Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1780: Jiang Family's Army Ambush

Latest website: "Xia Qing," Jiang Yuchao looked back, looked at the immortal soldiers flying steadily around, and asked, "Is there any answer to the exploration pioneer?"

"Yes!" Xia Qing's **** were well-formed. "The finals have just received a rumor. They have already flown over the Liuyu Mountains and reached the edge of the mainland. This Liuyu Mountain is the last obstacle to fly to the edge of the mainland. The end of the ice sea will make them inspect around the ice sea to see if there is anything unusual! "

"Very good!" Jiang Yuchao reached out and patted Xia Qing's shoulder, and said, "Your greatest strength is still thoughtful, good. After the old man unloaded the immortal army, the immortal army will be given to you!"

"Thank you, Master!" Xia Qing's grateful expression appeared on his face, and he whispered, "The end's grace to carry the Lord is memorable!"

"Well," looking at the gratitude on Xia Qing's face, Jiang Yuchao knew that it was fake, but he couldn't help but feel relieved. He couldn't help sighing, turned to look at another place, since he and Bing After the waterfall fairy said, the ice waterfall fairy became colder, almost even Jiang Yuchao didn't come!

"Sometimes it is too arrogant and too high, so it may not be a good thing!" Jiang Yu said in secret, "This fairyland, maybe a better city!"

When he arrived at the Binghai in no surprise, Jiang Yuchao was completely at ease. Binghai was the place where the male continent flew to the continent of Jiangxi. Jiang Yuchao had already received the Xiantu from Tianzun Mansion, and 60,000 immortal soldiers lined up. It should be easy to pass.

In particular, the Shen family worried by Jiang Yuchao didn't show up at all.

"Perhaps the elders are too careful!" Jiang Yu said in a secret way. "Recently, the Jiang family and Shen Jiaming have been fighting too much, and the Shen family is obviously in a disadvantage. Now my Jiang family came to Jiang Yan to destroy the demons in the mainland. Fate, if they have a different heart, they obviously don't put the Taoist heavenly palace in their eyes! "

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuchao suddenly gave birth to a slightly ridiculous thriller, and said, "Oh my god, Uncle Zibo won't use my 60,000 immortal soldiers as a bait, and it's good for him to do it. Use the power of the Taoist Heavenly Palace to strike against the Shen family ???

"If this is the case, the Shen family will be very injured, but ... my Xianjun will also be damaged a lot!"

"But fortunately, it has reached the edge of Jiang Yan's continent. This may no longer exist!"

Jiang Yuchao looked at the whole team of Xian Bing and was going to follow the route given by the Celestial Officials of Tianzun Mansion. He rushed to Xia Qing and said, "Xia Qing, quickly send to Zibo Uncle, Jiang Shuang, and see where they are?" "

"Sir." It did not surprise Jiang Yuchao, Xia Qing replied, "The general has already been summoned, but the icy sea is turbulent, and the messenger cannot pass. I don't know if they are in Jiangxi mainland!"

"Also!" Jiang Yuchao looked at the celestial boat that had been urged, and flew up to the road. "Pass me a command and set off immediately, be careful on the road!"

"Yes, sir!" Xia Qing took the lead, and all the disciples sent all the disciples to the fairy boat, and then inspired the defense to rush into the ice.

Binghai is not the kind of tile that spreads on the ground, but covers the whole world, except that there are occasional broken space fragments in the ice sea, which is a little waterless.

The entire icy sea was blue, and the fairy boat flew in, flashing red flames, crushing the ice and struggling hard.

"Be alert." After about half a cup of tea, the surrounding space debris gradually increased, Xianzhou rushed into the debris, the speed increased, Jiang Yuchao frowned, "You don't have to be too aggressive, just keep calm!"

"Adults are more concerned." Xia Qing laughed, "When the end will get Xiantu, he has carefully asked the Celestial Officials of Tianzun Mansion. Even if this ice sea is not dangerous, as long as it is Yanxian, it can pass. And this ice sea The ice crystals seem to be frozen, but in fact they are all flowing. Just when Xianzhou passed, it should be seen by adults, and the surface of the ice crystals is solid. Even if someone wants to ambush us, they cannot line up in the ice sea ... "

"Well," Jiang Yu nodded slightly, Xia Qing could see, how did he not know? He merely reminded the generals to be careful.

After another hour, there were swimming fishes in the ice sea around them. These swimming fishes were long or short, linear or rectangular.

"Unexpectedly, the scenery of Qingming He Tongtian is so magnificent ..."

The ice waterfall fairy likes the coldness of the ice sea very much. She looks at the blue surroundings and the various swimming fishes. She can't help secretly saying, "If you can stay here to practice, it would be nice to ignore those vulgarities!"

"Well ... wow ..." The idea of ​​the Icefall Fairy had just come out, and a shriek sounded from the fairy boat in front of her head.

"Not good!" The Icefall Fairy was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to look up, but she looked up, and found that the side of the fairy boat was not far away, but there was a faint black color spreading like a dark cloud.

"What's going on?" Xia Qingwen hurriedly interrogated after hearing the warning.

"There is an ambush ..." Xianzhou just said three words before his head.

