Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2442: Lan Zhan, Zhan

"Good, good!"

Jiang Jianming jumped up and said, "I will accept your invitation to fight. I want to see if there are any great masters in the unknown families in the remote areas!"

By this time, Yue Yichun, who shouldn't be too serious, was silent. She looked at Lan Zhan with great interest, with a strange look in her eyes!

"No!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and secretly said in his heart, "Yue Yichun, Yue Yichun, you are the reincarnated immortal couple of my disciple, how can you transfer love?"

Xiao Hua wanted to do something to block this red line that was about to take shape. But after thinking about it, the marriage is fixed, and this life is different from the previous life. Yue Yichun did not recognize Du Xin, and of course he did not need to interfere with others. Lan Zhan's emotions.

Of course, Xiao Hua also admired Lan Zhan.

It is undeniable that Lan Zhan is aloof and disdainful of communication, but after Xiao Hua wakes up and immerses himself in kendo, he understands the meaning of being rigid and easy to break, and usually has changed a lot.

Now, under the tremendous pressure of Jiang Jianming, he finally stood up, but with this courage, Xiao Hua would caress for him.

"Stop the car and drive!" Senior brother Jiang Jianming nearby shouted to the Dong family disciple, "I'll wait for the teacher to invite me!"


Xiao Hua was a little bit mumbled when he heard this statement for the first time, but he knew it should be something like a life and death coupon.

However, the Dong family disciples did not stop the jade car, but looked at Xiao Hua carefully, which seemed to have a long memory.

"Stop it!"

Xiao Hua smiled, "Since people can come up, naturally they have to go down!"

The jade car stopped and Jiang Jianming flew out with his brother.

Jiang Jianming got out of the jade car and looked at Lan Zhan coldly and said, "You don't want to escape, Xuanpu Lan's family, I already know!"

"Huh!" Xiao Hua had a slight affection for Jiang Jianming, but by then he had disappeared. He snorted coldly, "Why? You still want to bring the face of Qunyulou to Xuanpu and be trampled on. Huh?"

"Don't think you are a book fairy, I can't clean up you!" Jiang Jianming simply tore off the gentleman, and sneered likewise, "If you commit a crime, you will also be punished!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Xiao Hua stroked her palms and smiled, "I want to see, how can your group punish me as a book fairy!"

Jiang Jianming obviously didn't want to fight with Xiao Hua anymore. He flew out of the jade cart into the air and raised his hand to sacrifice a blood-colored jade. This jade was a bit like a flying sword, but at the end were two book-like streamers.

Jiang Jianming sprayed in with a mouthful of blood, and the jade ware swirled in the **** mist, gradually condensing into the shape of a page, Jiang Jianming raised his hand and took out an ink pen.

There was no ink in the ink pen, and when the power of the writing force was urged, a **** mist rushed in front of the ink pen. Jiang Jianming sang: "The disciple Jiang Jianming, worship the ancestors of my group of Yulou, the disciple invites Dou Lan Zhan here, and the disciple is willing to fight with him. , Life and death don't count!"

After speaking, Jiang Jianming flicked his wrist and wrote his name on the page.

"Kachacha" A small thundercloud gushed out from where the ink brush fell, turning into a scarlet skeleton and stopped in the air.

"It's your turn!"

Jiang Jianming turned his head to look at Lan Zhan, and said with a disdainful tone.


Watching Lan Zhan tidy up his robe and fly out, Yue Yichun suddenly stopped Lan Zhan and said, "You are not his opponent! Let Xiao Zu go!"

A smile appeared on Lan Zhan’s icy stone face. He gently and very gently removed Yue Yichun’s hand and said, "This is my own challenge! Nothing to do with Xiao Zu!!!"

"Obviously Xiao Zu caused it!" Yue Yichun stomped and said, "Why do you have to get ahead?"

"How could Xiao Zu deal with this kind of trifles?" Lan Zhan glanced at Jiang Jianming, who was not far away, and said faintly, "This kind of golden jade is defeated by others, as long as I make a move!"


What more Yue Yichun had to say, Lan Zhan had already moved his figure, raised his right hand, and took out a short sword.

"be careful!!"

Yue Yichun knew that it would be vain to say anything else, so she bit her lips tightly and whispered!

"I know, you, don't worry!"

Lan Zhan naturally cherishes words like gold, but where he is inspired by his cultural power, there is a flash of sword light all over his body, just like Lan Zhan's boldness and determination.

"Nice boy!"

Xiao Hua looked at Lan Zhan's face absolutely, and couldn't help but admire.

Before Lan Zhan flew to the invitation note, he did not hold the pen. Instead, he swiped the dagger lightly on his arm, and the "brush" was splashed with blood. The blue dagger drew a beautiful arc in the air, stained with blood. While writing on the other side of the invitation note, he said: "Disciple Lan Zhan, thanks to Wufang Tiandi, today I am willing to gamble with Jiang Jianming, and die without regret!"

Where the Lan Zhan sword stopped, there was also bleeding mist, and the blood mist condensed into another blood-colored skeleton.

"Puff" Two blood-colored skeletons collided together and fell in two places. The names of Jiang Jianming and Lan Zhan were printed on the pages of the book!

"Keng!" The jade made the sound of golden ming, and then rushed straight to the sky, turning into a series of ghosts and disappearing.

"Yes," Jiang Jianming nodded as he watched the jade disappear, "I can't imagine that there are warriors in remote areas, but this kind of courage without judgment is nothing but recklessness."

"Humph!" Lan Zhan snorted coldly, and the whole body began to give birth to sword light, and said coldly, "It is useless to say more, see the truth under the sword!"

"Just rely on you?" Jiang Jianming raised his left hand, and a jade ruyi lifted it out, smiling, "Is it worthy of my sword? You think too much!"

Speaking of Jiang Jianming Jade Ruyi gave birth to light blue armor inscriptions, these armor inscriptions overlapped, like a chain, more like a rock, where the jade Ruyi waved, there will be a roar of thunder.

In the thunder, the inscription A shattered into pieces, and then the space around Lan Zhan started to vibrate.

A huge inscription-like mist emerged from the void, flying in the air like a meteor, sealing the space around Lan Zhan long ago!

Looking at Lan Zhan again, he didn't even look at the rolling clouds around him. He looked at Jiang Jianming only.

Seeing Jade Ruyi in Jiang Jianming's hands, Wen power stagnated slightly.

"Swish" Lan Zhan broke through the air, raised his short sword in his hand, and stab Jiang Jianming straight.

"Puff, puff~" The rays of glow were cut through.

"Papa Papa" was pierced one by one, and Lan Zhan was too fit to fit his sword!


Jiang Jianming was a little surprised. UU read because he knew in his heart that although he was waving Jade Ruyi, only the Xiayun Rolling Armor inscription was like a star, but in the space in front of his head, a lot of vitality had already condensed into a net. Blocked in the air.

Jiang Jianming didn't expect it, but Lan Zhan, who had just stepped into the second rank of Yuqing Immortal, could actually pierce this group of jade building secret techniques.

As for Lan Zhan, he did not expect that he would have such a mighty power under a single sword. He was pleasantly surprised and thanked Xiao Hua for his advice again.

Swordsman, go straight ahead!

This is the first sentence Xiao Hua said to Lan Zhan.

This is also what Lan Zhan often thinks of when he is practicing kendo.

He likes the smoothness of the sword, because this is his nature.

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