Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1783: You in her heart, she in your blood

Latest website: "Take dozens of Yanxian for our 60,000 Immortal Army," Jiang Zibo said coldly, "the Shen family's plan is really a bit delusional!"

Said, Jiang Zibo turned to Jiang Shuang and said, "Quickly send a message to the clan. Since the Shen family is going to fight, then fight !!!"

"Yes ..." Jiang Shuang hurriedly passed the message.

Jiang Yuchao also tempted again: "The disciples of the Shen family were completely destroyed, so there was no news from the Shen family. They did not know how many immortal soldiers the Jiang family had broken. In this case, the disciples thought it was better to push the boat down the river!"

"Nice!" Jiang Zibo nodded. "After the disciples have finished their rest, they all enter the martial arts fairy. Just when my Jiang family has 60,000 immortal soldiers destroyed! Only you can escape from birth!"

"Uncle," Jiang Shuang hurried not far away, "the clan asked who saved our fairy soldiers."

"Let's be honest!" Jiang Zibo slightly replied.

As a result, Jiang Shuang could only say a few words, and flew back in a hurry: "Uncle, the elder wants to tell you in person!"

"Elder ..." Jiang Zibo frowned. "What do you have to say?"

"Do you know Xiao Yuexiao of the team?"

"The disciples don't know!" Jiang Zibo replied without hesitation. "But when the disciples asked for the host of the deputy Yin Temple, Yin Xiao, Lord Xiao was also here. So when Lord Xiao brought his relatives to the lower bound to inspect the trail of the demon soldiers, he met me Jiang What happened to the ambush at home ... began to do it! Later, Lord Xiao called his disciples to the past, briefly asked the owner of the arrangement of the Heavenly Palace, and then hurried away. "

"Damn!" The elder scolded in the messenger, "Zibo, you don't have a long head, but Master Yuexiao, holding heavy soldiers, why don't you wait well?"

"I ..." Jiang Zibo was really a little bitter. He just saw Xiao Hua as Xiao Hua and didn't realize that Xiao Hua was still Xiao Zhen, even Xiao Yuexiao.

"The old man just listened. The Shen family decided to fight with my Jiang family to the end. The ambush in the sea is a signal. Tianzun Mansion will not control it!" The elder said bitterly. "My **** family is not afraid of Shen family, but I am ginger. It ’s easy for the family to have the support of an adult Yue Xiao, and it is easy to kill some disciples of the Shen family! Zibo, do you understand? "

"The disciple understands!" Jiang Zibo said in a hurry, "the disciple also asked Xiao Yuexiao to send an immortal device, but ... they won't give it!"

"Okay," said the elder, "you first visit the area in charge of my Jiang family according to the arrangement of the Taoist Heavenly Palace. The old man falsely accused the Lord of the Sejie family, and then you are ready to contact Xiao Yuexiao with your disciples in the clan!

"Okay ... okay!" What can Jiang Zibo say?

"Uncle," Jiang Yuchao watched Jiang Shuang receive the messenger, and gently asked Jiang Zibo, "The senior was Xiao Yuexiao just now. Should it be his subordinates who killed Xuemeng?"

"It should be!" Jiang Zibo shook his head. "His subordinate, the old man has never seen it."

"Almost Bu Yao?"

"I really don't know about this!" Jiang Zi asked questions without any knowledge, and then rushed to Jiang Shuang, "You arrange it and put the remaining immortal soldiers into the space fairy."

Let's say Jiang Meihua just got on the fairy boat. He fell on his knees with a "thump", and said with tears in his eyes: "My lord, I beg you ..."

"Get up!" Xiao Hua hurriedly pulled him up and said, "I know what you are going to say. Lilac is of course the fairy in your heart. She is also the last friend of Xiao Mouwei. Xiao Mou has no reason to stand by and watch! , You and I love brothers, even if Xiao does not know Lilac, he will definitely help you! "

"Okay!" Jiang Meihua got up, her eyes flushed, and whispered, "I don't see it at first, and I don't feel anything. When I returned to the fairyland, I thought of looking for a chance to scare her and make her look at me. But ... She fell and I suddenly felt like a knife twisting, and I knew she lived in my heart long ago! "

"She lives in your heart!" Xiao Hua said, "She is part of your bloodline!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Meihua froze.

"How did you make your own original Tibetan stele, don't you know?" Xiao Hua explained, "How can the level of the semi-suspended child make you regain your soul? If you don't have the essence of clove, you still don't know where!"

Xiao Hua will later wake up Jiang Meihua and say in 1510.

Such as Jiang Meihua, can not help but tears again, so immortal in this life, what is the need for a husband?

"Come on!" Xiao Hua finished, pointed at Kunlun Mirror, released the black bear, and ordered a few words, Jiang Meihua, who he brought, entered the space.

In the fairyland of space, the fairy marks of lilac float in the midair, surrounded by a seal that Jiang Meihua cannot see.

"Sir," Jiang Meihua bit her lip, suppressing the sadness in her heart, and whispered, "The fairy mark of lilac is still there, should it be possible to reshape the fairy body?"

"It is logically possible," said Yu Hua, Xiao Hua, raising his hand a little, the lilac fairy marks glowed silver, and the fairy marks bloomed like petals. When Jiang Meihua could see clearly that the blood strands within the fairy marks were tied like a rope, he Startled.

