Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1722: Jiang Haochen and Xiao Manhuan

"Well ..." The first fairy of Yanxian was like a full moon, and he was very proud of him. He sighed and waved, "It's all a thing of the past, and there is no need to mention it in the fairy world! When you get to the immortal world, you must also know that my Xuanyuan space is a remote space, not only can't be compared with the immortal world, it can't be compared with other mortal worlds! Maybe you don't know, according to Jiang's knowledge, except Jiang and Ye Jian, you ... I'm afraid it's the third mysterious ascendant to the immortal world! "

"Really?" Miao Manhuan was rather surprised, "How can I be so degenerate in my Xuanyuan space retreat?

"This Jiang is also unclear ..." Jiang Haochen smiled bitterly. "Anyway, since you have risen to the immortal world, you can be regarded as having a relationship with Jiang, Jiang can't let you be buried in a small martial art like Liang Yizong, you must help Do you have a good foundation. Of course, you can worship Jiang ’s threshold. Jiang is not completely sure. I hope that you can follow Jiang in Xuanyuan space and practice rare mysteries in the fairy world. Favor ... "

"Hee hee ..." Xiao Manhuan smiled a little, proudly, "Predecessor Jiang must still remember the two secrets of my Xuanyuan space?"

Jiang Haochen looked at Xiao Manhuan, frowning: "Jiang naturally knows! What's wrong?"

"Two great secrets, one is about the creation of the heavenly phoenix and the annihilation of the evil phoenix ..." Xiao Manhuan said with a smile, "The second is about the immortality of life!"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Jiang Haochen asked again, but his words had just been finished, and suddenly he came to his senses and exclaimed, "Miao Manhuan, what do you mean? Could you ... you got the immortality ? "

"Hey ..." Huan Man Huan nodded proudly, "Senior Jiang guessed well, and the junior did get the legendary immortality!"

"No wonder you can soar so easily ..." Jiang Haochen understood and said looking at Mo Man Huan, "However, Man Mo Huan, you know, this is not only the secret of my Xuanyuan space, but also your own. You shouldn't say it so brazenly ... "

"The immortal immortal has been sacrificed by the juniors, and even if they are known, they cannot be taken away!" Xiao Manhuan laughed, "so the juniors are not afraid!"

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Haochen was helpless, looking at this pretentious and unpretentious, and waved, "Hurry up and wait for this foothill, Jiang will sacrifice the fairy boat, let's return quickly Jiang family, I hope that the secret technique you learned from the immortal rune will be seen by the teacher! "

"Huh ..." Seeing Jiang Haochen turning and hurried, Henghuan snorted quietly in his heart, and secretly said, "If it wasn't for the sake of caution, I wouldn't even bother to go to Jiang's house! As for me, I would n’t dive in. Experience, it is very easy for the third generation to cultivate a true fairy! "

哪里 Where does Jiang Haochen know that the young man who has risen to the immortal world recently is an old ghost, not the childishness he thinks at all!

According to the words, Zhuang Ao's second reincarnation was born in the world of Wan Yao, named Long Beqian. When Xiao Huawan was in the lower realm of the demon world, Long Beqian just started to practice. Xiao Hua has not returned to the fairy world. Long Buqian has already easily risen to the immortal world with the memory of previous lives.

But the dragon is not good for sneaking, just ascended, he was killed by the Shen family, and Zhuang Ao's third generation was reborn into the Xuanyuan space, named Miao Manhuan!

The Xuanyuan space is the hometown of Ye Jian and Jiang Haochen, and it was also the space that Xiao Hua fell into during the violent battle between Phoenix's phoenix body and Qunya Valley. The phoenix law incarnates Huang Tong, creating Ye Jian, and the uneven wind creates Jiang Haochen!

After Ye Yejian ascended to the fairy realm, Jiang Haochen also soared.

Jiang Haochen has better luck than Ye Jian. After he soared, he met the disciples of the Jiang family. Although he did not know whether Jiang Haochen was the blood of the Jiang family, he had a surname of "Ginger", and it was easier to worship the Jiang family than others.

As for the sparsely populated world, there are the cultivation memories of Zhuang Huan and Long Wuqian. This world is naturally easier to rise to the fairy realm than Ye Jian and Jiang Haochen.

Mi Miao Man Huan Huan grew her eyes this time and went out to lead Lingchi, and found a fairy gate named Liang Yizong to worship in it. As for the size of Liang Yizong, Xiaoman Huan didn't care about it at all. He just wanted to find a place to stay, and he would leave calmly when he had cultivated to the Five Elements or Erqi Xian.

However, it was unexpected that Man Man Huan was not long after he arrived in Liang Yizong, Jiang Haochen came. After a brief inspection, Jiang Hao Chen was surprised to find that Man Man Huan was actually Xuanyuan space, although he could not find it. Ye Jian, it is also a kind of harvest to find Man Man Huan, so Jiang Haochen wants to bring Man Man Huan to worship the Jiang family!

In fact, Man Man Huan does not want to leave Liang Yizong, but Jiang Haochen cannot persuade him, and Man Man Huan also knows that the Jiang family is the enemy of the Shen family, and the Shen family is his own enemy. It is naturally the best choice to worship the Jiang family. Therefore, Xiaoman Huanhua agreed to follow Jiang Haochen to the Jiang family.

