Revival of the Gods

Chapter 195: Demon spirit

The hurricane at the cave was really powerful. With Qiu Bochong's strength, the light and shadow of his body was torn and broken. In particular, because the hurricane is different, each light and shadow is broken, and the light around Qiu Bochong is bright. It is also like a wave of ups and downs.

"Oh..." Qiu Bochong urged Xianli to resist, but his heart was a dark smile. "The heart of the hole is so powerful. The fairy body of the little girl who is licking the ice is afraid of being greatly damaged! The old man is fighting but Binglian, clean up this. The little girl is also out of my heart!"

The heart of the casting heart is dark and dull, but it is close to the sky, the space is suddenly bright, and there is a shimmer. A fairy with a size of several tens of thousands is forbidden in a few hurricanes. The shimmer is grainy, the gloss in different places is different, and it looks like a huge sand dune!

"Uncle Shi, it's here!" Zhibo looked at the distance, and said in a hurry.

"Yeah!" Qiu Bochong should stop.

Zhibo took out the fairy charm, and under the impetus of Xianli, the fairy symbolized into a triangular Qingyun flight to the distant ban.

"噗" fairy charms are like a stone thrown into the water, a faint wave of ripples on the sand dunes, but in an instant, a triangular outline of a thousand feet appears!

Qiu Bochong smiled and looked inside, while Zhibo urged Xianli, Yang said: "Don't sin the disciples, I am..."

Still not waiting for Zhibo to finish, "唧唧" inside the ban, two screams of the soul of the soul were born, Zhibo fairy trembled, could not help but fall from the air, Qiu Bochong was full of silver, the mouth called " The obstacles...", the big hand went forward and turned into hundreds of feet to grab the ban.

Qiu Bochong saw clearly that Xian, a fairy with a dark and strange texture inside, was looking at himself with a pair of eyes.

However, before the big hand of Qiu Bochong rushed past the ban, but within the ban, the sound of the roar of "嗡嗡", immediately a cluster of silver light is like a star, the space inside the ban is illuminated, one The dark silver fist is like a meteor flying out of the inside, and the "bang" is hit on the big hand of Qiu Bochong.

Outside the rumor, the space oscillated, the light and shadow seemed to be broken like a broken candle, and the fist and the big hand hit the waves. It is a pity that all this is like a flash in the hurricane, and it is instantly blown down.

However, Qiu Bochong's silver flashes "whistling", his fairy body is falling toward the rear.

"" Qiu Bochong's face changed greatly, and within the ban, the silver light flashed, and the ice surface flew out without expression, watching the body of the ice celestial body look silvery, it seems that there is Da Yan The image is hidden, Qiu Bochong can not help but whisper, "Are you actually stepping into the fairy?"

However, after Qiu Bochong exclaimed, his gaze was on the fairy mark between the eyes of Bing Bing, if there was no black texture, and there was some black smoke behind the fairy, even if it was smoky. The wind did not break, he immediately woke up and laughed loudly: "The old man understands, you use the technique of fairy-hearted demon, although the strength is leaps and bounds, but the power of the demon spirit invades the fairy baby, together with the fairy body is also infected. Haha, this is self-confidence..."

"Oh..." 朔 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸 脸

"Hey..." Where will Qiu Bochong care about her? He only sneered, and his whole body was silvery, and a faint Qinglong virtual shadow was born. Qiu Bochong's body shape turned into a glimpse of water and disappeared.

Qiu Bochong actually did not care about Zhibo's death and death, and he used the technique of water shovel to escape the heart of the heart!

朔 眼 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 见 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼

"The uncle is forgiving, the uncle is forgiving..." But he felt a murderous body, and the spirit of Yan Xianqiang was in the hurricane, and Zhibo couldn’t resist the heart. He shouted, "The disciple is Desperate to let the uncle come out..."

"Hey!" 朔 轻 轻 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The light couldn't resist the ghost of the ice, and the cold hand had already caught his throat.

"Hey..." 朔 腋 腋 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双

Outside the heart-throwing hole, there is no difference from the previous one, except that at a high altitude, a star-shaped red-red light and shadow flashes rapidly, and the light and shadow are tiled, covering it all around, even if it is a hurricane, it cannot be blown away!

"唉" 朔 第二 second sigh, she looked at the familiar light and shadow, knowing that Qiu Bochong released the warning, and then the wings spread to a place to fly. Both the heart and the hole, the hurricane in the ice eye is like a scorn, but half a meal and the edge of the hurricane.

Out of the hurricane area, smashing the ice and throwing Zhibo in the air, said faintly: "You go by yourself!"

