Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1734: Jie Chong 1494

"Oh ..." Xiao Hua froze and nodded. "That's it! So there should be a lot of empties?"

"Yes, sir ..." Xian nodded. "There are many empties, don't they say that? Only a stable emptiness can arrive safely."

After he finished speaking, Xian would be very disappointed, and said, "Because of this, adults don't even know that they have to go to Jiechong's emptiness?"

"I don't know, but ..." Xiao Hua gazed at the turbulent space in front of his head, and did not let out Yannian, etc., whispered in his mouth, "Maybe the old man can find one, here ..."

He said, Xiao Hua raised his hand and pointed in one direction, and that fairy would rejoice, no matter how Xiao Hua distinguished it, and hurriedly gave orders to the soldier next to him.

"Om ..." As soon as the Xingzhou turned around, the bow of the ship immediately lifted, almost to be overturned, except for Xiao Hua, all the immortal soldiers would fly up.

For a moment, the confidence that Command Xianxian had just established collapsed.

Xiao Hua ignored him, and hurriedly pointed down again: "Go down ..."

"Master ..." Xian was about to cry, and cried, "Just transferred, why go down?"

"Don't you say you want to listen to the old man?" Xiao Hua was inexplicable. "The old man pointed out the direction, and you gave up again. Qian Buyao couldn't reach the realm of time to gather, was you responsible or me?"

"Yes, sir!" The commander Xian nodded, pinching his nose.

Xiao Hua himself knows it well. Since he went to Jiechong 149, how could Qian Yuhan not have a fairy picture? Qian Yuhan still wants to test himself. He only needs to hit and hit according to ordinary mistakes. If something goes wrong, there must be Qian Yuhan's bottom!

Sure enough, flying for more than a hundred yuan days, the turbulence in the surrounding space has been greatly reduced, and the laws of the heavens and the earth in the two realms are relatively balanced and stable. Qian Yuhan has never stopped, Xiao Hua's heart is more proud!

The incomparable sense of void direction is indeed not covered!

"Master ..." How do you know, seeing that the star boat is stable, the immortal commander will cry again, and whispered, "This ... where is this?"

"Isn't Jiechong 149?"

"What a four nine three!" Qian Yuhan's voice came out from the light and shadow of the army's tent, and then a "light" rushed out of a light and shadow, but listening to Qian Yuhan fiercely said, "This is a four one four! I did not send the star map of Jie Chong 1493 before, and I just received it !! "

"Yes, yes ..." The commander Xian took over Moxian Tong, and hurriedly released Yannian to investigate. He said, "At the end, he will go to the world in accordance with the star map and rush to the world!"

"Master ..." Xiao Hua heard Jie Chong 1494, although his heart moved, he still frowned, "This is what you let the commander ..."

Xiao Hua's voice never touched the ground. "Brushing ..." At the place where the flames flickered outside the star boat, dozens of gray marks flashed away, as if struck by a turbulent stream flying by the star boat into powder. .

This kind of thing is very common in the realm of the world. Mo Hua said that Xiao Hua didn't care, even the fairy general who was exploring the star map did not care.

"Adult ..." After a while, the immortal who directed Xingzhou raised his head, respectfully said, "The end will have seen it clearly. It is not far from Jiechong 1493, but it is still far from where the adult is going. There is a long distance. If you follow the time stated on the pupil of Moxian, adults are afraid that it will not be possible! "

"Damn!" Qian Yuhan whispered, and said to Xiao Hua, "Xiao Tunteng, you are in trouble!"

"You're wrong, my lord ..." Xiao Hua cried and said, "This is my lord ..."

"Boom boom boom ..." Ten dozen rumblings followed, and dozens of gray marks were born before the star boat!

At this point, the immortal who directed Xingzhou frowned, and was about to speak, but there was a scream of howling in front of his head. "Buzz ..." A dozen shuttle-like starboats rushed out and suddenly Xiao Hua Waiting around the star boat, and Xiao Hua and others began to flash in the waist!

The immortal who commanded the Xianzhou was shocked and hurried to spur the seal seal. He heard only a voice from inside: "Which team is the star boat, dare to break into the world and rush to 1949? Here has been temporarily requisitioned by Wei Yuexiao ... "

"Wei Yuexiao?" Xiao Hua understood immediately, this is Wei Chong's mixed audiovisual program. Wei Chong's original intention was to gather in Jiechong 1494, but for the sake of confidentiality, he always said that Jiechong 1493!

"Master Yi ..." The commander would not dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied, "I am waiting for His Majesty Chiba Han Chibuyao, Chibuyao was ordered to go to Jiechong 1493. I did not expect to encounter Jiechong storm along the way, Groping ... that's it! "

"Ah? Qian Buyao?" The other party general was also surprised, but after a while, the concubine's seal all produced Qian Yuhan's voice, "Yes, it is this Buyao, and you immediately tell Wei Yuexiao, if you are in At this gathering, Ben Buyao stayed here. If he still needs to go to Jiechong 1493, Ben Buyao will set off! "

"Master Qian wait a moment ..." After a few words from the other party's fairy, but for a moment, hurriedly respectfully said, "Master Wei is just in front of you, and the master said, since Master Qian has arrived, you don't have to go to Jiechong 149 three!"

