Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2489: Brothers Wall

"It turns out that there should be three stages in the cultivation of the method of plucking weeds. It is mixed with manifolds, which is the lowest level, which is the common rhyme. The middle is the river, which is the big river and the high mountain, where the heaven and earth condenses; The upper part is the sun and the stars, that is, the sun, the moon and the stars, and even the space is the interface, the shining starry sky, the essence of the universe!" (Tianxiang’s "Song of Righteous Qi" "Heaven and earth have righteous energy, mixed with manifolds. Below is the river Yue, above is the sun star.")

   Plucking from the dazzling starry sky, ordinary heavenly immortals can't believe it, but for Xiao Hua, this is a natural thing.

As I realized it, Xiao Hua was even more excited. If Plucking Wei adds the Heavenly Mystery Jubo Jue, it is similar to Xiao Hua's own Qiyun cultivation method, but the heavenly Jubo Jue contains the method of gas luck and cause and effect. The technique is completely different from the Taoist technique!

   I don't know how long it has been, countless Qingping has completely fallen into Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows, and the whole space trembles again.

   Xiao Hua liked it with all his heart. When he was full of emotion during his trip, he suddenly looked at one place and said, "Hey, there is also a ruler cloth bucket in the heaven!"

   As he said, Xiao Hua took Zhou Xiaoming away, not in a hurry, his figure slowly disappeared with the annihilation of the Qingping space.

  Furthermore, Dong Sigong stepped into the space of the clouds, and he was faced with the overflowing four-color clouds, and he could not help but rush into a red cloud!


   Dong Sigong fell into the river like a projectile, but felt that the light and shadow around him had grown infinitely, and he had reached a place where he stood firmly in a hot summer space.

   But under a scorching sun, the hills are undulating and the river is winding, which looks similar to ordinary mortal world!

   Congratulations, Dong Si hurriedly took out the jade book, and even urged the art of success in one go.

   It is a pity that Jade Book did not move at all, even the four-color glow that had appeared before converged.

   "This...what is going on?"

   Dong Sigong whispered, "Isn't it clearly written in the Jade Book? As long as the Spring and Autumn Secret Realm is found, can the Book of Heaven and Humanity be revealed?"

   "Could it be that the jade book is recorded incorrectly?"

   "Or maybe the xiaosheng got it wrong?"

   Helplessly, Dong Sigong took the jade book and started flying in the summer heat.

   Of course Dong Sigong didn’t know that the jade book was recorded correctly, and his insights were correct. If there was no Xiao Hua and no Lin Quan Gaoyi map, he would open the Book of Heaven and Humanity as long as he entered the Spring and Autumn Space.

   The Spring and Autumn Annals of Dong Family Immortals melted into the secret realm will fall into Dong Si Gong’s mind.

  Because of the four seasons in the spring and autumn space...It's just an illusion!

   It is a pity that because of the existence of Linquan Gaoyitu, there is the law of time in it, and Linquan Gaoyitu originally belonged to the Dong family, so when Xiao Hua developed Linquan Gaoyitu, the law of time had already affected the four seasons of the spring and autumn space!

   In other words, the current location of Dong Sigong is no longer an illusion, but the real four seasons of Spring and Autumn.

   Under such circumstances, how can he open the Spring and Autumn Annals? ?

  Dong Sigong couldn't help but the middle-aged man who was hidden next to him was stunned. He greedily looked at the jade book in Dong Sigong's hand and wondered when he would do it.

   At this time, in the distant river, a piece of green light suddenly appeared in green light, and the jade book in his hand also gushed out green clouds.

   As soon as the clouds came out, the whole world suddenly changed, turning into a beautiful early spring!

   "Haha, it was here!"

   Dong Si Gong was ecstatic, and flew over where the middle-aged man was invisible.

   Seeing Dong Sigong's joy, the middle-aged man's jealousy was like a poisonous snake. When he gritted his teeth, a light silver text flowed on his left arm. Then he shook his body and quickly approached, without waiting for Dong Sigong's reaction.

   With a "puff", his left arm was thrust into Dong Sigong's vest!


  Dong Sigong couldn't think that in the Spring and Autumn Space left by his ancestors, he would be attacked!

   So he didn't notice until the middle-aged man pierced his arm!

   "Damn it!"

   Dong Sigong was shocked, he hurriedly flew forward, red clouds gushing out of his body.

   But the middle-aged people are like a shadow, and there is no opportunity for Dong Sigong to resist again.

   And the big silver hand inserted into Dong Si Gong’s younger generation gave birth to spikes that were as thin as hairspring, quickly tearing Dong Si Gong’s flesh and blood!

"who are you??"

   Of course, Dong Sigong does not have to look back to see the attacker, but the appearance of the middle-aged person is not revealed. Dong Sigong exclaimed in grief and indignation, "You must be my Dong family disciple. You and I are of the same blood. Why do brothers break the wall?"

