Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1747: Pardon

"You!" Wei Chong shouted angrily when he saw Mao Bing with only immortal marks. "Do you dare to attack your own robe?"

"Oh," at this time, the fairy marks already in the illusion suddenly gave Mao Bing's voice, "Bai Xianyou, am I not in a dream? Why are you turning back?"

A charming fairy voice rang out from the dream of Nian Meng butterfly: "Mao Xianyou, the body suddenly remembered something, so I had to return!"

"what's up?"

"Jianxian's friendship seemed to mention the whereabouts of Master Wei. He didn't hear clearly. He just got a message. An adult wanted to visit Master Wei, so he wanted to ask Xianyou ..."

"Shut up!" Mao Bing's voice was extremely righteous, "This is the military plane of my team. How can I disclose it?"

"Yes, yes," Bai Bing's voice was a little terrified. "I know that I can guarantee that this adult really has something important, and the adult has said that if Mao Xianyou can refer him, his old man must be rewarded heavily. ! "

"Do you think that a certain family can buy some money?"

"Mao Xianyou," Bai Bing laughed, "In fact, you don't need to introduce, just disclose the whereabouts of Master Wei, and that senior man only needs to make a chance encounter. His old man said, as long as he can meet Master Wei, 100,000 Xuanjing ... ... "

怎么 "How is that possible?" Mao Bing sneered, "Master Wei is going to rush to the world in 1494, how could the adult in your mouth pass?"

"Damn!" Waiting for the Nightmare Butterfly to regenerate other voices, Wei Chong has been unable to hold back, and yelled and raised his hand towards Mao Bingxian mark!

Xiao Hua's discoloration, a volume of mind, has already collected the dream butterfly!

"Boom" Nightmare Butterfly has just disappeared, and nearly Jinli was immediately swept by the golden light, not to mention Mao Bingxian marks, even the space was torn apart!

"Xiao Tunteng," Wei Chong wiped out Mao Bing, glanced at Xiao Hua with cold eyes, still angry. "You don't know if you report, and you miss the fighter plane. You will also kill the old man with 10 billion soldiers. , The crime should be rampant! However, now it is the battlefield, the old man will take your rank first, so that you will be guilty of crime, and be cleared together after the war! "

"Good to say!" Xiao Huayang took out Tun Teng Yin Xi with his hand, Yang Yang smashed with a slap, watched Yin Xi turning into dust, and laughed, "Thank you Master Wei for not killing!"

"What a real Xiao Xiao, what a hard bone !!!"

青 The green lion in the distance couldn't help but praise, "If you and the green ape are the enemy, I will spare you this time!"

"Haha, thank you very much!" Green Ape laughed in the distance, "I like to eat the hard bones of a fairy like the Terran!"

"Green ape !!!" Su Shi growled, "Your opponent is me, come, come, come, you and I fight for three hundred rounds!"

"Haha!" Unlike before, the green ape slowly flew out of Bai Qi, watching Su Shi laughed, "Su Shi, your opponent is me, my opponent is more than you! Chen Jin, Qian Yuhan, You wait for the three to come together! Today I want to ... "

Before waiting for the Green Ape to finish speaking, the 81 fortresses that previously dropped on the bottom of Jiechong burst suddenly, and "Brushing Brush" countless fairy soldiers like ants will fly out, these fairy soldiers will fly bigger and bigger , Body shape quickly increased.

After the immortal soldiers increased in size by hundreds of feet, everyone could see clearly. The immortal soldiers were wearing light red scale armor. This scale armor gave birth to fantasy light and shadow in the realm. After the immortal soldiers flew out, Form a clan directly and fly towards the approaching Baiqi!

There are flame-like fairy artifacts in the hands of the "嗖 嗖 嗖" immortal soldiers. The place where they fall is the arc of the burning white gas condensing. !!

"You ... you ..." The blue lion's turn was surprised and whispered, "Wei Chong, you actually have a backhand!"

"Haha ..." Wei Chong Yangtian laughed and said, "Qingshi, do you think the old man is an idiot? Even if the old man is well-informed, he must still have a backhand! Even if the old man does not know what the fairy tale is, it is Breaking the world has the ability to break the world, and there is demon, how can the old man not be prepared for one or two? But the old man really did not expect that the old man's chatter was better than nothing, and it turned out to be a turning point in the war ... "

青 "Haha" the green lion smiled and said, "If your **** billion private soldiers are a turning point in the war, am I preparing for these 500 million demon soldiers as a milestone in the war?"

After I finished speaking, the green lion shouted, "Where is the beg?"

"The little one is here!" Hu Qi answered, and rushed out of another place!

让 "Let Master Wei see what the milestones of the war are!"

"Yes, sir!" Hu Qi responded, and patted the gourd mouth of his top door gently.

"Boom" a column of blue light burst into the sky. Within the blue light, dense crowds like mosquitoes and flies fly out. Similarly, the more and more monsters fly, becoming hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, or ape-like, Either tiger, leopard, or python, and the five-element monsters, all rushed to the immortal soldiers who were breaking the ban!