"Master Wei is also here?" Xiao Hua was a little stunned, but the next commander Xian whispered, "It is the metamorphosis of Master Wei ..."

"Oh!" Xiao Hua suddenly, he rarely used metamorphosis, so he didn't care.

Xingzhou followed the commander of the head and slowly flew in. Seeing the heavy sword light in front of him, the star boat shuttled within the sword light. The defense around him was stabbed by the light of the sword light. Xiao Hua knew This sector should be the core of Wei Chong's command here. This sword array is infinitely powerful.

Fly past the sword array, and see a silver fortress of nine hundred and eighty-one in front of me, and protect a poor strange battle flag, and the poor strange shadow on the battle flag saw a star boat flying close, and a roar came out , Growling in the direction of Xiao Hua.

"Brush ..." Eighty-one barriers gave out flames at the same time, and the power of the huge seal gradually came into being!

"There's something weird here!" Qian Yuhan flew out of the military tent, but her body was distorted, the flames floated, and she looked like a Yuan Shen. "Brush ..." A small cricket Xingying flew out.

饕 鬄 Xu Ying lowered before the Star Boat, and Poor Qi Xing responded with a shake of his tail and returned to the battle flag. Xing Xingying fell directly on the star boat and disappeared.

After reaching the military tent, Qian Yuhan looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "Are you sure you don't need metamorphosis?"

"There is something weird here ..." Xiao Hua also learns Qian Yuhan's doubts and has the same way, "In the end, you don't have to use the metamorphosis."

"You escape like this, does your family Chen Buyao know?" Qian Yuhan cried and laughed.

"It ’s good to teach adults to know ..." Xiao Hua said earnestly, "the time when the general will listen to orders in front of Chen Buyao's account has not been with the adults for a long time!"

"Okay, okay!" Chiba Han waved his hand, "Stop talking, go with me to see Master Wei!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Qian Yuhan ordered the immortal world that directed the star boat to stop and fly by himself, but just after the star boat came out, what did Qian Yuhan think of? He said to Xiao Hua: "Remember, don't mention Mao Bing!"

"Adults don't mention it, how dare you say it?" Xiao Hua secretly pouted.

Wei Chong's military account is very large, but there are not many immortals standing under the military case. As soon as Xiao Huagang came in, a sharp eye had already settled on Xiao Hua. Move, but still fall like heavy clouds!

Xiao Hua sneered, this kind of coercion can't even reach himself, even dare to show off?

"Master ..." Qian Yuhan first bowed, respectfully, "The last general Qian Yuhan, come to the account to hear orders!"

"Hmm ..." Wei Chong's voice was very majestic.

"This is Chen Zhenchen Buyao's Majesty Xiao Tun Teng Xiaozheng ..." Qian Yuhan then said, "The end will be able to get here directly, Xiao Tun Teng contributed!"

Xi Wei shone with silver light all over his body. Even the transformation of Yuanshen didn't show his appearance. He heard Qian Yuhan ask Xiao Hua for his credit, and sneered, "It's just a mistake. It's nothing."

"Hee hee, Master Wei ..." Qian Yuhan smiled slightly, "Isn't this the origin of General Xiao Tun Tengfu? If the adult is not happy ~ ~ may wish to transfer Xiao Tun Teng to the end! "

Wei Chong saw Qian Yuhan back Xiao Hua in this way, turned his head to look at Qian Yuhan, and put away the coercion he released. He said lightly: "The old man heard that Xiao Tunteng was so happy that no one else, this war will ... you Want to win too? "

"Anyone else is someone else ..." Qian Yuhan laughed, "Xiao Tunteng can make a contribution, that's good! Master Wei, haven't you seen? Xiao Tunteng is now in the first stage of immortal. From the first-level practice of Zhenxian to the first-level Tianxian, this is the only team in the entire make-up team ...?

"Oh?" Wei Chong was a bit surprised, looked at Xiao Hua again, and said lightly, "It's really a fairy, no wonder some arrogant, but also some arrogant capital!"

"Sir ..." Qian Yuhan said again, "If Xiao Tunteng made new achievements this time, he said that it is impossible to accumulate military advanced advanced deputy yao. At that time ... he was the fastest step yao of the team in the sky. You have light on your old face too! "

"Huh!" Wei Chong seemed to be in a rush, hesitated for a moment, and rushed to the general next to him. "You check, is this possible ..."

"Master ..." Qian Yuhan hurriedly said, "If you have the heart, you can let Xiao Tun make up his account now, otherwise I'm afraid it's too late!"

"No matter!" Wei Chong waved, "This old man cares about himself!"

大 "Master ..." The war general next to Wei Chong bowed at this moment, "the general has already checked!"

"How's it?" Qian Yuhan asked quickly.

"If Xiao Tunteng can make new achievements this time, and enter the deputy Buyao, he can be ranked sixth in the battalion ...

"Ah?" Chiba trembled, and asked, "Who else is there?"

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