiet place, Xiao Hua waved his hand and took out a gold seal, which he took from Yingkui's hand when he was in the four continents. He took a closer look at the sleeves of his income.

   Offering the Kunlun Mirror, Jiu Xia, Gao Qiuyu, Gao Ruli, and Ying Yi all fly out.

   "I have seen my cousin~"

   Gao Ruli looked at Xiao Hua, frowned and came over to meet him.

   There is no way, from Xiao Wenxiong, to Xiaoxiong, and then to cousin, Gao Ruli's seniority dropped again and again!

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