Revival of the Gods

Chapter 227: greedy

At the same time, Wei Ming’s hands and his fists were on his own eyes. “铿铿” a few sounds of Jinming’s voice, the strange rune of the size of the thumb began to appear in his eyes, and the runes were settled. The pale yellow spots were born in the depths of Wei Ming's eyes, and the eyes were gradually losing their feelings, turning into a yellowish!

About a few interest rates, "brushing brush" blue 涟漪 涟漪 光 光 光 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧There is a protective needle in the shape of the bone inside the baby body!

"Oh?" Wei Ming was surprised. He couldn't help but sound, and Xiao Hua's left hand was also slightly moved.

But fortunately, Wei Ming only said a word, and there was no change, and two yellow lights in the eyes fell on Xiaohua's baby body!

After half a cup of tea, the blue glow disappeared on the bronze mirror, and Wei Ming’s face was strange. He thought a little, and it was a fairy swaying. After the celestial scorpion hit the bronze mirror, the "嗡嗡" bronze mirror began to bloom purple...

There are half an hour, blue, purple, orange, yellow and green. The six kinds of light and shadow are born separately. Wei Ming’s face is more and more ugly. Not only is the yellow light column in his eyes dimmed, but the silver is also weak.

"Ren Xianyou..." Wei Ming finally incited the seventh immortal, and smiled bitterly. "The old man is a discount this time. If the last one is to explore the fairy light, you can't make meritorious work, indicating that you have not been marked on the body."

"Well, um, understand!" Xiao Hua also understood in the light and shadow, nodded, "There will be another thank you."

"Hey, Xianyou is refreshing!!" Wei Ming smiled, and the last fairy sang hit, waiting for the green halo to slowly pass Xiaohua's baby body, Wei Ming whispered, "Ah! Really..."

Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly looked down. He saw only the inside of his baby body. The traces of light that were hidden in the sky were like the return of autumn. It seemed to be unintentional and sad.

After receiving the bronze mirror, Wei Ming looked a little wilting. He took an elixir and closed his eyes for retreat. But when he saw his whole body, the silver light poured out like a wave, gradually covering his fairy body.

Xiao Hua looked at her eyes and flashed countless thoughts in her mind. One of them was to kill Wei Ming! After all, he knows that Xiao Hua is a fairy baby, and under the inspection of the fairy, he can see how much Xiao Hua is secret, Xiao Hua is not clear.

However, the thought flashed, Xiao Hua discarded it, although Wei Ming had greed, but he helped himself after all, how could he possibly kill it?

"The method of the palm of the palace is really brilliant!" Xiao Hua secretly said, "Even if the celestial celestial device of the Heavenly Temple is to be mobilized after seven heavy-handed explorations. Since I know that there is a sign on the baby body, Xiao must think of a way... ”

When it comes to the method, Xiao Hua is worried again. Fang Zheng said clearly that the signs on the baby body cannot be removed at all. What should I do?

About a meal, Wei Ming Zhou Yinguang slowly converge, Xiao Hua rushed to take out another crystal roll and handed it up, accompanied by a smile: "Thank you Wei Daren shot, Ren is grateful."

"Hey..." Wei Ming took over the crystal roll, and received it without looking at it. He sighed. "Your enemy looks very powerful, and it is beyond the old man's thoughts."

“Adult...” Xiao Hua asked, “Can you clear this sign?”

"It is impossible to clear the fear!" Wei Ming shook his head. "The old man has never heard that the sign on the baby body can be removed. But the fairy friend can find a way to cover up..."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "I don't know what the adults have?"

"This..." Wei Ming hesitated and said, "The old man's method doesn't know that it doesn't work!"

Xiao Hua smiled, if it is possible to say it regardless of Wei Ming? He hurriedly put on a crystal roll, Wei Mingcai slowly said: "Xianyou can find a clever baby care armor to cover this hidden sign, but the effect of baby care is limited, and many times will leak the marked atmosphere. Oh, If the other party is good at exploring the fairy, it can also be explored!

"I am going!" Xiao Hua listened to almost vomiting blood, and a crystal roll changed this sentence.

“Do adults have recommended baby care?”

"Sorry, the old man is not a fairy baby, don't understand these..." Wei Ming waved his hand and said, "You still have to find the fairy babies to ask. Right, the old man is losing too much power and needs to adjust the number of yuan. Go and talk to Fang Hong!"

When hearing Wei Ming send the guest, Xiao Hua hurriedly got up and thanked him for leaving the hall.

Looking at Xiao Hua's back, Wei Ming's face showed a hint of surprise. As soon as he raised his hand, he took out an ink fairy from the bag. He looked into the moment and whispered: "This is the body of the baby." The signs left are obviously coming, the old man has never seen it, and there is no such mark in the temples of Tianzun. Where does this sign come from? How can the general dust fairy hide such a deep mark? No matter where it comes from, the left and right husbands have already made a promise, and it is impossible to say it!"