Sure enough, Yuhua Xiaohua's Huafeng turned around, "However, the blood is too powerful, the cloves are not intermediate, and her fairy marks cannot resist the blood stains. At this time, the fairy marks, to be honest, can no longer be used. ... "

Speaking of it, Xiao Hua from Jade Puppet gently, the silver light on the immortal marks fell like petals withered. When the silver light disappeared, the immortal marks also disappeared, and the seal was empty!

"Sir," Jiang Meihua said anxiously, "What should I do?"

"Your essence!" Yu Hua Xiao Hua calmly said.

"Yes, sir!" Jiang Meihua didn't want to, and hurriedly patted her chest, and a drop of apical blood flew out!

The essence of blood fell inside the seal, and a bang sounded, and a faint blood shadow was born like a bean.

"The lilac spirit is also eroded," explained Yu Hua Xiaohua. "But with your essence and blood nourishing, the old man will find a way to slowly restore her spirit."

"What about the frozen fairy body?" Jiang Meihua asked impatiently.

Yuhuan Xiao Hua actually has another fairy baby unused, but this fairy baby is Xiao Hua's puppet. Yuhuan Xiao Hua can't believe how cloves use this puppet, what do they do!

So Yuhua Xiaohua still said: "Condensation of the immortal body is still experienced. You do n’t have to worry, first raise the lilac spirit. I ’ll wait to find the spiritual roots and fill the sky. It's solid, and she helps her to solidify, and promises to return you a lively ice waterfall fairy! "

If it ’s normal, Jiang Meihua said he would n’t be embarrassed, but at this time he looked at the lilac spirit with care, and carefully said, “Is there any other secret technique for adults, so that lilac can continue to cultivate now?”

"Naturally!" Yuhua Xiao Hua thought for a moment, raised her hand a little, a ray of golden light fell into the lilac soul, and said, "This is the chapter of the elemental spirit, which is the ancient family's practice of spiritual soul. Let her realize it first. ! "

"Thank you, sir!" Jiang Meihua wanted to laugh, but he couldn't smile when he looked at Lilac, and urged, "Sir, where can we get Linggen and Bu Tianshi?"

Yuhuan Xiao Hua suddenly thought about the appearance of a stupid person in the Yuan Dynasty, mysteriously said, "Tian Wu Ling Tian Shu Ling can congeal the bones, and Zi Xuan Pan Prison makes up for itself!"

"What?" Jiang Meihua suddenly understood and called. "Tianxianxianyu? Zixuanxianyu? Why are we all in Huang Zengtian, let's go."

"Moji ..." Yuhua Xiaohua laughed, "Clove Wen has a long time to raise her soul, and we have plenty of time. And, it's just a ritual and rooting stone, it should be easy, you might as well find it first Yuxian and other business alliances will take a look and say. "

"Also!" Jiang Meihua nodded. "There should be ready-made commercial associations for these things, so we don't need to find them ourselves."

"You don't need to worry about the clove thing!" Yu Huan Xiao Hua said, "This is the best thing about it, you still practice the battle array!"

"Well, even if I want to control, I have no energy," Jiang Meihua sighed. "Everything is working."

Yuhuan Xiao Hua got out of the space, and the black bear was still quietly sailing. He glanced at Xiao Hua and smiled loyally: "Master, you always look too tired!"

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua casually sat down and sighed, "No more than we were in the four major continents before. The immortals of the immortal world live longer than mortals, their minds are more cunning and their strengths are more than one Great, an accidental chance fell into their calculations. "

"No matter how good they are, they can't escape the palm of the master!" Black Bear said with a smile.

"Hey," Xiao Hua smiled, and then said, "The old man's fortune is also expanding, and there are more and more things to worry about. Of course, these can also allow Liu Yi to do them, but the big things are still I need to worry about the old man ... "

Listening to Xiao Hua's puppet, Black Bear Jing occasionally interposed to say the last sentence, just like pulling a house.

After flying so aimlessly for a long time, Xiao Hua suddenly lowered his head, looked at the armor, and then raised his hand a little, a messenger flying out.

Looking at the shimmering fairy, Xiao Hua said with joy on his face: "What I really want!"

As Xiao Hua raised his hand and patted on the messaging fairy, a strange fairy voice came out from the inside: "Is it Lord Xiao?"

"Who are you?" Xiao Hua asked with a frown, ~ ~ In the next line, the League will exchange orders with Yang Liu! The voice laughed, "After the free transfer of Master Xiao's formation to the Alliance, the elders in the alliance attach great importance to it, and the special faction contacted the adult! After receiving the news that the adult came to the Palace of Desires, I hurried to it. I do n’t know where the adult is now. Is it convenient? "

"Master Yang Zhen is now in the Palace of Desire?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Yes, I just arrived."

"Yes!" Xiao Hua looked at the messenger in his hand, "I can't think of you as a messenger in the Alliance."

"This is nothing. If the adults like it, my alliance can give the sacrifice to the adults for free."

"Okay," Xiao Hua laughed. "Yang Zhenshi and later in the Palace of Desire, Xiao Mou returned to Sejietian and summoned Yang Shishi."

"Good!" Yang Liu chuckled, shutting down the messenger.

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