Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1762: The truth is emerging

"... After hearing the news, I hurried to Daozun Tianfu to inquire about the news. No one knew that Daozun Tianfu did not send people to the underworld, and no one knew where this news came from!" Xu Ran continued, "Then, Will rush to the palace of law again, but no one knows where the news came from! However, they did disclose, if the news is true, this official of the law of palace law is most likely my family Xingyue. So the general will When the news came back to the clan, they went to the punishment palace ... "

"Naturally no news was found in the penalty palace, right?" Xiao Hua laughed.

"No!" Yan Ran shook her head and said, "The general will get an exact message in the Palace of Punishment. The immortal official who disappeared in the Palace of Punishment was Xu Zhi. It is unknown which interface they are in. However, the Palace of Penalty has already begun to investigate the matter, and is preparing to ask from among the immortals who may rise in the interface ... "

Xiao Hua's smile condensed on his face, he was really puzzled, who leaked everything that the palace had tried to cover up.

However, Xiao Hua couldn't figure out the cause of the incident, so he didn't immediately tell Ran Ran, but asked: "Are you trying to let me go through the fairy officials of Tianzun Mansion to detect this?"

"Yes!" Huan Ran nodded. "Since there is news from Daozun Tianfu, there must be no wind and no waves. The adult, as the stunned handsome envoy sent by the Nianchong team, is also important to speak. He will not ask the adult to inspect Many, just ask Xingyue's life and death, as well as the falling Nether ... "

"Oh," Xiao Hua sighed, and secretly said, "These two questions, in fact, the old man can answer you now!"

Unfortunately Xiao Hua couldn't say, he nodded, "You can rest assured, I know about it, but I will tell you whenever there is news!"

After receiving a smoldering moment, Xiao Huasi went into space for a moment, and his mind entered the space. Xu Zhi was traveling in a place in the fairyland space, and Yu Hua Xiao Hua's figure fluttered in front of Xu Zhi, with a smile: "Brother Xu ..."

"Oh, Xiao Zhenren ..." Xu Zhi was surprised when he saw Yuhua Xiaohua, "How do you have time to be here?"

"The poor got a piece of news, came here to discuss with Brother Xu!"

"What's the news?" Xu Zhi frowned, "Is it the punishment palace?"

"Yes!" Yuhua Xiao Hua explained the ins and outs of the matter, and finally asked, "Is Xingyue Fairy supposed to be Xingyue Xia? The punishment palace is investigating the whereabouts of Brother Xu. Is Brother Xu going out?"

呼 "Hoo," Xu Zhi exhaled, saying, "If you say that Xu does not know Xingyue's first name, do you believe it?"

"Everything Brother Xu said, he believed in poverty!" Yuhua Xiaohua replied with a smile.

"Just like my hometown, I never talked to Xingyue. She never said anything about Xingyue!" Xu Zhi explained. The possibility of returning to Fairyland, especially me, who was seriously injured and could not return to Fairyland at all, so we all chose to hide it! When we finally got to Xingyue Palace, she also said that if she really returned to Fairyland, she must first return to the clan and ask Explanation within the clan, please resign from the errand of the palace, and then explain everything to me ... "

"Then Brother Xu thinks this ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua began to be glad that he hadn't made a point out with Li Ran, maybe he was wrong!

"It is most likely the fake news released by the immortal official in the palace of law," Xu Zhi thought and did not want to say, "the immortal official was trapped by someone and tried to kill Xu, and Xu escaped by chance, and he must take this For the price, in exchange for his own life, the person who captured the immortal official must covet the gods. This is how the fake news is arranged and Xu can be thrown into the net, or the person who saves Xu can be thrown into the net! "

那 "So," Yuhua Xiaohua asked, "Is there any possibility that Brother Xu's news could be leaked by Ascension Disciples? Or is it the lower bound of the fairy officials of Daozun Tianfu?"

"Then you have to ask the real one!" Xu Zhi laughed. "Did not many disciples of the four major continents rise afterwards?"

"The disciples of the Huamen shouldn't talk up!" Yuhua Xiaohua replied, "And most of the disciples returned to the gates of Huahua. There will be some other monks ..."

"Well, this is possible!" Xu Zhi nodded. "If a flying ascendant is valued by the punishment palace, or if there is an immortal official in Daozun Tianfu, everything can be found out with intention!"

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua understands that it may be that he took away the debris from Wushan has attracted the attention of Tianzun Mansion. Some immortal officials may have found Xu Zhi's whereabouts.

"There is no absolute silent ban in this fairyland!" Yuhua Xiaohua grinned bitterly, "The poor road was easily disappeared, and Brother Xu took the lead again. It seems that the news of Xingyue can't tell the flames yet!"

"It's okay to tell Zhuan Ran!" Xu Zhi replied, "You just have to look at the image of Yun Xingyue, and naturally you know if she is a fairy of Xingyue. The problem is, you can't let him tell his family, maybe his family now has Someone is staring ... "

"Haha, yes!" Yuhua Xiaohua patted his forehead and said, "I'm afraid that the poor road is too much alcohol. I never expected such a simple thing!"

