Revival of the Gods

Chapter 169: Again on the fairy mark

"They are all too many surprises for the next fairy friend..." The fairy sneer sneered, "I can't afford it!"

After that, Yu Yun Fairy also stared at Xiao Hua with a special look and said: "I really don't know if you are a man!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua also laughed, and the iron stick in his hand raised a few yangs and replied, "Is the husband a man, do you need to know?"

"" The fairy goddess woke up, and some red ears were red.

"Fairy..." Zhao Cheng saw the fairy scorpion, and hurriedly flew over and said, "You smell the breath of this space..."

"What kind of breath?" The fairy fairy was slightly stunned, but she waited for her to sniff, almost jumped up in the air, and cried, "Dust 曦?? This is the scent of evil dragons!! No Wrong, that's it..."

After that, she almost did not think about the waist side as if to push something, but she was soft and empty, but the surprise face instantly hung frost!

"While the fairy shirt is ruined, it can be born after all, this is better than anything else!" Zhao Cheng comforted. "Zhao has some preparations before. Now I invite the fairy to go with Zhao to find the dust mites, fairy. Can you enjoy your face?"

"Well...", Yunyu Fairy nodded and smiled. "Zhao Xianyou is not a famous fairy who is famous in the country. I admire it!"

Watching the fairy singer follow Zhao Chengfei, the squatter flies to Xiaohua's side, which means profoundly: "Xiao Xianyou, since you want to start... you must smash the roots! Now leave the trouble, trouble!"

Xiao Hua looked at the slut, and he said nothing, and he didn’t have to explain anything to him.

"Let's go!" 曦翃上人一手手道, "Although there is no need for dust mites underneath, this thing is the key to improving the quality of human condensate. The fairy scorpion in Lingyunchi is more valuable than the dragon's body. Still have to pick some. Oh, yes, if Xiao Xianyou has the heart, he can pass the sound to the next, and will definitely help Xiao Xianyou in the next."

"Oh, thank you for your concern!" Xiao Hua smiled. "It is estimated that Xiao will not give a voice to Xianyou."

"With you, with you!" The **** seemed to be casual and turned and flew to the direction where Zhao Cheng left.

Xiao Hua followed the flight for a few miles. He thought about it and asked: "I have a problem with Xiao, I don't know if I should ask if I ask!"

"Tell it!" The monk turned to look at Xiao Hua and smiled. "You and I both offended the fairy goddess. It is a grasshopper on a rope!"

Xiao Hua was crying and laughing, saying: "Xiao's problem is not with the 仙宇仙子! Xiaomou wants to ask the confession!"

The monk stopped and came down to look at Xiao Hua, and his eyes turned. He said, "You can answer your question about the dust mites in the next, but the fairy friends have to promise, after getting the dust, you need to give the fairy friends In the next strain!"

Xiao Hua did not hesitate at all. He sat on the ground and said: "The lion has opened his mouth, but it is an ordinary question. How can it be exchanged with dust mites?"

"Half..." The squatter immediately bargained.

“Hey...” Xiao Hua said with a faint smile. “When Xiao finds space to export, does he keep up with the bargaining?”

"Haha, too!" The squatter’s face was awkward, and he disguised his expression with a big smile and said, “So the old man has not become a person who will be enemies?”

"Not so serious!" Xiao Hua grinned. "That is the fairy god, the top is ungrateful!"

"Haha, Xiao Xianyou said, laughing!" said the man on the side of the flying side, "Xiao Xianyou should know the three fairy marks of the heavens and the earth!"

"Know!" Xiao Hua nodded. "This kind of insight is still there!"

"When I condense the first person's fairy mark, there will be differences in illusion, illusion, shadow, clarity, and reality!" 曦翃上人 explained, "And this difference is the quality of the fairy mark! The quality of the fairy mark is related to The progress of cultivation, and the achievements in the future, although the quality is congenital, related to the talent of the dust fairy, but there are always some strange things in the fairy world that can help improve the quality of the condensation, which is one of them!"

"Shen... the quality of the fairy mark can be improved?" Xiao Hua is a bit stupid. In his cognition, he always thought that the fairy mark is similar to the existence of the spiritual root. Similar to the existence of the physical property, I did not expect this thing to change. !

“Why not?” asked the squatter. “Since there are secret techniques that can cause people to condense, why can’t they have secrets and rare qualities to enhance human marks?”

"That... the second fairy mark?" Xiaohua asked. "Can it be as good as a fairy mark to promote and improve quality?"

