Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1773: Imminent danger

The latest website: "Oh, since Lord Xiao dare to be a pioneer and be a soldier, Yin couldn't dare not ..." Yin Yihong got up and took out a stamp like a palace, and handed it to Xiao Huadao. , The adults can take this thing to walk unhindered in the world of desire, but this thing will be destroyed by themselves after they capture the demon clan who sneaked into the fairy world. "

"Okay!" Xiao Hua took the token and turned to fly out of the hall.

Watching Xiao Hua's back disappear, Yin Yihong looked at Xu Chenggong and Jiang Yize and whispered, "This Xiao Yuexiao will not reveal anything?"

"Impossible!" Xu Chenggong asserted, "Can he be promoted from Tun Teng directly to Deputy Yue Xiao, is he an unknown immortal? Didn't he also say that? He was afraid of something, and just wanted to stay away ... "

"Yeah!" Yin Yihong was relieved and sat down. "He should have encountered such things for the first time, otherwise, he would not have ventured into the Palace of Desire alone, and Yin Xian's men couldn't believe it. He is a howling !!! "

"Even if there is something wrong with him, what can I do if I wait?" Jiang Yize smiled slightly. "He is the Deputy Yue Yue who was appointed by Sinan Kong. Can you and I stop him from leaving?"

"This is the Palace of Desires, not Jiechong!" Yin Yihong said proudly, "If there is anything wrong with him, he can directly win it as a demon tribe!"

Xu Chenggong didn't have a reason to move. He looked at Jiang Yize thoughtfully. Jiang Yize just looked at Yin Yihong and said with a smile: "That's not the case. After all, Xiao Yuexiao also recorded the star ..."

"I am afraid that Jiang Yize is intentional ..." Xu Chenggong secretly said, "How do you give Xiao Yuexiao a stumbling block at this time? Hmm, Xu understands, I am afraid that it is another Vice Yuexiao under the control of Master Si Nankong!"

Xu Chenggong was right. Although Jiang Yize looked at Yin Yihong with a smile, he murmured secretly: "Damn, Xiao Zhenren has always been good, why did he suddenly leave? Could it be found? Impossible, An Qing is He was sent to Jiang in the secret room of Bu Tianxian! However, since it is a bureau here, Jiang can't stop or plant anything, just give Xiao Zhenren's military merits, it can be regarded as coping with An Qing ... "

Who An Qing was, Xiao Hua didn't know. He flew out of the hall and saw several Bu Yaohou waiting in front of the hall, with dozens of immortal officials beside him.

"Master Xiao," seeing Xiao Hua flying out, all the immortals hurriedly silenced, respectfully saluting.

"Well," Xiao Hua responded, without stopping, and said in his mouth, "Qian Buyao, Su Buyao, you and your husband go to Yujietian to investigate the trace of the demon soldier ..."

"Yes, sir!" Qian Yuhan and Su Shi took a moment, hurriedly punched Tang Jiyao and other fists to follow Xiao Hua and flew up.

"Sir, sir," Guan Tian, ​​who was next to him, was startled, and hurriedly followed, "I ... what about me?"

"Oh!" Xiao Hua looked back at Guan Tianyue, as if remembering something, said expressionlessly, "And you, my husband forgot, come along!"

Guan Tianyue laughed secretly, knowing that Xiao Hua was doing a play, and hurriedly respected: "Yes, my lord!"

Seeing the panic in front of his head, Su Shi was leading the way. Su Shi was a little strange, and whispered, "Master, what's wrong?"

"It's okay," Xiao Hua said, looking at Su Shi. "I promised others to keep a tight mouth!"

"Oh," Su said with a smile, "it was a round!"

"You know?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"The end will not know," Su Shi said, shaking his head. "It's just that people have said it by accident!"

"Okay," Xiao Hua said. "Don't tell Qian Yuhan. She can't say it because of her temper. You wait for retreat in the old man's fairy space, and the team will rest."

"Master, rest assured, the end will understand, Qian Buyao will certainly understand, such things are everywhere ..."

"Well," Xiao Hua responded casually.

In other words, Yao Zhaoxing and other eunuchs have taken Xiao Hua to the front of the palace, and Yao Zhaoxing carefully said, "Is the adult going to heaven?"

"What's your name?" Xiao Hua turned to ask Guan Tianyue.

"Guantian Yue is worthy of duty," Guan Tianyue asked Xiao Huaming knowingly, knowing that he must have deep meaning, and hurriedly bowed, "is the deputy chief of the Enlightenment Continent Tianzun Tianji Hall Bao Can Tang ...

"Vice host!" Xiao Hua pouted and looked at Yao Zhaoxing next to him. "These characters should be the host!"

"Yes, it's an adult's words, you know me!" Yao Zhaoxing nodded hurriedly.

"Well, you are also good!" Xiao Hua said to Yao Zhaoxing with a rare smile on his face.

"Adult ridiculous!" Yao Zhaoxing exulted in his heart, but outside the hall, he heard Qian Yuhan talked to Tang Jiyao, Yun Yuan and other people about Yao Hua's prestige. Into Xiao Hua's vision, there is no chance.

"Huh!" Xiao Hua turned his eyes and threw out a demon crystal nucleus. "This rewards you!"

Yao Zhaoxing's eyes straightened all of a sudden, he is also a fairy, but such pure demon crystal nuclei are rare.

Yao Zhaoxing took it, some embarrassed and said: "Master, humble job ..."

