Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1727: Ruri Haizhao

The silver humanoid was not solid, and even a little embarrassed. As if in another spacetime, she looked at the Thunder Really and asked strangely: "Hey? Who are you? When is the Nether?"

"Sir ..." Jin Xuanyue hurriedly bowed and said, "The younger Chong Xuanshan Jin Xuanyue, this senior is my disciple of Chong Xuanshan. He had cultivated in Huang Zengtian, and never had an upper bound. Said the lower bound! "

"Oh?" The human figure was even stranger, and asked, "What's your name? How can you ... get a golden immortal in Huang Zengtian?"

"My name is Thunder!" Thunder ’s real person niubi said, "Who stipulates that Huang Zengtian cannot cultivate to Jinxian? Other Xianmen disciples ca n’t do it, because they have problems with their teachers, I can just go to Xuanshan!"

既 "That's it ..." The human figure groaned for a moment and said, "You should be innocent, but you are already a golden immortal, you can't stay in Huang Zengtian, and follow me back to the world of desire!"

Xi Jinxuan said in a hurry: "Master, my juniors have informed me to rush to Teacher Xuanshan, and the teacher will come down to pick up soon ..."

"Let's go ..." the human figure said lightly.

"I'm sorry ..." Thunder was cold, "I ..."

It's a pity that the Thunder is not waiting for the real person. The human figure raised his hand. "Om ..." A clear light fell and the Thunder real person was covered early. Within the clear light, the Thunder real person's body thundered out.

Thunder is really anxious to jump up, but unfortunately he ca n’t even move. Seeing Thunder ’s real figure flew up, a soft voice sounded again: "Slow!"

"Master?" The human figure stunned and responded, and the real thunder stopped in midair again.

Then, a tiny human figure floated from a very distant place like a wind, and the human form was still a silver cover, and no one could see through the appearance.

He was the imperial palace officer of the lower realm, hurriedly bowing and saluting, "I have seen an adult in a humble job ..."

不 Isn't this human figure exactly like Tao Ruocheng of the Nether?

Tao Taoruo stood standing, raised her hand gently, and put the silent fairy under the cloth, and asked softly, "What's your name? Which fairy gate? How did you get to Jinxian in Huang Zengtian?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Thunder threw a hard neck on his neck and asked.

"Hehe ..." Tao Ruoqi was not angry, and said, "Left and right you return to the high-ranking Heavenly Master Gate, and you have to sue. Moreover, you have few such geniuses for cultivation, and I have never seen them in the Palace of Yujie, Of course, it is necessary to report! "

Tao Taoruo's little high hat made Thunder's real **** stand up, and said, "Under the Thunder, Nai Chong Xuanshan disciple ..."

After the Thunder was finished, Tao Ruohuan praised: "It is indeed a high foot in Chongxuan Mountain. This practice speed is really rare in the fairy world. Now this Huang Zengtian can no longer accommodate your practice. Fast, please color the world heaven, presumably in the future Color world, even colorless world is your world! "

"Hehe ..." Thunder was so proud of himself, singing loudly, "So laborious!"

"Buzz ..." Qingguang set off ripples, like a water wave holding a thunder and flying straight into the sky, and the imperial palace officials of the realm also rushed to Tao Ruohuan, and his body still turned into a spiral shape. As for Tao Ruohuan, At the same time as the imperial palace officials of Yujie strode, they felt like a breeze blowing away and disappeared after a while.

"My lord, my lord ..." Sanxian went, and the horrifying breath of the mountains was swept away. The head of Xianyu Gate shouted out of the broken array. "Chongxuan Mountain attacked my Xianyu Gate without permission. , And ask adults to decide ... "

Xian Tianzun's officials looked at each other and laughed:

"My duty is to protect the stability of Huang Zengtian. Please resolve each dispute of Xianmen ......"

Qi Jinxuan smiled slightly and bowed down, "Greetings to some adults ..."

Celestial officials of Tianzun Government flew away, and as soon as Jin Xuanyue turned around, his face frosted: "Practitioner Xianyumen, you only have one tea time to consider. If you surrender, immediately discard the fairy and fly out. If you do not descend, immediately Beheaded ... "

Whether Xiu Xianyumen surrendered or not has little to do with Thunder Reality. He swept across the heavenly continent and helped the Xuanshan Mountains to defeat the enemy. He has maximized his role in Huang Zengtian!

At this time, the thunderous real person stood on Qingguang, first glanced left and right. After a while, I felt that the interface rules had changed. Suddenly, I realized that I sat down cross-legged and realized this rapidly changing rule.

Gongxian Palace officials glanced at the real thunder and said nothing. After all, who can cultivate Jinxian in such a short time, which one is not a madman?

The place where Qingguang converges is a hall. An upside-down lotus lotus-shaped fairy array is slowly rotating. Seeing that the real figure of Thunder is in the array, the immortal official also shows his body. He is a male immortal wearing a pale cyan armor. He looked at the Thunder, who was still sitting cross-legged, with a bit of surprise: "Thunder, you said that you cultivated into Jinxian in Huang Zengtian, why didn't you seduce Xuan Guangjie of Sejie Tian?"

