Revival of the Gods

Chapter 246: Ghostly Li Xiaoye and Bai Jingyu

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Zhao Xianyou, I am waiting for the three people to be in trouble. Ren Yi thinks that Xiangxiang Xianyou is a friend. I hope that both of you will be close to each other..."

“嘿嘿” Zhao Jun liked to smile and said to Xiao Hua: “I am a fairy friend. I have written it in my heart before, and I will definitely promise to give you a chance!”

Looking at Zhao Junzhe driving the back of Xiansuo flying away, Xiao Xiangzi smiled and said: "In addition to the ice in the Sapphire Gate, he is a person who can be deeply involved!"

"Since I feel that I can make a deep connection, why not open it?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Ren Xianyou is a spoiler. I may not know that the exchanges between our disciples and disciples pay attention to the gentleman's friendship." Xiang Xiangzi replied, "After all, there are two sects, and the sapphire door is not harmonious, let alone The news was leaked under the slogan, which caused a big disaster..."

"Hey, this is why Ren did not want to go to the famous school!" Xiao Hua sighed, "Ren still likes to be happy!"

"Ren Xiaoyao..." Xiao Xiangzi nodded, "Xianyou is a real name!"

"Xiaoxiang Xianyou..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Ren Xiaoyao is under the fame, and the real name is Xiaohua. Xiaomou is going to announce the capital of a country at this time. Can Xianyou be interested?"

There was no special surprise on the face of Xiao Xiangzi. He only slightly hesitated, as if thinking about whether to declare a capital city.

Looking at Xiaoxiangzi, Xiaohua also had some expectations. Xiaoxiangzi took all the things of the group Yinshan on his own body. It seemed to invite merits, but in fact it was taking a lot of pressure for Xiaohua.

Wei Ming is the Heavenly Temple, and his death must be reported to the Temple of Heaven. Xiao Hua is a loose repair, although Wei Ming’s death Xiao Hua has been pushed up, but if it falls in the eyes of the minded person, Xiao Hua will definitely get into trouble. Imagine that when Fang Zheng heard Wei Ming’s fall, Xiao Hua could use his heels to think of what it would be like if he was pursued. Xiao Hua is escaping the pursuit of the palace of the fairy tales, and now provokes the temple of heaven, is it worse?

But this matter is placed on a disciple, and it is nothing! As for the death of Fang Wei, the same reason, Fang Wei died, Wei Ming died, Fang Zheng also died, the dead spirit? What about their hundred-nano bags? This is not a fainting to cover up the past! Maybe Fang Hong wants to control the villa, but also needs the token of Fang Hao. If Xiao Hua, Fang Hong will let him leave easily?

Besides, Fang Wei is Yan Xian. He became a ghost slave and is also horrible. A Wei Ming soul can hurt the Xiang Xiangzi. Xiao Hua can escape from the ghost slaves, which shows that his strength is not comparable to that of Xiang Xiangzi.

Of course, the escape from the ghost slaves is only Xiao Hua said, what is the real situation, I am afraid that only Xiao Hua knows. But look at the big changes in the buds of the buds, and then the way Xiao Hua is calm, and Xiang Xiangzi can also guess the end of the ghost slaves and the dead spirits.

Since Xiao Hua wants to cover up, Xiao Xiangzi simply compiled a big lie and took all the things for Xiao Hua. This is a sentiment... It’s too easy!

It is very simple to talk between smart people. Xiao Hua does not mention the matter of the group Yinshan. He only invites Xiaoxiangzi to go to Xuanyi, obviously it is to point out his own feelings. As for the Xiangxiangzi, it does not matter.

Sure enough, Xiang Xiangzi hesitated and shook his head; "I just went from there, I will not go! And there is injury in the lower body, but I still need to retreat. I see that Xianyou also has a wound, not to hurt first!"

"No, no!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "There are two immortals who are rushing to rush to reincarnate. Anyone must send them first, leave!"

"Farewell!" Xiao Xiangzi was confused, and he handed a speech with Xiao Hua. When he sacrificed Xiansuo to fly thousands of miles, he just found a suitable place to fly. Suddenly he understood and whispered, "Hey, Li Leaflets and white surprises? How can they be so fascinated..."

Li Xiaoye and Bai Jingyu are naturally fascinated. The two immortals, Fang Hong, etc., flew in the other direction, but flew for hundreds of miles, and immediately turned to the direction of Xiao Hua and other immortals.

"Li Xianyou..." Bai Jingyu followed Li Xiaoye and he was worried. "I have been injured in my body. I can't play 70% of the strength. Even with Zhou Xianyou, I am afraid that it is not Xiaoyao, Xiaoxiangzi and Zhao Junzan. Immortal rival?"

Li Xiaoye glanced at Bai Jingyu and replied: "Xiang Xiangzi is a disciple of the disciples, Zhao Junzan is a disciple of the Qingyumen. The two immortals have not toasted each other on the banquet. Will they go together at this time?"

"Well, if this is the case, I am a little sure when I wait for the Three Immortals!"

"Hey..." Li Xiaoye looked at his head and said coldly, "Xiang Xiangzi is seriously injured and his breathing is uneven. The first thing he left after he left the Buddhism Villa was healing. How could he be with Ren Xianyou?" go?"