"Real person," Xu Zhi laughed, "you and my opponents are very powerful, and a certain family is also related to the **** **** Jian, who is an extremely powerful person. You and I ca n’t even offend one now , So if it's not really caring people, real people must not leak news from a certain family! "

"Well, the poor understand!" Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded and left.

I was so eager to get the image of Xingyue Xuan from Yan Ran, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, wasn't it Xingyue Fairy?

Because of this, Xiao Hua is also a bit worried that others are trying to get the snake out of the hole, and the four major continents are also related to their origin, Xiao Hua naturally will not take the initiative to touch!

"Well," Xiao Hua sighed as he looked at the boundless realm, "I just killed the Blue Lion and felt that I was already strong, but now look at it, Jinxian is really nothing! Xiao must continue to intensify his cultivation That's ... "

Afterwards, Xiao Hua has been meditating, and he has been practicing Chao Da Luo with all his strength. It's just that he has just made rapid progress in the Sacred Archaeological Shards, and now he can't perceive even a little entry.

Wu Xinxi still has it. Previously, in the Shard of the Ancient Fairy, Xiao Hua didn't care about the change of the crystal goddess. Nowadays, the disciples of the fairy world skyrocket, the heaven space, the Buddhist kingdom space, etc. are all flourishing, and the crystal godhead has also changed greatly.

Today's crystal goddess is the size of a watermelon, and the nearest kwan-yin relics and bone knuckles are reduced to peanuts. The pale golden crystals have melted into a few inches. As for the previously distorted crystal goddess, the luster is now transformed into a thick one. Light gold, which is fundamentally different from crystal light gold.

If you say that the pale gold of Xiao Hua's crystal godhead is cow's milk, then the light gold of the crystal is clear water, and the pale gold of Xiao Hua's crystal godhead is scorching and vibrant, and the pale gold of the crystal is only luster and has no vitality.

Xianxian Zhou arrived at the Bing Road, the surrounding fairy soldiers will become more and more, Xiao Hua out of the customs, telling the boat fairy soldiers to drive to the fairyland without stopping.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the seal seal of the immortal generals strobe, it should be the message of other Jin Xianbuyao, but these immortals will get Xiao Hua military order, no one dare to excite the seal seal.

Xun Fei left the army road and headed to the fairyland. The garrison in the surrounding area will be reduced, and Xiao Hua will feel clean.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua took out the Poor Seal Seal, he now had two Yuexiao Seal Seals in his hand, one was the Yuexiao Seal Seal of the Haohui Clan, and one was the Deputy Yuexiao Seal Seal of the Chong Chong Team. Two The seals looked indistinguishable from the surface. However, there are a lot of restraints in the Haohui team ’s Yuexiao Seal. Xiao Hua understands that it was set by Mo Xi for himself. It can be used only when the Jinxian high level is reached. Xiao Hua can't bother to break the ban and throw it directly. In space, the deputy Yuexiao Seal of Xi Nankong was sacrificed.

Then Xiao Hua took out his military card again. When Xiao Hua raised his hand, he would excite the poor odd seals and fall into the military badges.

"Cracking ..." Minute sparks appeared on the military card, and a wisp of weird fine-grained runes flickered in the sparks, as the water's edge overflowed on the surface of the military card, and it took a little more than half a tea time to complete the sparks and fine lines Fu Xun slowly disappeared.

Xiao Xiaohua was secretly proud of himself. His previous military card was nothing but tiger 敎 ~ ~. He has never been inspired by the seal seal. Now he has been upgraded several times, and his internal and middle functions must be too much.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's mind entered Butianxianyu, it was not ecstatic, but he saw that Futianxianyu at this time was very different from the previous one. In addition to the previous space that was like a shop, there were two more floors above it. In addition to the objects used in ordinary practice, the layer also has the art of war, formation, and combo, etc., and one layer is higher than the other, except that the third layer has some gray writing.

"This second layer should be used by hunting basemen and Tun Teng generals ..." Xiao Hua secretly said, "The third layer should be used by Bu Yaoshuai, Yue Xiaoshuo, Changqiong Shuo and Shuyao Shuai. Xiao now has it. The seal of Yue Xiaoshuai's seal, only part of the military card inspired ... "

Let ’s look at the third layer of martial arts, formations, etc. The military skills used in purchases are even dazzling, so Xiao Hua throws them aside when he looks at them. These things are not useful to him at all. Mystery.

Starting from the second floor of Butianxianyu, it already has the function of making military licenses, and the third layer has the function of making seals. However, Xiao Hua looked at it. He was a little hesitant. He had Chenyu in his own space. He knew I know that as long as he makes new military cards and seals here, Butianxianyu can monitor the immortal soldiers who use these military cards and seals. If he gave military cards to the disciples of Fortune, would he not give the handle to Butian ?

"It's just ..." Thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua still shook his head. "Two billion immortals can use their own military cards, one billion true immortals can also use their own military cards, that 10 billion good fortune disciples ... still no need!"

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