Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2477: Suppress Chen Shuo's Soul

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (

"I, I~"

What more Chen Shuo has to say

Xiao Hua shook his sleeves even more, "Boom boom boom~~" Forty-nine Hunyuan fairy infants flew out, and their powerful aura directly pushed Ximen Fengyun and others upside down!


Chen Shuo looked at the fifty Hunyuan Immortals incredible, his eyes burst in horror!

How can this be? ?

Not to mention the Heavenly Court, that is, the Taoist Immortal Realm is usually hard to see even a Taiyi Immortal. In this Heavenly Court, I actually saw fifty in a row!

When was Hun Yuanxian so worthless?

"You kill my warlord, destroy my fairy soldier, how can I forgive you??"

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a relief for you to die so happy!"

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and Wan Xianlu offered sacrifices.

"Buzzing~" Wanxianlu opened, making a huge roar, and the world was wailing!

"Senior for mercy, senior for mercy~~"

Taiyi Immortal Chen Shuo collapsed to the ground, and he was no different from a mangy dog ​​without the support of the immortal power!

"Kacha~" Xiao Hua thought, Chen Shuo's neck broke.

"Go!" While Xiao Hua waved his hand, Chen Shuo's head flew in front of a disciple, Xiao Hua commanded, "Hang the head of this servant in front of the door of the Merchant League. Who dares to provoke me to the Merchant League and follow this. The same!"

Seeing the disciple take Chen Shuo's head, Xiao Hua raised his hand and pointed at Wanxianlu. A purple-golden knot flew out of Wanxianlu and fell onto Chen Shuo's body.


Amidst the howling of ghosts and wolves, Chen Shuo's soul was drawn out by Wan Xianlu.

Xiao Hua has always used Wanxianlu to get this treasure for so many years. This is the first time he has used it to suppress the spirits of others.

Seeing Chen Shuo's soul being suppressed and his body turned into flying ashes, Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed the seven-inch incense fairy with a broken head. He glanced at Chen Zhibin, who had collapsed in the air a long time ago, and said to a disciple: " Send him to Lan's house and let Lan Fan handle it!"

"Yes, sir!"

The disciple grabbed Chen Zhibin's neck like a duck and turned into a streamer.

Xiao Hua said to Qiao Samsara again: "Tell Gu to shoot long, then send the warlord out for rotation, and erect a monument in the stars to pay homage to the fallen warlord and fairy soldier."

After finishing speaking, before Qiao Samsara could answer, Xiao Hua rolled his sleeves and took them away, finally looking at Ximen Fengyun standing in the distance!

"Senior, senior!"

Ximen Fengyun's face changed slightly, he hurried over to respectfully salute him, he was a little scared, he was really afraid that Xiao Hua would kill someone!

Xiao Hua saw that Ximen Fengyun hadn't spoken. He had just accidentally exposed his strength a little bit under his anger. Although it was the tip of the iceberg, it was a bit uncomfortable for Xiao Hua, who had been cautious since he was a child.


Ximen Fengyun hurriedly said, "The younger generation can make a promise and will not reveal anything they saw today."


Seeing Taiqing Tianxian panicked in front of him, Xiao Hua laughed, and he was completely confused. Even if he was careful, he couldn't be too much. How could he be like a Hun Yuanxian!

So he waved his hand and said: "Simon's literary friend has been overwhelmed. Xiao has always repaid him with peaches. The literary friend had previously made Xiao acquaintance. How can Xiao let the literary friend be disappointed? The literary friend will only mention the real person Xiao, Morty Xiao's real name is enough!"

"Yes Yes!"

Ximen Fengyun was a little surprised, and I don't know why Xiao Hua said so, but he only agreed.


As Xiao Hua said, he raised his hand again. Another blue light flew down in front of Ximen Fengyun. It was a crystal bead. Xiao Hua said, "You don't need to look for that place before. Let's take a look at this place."

"Yes, yes!" Ximen Fengyun hurriedly took Jingzhu, not daring to look closely, and replied respectfully.

Xiao Hua still wanted to say something, but he frowned, looked up into the distance, and said casually: "If there is news, let Xiao Xuan be informed with Long Cong Shun, Xiao X is grateful."

"Junior, no~"

Ximen Fengyun hurriedly said, "The junior family will definitely go all out, please don't worry, seniors!"

How could Ximen Fengyun miss the favor of a Hunyuanxian?


There was another weird wind, Ximen Fengyun hurriedly raised his head, Xiao Hua's figure had disappeared.

"Guo deserves to be Hun Yuanxian!"

Ximen Fengyun's eyes flashed golden light, and he swept all around, there was no trace at all, he couldn't help but sigh.

What Ximen Fengyun didn't know was that Xiao Hua stood in the same place, smiling and looking at Ximen Fengyun.


Ximen Fengyun accepted the technique of clearing his eyes and looked around. He was a little surprised and said to himself, "Why didn't Xiao Sheng tell Xiaosheng his real name?"

While talking, Ximen Fengyun was suddenly shocked, as if he had thought of something, he hurriedly took out a Xiayun Festival, after a glance, he couldn't help exclaiming: "I'm going, Qunyu Building is the first name for jade. , Has planted the King of Jade??"

"Oh my God, the literary track selected by Apocalypse? How is this possible??"

"The literary track of Boxuan, is... to conceive seeds and sprouting Dzogchen? This is almost impossible!!"

"Master Xiao is Taoist or Hunyuan. How did he follow the path of Confucianism?"

"If he really abolished the cultivation base and rebuilt it, where did the power that just killed Chen Shuo come from?"

Ximen Fengyun exclaimed. He couldn't think of breaking his head. How could Xiao Hua, as Hun Yuan, participate in the Apocalypse election, let alone how Xiao Hua could win the literary track!

This is impossible for him to be a Confucian cultivator. How can Xiao Hua, a Taoist immortal do it?

A proud smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Huaying's mouth and turned and flew away.

Ximen Fengyun took out the crystal bead after the shadow went.


Seeing the sword-shaped green landscape within the crystal beads, Ximen Fengyun was surprised again, "How could it be here?"

Ximen Fengyun hurriedly took out his Long Congshun, but in the sound transmission room, he frowned and said in secret: "If it is an ordinary fairy, I will say it. This is Hunyuan. I have to be careful when I say this. If you want to make a mistake, you should go back and ask the clan before it is too late!"

With that said, Ximen Fengyun looked enviously in the direction of Xuantu in the distance, where it was Lan's house, then turned around and threw the jade cart, and hurried to another place by himself.


In the Lan family, seeing a disciple of the good luck sect sending Chen Zhibin, Lan Fan exclaimed and got up, anxiously, "Senior Xiao is back? He... where is his old man?"

"My master has turned around! I don't know anything else, goodbye!"

The disciple of the Good Fortune Sect did not stop, after answering neither humble nor humble, he turned and left.

"This...what is going on here?"

Lan Fan didn't know that Xiao Hua came back inexplicably, and unexpectedly sent Chen Zhibin, the head of the Chen family who had escaped, to Chen Zhibin?

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