"Can Xiang Xiangzi also be with Ren Xiaoyao?"

"How is it possible?" Li Xiaoye asked, "I don't want to stay with the buds of the Xiangxiang Mountain. How can it be with Ren Xiaoyao? If Bai Xianyou is going to be treated with Li?"

"Oh..." Bai Jingyu smiled and said, "If it is not Li Xianyou's reminder, Baimou is really careless. At this time, think about the details. Ren Xiaoyao is definitely a fairy baby. Just Xiang Xiangzi and him. When the ground fire and the thunder fly out, although the Xiangxiangzi has changed the robes, but the vague **** taste is still there, and there is bloodshot in the silver body of the bodyguard. Then, if there is **** stains, there is some blood pollution in the spirits!"

"Bai Xianyou..." Li Xiaoye suddenly thought of something, said, "Other things Lee can not, but that Dan fire is a must for Lee!"

"Hey..." Bai Jingyu said a long way to see Li Xiaoye said, "This sentence is also what Bai wants to say, this time can not let Baimou empty hands!"

"But it, nothing..." Li Xiaoye waved, "Dan Huo, I will copy each one, and the rest."

"We are not waiting for Zhou Xianyou?" Bai Jingyu said in a hurry, "Isn't Zhou Xian not giving you a reply?"

"Not yet!" Li Xiaoye shook his head. "Make sure he is not near, anyway, now I have confirmed that Ren Xiaoyao is a fairy baby, why wait..."

Coincidentally, when it comes to this, Li Xiaoye’s left arm flashes for a while, and Li Xiaoye flies out, and a diamond-shaped fairy flies out. After Li Xiaoye’s thoughts, he laughs and laughs. However, he said: "Damn, Zhou Xian’s singer came from Xuanyuan’s capital city. He just came out of the transmission array and saw that there was a problem with the transmission array that came to the buds of the buds, and he had already drove the Xiansuo flying!”

"He is a good luck!" Bai Jingyu also grinned and said, "I will not give him a message if I know it."

"What should I do?" Li Xiaoye looked at Bai Jingyu and asked, "Will you wait for Zhou Xian?"

"The recent transmission of the sentimental squad is based on this, but Zhou Xian will soon arrive. If he does not wait for him... I will not be able to meet again afterwards... and I am not more important to wait for the three?"

"Worever!" Li Xiaoye nodded. "Listen to Bai Xianyou and give Zhou Xian a chance."

"Right..." Bai Jingyu said, "What is Zhou Xian going to declare the capital of a country?"

Li Xiaoye replied: "He didn't elaborate, just said that he was invited by a prince..."

"Short, how could he be invited to be announced by a king? He loves to brag..." Bai Jingyu said that he had already flown with Li Xiaoye.

Two immortals have just flown, not far from the hills, a fairy baby showed half a figure, eyes look like the electric two look back, directed at another point nod, the path has continued to chase after the body.

Xiao Hua has saved the idea of ​​waiting for the rabbit, simply let go of Xiansuo, let a fairy baby fly slowly in the air, and he sits on the Xiansuo and takes Wei Ming's Na Xuan ring out. Xiao Hua didn't look at the other. He looked at the ink fairy first. When he saw the reddish ink fairy, his face gave birth to a sigh. He said: "Sure enough, this is the scent of the palm of the palace. No wonder Wei Ming can know. Xiao Mou was chased and killed by the Palm Palace, and he gave birth to the idea of ​​Xiao Xiao’s invitation."

After receiving the ink fairy, Xiao Hua slammed his mind and said: "While Wei Ming has the heart of Xiao, but his words are the same as Fang Zheng, so Xiao has no way to get rid of this scent. The only thing that can be done is Seeking a scorpion will cover it up. But... Xiaomou is a fairy baby, but also wear a protective armor... oh, armor? armor!!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua took the bones out. The armor was hit by the Japanese arrow, and it was damaged at this time. Xiao Hua was planning to send the armor to the eye of the smashing method to use the soul silk to raise He couldn’t care too much about the shackles, and he hurriedly searched for what he had gotten from the fire. Xiao Hua waved the other side to send the Necromancer into the reincarnation. He did not pay attention to whether the Necromancer left the bag. Looking through the moment, Xiao Hua actually found a hidden bracelet, and there are many things in the inner necromancer, presumably left by the Necromancer.

The most bizarre thing is that Xiao Hua actually found a record about the armor in a dark ink fairy. Slightly realized, Xiao Hua is eccentric, because this armor has no ritual, only manipulation! Immediately, Xiao Hua silently read the fairy scorpion, and a scent of scent blows out, and the armor slammed up, and the seven seventy-four forty-nine white bones became the size of the grinding disc in the air. As Xiao Hua raised his hand, the armor fell to Xiao Hua!

The white bones fell on the Xiaohua baby body, and the purple totem flashed out of the brush. After waiting for the seventy-nine totems to protect Xiao Hua, the sound of "bang" was loud and all the totems were posted. The body surface of the baby body, the purple halo converges into the baby body, and the tremor that only Xiao Hua can detect is born from his body. The surface of the Xiaohua body surface changes with the purple totem.

What is this change? Xiao Hua doesn't know, but Xiao Hua knows that he is like taking out from the water at this time, and the whole baby body has no feeling of integration with the heavens and the earth!

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