Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2461: Plant a sun!

The curiosity of everyone was attracted, and everyone shouted: "Yes, what is it?"

   "A true spiritual image of the five elements?"

   "Impossible, the jade species is obtained at random, not deliberately chosen, it is boring..."

   Everyone was talking about it, and Shen Sheng once again took a few scrolls, and there was a thicker Yun Xia in it that swept the Qun Yulou disciple Xu Suiran to the sky.

   Xu Suran is a young man wearing the costume of a group of Yulou disciples. His sword eyebrows flew diagonally, and his eyes were solemn. He looked down and did not look at the stars.

   "The second Qunyu Lou Xu Yanran~"

   As Xu Suran flew out, his step Yutian was also lifted.

   The "brushing" of the azure blue water light as the Yutian opened immediately, as if a river suddenly vented, rushing surgingly around!

   In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area of ​​Yumai was covered by sea water.

   Everyone was a little puzzled at first, but soon, in the sea water, the basalt of the great number of weeks appeared.

   "How is it possible? Really like the water spirit?"

   "If this is the case, Qunyulou will not escape the suspicion of cheating!"

   "Don't worry~" someone said again, "Even if there is a true image of Xuanwu, how about these seawater?"

   "Huh?" Someone suddenly asked in surprise, "Look, there are other real basalt statues in the sea!"

   "Is it impossible? Exceeded the number of big weeks??"

   With the voices of everyone, in the seawater, countless smaller basalt statues appeared. In the end, every drop of water became basalt!

"I understand!"

   Someone exclaimed, "This is the secret technique of Qunyu Lou's pregnancy seed, which can divide a jade seed into different small jade species, so that you can plant exactly the same beautiful jade!"

"Yes, yes!" Another person also called, "I also remembered that there is also the budding secret technique of the group of jade towers. A jade bud can be divided into a jade bud with the same number of days, and it can also grow exactly the same beautiful jade. ."

   "Yuan Geng, Song Feng~"

   Shen Sheng laughed, "I don’t know how to grow jade, you are a big expert, can you explain it to everyone?"

Song Feng smiled and said in a loud voice: "I don't have to tell Senior Brother Yuan too much. Everyone is a jade master from the famous side. What everyone said just now is correct. Senior Brother Xu can plant two secret techniques at the same time. I can't wait for the emerald sea and the stars just now, I admire and admire it!"

   Yuan Geng also said immediately: "In fact, Xiaosheng is extremely curious now, this sea of ​​stars is already the ultimate jade planting, and what did the first name grow? It has become the king of beautiful jade???"

Everyone looked at Xiao Hua's direction at the same time, and Shen Sheng also nodded: "Don't say you wait for curiosity, the old man can't restrain curiosity. I really want to put a hand in my throat and look at Xuanpulan. Xiao Hua, what did he plant!"

   "Xuan Pu?"

   "The Blue House?"

   "Siu Hua?? Haven't heard of it!!"

   "Boom~" The scroll didn't just shake this time, but flew directly down to the feet of Xiao Hua.

   Xiao Hua calmly stepped onto the scroll and said with a loud laugh: "Since Brother Gaoming planted stars in the past, Brother Xu Suengran planted the sea later, then Xiaosheng will plant the sun for everyone!"

   As Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, the outline of "brushing" Yutian was unveiled, and a ball of flames gradually rose.

   This group of flames looked ordinary, but it just rose up, and immediately revolved, the flames skyrocketed, the heat wave was unspeakable, and the flames soaring into the sky.

   The light of the fire illuminates the jade veins, and the flames burn the literary ban. Watching the surrounding space are burnt into juice, my soul is thirst and anxious.

   Xu Suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't it really planting a round of sun?"

Shen Sheng did not answer him directly, but hurriedly urged Wen Li to make a point in the air, "boom boom boom" above Jingyu Pavilion, a full 72 beams of crystal light shot out, condensing into a huge crystalline outline above the sky. .

   The fireball flew under the silhouette and was blocked.

   But the fireball continues to increase!

"Brother Xiao~" Gao Ming stood on the clouds, looked at the fireball fascinatedly, and praised sincerely, "Xiaosheng, the star is just made by stealing the luster of beautiful jade; even if it is Xu Suengran's sea, it is Use secret techniques to make a fuss in the condensation of jade buds."

"Xiaosheng was still complacent with these techniques before, thinking he got the jade-growing knack. Now that I saw Brother Xiao’s methods, I realized that the technique is no more than a trail to consolidate the foundation of the jade species. When drawing branches, the potential of jade species is stimulated to the extreme. The avenue of cultivating jade is convinced by Xiaoshenglu!"

"Oh!" Xu Suran also sighed, "Xiaosheng was wrong too. Xiaosheng also pursues the ultimate in quantity, thinking that the number of days in the big week can reveal the ability of Xiaosheng to grow jade, but he did not expect Xiao Wenyou to be just a jade sun. Destroy the perfect sea of ​​Xiaosheng!"

"Xiao Hua~" Shen Sheng looked at Xiao Hua with an unspeakable expression in his eyes, and he asked, "You are a little-known...Shuxian, actually defeated Gao Ming and Xu, who are more powerful than you, on the jade. Suddenly, the old man wants to ask you, how did you think of planting a sun?"

Xiao Hua replied without thinking about it: "Don't hide it from all the literary friends, before the ascension, Xiaosheng was a gentleman from the Mortal Realm Academy. Professor Xiaosheng emphasized teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, so after they planted jade in Heavenly Court, they regarded jade seeds as students who could teach them. Only one jade is planted every time and then based on the characteristics of the jade species, we will cultivate it without distraction."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua paused for a moment, and then said: "Of course, I also want to thank Lan Fan, the owner of the Lan family in Xuanpu. His old man did not treat the niche slowly because he was a Feishengxian, but used the Lan family's Shuyu. The secret technique is taught by the capsule, and there is a secret technique for cultivating the foundation of jade seeds in the Yuyu Secret Technique, just like Xiaosheng must make up the foundation when he teaches students. This time Xiaosheng can plant the king of beautiful jade, naturally it is related to this secret technique!"

   "Haha, that's the case!" Shen Sheng laughed and said, "Xiao Xiaoyou treats the jade species with the heart of a teacher, and the jade species gives his teacher with beautiful jade. No wonder Xiaoyou can have such an achievement!"

   "Now, my Dai Qun Yulou announced that Xiao Hua, the Lan Family of Xuanpu, won the first place in the Jade Jade Competition and got a token of the Six Idlers..."

   Then all the rewards were sent by a group of disciples from the Jade Tower. Xu Suengran, Gao Ming, and even Yue Yichun all had rewards. As soon as the affairs were over, Shen Sheng opened the Jingyu Pavilion forbidden, and everyone flew out like water.

   Xiao Hua was just about to hide and slip away, when Xu Suoran, who was close at hand, flashed in front of him.

   Seeing Xu Suran looking at herself with complicated eyes, Xiao Hua frowned and said, "Brother Xu Wen, are you doing anything?"

"Give me the token of the six idlers~" Xu Suran stared at Xiao Hua, saying word by word, "I will give you what you want! Even if you want to worship the Qunyulou, I will promise you! I can even do it. Accept you as a personal disciple!"

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