Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2494: 5 flower meat

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (

"Don't have some hard dishes today?"

The boss watched the six idlers take out the wine gourd and asked with a smile, "I have great meat here!"

"I don't need you today!"

Six idlers used chopsticks to tap Yuju Weng and said, "I'm here with the chef today!"


Yu Ju Weng put down his chopsticks and sighed, "It's not easy to drink your wine!"


The chef rubbed his hands next to him and said, "Lao Zhang's wine is too mysterious, I can't ask for a sip."

Yu Ju Weng got up, walked to the kitchen, and said with a smile: "His wine, it's your blessing that you don't drink it."

"What do you mean?"

The chef looked at Yu Ju Weng skillfully cutting and stewing meat, and asked strangely.

"Wine is a poison in the intestines!!"

"Haha, haha~"

The chef leaned forward with a smile and said, "You scholars can really make a joke!"

"Come, have a taste~"

The six idlers poured a glass of wine and handed it to Xiao Hua who was working hard to pick up vegetables, and said.


Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua refused in one gulp and said, "The younger generation is not good at wine, so let's leave this wine to the Jade Bureau Weng!"

"It's a pity~"

The Six Idlers didn't persuade him, and reached out and picked up the wine glass, and sighed, "If you don't drink, you will lose a lot of fun!"


As soon as Yu Ju Weng stretched out his hand, he snatched the wine glass and exclaimed, "This is the real person Xiao gave to me..."

Before Yu Juweng's words were finished, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that everything around him was stagnant. The chef waited and stopped quietly in the distance, even the saliva at the corner of his mouth was frozen.

Upon seeing this, Yu Ju Weng slapped his head and said: "I'm going, I'm fooled by you again!"


The six idlers laughed and said, "You are willing to be fooled."

"Okay, OK~"

Yu Ju Weng said, "I am willing to accept the bet. What you want me to do in a while, just say it!"

Afterwards, everything returned to the original state. Seeing that Yu Ju Weng actually took a small pu fan and slowly fanned the fire, Xiao Hua understood that in this city, Yu Ju Weng and Liu Xianren's bet was that they did not use Xianli.

Xiao Hua often taught the good fortune disciples that everything must have the original intention and always have a normal heart, but he did not expect that in the six addicted idlers, it usually reaches the extreme.

For Xiao Hua, Xianli has actually become accustomed to it, even if he doesn't have Xianli, a little is the law.

Therefore, it is too difficult to ask him to use the power of immortality at all and without the help of the law.

Seeing six idlers with ease holding bamboo chopsticks and slippery peanuts between them, Xiao Hua really admired them.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and simply put down the bamboo chopsticks, raised his hand and grabbed an edamame, slowly peeled off the skin, made an edamame and put it in his mouth.

With a bite of his teeth, the edamame shattered, and there was no energy, and the salty fragrance filled Xiao Hua's mouth.

Really the most common edamame!

Xiao Hua didn't know how long he hadn't eaten, let alone tasted something without aura or fragrance, but this feeling did not make him hate, but made him feel some joy in his heart. The smell of smoke and dust made him think about something.

After a while, a greasy meaty fragrance floated out of the kitchen!

Xiao Hua's eyes lit up, she looked at Yu Ju Weng and asked, "What kind of meat are you making?"

"Dongpo Meat!"

Yu Ju Weng replied, "My unique cooking skills!"

"Haha, I have to taste it in a while!"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed.


Yu Juweng said, "I hope to be favored by Master Xiao!"

Xiao Hua moved in his heart, picked up another edamame, and asked six leisurely people as he ate: "Senior, this junior is now a Hunyuan, and I feel that I can barely deserve the title of real person, I don't know Senior..."

Seeing Xiao Huacheng asking for advice, the six idlers laughed and said: "If you are called a real person in the immortal world today, no one would dare to say anything, are called a real person for no reason, and it will make people feel that there is no foundation. Come, come, drink this wine, and Dongpo's meat will be ready in a while, I will tell you and Yu Ju Weng, and let you have a long experience!"

"Thank you, senior~"

Xiao Hua refused again, and said, "Alcohol is intestinal poison, I'd better not touch it!"

The six idlers are not reluctant. After drinking a cup, they leisurely sandwiched a peanut, and said meaningfully: "The peanuts are still delicious! It goes well with wine~"


Xiao Hua smiled, just stretched out his hand, took a few peanuts and threw it into his mouth.

The inferior deep-fried smell is actually the opposite of the fairy's smell, but the peanut smell in the mouth made Xiao Hua feel familiar for a long time.


Yu Juweng hugged three small cups with dirty-looking wet towels and placed them in front of Xiao Hua and Liu Xianren.

Xiao Hua opened, his eyes lit up, and said, "This...this is pork belly??"


Yu Ju Weng laughed and said, "This is made of pork belly, called Dongpo pork. Try it!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Huaxin gladly took the chopsticks, carefully trying to clip Dongpo meat that looked red and gorgeous.

Unexpectedly, the Dongpo meat was broken where the bamboo chopsticks fell.

Xiao Hua was stunned, and Yu Juweng had burned the pork belly to such a degree that it was a bit unexpected for him.

Seeing that the bamboo chopsticks didn't work, Xiao Hua couldn't care too much. With a mouth, Dongpo meat immediately fell into his mouth.

The hot gravy can't hurt Xiao Hua, but the familiar smell of meat and the mellow homesickness suddenly came to my about grandma, did she eat pork belly? "

"Your grandmother is over 80 years old. How can you eat this? The millet porridge I made for her."

"I think of your grandma until now, but because your grandma still misses you all morning"

"Mother, then, that pork belly was eaten by me, what do father and brother eat?"

"It's okay, there are other dishes. Remember to do less in the afternoon and don't catch colds."


The long-lasting memories, bit by bit, poured out, and after a while, these bit by bit gathered and rushed into Xiao Hua's mind and Confucian statue crazily.


Yu Ju Weng and Liu Xianren were shocked at the same time. They looked at Xiao Hua's mind and Confucian statue surrounded by devastating flames, and their eyes were full of surprise.


Six idlers laughed, rolled their sleeves, and said, "Swordsman, I can't imagine that the pork belly that melts in your mouth can also make the real person Xiao enlighten. You are really amazing!"

As the sleeves of the six idlers were rolled up, the entire red city turned into a cloud of smoke and fell into his body.

And Yuju Weng also touched his nose and looked at the shattered space around him, saying meaningfully: "Who said that drinkers are prone to getting drunk, and many who do not drink are more likely to get drunk!"

With that said, Yu Ju Weng raised his hand to offer a flying sword resembling a calamus, and the flying sword rushed into the sky, turning into a nine-epee sword shadow.


The nine swords fell, sealing the space around Xiao Hua.


Within the nine swords of Xiao Hua, the unspeakable secrets all over his body continued to impact the sword shadow, and the sword shadow smiled like water.

"No wonder you call yourself a real person~"

"It looks like someone with a story too!"

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