"Xun" Jiang Jiaxian army where the ice sea around the same time, black color, black color gave birth to the sound of Jianming.

Jiang Yuchao was shocked, but he released his thoughts and felt relieved after enduring the ice seal that pierced the soul, because the black color was like a cloud, and some of them were in the inside. , Back and forth, up, down, up, down, and down are only dozens!

With these fairy tales alone, it is impossible to say that Jiang Jiaxian's army is the only one who can deal with Xia Qing alone!

"Come and see ..." Jiang Yuchao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly instructed.

However, before Xia Qing promised, these nine hundred and eighty-one Yanxian suddenly raised their hands and "brushed ..." The eighty-one triangles made the flags move, and as the flags shone, thousands of fat The skinny dust fairy flew out of the flag.

These dust fairy look confused, I don't know what happened!

Not to mention Dust Fairy, even Jiang Yu Super is Nahan.

But soon they knew.

The dust fairy just stood firmly in the ice sea, and before waiting to recognize where she was, eighty-one Yanxian waved the flag again, and the black light on the "噗噗 噗" flag was scattered, and thousands of fans were in this light. The flesh bursts one by one!

"Ah ..." Either exclaimed or screamed, Fanxian desperately urged her figure to escape, but he didn't wait for them to escape far, Xuanguang could catch up, flesh and wreckage all over an instant within!

Needless to say, these Fanxian and Yanxian are the ambush of Shen family, Shen Yunxian is naturally among them.

Shen Yunxian flew out of the martial arts fairy, and immediately felt something wrong. When he exclaimed, the fairy's body around him had begun to burst!

Although Shen Yunxian didn't know what happened, he knew that if he didn't flee immediately, he would naturally die here, so he didn't want to urge his body toward the fairy boat surrounded by Jiang's family.

There is an apricot-yellow flag on the fairy boat. When Shen Yunxian saw it, he understood it and shouted desperately, "Person Jiang, here is the ambush of Shen's family. Come and save me, I will tell you the secret of Shen's family ..."

"Damn it," said the disciple disciple who sent Shen Xunxian into the martial arts fairy, a small flag waved, and a few mysterious lights stabbed at Shen Xunxian.

Shen Xunxian had been paying attention to her, and when she saw Xuanguang appeared, she hurriedly urged mystery, "click ..." But when Shen Xunxian thundered around her body, her body suddenly accelerated, and Xuanguang was avoided between light and flint.

"Hoo ..." Shen Yunxian let out a long breath, not only because he had avoided Xuanguang, but also because he had already seen that the Five Elements Fairies would fly out of the Jiang family fairy boat!

"Save me, I'll tell you ..." Shen Yunxian was overjoyed. Unfortunately, at this moment, Shen Yunxian suddenly felt a dark cloud over his head. He hurriedly looked up, but there were only 300 people who were there. The immortal body has flown, and as the disciple Yanxian approaches, the silver light splashes on his immortal body, and a messy wave will cover the space around Shen Yunxian!

Shen Yunxian is about to cry. If you want to explode, explode, why hold me! It's easy to live a few more years in fairyland in my life ...

Before she can fly a few more miles, "Boom" Yanxian disciple's body bursts, flesh and wreckage swept through thousands of miles like a strong wind, Shen Xunxian is nothing but fairy, how can she escape even with some mysteries?

Just before Shen Yunxian was in a coma, he suddenly thought: "Damn it, it must be that Shen Mei secretly accounted for me! These fanxian were originally sent from the explosion, and wanted to set ambush for the Jiang family. He also counted me among them, I I thought they followed them to Yu Wantian ... "

Poor Shen Yunxian, this life can also be regarded as a genius in the practice of the Shen family, but unfortunately too pretentious, before he can bloom and die under the conspiracy of the same door!

Of course Shen Yunxian didn't know what the Shen family set up, Jiang Yuchao didn't know that thousands of people came out and followed one by one, but he could hear the Shen Family who was desperately shouting!

Since it is the Shen family ~ ~ Where does Jiang Yuchao dare to neglect? While ordering a disciple to rescue Shen Yanxian, he immediately ordered Jiang Jiaxian Army to move at full speed immediately!

After thousands of "fans" blew themselves up, eighty-one Yanxian did not flee, followed by blew up.

"Damn, fast, fast ..." Jiang Yuchao desperately urged. He had an extremely unpleasant feeling. Shen Jiajia sent thousands of disciples to death, and the plot was naturally not small!

Although Jiang Yuchao was anxious, but the Xianzhou flew a thousand miles away, and even the blood-stained and corpse-covered area had not yet come out. "Buzzing" waves came from the depths of the ice sea. This wave passed by, the ice sea was broken and melted. As Hai Tao; this wave of undulations, the golden light of Xianzhou flickered, and the sound of "pops" broke, Xianxian inch inch broke!

"Hmm ..." The immortal soldier below Yanxian covered his head with both hands and rolled on the immortal boat. With the silver light extinguishing around him, the immortal soldier's head shed blood. Even a lot of fairy soldiers' eyebrows have quirky silver juice leaking out!

"This ... What the **** is going on?" Jiang Yuchao felt two ears screaming, as if there were hundreds of spikes desperately attacking her fairy marks, Jiang Yuchao hurriedly ......

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