When Wei Ming said that he had collected the ink, he used his hands to push the gongs, and when he saw the silver in his body, he suddenly gave birth. Wei Ming suddenly opened his eyes and took out another red in the bag. Mo Xianyu, but after a moment of watching, Wei Ming’s eyes lit up and shouted: “I will say it! This sign is definitely a way to go, otherwise how can you let the patrols come out to pay for the light and shadow? It turns out that this is The scent of the palm of the hand! But this smudge is also unusual, the palm of the palace can not flow freely, and how can the palm of the palace be a shot of a missed fairy? If it is the palm of the palace, then ... That is why the murder of the enemy is not the rule of the palace!! Damn..."

Wei Ming’s face showed anger, but during the count, he browed and smiled. “This **** Ren Xiaoyao is a good old man, but he also gave the old man a great opportunity. The old man is not worried. Opportunity to contact the fairy goddess of the Taoist Temple, isn’t this a chance to be a ruler? It’s okay to take care of it, or to send a message!”

"... However, this matter cannot be completely determined. After all, Ren Xiaoyao is the Dan Dao Meng Dan, if someone else took the scent of the palm of the hand? Then, waited back to the temple, and sent a message to the palace. Look at the situation and say..."

Poor Xiao Hua, although he found a smudge mark, but he once thought that he had just come out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf hole, Wei Ming did not smash his baby body, but the humanity of the palm of the palace made him covet.

Xiao Hua flew out of the hall, Fang Hong still waited there, he hurriedly flew over and smiled: "How?"

“Thank you for your old predecessors!” Xiao Hua’s body said, “Yan’s question has an answer.”

"That's good, that's good!" Fang Hong is obviously very happy, pulling Xiaohua's sleeves, "Go, let me celebrate for you!"

"Cough..." Xiao Hua hurriedly waved. "Celebration will not be necessary. The old predecessors have contributed a lot to this. If there is anything in the future, please let me know. Anyone who can help will never give up."

"Oh, there is no such thing as a fairy friend." Fang Hong laughed. "There is nothing to ask for the fairy friend. If the fairy friend has the heart, remember the old man's feelings, and you can make a remedy for the old man." ”

"This is no problem!" Xiao Hua promised, "Yan Mou has no tokens for the time being. If the seniors need to take a shot, they can pass the Dan Dao League to any of them!"

"A word is fixed!" Fang Hong was overjoyed, arched, "Go, let you leave the buds of the buds!"

"Leaving the buds of the buds?" Xiao Hua stunned.

Fang Hong looked around and said: "The things in the group of Yinshan are more complicated. The deacon of the Zhuangzhuang is in the midst of life and death. The fairy friend is a Dan teacher, or don't mix it."

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned and nodded: “That’s the case, Ren Mou thanked the seniors for their good intentions.”

Xiao Hua followed Fang Hong just flew a few thousand feet, the edge of the three-color light and shadow, a shuttle flying like electricity, a fat dusty monster above the shuttle shouted: "The big butler, the group Yinshan has an urgent report ......"

"Yan Xianyou waited a little!" Hearing was an urgent report, Fang Hong did not dare to neglect, hurriedly stopped, took the scent of the flames from the dust fairy, and waited for his face to change slightly after he finished reading. Apologetic to Xiao Huadao, "Ren Xianyou, I am sorry, they found a fire array when they explored the group of Yinshan. The ordinary fire can't control..."

"Well!" What can Xiao Hua say? He only nodded, "Yu is willing to try!"

"Well..." Fang Hong said to the fat dusty fairy Since there are new discoveries in Qun Yin Mountain, then inform the two deacons and the three deacons, let them bring the invited friends together. I hope to unveil the mystery of the group Yinshan as soon as possible. ”

Fat Dust Fairy went, Fang Hong left Xiao Hua waiting, and he went to Wei Ming alone. It was about half a cup of tea, and all the cents gathered together. Fang Zheng and Fang Ye each offered a shuttle, carrying the cents. Going east.

Xiao Hua thought that the group was too far away to use the shuttle, but who knew that it had just flown a meal, and the two shuttles stopped over a continuous hill. The hills in the rain show the color of blue ink, just like the immortal painted with ink pens, the bluestone buildings on the hills are dotted with flowers that look like mushrooms after the rain. A few dust fairy feet flew out in the hills of Qingyun, and welcomed them respectfully.

Fangye whispered a few words to them, and said to Wei Ming and other immortals: "Several guest secrets in Xinzhuang have been investigating for a while, they are now blocked by a fire, and Wei Daren is invited to help..."

Fang Zheng was dissatisfied with the sweep of the industry, respectfully said: "Wei Daren please..."

Wei Ming waved: "Don't worry, the old man feels that he is not in a hurry to go to the fire. After the old man went to the buds of the mountain, whether it is the three deacons or the big butler, the things about the group Yinshan are unknown. The old man still puts the yin yin Let's figure it out!"

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