Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1708: Red 0 knot

"That ..." The general who sold Xiaohua's news looked at Xiaohua and laughed, "The end will not know that the adult is here, and also ask the adult Haihan, end general Fan ... Fan Yi, have seen the adult!"

"Hmm ..." Xiao Hua nodded, and raised Fan Yi together, "I don't blame anyone who doesn't know, the old man just walked away ..."

"I see!" Yuan Shao's eyes glowed with laughter, "Master Xiao should be the key person who calmed down the world?"

"Hey ..." Master Zhuo Qiongqiu rubbed his hands and came over and bowed, "In Xia Yuxian Qiu Qiu, I have seen Lord Xiao. The others are unaware of the majesty of the Lord, but they are aware of it. If there is no accident, there is no need to spend a month , Adults and adults will be shocked by Chiming and Yangtian when they have 100 million true immortals! "

"What?" The former Qingjia, who had a bad tone, will panic. "One ... 100 million true immortals ?? How is this possible?"

"This fairy friend ..." The Lord of the Qiongqiong was lifted up by Xiao Hua, looked at the 厮, and Fang smiled, "You pay my husband a mysterious crystal, and you will immediately know whether Master Xiao's words are true or false!"

"Yanqiong ..." Without waiting for the Qingjia warlord to open, Yuan Shao took out a Xuanxianjing and handed it to the main road of Xuanqiongqiang, "I'll take a look!"

"Yuan Shao naturally doesn't have to be like this ..." The master of the Qiongqiong smiled and sent a pupil of Moxian, and did not pick up Xuanxianjing.

"Hum, do you still want me to owe you a favor?" Yuan Shaoleng hummed, took Mo Xiantong, and threw Xuanxianjing directly to the master of Qiongqiongqiong, saying, "I want to be beautiful!"

"Hey ..." The master of Qiongqiong Qi smiled and picked up, and then looked at the General of Qingjia, "Did you wait for the heroic deeds of Lord Xiao? You don't want to know how to survive the crisis?"

The two tables each took out one Xuanjing and replaced Moxian pupil, but it was just a moment, the faces of the three generals were not good.

Especially the Qing Jia warrior, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Master Xiao, the last general Zhao Er, offend the master, really **** it!"

The other two warlords call themselves District 3 and Xu Si, and the ghosts all know the fake names.

However, Xiao Hua didn't care, he was so lonely that everyone wanted to hide his identity, he could understand.

"Adult ..." Fan Yi accompanied Xiao Jing with the newly received Qian Jing and said, "The last will exchange the news of the adult with Qian Jing, and now it is returned to the adult. It is not for the forgiveness of the adult, it is for redemption. Let's do our best! "

"Nice!" Xiao Hua was also rude, took Qian Jingdao, "the old man was in the heart."

"Master Xiao ..." Yuan Shao raised his wine glass over there. "Although Yuan is not a team general, he always admires the team for his courageous killing of enemies. It's so refreshing, when a big white excitement comes, come, come, Mr. Yuan Moujing!

"Yuan Shao is polite ..." Xiao Hua held up the Xiancha ceremony, "This is what Xiao should do! And Xiao also believes that all the generals present here, whether it is Zhao Qiansun Li, as long as there is a battle, it will be so!"

"Yes, yes ..." Several war generals did not dare to neglect, all raised their glasses and laughed, "I will also have a drink!"

On the second floor of the restaurant, the immortals had different expressions. Only the immortal who came in at the end, his eyes closed seemed to raise his soul. There was no tea or wine on the table in front of him.

"Adult didn't drink?" Yuan Shao noticed Xiao Hua's tea cup and smiled, "Is it because Yuan doesn't have good wine here? Come, Xin'er, give Master Xiao a cup of ancient agar liquid!"

"Yuan Shao ..." Xiao Hua hurriedly waved his hand, "Xiao is not good at drinking, it is unnecessary."

"Master ..." Master Qiongqiong laughed, "Yuan Shao's ancient Qiongye is rare in the immortal realm. In the next lifetime, he won't buy Qian Jing, and adults should try it!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua moved, smiled and nodded, and then looked at the male immortal next to the master of the Qiongqiongqiang, "Can Xianyou now trade with Xiao?"

"On Ha Long 5 ..." The male immortal stood up and arched, "I've seen Master Xiao, and I'm honored to trade with him!"

Xiao Hua ignored the politeness of Longwu and said, "What about the remains?"

"Here ..." Although Dragon Five was a dragon family, he did not dare to neglect in the face of Xiao Hua, carefully took out a crimson red blood, the ring-like knots were handed over, accompanied with laughter, "all in this red Within a thousand knots! "

Xiao Hua saw Chi Qianjie for the first time, but he didn't want to show courage in front of Long Wu, and he took it steadily, but he had to swallow his thoughts, and he didn't feel the frost on his face!

Chichi knot is similar to Naxuan ring and Tibetan virtual bracelet, it is a fairy of storage, but the inner space is more than ten times larger than Tibetan virtual bracelet!

Wu Ke is inside this blood storage fairy. The blood of nearly 1 billion clan generals is piled up in blood. Although these corpses are not as uncomfortable as the realm, ... Yan Nian swept through the war generals, and the war generals either died calmly, or died or stared at each other, all with sharp sword penetration. Xiao Hua's heart.

大 "Master ..." Long Wu said slightly. "Looking at his face, he is willing to trade 98% of the previous price ..."