Xiaoman Huan has the memory of three lives and three generations, but he still doesn't know. Where is six thousand miles in front of him, the three immortals are hiding under a pale green leaf, two of them are immortal. Staring at the direction they came from, the other with a large round waist and a dull expression of the dust fairy was lying on the ground with her feet on the sky, both eyes staring directly at Yan Yanri, as if basking in the sun.

"Brother Xiong Hong ..." After a while, a fairy with a sharp-billed monkey cheek whispered, "Well, why haven't you said that Jiang family disciple has come? See if the hour has passed ..."

"Brother Yu Cheng, ca n’t wait to eat hot tofu, don't worry ..." The brother named Xi Hong laughed, and he was well-informed. "Didn't my disciple already say that? The disciple of the Jiang family will come every year This trip will not change in time or route? "

"Shen Yunxian?" A teacher named Yu Cheng looked at the lying fairy next to him, and the corners of his mouth gave a disdain. "How can he know so clearly as a silly apprentice? Do n’t forget, that disciple of the Jiang family is a Yan Fairy! "

"What's wrong with my apprentice? Shen Yucheng, I can tell you, don't look at him stupid, there is no string in his head, but as long as he fills this string, he will definitely be famous Shen family!"

"Shen Yunhong ..." Shen Yucheng also pouted and said, "So, I bet with you. If your stupid apprentice Shen Zhenxian can make a name for Shen Shen, I will screw down my head and plant it for you. Fairy grass, how? "

"Okay, it's a word!" Shen Yehong listened, and stretched out his right hand, "Come, high five ..."

"It's OK to high-five ..." Shen Yucheng laughed and said, "What if you can't name Zhenshen?"

"I screwed my head down and brewed immortal wine for you!" Where would Shen Yehong be afraid of this? Interface Road.

"Okay!" Shen Yucheng stretched out his right hand and gave a right-hand blow to Shen Xihong, smiling, "Brother, I'll wait for your head!"

"You know what a fart!" Shen Yunhong said proudly, "My apprentice Yibing is born ..."

Speaking of this, Shen Honghong hurriedly pointed her finger and said, "Look at it, there are abnormalities ..."

Xu Shen Yucheng hurriedly turned back, but unfortunately within the field of vision, there was still silence, except for the wind and grass!

"Hey ..." Shen Yucheng understood and smiled. "Is the brother worried about leaking any secrets? You see, Yun Xian is the younger brother and nephew. Yesterday you said you would come to stop a Jiang family disciple to invite me, younger brother. I came here without a word! If under the strict order of Zunfu today, the younger brother also came out with the brother, the younger brother's risk is not small! "

"No, it's not ..." Shen Yunhong laughed. "The younger brother understands how to be a brother, but for the younger brother, he understands that Weixian's affairs are a little weird. For my brother, I'm afraid one of them can't speak well, and it will cause trouble to the younger brother! "

"Troubled the younger brother?" Shen Yucheng sneered, "Brother doesn't want to say it's okay, why bother this younger brother?"

Tong Shen Hong looked at the distance and laughed: "It's too early to control today's day. Since you aren't afraid, let's talk about the ins and outs of collecting Yin Xian as a brother so that you know how extraordinary Yin Xian is!"

"That younger brother listens to your ears!"

"Yu Cheng, look at Yun Xian, what is he doing?"

"Take a sun?"

"His eyes ..."

"Look at the next day ..."

"Yeah, watching Yan Yanri, it's almost half an hour, right?"

"What's weird about this?" Shen Yucheng Qidao ~ ~ Cann't ordinary dust fairy stare? "

"I haven't practiced immortality. I can protect the dust immortal with my eyes with my immortal power. Can I stare for half an hour?"

"Ah?" Shen Yucheng was startled, and hurriedly gave out his thoughts, and lost his voice, "Brother, he ... he really doesn't need to protect his eyes with fairy magic, so ... he can stare at Yan Yanri!"

怎么 样 "How's it?" Shen Yunhong smugly said, "Do you know how powerful I am, a stupid apprentice?"

既然 "Since he is not afraid of the mysterious light of the immortal spirit that Yan Yanji shoots directly ..." Shen Yucheng nodded. "This is a bit strange, presumably my brother has visited it, already know why?"

"That's it!" Shen Yunhong nodded. "As early as when he picked up Xianxian for his brother, he discovered his vision, otherwise you thought that because of his surname Shen, the elders in the clan would be willing to put him on the wall? "

"That's ..." Shen Yucheng was surprised, and smiled, "I said on the first day that the elders in the clan could not agree. You can say yes, the key is here! Come on, let's hear ..."

"It is also an accident ..." Shen Yunhong looked at the distance, still no movement, and then he said, "Just before Huang Zengtian cleared up, I passed the Hongshan Mountain for my brother ..."

"Looking for Hongshan?" Shen Yucheng looked away, and looked at the odd road. "Isn't this just looking for Hongshan?"

"Yeah!" Shen Yunhong patted Shen Yucheng's shoulder, "If it wasn't for this place where Yun Xian grew up, how could I bring him? And how could he ... help us find this? A great place? "

"Okay, my brother then said ..." Shen Yucheng was speechless and nodded.

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