Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2492: The 5 oldest cultivation methods in heaven

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (

Xiao Hua accepted Gaoming, and then raised his hand, took out another Xiayun Festival, and handed it to Yu Ju Weng, "This is a gift for fellow Taoists."


Yu Ju Weng was puzzled, but after he finished reading it, his whole body was trembling, and he whispered, " can actually comprehend the complete mortal weapon technique?"

Xiao Hua rubbed his nose and smiled: "It looks like it is!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

Yu Ju Weng said, "How can you be a Taoist immortal who can not comprehend the mortal and near weapon tactics that I can't comprehend in the heavenly court?"

"Why can't I?"

Xiao Hua said with a stern expression, "I am certainly not a Confucianist, but I am still a human race, and everyone is responsible for the prosperity of the human race! My human race is prosperous, and my human race survives and perishes, and I have to take the same responsibility!!"


Xiao Hua awakened the dreamer with a word, and Jade Bureau Weng sharpened his sword in order to make a breakthrough. Isn't he just pursuing the word "responsibility"?

"Papa Papa~"

As Yu Ju Weng broke through the shackles, the surrounding calamus burst one by one, turning into a cold sword!

At the same time, the surrounding area of ​​Tiannan Xinghe sighed again, and the heavy sword shadow flew!

Xiao Hua looked at the vision and said with a smile: "Congratulations to fellow Taoists for enlightening Dao again, Xiao is waiting outside the Tiannan Galaxy!"

Yu Ju Weng is still in shape, he has no time to pay attention to Xiao Hua, and a heavy sword shadow begins to fall into his body...

Xiao Hua walked out of the Tiannan Galaxy. Behind him, Yu Juweng suddenly opened his eyes, with a complex expression in his eyes.

For more than a day, Jade Bureau Weng flew out and saw Xiao Hua sitting cross-legged on the mountain. He immediately flew over and said, "Now, thank Daoist Xiao!"

Xiao Hua did not return the gift. He looked at the reborn Yu Ju Weng and asked with a smile, "Did Xiao X say thanks in Qiong Yu Pavilion?"

"Haha, haha~"

Yu Ju Weng laughed and said, "That's right, if you talk about a deal, one word of thanks is not enough; if you talk about friendship, one word of thanks is not ashamed!"

"Not ashamed?"

Xiao Hua also didn't expect Yu Ju Weng to be so free and easy. It was very different from his previous impression. He was surprised, "The two words Daoyou are used very well!!"

"Words and sentences are my strengths of Heavenly Scholars~"

Yu Ju Weng smiled and said, "If I can't even say the words that convinced fellow daoists, am I still embarrassed to stand in front of fellow daoists?"

"Hey, too!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said nothing more.

Yu Ju Weng came with interest, and waved to Xiao Hua: "The old man hasn't encountered a second person like Daoyou for many years. Let's go, I will take you to meet someone!"


Xiao Hua was a little surprised.

"I'll know when I go!"

As Yu Ju Weng said, Xia Cai was born in one step, and she went straight in one direction.

Xiao Hua had no choice but to follow behind.

About half an hour, seeing the location of a mountain range, Jade Bureau Weng stopped and raised his hand to take out a scarlet jade cart.

As Yu Ju Weng raised his hand a little, the "boom boom boom" jade car gushed out like a fire cloud.

Yu Ju Weng took out another gourd and patted it lightly, and a nine-headed pegasus flew out of it!


The neigh of the nine-headed horse is like a tiger roar.


Yu Ju Weng patted the nine-headed pegasus lightly, and the nine-headed pegasus flew before the jade cart.


Nine flames burst out from the jade cart, as if the reins fell on the nine necks of the nine-headed Tianma.

"Mr. Xiao, please~"

Yuju Weng raised his hand to signal, and Xiao Hua followed Yuju Weng into the jade cart.

This jade chariot was obviously different from the jade chariot used by Gao Ming and others. It was similar to the chariot of the Great Emperor. The jade chariot looked like the sun across the sky.

Seeing that Yu Ju Weng didn't mention where to go, Xiao Hua thought for a while and asked: "Friend Daoist, Xiao Mou has a doubt, I want to ask fellow Daoist."

"Yeah, please tell me, Master Xiao!"

Yu Ju Weng said, "The old man knows everything he can talk about!"

"As far as Xiao Mou knows, the oldest cultivation method in the Heavenly Court has jade and plucking flowers. How about this sword making? Is it also the oldest cultivation method?"

"That's it!"

Yu Ju Weng laughed and said, "The old man is not very clear about the origin of the heavenly court, but the old man knows that although the cultivation method of the heavenly court is not comparable to the immortal world, it can be countless, and each has been leading the way for countless years."

"So when it comes to the oldest cultivation methods in the Heavenly Court, there are naturally many."

"But, the five most famous ones..."


Xiao Hua raised his brows and smiled, "Planting jade, plucking weeds and casting swords, should they be three of them?"


Yu Ju Weng replied, "The other two are Hanguang and Zize Ling!"


Xiao Hua whispered, "Han Guang and Ling Ling?"

Yu Ju Weng smiled and asked, "Have you never heard of it?"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and nodded: "Indeed!"

"Don't talk about you~"

Yu Ju Weng replied, "Even if it is an old man, he only knows Hanguang, that Lingling... only knows that it is a method of cultivation, and I don't know what it is used for in practice!"


Xiao Hua said in the same way, "Heavenly Court is like this, like Dao Immortal Realm, many Kung Fu secrets are annihilated in time."

Yu Ju Weng Xiaoxiao continued: “That’s right, UU reading, so Hanguang and Lingling are also known as the two most mysterious secrets in the heavens. The old man only knows that Hanguang has the subtle tricks of dawn and the sun. The Moon Emperor Hua Jue, He Guang Tong Chen Jue, and nothing else!"


Xiao Hua took a breath of air, and a terrible storm throbbed in his heart.

Of course he doesn't know what the secret technique of containing light is, but he has practiced Chen Guangxi's secret technique!

Since Chen Guangxi's Secret Technique is the secret technique of containing light, then... what kind of existence does Zhou Xiaoming's previous life, Lan Yu, exist? ?

Lan Yu is just a soaring immortal from an ordinary family in Xuanpu, he actually knows how to grow jade, pluck weeds, cast swords and Hanguang!

Four of the five oldest cultivation methods in the Heavenly Court!

Among them, the mysterious technique of containing light does not even know the Jade Bureau Weng!

How could such a powerful existence be silent in the heavenly court?

However, I have never heard of Lan Yu from what I heard about Wenqu in the Heavenly Court.

So, what happened before the blue rain fell?

Once Zhou Xiaoming wakes up, once he gets the legacy of his previous life, what kind of existence can he...become? ?

It's a pity that Zhou Xiaoming's memory saw Tiannan Galaxy disappear again, and Xiao Hua had to wait for the next opportunity.


Yu Ju Weng went on to say, "When Zhenren Xiao mentioned that sword casting is the burden of a gentleman, the old man suddenly felt that the five oldest cultivation methods in the heavenly court are not the five virtues of gentlemen in the heavenly court?"

"Jade represents the quality of a gentleman,

Wei represents the integrity of a gentleman,

The sword represents the responsibility of a gentleman,

Light represents the mission of a gentleman.

What about Baoling? "

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