"Are you familiar with the Palace of Desire?" Xiao Hua waved.

"Familiar, familiar," Yao Zhaoxing nodded eagerly, "I don't know what the Lord has to say?"

"Take me to turn to the base hall ..."

"Zhu Jidian?" Yao Zhaoxing froze for a moment and said; "Okay, my lord, please."

"Well," Xiao Hua asked behind Yao Zhaoxing with interest, "what's the purpose of this turn to the temple?"

"I heard that it is used by the true immortals of the heavens in the world of desire," Yao Zhaoxing explained. "There is the immortal mysterious light killing inside, which can help the true immortal to cleanse the impurities in the body and better absorb the immortal mystic light. "

"Oh!" Xiao Hua responded and looked around, trying to find Jiang Zibo.

Today, Xiao Hua's identity is different, Jiang Zibo is different from Xu Zhi, Xiao Hua can't just call him over. The so-called Zhuan Ji Dian was nothing but Xiao Hua who had heard Lei Ting talk about it, and let Yao Zhaoxing bring himself to take a look.

"What about Tianxianmen and family disciples?"

"They have taken orders, are together, and are discussing with each other how to detect the whereabouts of the demons ..."

In short, Yao Zhaoxing respectfully said: "Master, this is Zhuanji Temple ..."

Yao Zhaoxing's words haven't landed yet. "Wow!" There are a few celestial officials in the distance flying with excitement on their faces. The current one even shouted a little: "My god, is there another celestial prince? What's going on! "

"Yeah, yeah!" One of the immortal officials who followed immediately whispered, "There are geniuses every year, and there are so many in this world, it's strange!"

"What's going on?" Xiao Hua asked, turning his eyes.

"This lord, are you?" Although some immortal officials were not immortal, they were not at all scared. Although they looked respectful, they did not immediately answer.

"This is the Yuexiao master of the team!" Yao Zhaoxing hurriedly took the first two steps and took out his own seal to reprimand. "Don't you meet?"

"I've seen Lord Yuexiao," a few immortal officials looked at each other and reluctantly gave gifts, but the former immortal official still laughed, "Master, humble duty, I don't know what kind of duty the adults have to come to the Palace of Desire. For the house affairs of the palace, I'm afraid it's not easy to tell adults! "

"Bold," Xiao Hua said slightly, but Yao Zhaoxing was furious and scolded.

"No matter, no matter," Xiao Hua waved with a smile, "The old man just passed by, listen to what genius you are waiting for, just ask, you just go!"

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Damn!" Yao Zhaoxing cursed, "These fairy officials really don't understand etiquette! Please wait a moment, please go ask for help ..."

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Hua smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

Watching Yao Zhaoxing enter the Zhuanji Temple, Guan Tianyue hurried forward and respectfully offered a Moxian pupil said: "Sir, this is the message that the deputy Yin Yin has got so far, adults can take a look at this time ..."

"Hehe, Master Guan Tang, you are good!" Xiao Hua praised and took Moxian Tong, but when he swept away, the vest immediately gave off cold sweat!

What is the message of the monster alliance monster soldier in Moxian pupil? It is clearly seen and heard by Tianzheng, Yubo, Guan Tianyue, and Zhongli Nether to the four major continents!

Xiao Hua was frightened, but there was no expression on his face. After seeing it, he closed Moxian Tong and looked at Guan Tianyuedao: "The content is very detailed, good, good!"

"Thank you, Master!" Guan Tianyue let out a long sigh of relief and carefully stepped back. He had been looking for an opportunity to spread the news to Xiao Hua, and now he finally did it. How Xiao Hua responded was not his decision.

Xiao Hua destroyed Guan Tianyue ’s Moxian Tong, and then closed his eyes secretly, thinking that Xu Zhi ’s news was a smoke screen and a trick to seduce the enemy. Now it ’s not the case, it seems that someone has leaked it. Xu Zhi's whereabouts.

Who is this person?

Xiao Hua was a little upset. I just realized that Ye Danhui is the Xuanzi Fairy, and this Ye Danhui could actually get the fragment of the Desolate Divine Realm, if nothing unexpected happened ~ ~ Wang should be with Ye Danhui, everything is his own Exposed in front of Ye Danhui.

Now I have heard the leak of Xu Zhi's whereabouts. Xu Zhi's whereabouts will inevitably involve himself, and although he has fallen to Youji, Gu Sheyi can find himself, and other people can also find themselves!

"This matter should be discussed with Xu Zhi ..."

Xiao Hua thought for a moment that he was about to enter the space, but Yao Zhaoxing came out with excitement on his face, and looked at that look quite similar to just a few immortal officials.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huaqi said, "Look at you so weird?"

"I don't know ..." Yao Zhaoxing took out a Moxian pupil and handed it to Xiao Hua. "It really opened the eyes of the humble job. I didn't know how strange it was in the palace of the realm. Look at this. The Palace of Time and the Realm of Time actually found dozens of unimaginable cultivation geniuses in the Realm of the Realm. You can see that Chongxuan Mountain, called Thunder, is the most exaggerated, and has actually cultivated Jinxian within hundreds of years! And still in Huang Zengtian! It ’s terrible to think about it, how is this possible? Oh, and, for the judgment of Lilihai, the Yuan of Yuyingge are all Tianxian, and the rest such as Linzhongzong Chongyi, Qi Yunshan and Li Mengyang are all high-level true immortals. This is Yuan Xi from Yuyingge ... "

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