Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2485: Acorus, carved wood


So Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Brother Gao, Tiannan Xinghe is the place where Weng Wudao of the Jade Bureau is located, and it is also the opportunity he gave you. I won’t bother with it. When you come back from Tiannan Xinghe, you and I will join Mao Choose!"

   I heard Xiao Hua call himself "Gao", and Gao Ming said, "Brother Xiao, you are my righteous brother. With such a good thing, why should I hold you together?"

   Xiao Hua really doesn't want to go. Where Gao Ming can go is a trifling matter for him. Can't I practice more if I have time?

   Seeing that Xiao Hua was like this, Gao Ming simply threw the calamus to Xiao Hua and said, "Brother Yi, this is given to you by Yuju Weng, you take it yourself!"

   "Okay~ Okay!"

   Seeing that Gao Ming was so righteous and insisted to go by himself, Xiao Hua knew that it was his kindness, so he nodded and said, "Can't I go?"

   After talking, the calamus has already arrived.

   Xiao Hua didn't even want to brush his hand to send the calamus back.

   But, just as his big hand passed by, he was suddenly startled, and his eyes flashed with joy.

   Xiao Hua is a Confucian statue of mind at this time, and his big hands are nothing more than mind, and he doesn't have to touch the calamus, and he can already feel the Chinese language ban in the interior.

   Acorus is naturally not an ordinary fairy grass. With the touch of Xiao Hua's big hand, a faint cloud of Xia Yun immediately fell into his palm, and at the same time, a light and shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

   Within this light and shadow, a vast and unparalleled river left from the sky and turned into countless rivers when it fell on the earth. The river shone with shining stars. Within the light, the lush green calamus thrived.

   And the overwhelming sword-like verdure formed by the calamus is similar to the situation in Zhou Xiaoming’s memory? ?

   "This is due to good luck!"

   Xiao Hua took out the chip and confirmed it again and again, feeling sighed.

   If I hadn't met Gao Ming, or had accompanied Gao Ming to find Yuju Weng, how could he have known that Lan Yu had actually come to Qunyu City after he left Fuyu City?

  While the area of ​​Qunyu City is so large, how could one find a secret realm called Tiannan Galaxy?

   Gao Ming naturally didn't know what Xiao Hua thought. He was very happy when he saw Xiao Hua agree, and raised his hand to sacrifice the jade cart.

   Then he took out the ink pen and drew a weird text, and as the text fell into the calamus, a ring-shaped object flew out.

   Gao Ming took the ring-shaped object, and his mouth felt a little bitter. He muttered, "...Is this too long?"

  While speaking, Gao Ming dripped a drop of blood.


   The ring-shaped thing gushes out the green clouds, and a jade belt that is thin like a hairspring is drawn from it, one end is directly submerged into the void, and the other end falls on the jade cart.

   This is nothing, the jade belt fell on the jade cart, and the jade cart immediately trembled, and a ghost like calamus appeared.

   "Let's go!"

   The clever detective grabbed the calamus and waved to Xiao Hua, "Let’s go to the secret world!"

   Xiao Hua followed Gao Ming into the jade car.

   The jade car trembled while shrinking, and finally became a projectile.


   The jade belt twitched, the projectile shot, and fell into the void in the blink of an eye and disappeared.


   Xiao Hua secretly said in his heart, "This way of going to the secret realm is refreshing."

   Xiao Hua just thought of this, and squeezing began to form around him, and strands of distorted Xia Yun rushed out like fire.

   Gao Ming held his forehead with one hand, and said, "I don't like this kind of winding the most, it makes it mysterious..."

   "A winding path?"

   Xiao Hua smiled, he knew that this should mean a tortuous path.

   So Xiao Hua thought for a while, raised his hand and took out a writing implement, Wen Li urged, a cloud like gauze gushing out, covering the jade cart.

   Then, Yunxia was elegant, and as the surrounding squeezed and changed its shape, Xiao Hua and Gao Ming remained unchanged.

"Not bad!"

   Gao Ming stroked his palm and said, "Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao still has such a writing instrument in his hands."

   Xiao Hua smiled and looked outside the jade car. He found that this winding path was different from the jade belt speed car. Outside the jade car was emerald green, and from time to time some broken spatial laws were born.

   "Don't look at it~"

Gao Ming said angrily, "We are inside the winding path, and the winding path is actually the jade ribbon that I just saw. Inside, there is a textbook drawn by the old man from Jade Bureau Weng. There is no corresponding textbook. well."

   Xiao Hua, if he wanted to see it, he would naturally be able to see it, but since Gao Ming mentioned the Yuju Weng, he also said, "How much does Gao know about this Yuju Weng?"

   "I don't understand~"

   Gaoming replied simply and succinctly, "Didn't I say it before? I only knew that there was such a senior after I came to Qunyu City. I didn't know it before."

   "However, judging from the communication within the clan, he is highly respected by his old man. If I must be respectful and careful, he must be very good."

   "If the communication doesn't say that, I can't say that I will visit often. If I say that, how can I go often?"

   Xiao Hua knew that Gao Ming was also a lazy temperament, nodded and said nothing.

   At the end of the winding path is a vast forest with mountains and water, but no calamus.

  A clever look at the calamus in his hand, he took Xiao Huafei for most of the day, and fell to a hillside, saying: "I can't find it. Why don't I send a goose book to Senior Yuju Weng?"

   "You said that this old man is the same. It's not enough to pass the winding path directly to the Tiannan Galaxy. How can you give up halfway?"

   Xiao Hua followed Gao Ming in his spare time. He already understood why Yu Ju Weng asked Gao Ming to come to Tiannan Galaxy.

   In addition to the predecessors tempering the younger generation, Xiao Hua could not find a better reason.

   Xiao Hua thought for a while, and said: "I think the Tiannan Galaxy is here, UU reading, but you and I can't find the entrance."

   "If you ask now, it will look down upon Yu Ju Weng."

   "You should still look for it again, or in other words, think about what reminder Yu Ju Weng gave you."

   Gao Ming scratched his head and said: "What else can I remind you?"

   Xiao Hua naturally already knew the answer, so he didn't remind him, and stood smiling.

Gao Ming is also a wise man. Xiao Hua has already clicked here. He thoughtfully patted his head and said: "I'm going, I thought that Jade Bureau Weng hates iron but not steel. It turned out to be the place to wake up my entrance! "

   "Not bad!"

   Xiao Hua nodded, and said in a pun, "It turns out that it's not rotten wood that cannot be carved!"

   Speaking of deadwood, the mountains and forests of the heaven are rare, so Gao Ming carefully searched for a long time and found it in a secret place.

   Looking at half of the dead wood, Gao Ming was a little helpless.

   Because deadwood is really deadwood, it's not an illusion.

   And there is nothing special around the deadwood, it is just a large area of ​​gravel.

   Xiao Hua was anxious, slapped Gao Ming on the back of the head, and said, "You can't carve rotten wood!"

   "Ouch, oops~"

   Gao Ming suddenly woke up, squatted down hastily, took out the calamus and carved it on the rotten wood...

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