Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2502: Ask for token

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (


Yu Di Xiao Hua closed his eyes, looked out of the space proudly, and sneered, "No matter who Lan Yu is, he has fallen after all."

"Zhou Xiaoming is a poor Dao disciple. With poor Dao's current ability, who else would he be afraid of?"

"Pan Dao is just awakening his own disciple. His current life has nothing to do with his previous life."

"Whether it is Lan Yu's arrangement or his enemy's layout, all these opportunities have been taken care of!"

After that, Xiao Hua escaped from space.

As soon as Xiao Hua returned to his position, the Golden House not far away changed. On the wall, ice melted and a portal appeared.

A scholar with a wind **** like a jade enthusiastically flew in.


The scholar looked at Xiao Hua in surprise, and said casually, "The vast sea of ​​books can actually..."


The scholar never finished speaking, and he was surprised, "Xiao Hua? How could it be you!"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a smile: "Naturally it is me. It turned out to be Yuan Geng Wenyou. Xiaosheng is polite."

"Weird, weird!"

Yuan Geng flew up and looked at Xiao Hua up and down, wondering, "Why are you in Qunyu?"

"You shouldn't have a token to enter Qunyu!"


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is a chance for a niche, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain to my literary friends."

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Yuan Geng waved his hand and said, "I'm just curious."

"By the way, have you looked for a muddy old man?"


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Xiaosheng has already seen his old man and listens to his teachings."

"Good, good~"

Yuan Geng smiled and said, "As long as he doesn't waste his old man's tokens."

"By the way, how do you look through the books here? Don't you know that the books here are all seen by the condensed fairy?"

"is it?"

Xiao Hua looked around, he really didn't pay attention to this, and Gao Ming didn't mention it.

"Go, go~"

Yuan Geng said, "I'll take you to a place, where is where you read the books."


Xiao Hua can actually be anywhere, so he smiled and said, "Brother Lao Yuan leads the way."

Yuan Geng took Xiao Hua out of the Golden House, and flew over the mountains of books to the place where the rocks were frozen.

Xiao Hua looked around. Although this mountain rock had a scent of literature, it was different from other rocks in that there were no pages to turn, and there was no shadow of a pavilion.

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to ask more, Yuan Geng flew directly into the rock. Between the rocky mountains, a broken knife-shaped mark remained in the air.

Wasn't it the place where the disciple who guarded Qunyu used text tools to resist Shiliu Mountain?

It's just that the knife shape at this time is still slowly fading, more bleak than before.

Yuan Geng stood still, slowly turned around, and looked at Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao Hua, give me the token of the six idlers!"


Although Xiao Hua had long understood, he still pretended to panic and exclaimed, "You...what are you doing?"

"Xiao Hua, don't force me!"

Yuan Geng looked at Xiao Hua and said word by word, "You know what I want!"

"Six Idlers' tokens are useless if you take them. The King of Jade is the end of jade planting, and for Six Idlers, besides planting jade, there are more benefits. You don't even know these benefits!"

"Give me the token, and I will give you the benefits you can use!"

Xiao Hua looked at the knife shape, the tension on his face was gone, and said faintly: "A gentleman does not take advantage of others. As early as in Fuyu City, I had already rejected you. Why did you keep persecuting you again and again?"

"What if I don't give it to you?"

Yuan Geng was about to speak, his face changed slightly, he hurriedly looked at the void, and said anxiously: "Who?"

"Hey, my brother Yuan~"

A wisp of light blue clouds gushing out of the void, and Song Feng's figure swelled like a puff. He looked at Yuan Geng and smiled, "So you are here too!"


Yuan Geng saw that it was Song Feng and suddenly said, "So you are here too!"

"More than me?"

Song Feng stood still in the air, looked up with a smile and said, "Since Brother Xu is here, why hide there?"

"Xu Sudran?"

Yuan Geng's mouth was bitter. He thought that the uncle who was taking care of Qunyu had only informed himself, but he didn't know that Song Feng and Xu Suiran were also coming.

Obviously, in addition to sending a message to the uncle, others have done the same thing.

Uncle Master does not need to favor one another.

"This is hard to do~"

Xiao Hua looked at the three of them and said with a smile, "When you come, there are three. There is only one token of the six idlers. Who do you want me to give to?"

"Xiao Hua~"

Song Feng smiled and said, "You don't have to wait for a peach to kill the three. We can't be fooled."

"You only have to take out the token, we will bear the blame."

"As for how to deal with the token, that's the three of us!"

How could Xiao Hua put the three of them in his eyes? He smiled slightly, took out the token, and said, "Then you say, who do I give this thing?"

"Senior Brother Yuan first~"

To Xiao Hua's expectation, Song Feng and Xu Suiran looked at each other, no one was fighting, and they spoke at the same time.


Seeing that his provocation failed, Xiao Hua simply showed off, but at this moment, within the knife shape without any signs, "Swipe" suddenly gave birth to a big hand. As soon as this big hand appeared, it immediately fell on the token like electricity. Above, UU reading www.uukanshu. com does not wait for Xiao Hua and others to see clearly.

The big hand has grabbed the token and retracted it!

Song Feng and the others were taken aback. He didn't expect that the knife-like marks that had been explored just now would appear such a change.

At this time, it was completely too late for them to do anything more.

Because the token is already in the shape of a knife.


The three looked at each other, their eyes were helpless, this is the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole!

However, they could not even dream of it. This was not the biggest accident.

The biggest accident was Xiao Hua!


Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "What a shame, you want to grab something from me?"

With Xiao Hua's laughter, the token that should have disappeared was still in the shape of a knife.

And Xiao Hua's figure flickered, flying down like a knife.

"Siu Hua be careful~~"

Yuan Geng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted, "That is the remains of the eruption of Shiliu Mountain, and ordinary immortals can't touch it..."

Yuan Geng's voice never landed, "buzzing", where Xiao Hua's forbidden space was, with a few clear sounds that sounded like hairsprings, and as the sound sounded, strands of light thinner than hair rushed out.

The disciples of the jade guard on duty had been a little helpless when they encountered a ray of light before, and these ray of light even screamed.

"Boom Rumble"

Amid the thunderous sound, huge stones condense, and in a blink of an eye, the stones are piled up like a mountain, filling up the world!

Obviously, Song Feng and Xu Suiran were prepared long ago. Seeing the light appeared, they immediately urged their bodies to escape.

Only Yuan Geng threw himself into a knife-like figure without thinking about it, and shouted, "Xiao Hua, go!"

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