  How could a middle-aged person answer him?


   Dong Sigong yelled and raised his hand to pat the door.


   A double flower is revealed on the top door, and a body holding a colored pen is broken from the double flower.

   However, the sub-body can't fly out if only half of it is revealed.

   I saw silver spikes all over the waist, apparently the middle-aged man confined him!

   "Don't you just want the Spring and Autumn Annals?"

   Zi's face was born with Juran, his left hand was raised, and a pale silver was also born, and then he stroked his waist!


   Dong Si Gongzi yelled with pain, half of her figure flew out with clouds.

   When the child flew out, the colored pen in his right hand had already been swung out, soaked with blood on his body, he sang in his mouth, and the pen went away:

   "The silence of the Cangshan Mountain is twilight, and Cuiguan will sink.

   At the end of the southern morning, the leopard hides, and the Wuxia night yin.

   The sky is cold, and the scenery is dark.

  Waiting to visit the public supermarket, will go to Huayin. Dong Sigong "Wing the Fog")

At the place where    the colored pen fell, the text turned into a cloud and mist began to diffuse, and Dong Sigong's body gradually disappeared in the mist.

   Seeing Dong Sigong's use of the means, the middle-aged man also simply tore his face and slapped the door. The same two smallpox bloomed, and one body flew out.

  子身 also holds a pen and sings:

  "Xiao Xiaoduchanghe, Xixi Xiatianfeng.

  Flowers and butterflies dance by themselves, and Lan Hui is radiant.

   Xiangwu is raising his wings, and the retreat has started to fly.

   Fang went from Liezi Yu, and returned even more. Dong Sigong "Wing the Wind")

   The brush fell and the wind rose, and the mist was already blown away!

   Dong Si-gong didn’t care about revealing his body again, but looked at the middle-aged man, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Dong Xueting, you dare to violate the clan rules and kill me?" (Dong Sigong, word Zuo Su, name Yuting)

   "Family rules?"

   Dong Xueting sneered, his left arm, big silver hand continued to tear Dong Sigong's body, and said, "What are the clan rules? I took the Spring and Autumn Annals. I may be the next patriarch, and the clan rules are not written by me!"

   Speaking of Dong Xueting's body again, he wrote:

   "Ten Zhihui in the Canghai, Xuanpu reunion celebration.

  蕣蕣华发晨饹, Ling Cai turned towards the mirror.

   Suddenly encountered a frightening wind, and its own floating clouds reflected.

   is also admired by everyone, and there is no waiting to play Ge Zheng. Dong Sigong, "Song Day")

   "Boom boom boom~"

   A round of scorching sun was born under his pen, countless Chang Ge shot from the scorching sun, and hit Dong Si Kyoko!

   "Good, good~"

   Dong Si Kyoko exclaimed, "If this is the case, then burn the jade and the stone!"

   said, Dong Sigong threw the jade book in his hand, and his body raised the colored pen and pointed it at the jade book like a sword!

   Dong Xueting didn't hesitate, grabbed it with a big hand, and wanted to take the jade book first.

   "Puff puff~"

   At this time, Lie Sun Chang Ge has already pierced Dong Si Gongzi!


   At the moment of the moment, the sudden change occurred, and the jade book with four colors of clouds suddenly unfolded.

   An unparalleled force surpassed the whole world!

   And where the jade book unfolds, the four seasons are picturesque, and the early spring is like a brocade rolled up from the place where Qingping is annihilated, and a fairy in a long robe comes slowly from the end of spring.

   Isn't it Xiao Hua?


   Xiao Hua clapped his hands as he walked, and smiled, "It's a good fight, it really opened the eyes of Xiaosheng!"


Dong Xueting was shocked at first, but when he waited, he glanced over Xiao Hua and found that Xiao Hua was nothing but a book immortal. He grew out of the guts, and simply groaned: "Some excitement is not to watch. If you watch it, you have to pay. cost!"

   As he said, Dong Xueting still carried the surplus of the scorching sun. With a big hand, the surrounding sky shattered and he grabbed Xiao Hua!

  [ ] "Haha~"

   Hsiao Hua laughed and said, "Originally, Xiaosheng couldn't distinguish loyalty and traitor. By doing this, didn't you expose the scruples in your heart??"

   "Little friend, go away~"

  Dong Sigong was in a hurry, his son was the closest to Xiao Hua, and he roared in a low voice, his whole body had already begun to burst into flames, obviously he wanted to blew himself up to resist Dong Xueting!

   It's a pity that Xiao Hua just glanced at him, Dong Sigong immediately gave birth to a spring rain, and the spring rain fell like rain, which had already poured out the flames of his body.

   As for Dong Xueting's big hand, the place where he grabbed it was like hitting a rock. The big hand shattered suddenly, Xiao Hua's figure didn't shake, and he still flew there without any rush!

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