Before waiting for Long Wu to finish speaking, Xiao Hua was furious. His eyes were red and glaring at Long Wu and he reprimanded: "Damn! Long Wu, this is the billion-dollar corpse of my human race. In your eyes, it is a trading object. In Xiao Someone's eyes are supreme relics. How can such heroic remains be discounted? You can rest assured, Xiao ... A piece of money crystal, a piece of fairy grass, a piece of fairy stone will not miss you! And, Xiao is honest Let me tell you! Of these heroic corpses, Xiao will let you save one hundred million true immortals, a burial, and will pass on these fairy wares left by the heroic ... to other fairy soldiers, Xiao will let them take With the fairy wares used by Yinglie during his lifetime, galloping once again in Jiechong, once again ... take those who dare to invade my fairyland Chonglong clan ... the dragon heads !!! ''

Xiao Hua's words were powerful and he could hear that Fan Yi, Zhao Er, Qu San, and Xu Si Mo were not enthusiastic, and Yuan Shao patted the table beside him and said, "Okay !!!"

Xiaolong Wu also has some discoloration, seems to be afraid of Xiao Hua's momentum!

Xiao Longwu really didn't understand. How could he be afraid of Xiao Hua's momentum when he introduced the dragon family?

大 "My lord, my lord ..." Zhao Er waited urgently, "I am also willing to share my sorrow for the lord and help me return one billion heroes to the fairyland."

"Everyone's mind, Xiao Mou got it!" Xiao Hua closed the red knot, and instructed Lu Shu to wait for what the Dragon Five needs, and said in his mouth, "This is something of the Xiao Mou team. You only need to lead yourself in the future. Respective teams fight bravely in the realm of the realm of siege, just to protect my fairyland. "

He said, Xiao Hua sat down. On both sides of the table, Dongfang Yushan and Zhan Xiu both admired, Zhan Xiu whispered: "Master, you ... you are too prestigious! Juniors can't think of ..."

I didn't think of anything, Zhan Xiu didn't go on to say it, but Dongfang Yushan said, "Adult Qian Jing can take advantage of it? There are still some things that have not been traded in the junior generation, which can be used to offset them!"

"No need!" Xiao Hua waved and laughed, "Xiao Mou has already arranged for His Majesty's soldiers to sort it out, and soon will be fine!"

"Master ..." Yuan Shao actually walked over from where he stood, toasting, "Yuan just said that he always admired the iron skeleton warrior. But adults should know that Yuan is here ... hehe, this Waiting for the battle will be less, and adults can come. Just now the conversation was admired by Yuan, come, and Yuan will respect him for a drink! "

"Yuan Shao is polite ..." Xiao Hua took a tea cup to accompany Yuan Shao and sipped, and smiled, "Xiao will also trade in a while, and I hope Yuan Shao will join us!"

"Haha, of course ..." Yuan Shao was overjoyed and said, "Adults can trade at the Golden Cave, and Yuan Mou is prosperous."

During the conversation, Xiao Hua took out a few Naxuan rings and threw them to Longwu: "Look at something less?"

Dragon Wu picked it up, and it was obviously a bit disgusting to see a few Naxuan rings, but took him to see what was inside, and also hid carefully, and laughed: "The name of Xiao Xiao is rushed by Zhenjie, and it will become more famous in the color world in the future. The generals, I believe in adults ... "

"Hmm ..." Xiao Hua snorted, secretly, "Fortunately, I didn't mention Chiqian knot, otherwise Xiao will spray your dog's blood shower!"

Zhan Xiu was attentive and watched Long Wu accept the virtual room ~ ~ quietly whispered: "Master, bright, this red Rong Qianjie, although it is the lowest of the seven colors of Rong Qianjie, but It's also an excellent artifact for storage, worth more than the discount that Dragons just promised! "

Xiao Hua glanced at Zhan Xiu, and Zhan Xiu's teeth smiled, but Xiao Hua was frightened. This uncle's story hasn't been told yet, who knows what his intentions are!

"What's the deal for adults?" Yuan Shao still returned, standing there, smiling, "Yuan wants to open his eyes!"

Xiao Hua originally had the idea of ​​finding fish in muddy waters, but now it's all good, it's all gone, and the cheap can't be taken up, so he bitterly said, "Let's go to other fairy friends first! The fairy friends who just came with Fan are not asking about detoxification. Holy medicine? "

"Well, okay!" Yuan Shao thought for a moment, and smiled, "then ..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Shao frowned, looking at one place, and muttering, "Why did it take so long for wine?"

"Fan Yi ..." Yuan Shao was not so polite to others, and said, "What detoxifying elixir do you bring to Xianyou? May I show you ..."

"Yuan Shao ..." The male immortal sitting next to Fan Yi stood up and laughed, "There are many detoxified old masters. If you don't see the poisoned immortal, the old man doesn't know to take them out!"

"Huh ..." Yuan Shaoleng faced, and said, "It's Yuan Mou who is poisoned. Did you see it when you saw it? Don't hide it, Yuan Mou's loneliness is also crouching. Where, ordinary means have been tried for a long time, and if there is nothing special ... then turn around! "

"Yuan Shao ..." Fan Yi hurried to accompany the laughter, "You don't know how old you are, this Nai Dan Dao Meng Dan King, is Fan Mou's forgetfulness, his old man is good at detoxification!"

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