Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1736: Fairy body mystery, magnificent fairyland

"Oh, right," Qian Yuhan said suddenly again, "Look at the changes that have taken place after you have received the delimitation. If it is possible, I will relay this to Master Wei. This is also one of your achievements. Opportunity! "

Xiao Huasi for a moment, replied, "The end will have removed the guardian amulet, walking within the bounds without a hit!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chi Yuhan rejoiced, and then closed the seal. [This chapter starts-love-you-sound-fiction net, please remember the URL]

The time when Xiao Huafei returned looked at the method of sacrifice of the Shoumu Rune, but it was a Futian clan system rune, and there was no special place. Now there are many Danshi, Runshi, or formation in the fairyland space. Hua threw it to them for sacrifice.

Returned to the defensive area, 15 million immortal soldiers had already formed a clan, and they were deployed separately under the command of Dragon Rider.

Xiao Hua stood in the air, and spoke to Qin Xin for a while. Within the seal seal came Wei Chong's military order, and Xiao Hua led a team of immortal soldiers to search the world for 1494.

Xiao Xiaohua knew that this was the opportunity Qian Qianhan had fought for himself, so he didn't say anything, with Qin Xin, and more than 10,000 immortal soldiers took out the arrows to fly out.

While flying out of the defense of the immortal ban and the sword array, Qin Xin has already seen the immortal map of the world in 1494. After waiting to see the guardian soldiers see Ling Jian, Qin Xin raised his finger in one direction and said, "Sir, here."

"Hmm" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "You wait for a routine inspection, the old man will follow you!"

Xun Qin took the lead and took the immortal soldiers to fly along the edge of Jie Chong, while Xiao Hua himself released his thoughts and explored the changes in the law of his surroundings.

However, when Xiao Hua's figure flew away, the rules of the dashing began to break, just like Jin Yuhan and other golden immortals. However, the breaking of these rules of the dashing was different from what Xiao Hua had seen before. Fracture is not a human figure. If the shape of a fish is like a fish scale, the breakage of these rules has caused space collapse, but the collapse has only been extended by more than a hundred feet. It is much smaller than the ordinary true fairy!

Xiao Hua stretched out his arm and raised it, there was also room for annihilation like scales and waves, but he rushed out more than a thousand feet and was blocked by other interface laws!

"Haha, Xiaomou understands!" Staring at the fish-like ripples, Xiao Hua laughed, and he secretly said, "Everyone else is a complete fairy body, such as Qian Yuhan, her breath is Jinxian, Qian Yuzhang The body of the law falls into the impact of these two realms. It is not as big as a big rock falling into a calm pond. Although the pond can flood the big rock, the big rock may cause monstrous water waves, and if the big rock is broken down, it may also destroy the whole The pond is ruined "

"As for Xiao, although his strength is stronger than Qian Yuhan, Xiao Xian's body has been decomposed into 132,200 light spots, and the space collapse caused by each light spot is extremely weak."

"Specifically, these light spots can be regarded as independent, complete, or even closed thousand worlds. These thousand worlds originally have interface rules on the surface, these interface rules are slight, and they are integrated into the interface rules of the League of Legends and the Fairy. The inner world is like a hustle and bustle, and it will definitely not cause great changes! If this is deduced, even if Xiao Mou achieves Jiugongxian, even Daluoxian, will not cause the interface to collapse? "

Xiao Hua thought about it and released his enlightenment, but unfortunately his enlightenment was too powerful. It only swept out 100,000 miles, and the wind-shattering wind that had started to break in space had begun to scare Xiao Hua in a hurry to try to use Buddhist knowledge. Fortunately, Buddhism is indifferent, but it can still release far.

The 界 14 九 4 Realm is extremely large, surrounded by mountains shaped by the rules of the two realms. The 阵 樰 team ’s sword array looks like it was built against the mountain. Xiao Hua and other inspection routes are also in the mountains!

Here, Jie Chong looks extremely barren. Except for other patrol officers, he saw no other abnormalities. After flying for a few hours, Qin Xin sent Dragon to ride his head to explore the road, and he was careful to accompany Xiao Hua and laughed. : "My lord, our demon alliance rushes, it is really impossible to compare with the dragon sphere rush! The interface rules around are weak, and a little bit of revelation is like sweeping the mud, very uncomfortable!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded, "This is the magic of creation! When the old man was in the realm, the mountain was built by the mountain rock. When the old man flew to the immortal world, he found that except for the mountain rock, Yunxia and mist When he can condense into mountains and reach the edge of the immortal realm, the old man knew that not only space debris can be precipitated and condensed into mountains, but also a single interface rule can also be deposited into a mountain shape and reach the depth of the boundary. The old man opened his eyesight, and the two interface rules intersect each other. , Can also condense into a mountain shape! Oh, in the boundary of the dragon domain, the interface laws of condensation impact each other, and can also form a boundary swamp like a swamp! "

大 "Adult" Qin Xin accompanied the laughter, "The end will come to the realm early, but unfortunately they will fight in the marginal realm of fairyland. If you have not met an adult, you have never seen such a magnificent fairyland."

"Where is the magnificent fairyland?"

"Nature is a weird monster league!"

"What about outside the League of Demon?"

"Buddha Kingdom, Dragon Realm, Heavenly Court, Moze, Holy Light Realm"

"What about the spirit world?"

听说 "I heard that the spirit world has long been broken"

"Where are these interfaces?"

"This" Qin Xin couldn't keep up with Xiao Hua's thoughts, and finally shook his head and said, "The end general doesn't know. The end general's thought may be another interface?"

"Should be" Xiao Hua laughed ~ ~ must also be, there should not be only our interface in this world! Alas, what is this? "

Xiao Huazheng said suddenly, his brows suddenly raised, his Buddhist consciousness touched some weirdness, but just when he let out his mind, the wind and thunder of the "Booming" interface came again as promised, Xiao Hua helplessly pointed to the fairy soldier there. Said, "There are a few weird atmospheres there, like tree branches, and go and get them."

"Yes, sir!" Bai Yuxian soldiers flew out, but they just flew away. "Hou" rushed into the distance, and there was a roar of monsters. Xiao Hua and Qin Xin immediately flashed the seal seal. , Within the sound of dozens of immortal soldiers piercing for help!

"Go" Xiao Hua naturally did not dare to neglect, grasping Qin's heart with a large hand, urging the rule to teleport, flying towards the sound of the beast roar!

"Woo" is like a violent wind howling sound, the space around it is too late to be broken, and Xiao Hua's body is gone.

I have to say that Xiao Hua's rule of teleportation is very suitable for the realm of rushing. His shape is well within the rules of the fairy realm. If the law of the evil alliance appears, Xiao Hua only slightly changes the demon's body and does not affect the speed, so it is only half a tea. Time has been teleported to the other end of the world!

At this point, the dark world of Jiechong, a cloud-like smoke-like demon clan, was roaring frantically, setting off the force of Jiechong and rushing to more than a hundred immortal soldiers. The first two leading immortals would not be the first stage of the true immortal, and tried their best to urge In addition to the resistance of the immortals, we must also take into account the erosion of the surrounding laws. In the evil spirits of the demons, more than a hundred fairy soldiers have lost consciousness, and the silver light around them is born, such as rust spots, and gradually submerged into the demons.

Thank you all for your praise, the promise of exploring flowers, plus one more. [This section starts. Love. Have. sound. Fiction Net, please remember the URL]

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