Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2467: bet

There are obvious traces of the law of space between the pavilions of the academy, and even inside the pavilions, and many wind immortals are standing there with phantom distortions.

   Gaoming is also stupid, maybe he didn't expect that there are so many hardworking people in the college.

   "That~" Gao Ming looked around the pavilions and said, "Xiao Wenyou, wherever you are weak, you can go to find classics and learn."

Immediately, looking at Xiao Hua's dazed appearance, he suggested: "You and I only have half a year. It is too late to practice one of the six music, let alone Cloud Gate, Daxian, Dashao, Daxia, and Daxian. , Dawu Liule. The left and right gambling is just to choose one at will, you can take a gamble and choose one!"

   At this point, he looked around and said: "There are too many people holding Buddha's feet temporarily, right?"

   "Okay, don't talk about it!" Xiao Hua said, "but half a year, why don't we hurry up and study?"

   "Read hard!" Gao Ming scolded while flying, "My little master's youth has been dedicated to Meiyu, where there is time to study hard, now grinding guns is just a silver gun!"

   After finishing talking, before Xiao Hua said, Gao Ming himself laughed.

   Randomly searched for a pavilion, and saw that it was divided into many floors, with students gathered on each floor, and there were a dazzling array of books on each floor.

   Books are not Xiayun Festival, but are in the form of scrolls, placed on the shelves.

   A scroll was taken away, and Xia Yun immediately condensed and turned into another scroll that was exactly the same.

   Xiao Hua picked up a volume casually, and it was written as the Great Shao of Six Music.

  Xiao Hua is actually very strange how the heavenly court brought the six arts of mortal gentlemen to the immortal realm for assessment. After all, Liule is to assess mortals, and "ritual, music, shooting, imperial, book, and number" is too simple for the heavenly scholars.

   However, after reading a volume of "The Great Shao", Xiao Hua's brain hurts. This is the theory of music. It is based on the theory of famous mountains and rivers or the sun, moon and stars.

   If you talk about Yin Gong, Xiao Hua's Taoist small nine-character mantra "Treasure Secret Nine-Character Blue Bag" is extremely powerful and can definitely win the first prize, but the problem is that what the heaven requires is music theory, not power.

   "Fine, nothing~"

   Xiao Hua looked at the scrolls on the bookshelf. Why didn’t you know that what you learn in music theory is not a day or night?

   looked up, Gao Ming had already gone to another bookshelf to find the scroll, Xiao Hua simply turned around and left the academy.

   "Huh?" Xiao Huazheng ran into cleverly and walked into the academy, immediately smiled, "Isn't this a clever friend? Why did you come to the academy?"

Cleverness was a little flustered at first, but then he sneered: "Why do you come to the academy for a mountain village husband? Since you have taken the top spot in growing jade, you should concentrate on the method of growing jade, and strive to grow spiritual jade as soon as possible. How can you come? The college is time-consuming?"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua smiled, and sneered, "If Xiaosheng came to the academy to waste time, what about the literary friends? Is it decadent when he fails to grow jade? I dare not grow jade again, and come to the academy to borrow books to mourn me. ?"

   "Huh~" cleverly snorted, "I'm here to study books in the academy and prepare to participate in the English selection. Planting jade is just a pastime for me, it is necessary for practicing six arts."

   "Unlike you, who grow jade for a living! When you come to the academy, do you also want to take the road of apocalypse?"

   "But I still advise you to plant jade honestly and be your own jade planter. The road to apocalypse is not something you mountain villagers can follow."

   "Don't say whether you can pass the election, even if you pass, it is impossible to be like me... to the British election!"

After    finished speaking, he exhaled cleverly, as if the resentment in his heart was swept away, and he was about to walk inside.

   "Don't worry, don't worry!"

   Xiao Hua raised his hand to block it cleverly, and said, "How about we make a bet?"


   stopped cleverly, looked at Xiao Hua and laughed, "What can you bet against me? Can you plant jade?"

   However, as soon as he finished speaking, he cleverly turned his eyes, "If the bet is a token in your hand, I will agree."

   "Forget it~"

   How could Xiao Hua bet that dirty old man’s token, he waved his hand, "I don’t even dare to bet, why would I waste time talking to me? Boring!!"

   Xiao Hua was so eager to catch it, but it made him clever to win and lose. He in turn pulled Xiao Hua Road, "OK, bet, how to bet?"

   "Bet on the British election!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

   "Bet on the British election?" Cleverly, he was taken aback first, then laughed, and said, "Xiao Wenyou, aren't you looking for death? You are not a book fairy, and you are not eligible to participate in the British election. How can you bet with me?"

   "If I expected it to be good, this British election should have just ended, right?"

   "Not bad!" Nodding cleverly, "I didn't go to the British election because I wanted to participate in the jade variety competition."

   "British election is once in a thousand years," said Xiao Hua, "I will see you next time in the British election, whoever has the highest name will win!"

   "What bet?"

   "No special bet!" Xiao Hua said, "Just answer one question based on the truth."

"So simple??"

   cleverly stunned, and looked around, as if looking for something, even bowed his head thinking, thinking Xiao Hua had any calculations.

   Where did he know, Xiao Hua wanted to ask him why he followed Gaoming.

   "It's that simple!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "It's just a simple gamble, if you don't dare to forget it!"

   There are naturally other Confucian immortals watching, UU reading is afraid to move forward, but how can it be ingenious to lose face in full view?

   He nodded and said: "Yes!"

   Then actually want to post Wennuo.

   "No need, no need~" Xiao Hua didn't want to attract any visions, he raised his right hand and said, "They are all jade masters, I believe that literary friends are as good as jade, just high-five you and me!"

   "Huh!" After the high-five, a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, "You just wait to lose! How can you cultivate to the Yuqing immortal within a thousand years?"

   "This is not your concern!"

   Xiao Hua smiled and turned out of the academy, feeling very comfortable.

   He thinks that the travel in the heaven is much more interesting than the demon league. If he is in the realm of Taoism, how can he bet with a Yuqing person? ?

   If you want to know the clever idea, you can search the soul directly, or use the illusion.

   I have to say that the humanistic atmosphere of Heavenly Confucianism has already affected Xiao Hua's mood.

   Xiao Hua returned to the Luoyi Business League, entered the space directly, and found the jade tune.

   "What?" When Yu Di Wenqu heard that Xiao Hua was going to participate in the contest, he almost dropped his chin on the Shenhua Continent. He exclaimed, "You are not mistaken, right?"

   "You want to participate in the contest?"

   "Did you have nothing to do when you are full?"

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