I saw that in the forbidden space, the immortal soldier was torn by the demons as flesh and blood, Wei Chong shouted, and his body flew up and said, "Green lion, my husband will never die with you!"

"Haha, Wei Chong, delayed so long, said so much nonsense, and finally told the truth, you and I are endless!"

The blue lion laughed and flew out to welcome Wei Chong, but at this time he was holding a magic weapon with a halberd in his hand.

However, the green lion still has white gas condensing around him to cover his starlight like a cloak!

"Boom" Wei raised the purple gold sword and raised the shadow of the sword. A series of light and shadow were split on the blue lion. The white gas rose and condensed into an arc to block the shadow of the sword. At the same time, the arc passed through the blue lion The body penetrates directly into the void!

"You," Wei Chong just shouted, "Om ..." The interface space is broken, and the halberd has stabbed Wei Chong's chest!

Xi Weichong's face changed slightly, he knew in his heart that it was not that the halberd was fast, but that he was slow to move!

Sure enough, we haven't waited for Wei Chong to evade, the "噗" iron halberd has stabbed his body armor!

"Break" Wei chuckled a smirk, and the whole body was full of gold, "噗噗 ..." A barely visible gold wire struck the green lion like a flash of lightning!

"Boom boom" The lion's demon body shook, and a large piece of flesh began to decay!

"You ... what kind of fairy art are you doing?" The blue lion was a little terrified, wondering at her demon body.

"Haha, this is an old man's magical power. I said that you and other demons don't know!" Wei Chong laughed, but unfortunately, it was only an instant that Wei Chong's smile was frozen on his face because he could see clearly and decay The flesh fell on the white gas, the flesh turned into blood, and the thick arc flashed blood, and it penetrated into the interface void again!

"Haha" the green lion also laughed and said, "Master Wei, if you attack, all your attacks will fall into the lower realm, and all mysteries and fairy power will be poured on your own fairy soldier! I don't know a hundred How many billion fairy soldiers have you killed yourself now! "

"Even if the 10 billion immortal soldiers are all destroyed, then what?" Wei Chong patted himself on the top door, and a fairy baby in a golden robe flew out. The fairy baby held a big knife and sneered at the blue lion, "The old man killed You alone, enough! "

"But a Jinxian fairy baby, dare to be arrogant in front of me?" The Green Lion also sneered, standing between the mouth, a spinning star flew out, this star turned rapidly, and the surrounding space was pulled into it.

Wu Xingchen flew to Wei Chong's fairy baby, and starlight turned into a green lion, roaring and pounced on the fairy baby!

"Kill!" While Wei Chong confronted the Green Lion, Qian Yuhan, Chen Jin, and Su Shi have joined forces to surround the Green Ape!

Qi Wei's ability to charge the fairy is banned, and it is difficult to exert the ordinary power of 70%. Qian Yuhan and the like are even more unbearable. They cannot perform magical powers. Most of the immortals are invalid. Only the fairy can be used!

Even if it is a fairy ware, Qian Yuhan feels that the demon ware in the green ape's hand is getting heavier, apparently the restraining force in the forbidden space is getting stronger!

Chen Jin felt the same anxiety. In addition to the green ape and the pot beg, dozens of purple star monsters were flying within the white gas. These monsters would not be defeated by one enemy and three, so as long as Wei Chong was invincible, the world All the Yao Yao who rushed to 1949 was ultimately dead!

"Where is Xiao Zhenren?" Suddenly, Chen Jin naturally thought of his own blessing general, but Chen Jin swept around, where is Xiao Hua's figure?

"Qian Yuhan," Chen Jin said in a hurry, "Where did Xiao Zhenren go?"

"Xiao Zhenren?" Qian Yuhan also stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "They left early!"

"Early ... left early?" Chen Jin's eyes were about to fall, and he was startled, "Where can he go? This is the law-breaking space!"

"He has the ability to travel to the sky ~ ~ How can he be trapped by this forbidden space?" Qian Yuhan said, "Now he is even cut by the military post by Wei Yuexiao, facing this death ... … What if you do n’t wait now? ”

"Well," Chen Jin couldn't help sighing. He had mixed tastes in his heart. As for Chen Jin's own thinking, no one knows, because Mo said that thirty-six golden immortals are in danger, that is, the billions of immortals are just this meal. Gongfu has been killed by most of the demon soldiers!

Besides, Wei Chong raised a purple gold sword and slashed on the blue lion. The white air rose up and condensed to form an arc to block the shadow of the sword. When the arc passed through the blue lion's demon body and directly penetrated into the void, the world dashed four or four, and the green ape was slain Looking at the brightest star in Jie Chong, wondering, wondering what happened!

"Booming ..." On Zhou Tian, ​​there was a dull thunder first, and then the blood shadow of the green lion slowly emerged. At this time, there were billions of weird totems on the blood shadow. These totems are engraved with circular arcs. , The sound of thunder was born from the center of the arc, and as the totem flashed, a thick, darkened rainbow fell one by one.

Even more than the previous inky light silk, these inky rainbow colors directly rushed into the galaxy of the Xinghe array, just as the Tianhe fell, the entire array of unrestricted soaring skyrocketing!

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