"What Xuan Guangjie?" Thunder opened his eyes, and his tone was a bit bad, apparently because of the interruption of San Wu's mood.

"This ..." Xianli stretched out his hand, "Kacha ..." There was a white light falling over the fairy array, covering the surrounding space.

"Oh, this!" The Thunder was real, and said, "This has been experienced when I ascended to the fairy realm ..."

"Why ... what ??" Xianli's eyes are about to fall, "You ... you just flew up to the fairy realm, or did you experience the mysterious light when you were a fairy?"

"Yeah!" Thunder nodded, earnestly, "I was almost killed by these mysterious lights!"

"Okay ... okay!" The immortal official couldn't ask any more. After all, it was a matter of punishment. If he asked again, who knew what else would be involved!

"There is the Zhuanji Temple. It was reserved for the true immortal who just passed the Xuan Guangjie. You can repair the immortal body and be familiar with the heavenly spirit Xuanguang of the color world. Although you do n’t have the Xuan Guangjie, you can meditate in it. Realize the laws of heaven in the world of color ... "Xianli stepped out of the fairy array, raised a finger and said to a hall next to him," You go, wait until you come to Xuanshan to pick you up, you can leave! "

"Okay!" Thunder didn't thank the real person. He walked in the past and didn't wait for him to fly near. There was another fairy official flying out of Zhuanji Hall. The fairy official looked at Thunder and wondered, "Why another one ... oh, still Jinxian? "

"What's wrong?" The former fairy official looked at the fairy official and wondered: "What's wrong?"

"As soon as you left, I found another private Tianxian Elementary in Huang Zengtian's Tiantian Continent ..." The fairy official looked up and down and said, "Whereever I know that I am going down, that fairy person told me that he It was from Huang Zengtian who practiced to Tianxian. He hid in the secret territory of Rulihai. In one fell swoop, Tianxuan and Xuan Guangjie passed through the secret territory. What do you say?

"Oh, don't ..." The former Xianli smiled bitterly. "I have this too, and they haven't broken the law either. Take them to the world of color and let them take it away."

"Let's go, tell them the master!" The fairy official who came out of Zhuan Jidian flew past Thunder, and said, "There are geniuses every year, and there are so many in this world, it's strange ..."

"What's weird?" The two immortal officials stepped out of the hall, and one of them also said, "It's all the arrangements of the immortal gates, you don't know, I'm a cruel rusher to Xuanxuan Mountain. When I go down, He just killed a fairy beast and shattered the mountain guards ... "

"Hmm ..." Thunder turned to look at the disappearance of the two fairy officials, lengheng, and quickly stepped into the hall.

This hall is said to be a hall, but there is no hall top. Chiwu Ri is hanging in Gaotian, and the fairy spirit Xuanguang which is twice as strong as Huang Zengtian is falling relentlessly.

Xunxian Ling Xuanguang fell on the real people of Thunder, and immediately gave birth to fine thunder. "Buzz ..." In the real body of Thunder, the residual laws of heaven and earth were broken, and the momentum of Thunder was rising higher and higher!

"Oh, senior ..." At this moment, in the distant light and shadow, a surprised voice sounded, "Your veteran is merciful!"

Thunder threw a look of disdain at the corner of the real person's mouth, and said lightly, "Oh, you are the goddess?"

"Brush ..." From where the voice came, a male immortal in a robe flew silver light flying out. The male immortal looks elegant and gentle, as if he never flew and gave a fist. "" Met seniors! "

Thunderbolt lived up to coercion ~ ~ Raised his hand to raise Zhao, and laughed: "Good to say, get up!"

"Predecessor ..." Zhao sentenced to look at Thunder, surprised, "What are you old? Can it not be Tianxian intermediate?"

"Do you guess again?" Thunder Really smugly smugly.

"Oh my God, isn't it possible?" Zhao Ju was shocked. "You have always reached the advanced level of Tianxian? The juniors are hiding in the secret realm to practice, it is impossible to practice when they reach the first level of Tianxian, after all, the laws of heaven and earth Everywhere, the juniors were still thinking about finding some secrets of the masters, and they were discovered by the immortal officials of Tianzunfu ... "

He did not wait for Zhao to finish his sentence, and Thunder raised his real brows and said lightly, "What Tianxian is high, my husband is already Jinxian intermediate!"

"Ah?" Zhao Jun grew up, stared directly at the real person in Thunder, he said nothing for a long time, and finally tempted, "Then ... the predecessor must have been hiding in secret territory for ten generations?"

"Cut ..." Thunder Really proudly said, "It's just a sword fairy. What more than a dozen generations are needed, let me tell you honestly, it took me over a hundred years to cultivate in Jinxian!"

"Impossible !!" Zhao Jun exclaimed, "Absolutely impossible! The junior also spent hundreds of years, spent countless resources in the door, and even used the mystery. This is the beginning of Tianxian. How could the senior be Jinxian? in?"

"No way ..." Thunder shrugged and said proudly, "This is the gap between geniuses."

"Your old is a genius among geniuses!" Zhao sentenced and could not help but extended his thumbs and praised him, "The younger generation thought he was the only one in the fairyland, but ... compared to his predecessors, it is really beyond reach!"

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