"More... Thank you..." Zhibo snorted, swearing in the mouth, rushing to fly away, and Zhibo flew away in the direction of dozens of light and shadow flying. Zhibo knows that he is a tiger's mouth to escape, if not luck today, encounter Qiu Bochong, and go with him to cast a heart hole, Yan Bing will never let him go!

"Hey..." Yan Bing looked at the light and shadow that flew around, the third sigh, whispered, "People are not as good as days, I just want to use the hurricane to practice, and when the sentence is over, I will release the disciples. I can't imagine myself taking the time to go, but... I didn't expect that I had just stepped into Yanxian, and my disciples came to lift the ban. I was afraid that Master would also take care of my ban. At this time, I can't abandon Master and let. Her old man’s guilty!"

Having said that, Yan Bing turned to look in one direction, and his eyes gave a complex look. The corner of his mouth was filled with a bitter smile. He said: "This is also good. He is just a five-line celestial being, and Tian Zunfu is a common fairy. How is it possible? It’s easy to see 樾臻天尊? It’s still early from the appointed time. When he comes, I will turn into a loess and be quiet.”

"Bold and ice..." In the distance, there are already disciples flying in the palm of your hand. Seeing that the ice is standing in the air, you have already let out the punishment of the celestial singer. "If you don't have a hand, you will!!"

The ice covered the wings, the cold eyes looked like a fairy, there was no fear, and many of the criminals flew out, surrounded by a lot of space, and a roar of the sound of the four wild sounds: "Who dares to move my disciple!" !!"

"Master..." snorted in the mouth of the ice, tears in his eyes, she would rather return to Qingyunfeng to be punished, and did not listen to Guan Tianyue's suggestion to escape, isn't it for this master who wants to be his own?

A slightly thin female fairy hurriedly flew, this female fairy looks more beautiful than ice, more frosty...

There are a lot of suspended palaces on the edge of Qingyun Mountain. Inside the palace is a fairy tales. From time to time, there are sapphire disciples flying in and out of different palaces. On this day, a suspended palace in the north, a striking silver light flashed out of the palace, slightly recognizing the direction of the road to the depths of Qingyun Mountain. However, it was a moment. Silver light passed through a few mountains and reached a peak with a few hundred thousand feet. Before he could approach, two swords were shot from the mountain, and the path was in front of the silver light. The voice screamed: "Stop! Qingzhufeng is the internal access control, not called by the inner teacher, can not be close!"

"Well..." A voice from the silver light in the silver light stood in the air, the light and shadow overflowed, a person with a foot of four hundred feet exposed.

Seeing that the light and shadow are so huge, the two swords tremble quickly and converge, and two immortal disciples who are less than a hundred feet are revealed from the inside. They hurriedly prayed: "Before... the ancestors forgive sins!"

"Brush!" Hundreds of people's body shape and silver gradually converge, and the body shape is rapidly shrinking. When the size is reduced to more than 100 feet, the appearance of the immortal has been clearly seen. Isn't it the Guantian Yue?

"No problem!" Guan Tian said a little faintly, "The old man came to meet Ebi Lian, you will report it."

"Yes, yes..." the two disciples replied in a hurry. "The seniors waited a little, and the younger generation immediately confessed to the ancestors."

Seeing one of the disciples to be rumored, Guan Tian said in a hurry: "Oh, yes, let’s say something to E. Bilian, don’t be alarmed by other immortals!"

"This..." The disciple was a little embarrassed and said, "When the predecessors came to Qingzhufeng, how can I ask Yi Feng to come with him, otherwise it would be too rude!"

"Don't, don't, don't..." Guan Tianyue listened to and quickly waved. "The last time the old man came to accompany him, the old man was extremely embarrassed. Now the old man is only Yanxian strength. Let Ebi Bian come over! Oh, if Yi Feng is blamed, it means the old man!"

"Well, the younger generation understands the meaning of the predecessors!" The disciple received the communication fairy, accompanied by a smile, "the younger generation took the predecessors in the past!"

However, it was a moment of flight. Guan Tian was more curious: "Is Epililian not in Qingzhufeng?"

"The teacher's ancestors are still in Qingzhufeng!" explained one disciple. "But today her old man is in the brothel of Xizhangfeng..."

“囹圄院?” Guan Tianyue asked casually, “What is she doing in the brothel?”

"This..." At this time, the two disciples felt that it was not right, and said in a hurry, "The seniors waited a little, and the younger generations sent a message to the teacher."

Guan Tian was surprised and asked: "Do you want to hide something, tell the old man what happened?"

"Predecessors..." The disciple replied with some fear. "This is my Qingyumen house, and I also invite seniors..."

"Shut up!" Guan Tianyue is gentle, but he doesn't feel good. He is anxious. "Is it ice?"

The disciple sneaked and asked: "Before... the seniors know the ice?"

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