Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2446: Jade Belt Speed

Xiao Hua laughed and laughed, and said: "I'm not the Qinglian Sword Fairy, how do I know?"

"Master Xiao~" Yue Yichun begged, "I think Sword Immortal Qinglian always respects you, and he will definitely be able to listen to what you say."

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "You think too much! What the Qinglian Sword Fairy valued is Lan Zhanning's unbending character and the unyielding sword intent in his heart. Do you have these?"

"Why didn't I?"

Yue Yichun patted her chest and said, "It's all in here!"

Xiao Hua became more and more speechless. He wanted to say a few words about Yue Yichun, to make her converge. She was kind of lady, but think about it, Lan Zhan might like this kind of Yujie style. What he said is superfluous.

So he waved his hand and said, "Just treat it as if I didn't say anything!"

"Master Xiao~" Yue Yichun suddenly shed tears pitifully, and said, "After the Lanzhan jade competition, I will follow Qinglian Sword Immortal to cultivate kendo. I...what should I do?"

"Why can't you?"

Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and looked at Yue Yichun and said, "Just go back to Xuanpu and wait!"

"No!" Yue Yichun threw her crying face all at once, changed a stubborn face, and said, "After he finishes his training, isn't he better than me? I have to practice kendo too!"

"No, no~" Xiao Hua smiled, "You should practice scabbard!"

"Why?" Yue Yichun was stunned.

"No matter how powerful kendo is, you have to be sheathed!" Xiao Hua said solemnly, "If you are sheathed, you should be obedient?"

"It makes sense!" Yue Yichun rolled her eyes and nodded, but then asked again, "Then Master Xiao, where can I practice the scabbard?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Hua didn't bother to gossip with Yue Yichun any more, and said, "Don't pretend to be in front of the old man, honestly tell you, the old man can't do the thing to persuade Qinglian Sword Immortal. If you want to practice kendo, I can help you find a way!"

"Master Xiao~" Yue Yichun said with a weeping face, "You are like an old sword, how can you compare with Qinglian Sword Immortal!"

"Are you still picky?"

Xiao Hua waved his sleeves and pushed Yue Yichun out, "Go, go, go!"

However, Xiao Hua was still soft-hearted after all. Half an hour later, Yue Yichun stood outside the quiet room again with a weeping face. Xiao Hua asked, "Don't pick it?"

"Don't pick it!" Yue Yichun nodded seriously.

"That's good!" Xiao Hua said, "After Lan Zhan has gone with Qinglian Sword Fairy, you send Lan Fan a goose book, telling Zhao Linhong and the others to take a message back, you follow me, and I let the disciples Teach you Kendo!"

"Huh?" Yue Yichun exclaimed, "Master Xiao, how can you always be so perfunctory to me? Forget it if you can't compare to Qinglian Sword Immortal, how can you let your disciple teach me kendo??"

"You are picky again!"

Xiao Hua sneered.

"Okay, okay, okay~" Yue Yichun reluctantly replied with a hand on her forehead, "Listen to you, listen to you!"

"I really don't know what Lan Zhan likes about you!"

Xiao Hua said irritably.

The expression on Yue Yichun's face immediately turned shy, but she couldn't hide the triumph in her eyes, and said with a low smile, "Hehe, Master Xiao, how do you know?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Hua said, "hurry up and practice, the jade planting is more important than ever. If you don't get the ranking, Lan Fan won't let you follow me to practice."

"Okay, okay!" Yueyi said with a pure expression, "I'll go and get familiar with Yu Jue immediately! Refining the fire pill."

Heavenly Court is different from Dao Immortal Realm and Demon League, and even different from the Tibetan Immortal Continent of Mortal Realm. Heavenly Court does not have a teleportation formation, and there is no white road.

There are jade belt speed cars in the heaven.

The jade belt speed car is a bit similar to the soldiers road of Xianjiejie Chong, but unlike the soldiers road, the jade belt can only tow speed wheels, not for the Confucian fairy to fly.

In addition to flying directly to Qunyulou, you use jade carts, and jade carts can’t directly reach Qunyulou. You can only sacrifice jade letters, induce jade belts to give birth, and pull jade carts to a place. When the jade belts are used up, you have to Sacrifice another jade letter again, so that you can reach it again and again.

Of course, the heaven is not a comfortable place. Flying directly also has the danger of encountering fairy beasts, fairy birds, and even natural dangers. The jade belt speed car is a space channel that has been explored in advance, and even the speed is much faster than that of flying. When the heavenly Confucian go far, most of them will choose Yudai Speed.

At the beginning, Xiao Hua was also interested in Yudai Speed.

Watching the Dong family disciples sacrifice the jade letter, the jade letter followed the Dong family disciples condensing the drawing of the text, and a rugged and curved path of jade silk floated out of the inside, and when the text of the text completely fell in, "boom boom boom" around There are also a number of Tiangang's innate qi crashed in.

This jade silk rushed into the void like a spiritual snake, rushing into the distance with a muffled sound.

That is, after half a cup of tea, the "Woo" wind blew, and a jade belt like a cloud of clouds floated from a distance and fell in front of the jade cart.

At this time, the disciples of the Dong family urged the jade cart to fall on the jade belt, and the jade belt trembled, and then innate aura poured in from all around, the jade cart would fly into the distance with the jade belt speed and speed!

Seeing the swelling air around the jade, some scenery soared, Xiao Hua knew that there was a ban on this jade belt similar to the law of Xumi, and the jade letter that urged the jade belt was also very valuable.

However, when Xiao Hua learned that it would take a lot of jade letters to get to Dequn Yulou, and it took nearly ten years, he completely lost his interest.

A shadow was left to guard in the quiet room. After the statue of Xiao Hua's mind and spirit was banned, he still sacrificed Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

Xiao Hua was worried that after the jade cart entered the jade belt, the innate energy of the dantian in his body was insufficient, but he fell into the green willow forest. He found that he was unreasonably worried.

I have to say that Lin Quan Gao Yitu is definitely a treasure of Confucianism. When Lin Quan Gao Yitu was in the Xuanpu, he had absorbed enough innate aura, which supported the illusion of the first and second levels. On the road to the jade belt, the surrounding innate aura is weak. These first and second layers of innate aura can be poured into the third layer for Xiao Hua's practice. Seeing that the illusion is large, the stored innate aura is enough Hua practice.

Xiao Huaru is still sitting cross-legged in the green willow forest 70% from the center. In the middle dantian, the "Yuanxu Wuqitu" is evolving, and Xiao Hua's literary style continues to branch in the evolvement, and the jǐyán is a quiet image. A seven-color little chicken was cleverly shrunk between Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen, and the rhyme of the Three Lights penetrated from the inexplicable space, first falling into the "Yuanxu Wuqi Tu", and then some afterglows falling on the embarrassing body.

Everything seems to have a sense of pastoral scenery. Xiao Hua knows that the literary branch of Zhongdantian has the profound meaning of Taoism and nature. Therefore, his mind does not fall into his body. He only explores and continues to move forward and enter the center of the green willow. .

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