Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2440: Encounter

"That's right, that's right~" Xiao Hua thought of this, and suddenly she had a clear understanding, "The reason why jǐyán stayed in the Zhu Zhu, and Zhu fell into the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm, then did Jin Jǐyán follow Does Sanguang Shenshui matter?"

Thinking, Xiao Hua took out a drop of Sanguang Divine Water.

"Gah!" Jiao Jǐyán smelled the breath of the Sanguang Divine Water, gave a clear cry, opened his mouth and looked at Xiao Hua eagerly.

"Hey, it turned out to be a glutton!"

Xiao Hua smiled, and put a drop of Sanguang Divine Water into the mouth of Huohua.

The seven colors on the body surface of the hustle jǐyán flashed immediately, and the young body grew a little bigger visible to the naked eye.

"Gah~" Haoyu jǐyán opened his mouth and screamed again.

Xiao Hua understood that he had fed Qiu jǐyán seven drops of three-light divine water in succession, and he had closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly.

"Fortunately!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Although it is not easy to raise, but the Sanguang Shenshui here in Xiao Mou should be enough to raise it!"

With that said, Xiao Hua took out Lin Quan's Gao Yitu and included the embarrassment jǐyán. When Xiao Hua was about to enter, he smiled helplessly, and entered the space again.

Sure enough, the Jade Die Wenqu smiled and stood in the void. Seeing Xiao Hua, the jade Die coming in, the chief executive said: "Xiaosheng has seen fellow Taoists, counting time, fellow Taoists are about to leave Xuanpu, right?"

"Luoyi Business League disciples didn't tell the whereabouts of the poor Dao to fellow Daoists?"

Yu Di Wenqu was taken aback for a moment, and shrugged: "Xiaosheng didn't ask much about the Luoyi Business League, but he knew that the Taoist friends had also established a branch of the Luoyi Business League in Xuanpu."

Xiao Hua understood that the jade essay was stimulated by himself, and he has been practicing hard recently.

So Jade Diablo Xiao Hua handed all her recent income to Yu Di Wen Qudao: "Friends of Taoism, this is the income of the poor Dao's recent practice."

"I... I'll go!"

Looking at the art of accomplishing it in one go, Yu Di Wenqu cursed in disregard of his own image, "Dao Fellow, how did you get this secret technique for cultivation? These are secrets that are not passed down by the families!"

"Poor moral character is good!"

Xiao Hua smiled and told about the Lan family, Du family and Dong family.

"Oh!" Yu Diwen said in a song, "I have to say that Taoist Fellows are very lucky. Xiaosheng has also helped several families before, but none of them are as knowledgeable as Lan Fan, and those families have nothing special. Background."

"Where is the twelfth floor of Five Cities?"

Xiao Hua asked.

"The Twelfth Floor is too strong!" Yu Di Wenqu said, "Unless you visit their immortal gate, they won't pay attention at all, and is it possible for Xiaosheng to visit?"

"Didn't Thunder worship Chongxuan Mountain? You can too!"

"No, no," Yu Di Wenqu waved his hand, "The twelfth floor of the Heavenly Court is still different from Daoxian's immortal gate. You will know when you meet the Dao friends."

"That's right~" Xiao Hua suddenly asked, "What is the Choice of Apocalypse?"

"The Choice of Apocalypse is the most extensive selection in the Heavenly Court. It is an examination to select outstanding talents from all over the Heavenly Court," said Yu Di Wenqu. "This kind of all-interface event is divided into six times from low-level to high-level, respectively. It's Bo Xuan, Mao Xuan, Jun Xuan, Ying Xuan, Xian Xuan, Wise Xuan!"

"Taoist in Xuanpu, it should be the lowest selection~"

"No more, no more~" Seeing that the jade diary's literary and music was complicated, Xiao Hua hurriedly waved her hand, "Don't go into details, poor way is curiosity."

"Oh, I thought fellow Taoists wanted to participate!" Yu Di Wenqu laughed, "This Apocalyptic Selection is actually similar to the imperial examinations of Confucianists in the world, but the scale is many times larger. By the way, this Apocalyptic There seems to be a popular name for election, called Tianwen, which means'I will ask Tiangong to trump again and drop talents in an eclectic style'!"

Yu Di Wenqu talked to Yu Di Xiao Hua for a while, and Yu Di Xiao Hua asked again: "There is no news about the pavilion in Zhou Xiaoming's memory?"

"No!" Yu Di Wenqu shook his head, and then said, "If, as the Taoist friends said, Lan Yu is the master of the Shangqing Palace, this memory may be related to Lan Yu, and Lan Yu disappeared after leaving Xuanpu. This pavilion Probably near Xuhuangcheng."

"Well, this is what Peng Dao thought!" said Xiao Hua, Yu Di, "Pan Dao can only look for the trail of Lan Yu to see what he can find!"

"It can only be so!"

As the jade divine literary song said, he left after giving the ceremony. He actually wanted to ask Xiao Hua when he would use Luo Tian and the red protactinium pillow. But think about it, Xiao Hua's Confucian cultivators are not as strong as a book immortal, so he used Luo Tian. He cultivates, or he cultivates with himself!

Xiao Hua also escaped from the space, still taking out Lin Quan Gao Yitu, his figure fell into it, and he entered the third level with the embarrassment jǐyán and began to practice.

When Xiao Hua was pleasantly surprised, Huo Jiao jǐyán was by his side, which not only attracted the rhyme of Sanguan, but the rhyme of Sanguang was like a kind of incomparable stimulating and evolving object. Various mysteries appeared in the evolution of Xiao Hua’s rhyme. "Yuanxu Wuqi Tu" is more like a magical brush, with changes that Xiao Hua could not estimate.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua released the shadow body, changed the hundred million curse, and urged it in one go, and started practicing with all his strength.

As for Xiao Hua's mind, he still got out of his body and entered Luliu to realize it.

After not knowing how long it took, Xiao Hua's heart moved, opened his eyes, and looked outside with a wry smile, "This month Yichun, didn't you say not to disturb? Those who met colleagues were so excited?"

After speaking, Xiao Hua still closed her eyes, ignoring Yue Yichun's voice transmission outside.

Yueyi Junben is a dumbfounded person, if someone else called out a few times, he would have understood it long ago, why not go back quickly?

It’s good for others to have a pure moon, one time can’t be done twice, two time can’t be done three times...

"This kid!"

Xiao Hua was extremely helpless, so she turned into a Confucian body and flew out, still muttering in her mouth, "If you are not the reincarnation of Ewha, see if I won't screw your head off!"

Xiao Hua's mind and Confucian figure showed Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and said angrily: "Don't shout, my ears are all cocooned, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Zu, Xiao Zu~" Yue Yichun exclaimed excitedly, "We met a group of experienced disciples from the Yulou. He knows you are always there and wants to see you!"

"Oh, you stupid girl!"

Although Xiao Hua's Mind Confucian statue is not in the quiet room, UU reads, but he is there. What happened inside the jade cart, after the Xiao Hua's Mind Confucian statue came out, everyone knows clearly.


Xiao Hua agreed and stepped out of the quiet room.

At this moment, there was a lot of laughter from the jade car, like the space of the hall. A young male fairy was sitting on the jade chair with flying brows. He seemed to be saying something, and several people nearby laughed with him.

Only Lan Zhan lowered his head slightly and bit his lip, looking out of tune with the lively atmosphere.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Zu~"

Seeing Xiao Hua coming out with Yue Yichun, the young male fairy smiled slightly and got up slightly. Although he bowed his hands, he said with unspeakable pride, "Xiaoshengqun Yulou Jiang Jianming has seen Xiao Zu."

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