"Of course!" said the man without hesitation, "I feel that it is not only a ground mark, but also a sky mark!"

“Imperial friend feels?” Xiao Hua heard, and did not know how to ask humanity. “What do you mean?”

"Oh..." The monk was a mysterious smile and replied, "Because there are immortals who say that the marks can't be born, they can't improve the quality!"

Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed, and said: "Isn't it possible to find a fairy with a mark? Or can you find the elders?"

"Xianyou is a fairy!" The monk took a look at Xiaohua, and there was no trace of meaning in the tone.

Xiao Hua had already prepared, and he nodded uncomfortably and said: "Yes, Xiao is not qualified, and there is no teacher in the fairyland..."

"It's no wonder!" said the monk, "Xiao Xianyou, with the old man's view, the scent is certainly free, but no power can rely on the total return is the strength of the single. The practice of immortality does not say, it is ordinary practice. Common sense is not complete, which is extremely unfavorable."

"Oh, huh..." Xiao Hua did not accept the smile.

The squatter will not be untargeted. He will not give up the introduction first. He is not eager to say more. He immediately explained: "When it comes to fairy marks, all the immortals of the fairy world know that this is the foundation of the cultivation of the immortal world. Missing fairy, let alone Yan Xian, even true fairy, but what is the fairy mark, no one can say it! Oh, maybe it can't be said, there will be some immortals, but these immortals must be high. I am not able to get in touch with ordinary immortals, so I am unlikely to know what a fairy mark is!"

"The old man used to be like the fairy friend. He wanted to understand the secrets of the fairy mark. He could find a few years in the world. As the information on the fairy mark became more and more, the old man became more confused. Because the interpretation of the fairy mark is different in different channels, Some even contradict themselves. In the end, the old man simply doesn't think about it! The left and right are cultivation. If you understand so much, you won't be able to improve one point. You don't have to practice according to the practice!"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled: "That Xiao is lazy, please ask the person to choose a few explanations, and let Xiao open his eyes!"

"Of course this can be..." 曦翃 曦翃 左右 左右 , , , 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右

Xiao Hua was cautious about the Supreme Master. He smiled and said: "There is work."

"One said that the fairy mark is a voucher for becoming a fairy..." The monk received a cautious attitude and said, "There are countless dust celestial beings. Only when the fairy marks are condensed, can they be called immortals, and they can be named in Xianban. That is to say, the immortal with the fairy mark can accept the true spirit of the fairy world, and have the opportunity to become a true fairy."

"It is said that the fairy marks are similar to the cultivation of the fairy meditation. Because the fairy tales of the dust fairy have been successfully developed, the purpose of cultivation is to open up the baby infant body meridians, to the true fairy? The meridians of the Yuan infant body also After the opening is completed, it is impossible to breed Yuan Ying in the Yuan Ying infant body. It can only be used to condense Xianli in the fairy mark and store Xianli."

"One said that the fairy mark is the embodiment of the qualification of the fairy body, that is, the potential of cultivation. It is similar to the physical condition of the realm, the physical condition is good, the fairy mark is good. However, in the real world, it is more than five elements, but in the fairy world is slightly more complicated. some."

"... As for the three fairy tales of the heavens and the earth, it is basically a legend, because the old man has never seen a fairy with a second trace of land. Not to mention the sky mark, it must be said that the immortal is rumored!"

"...because there is only one person's mark, so when you are condensing the fairy mark, you must have enough preparation. Otherwise, you can condense the magic mark, but you will get a smudge mark. Isn't that the intestines repent? And after condensing, if If you want to improve the quality, it is hard to add. Well, it is said that some martial art and family are some secret techniques that can raise the condensed virtual fairy mark to the magic fairy mark, but since it can be lifted directly when the human mark is condensed, why? What about the fee?"

"... As for the shadows from the shadows to the fairy marks, even the real fairy marks, the old man has never heard of it, as if the most powerful is from the magic fairy mark to the shadow of the fairy mark! After all, the level of the fairy mark is too high ~ www.mtlnovel .com~ Most of the immortals that the old man has seen are illusions..."

"...Dao friends think about it, a person's mark is so troublesome, who can still condense the second trace? There is a legend that if a human mark condenses a solid mark, there will be a chance to condense the second trace. But no one has ever seen it. The Taoist friend thinks for himself, a five-line fairy with a trace of the five elements of the five-line fairy with the mark and the ground mark, which one is powerful?"

"...Is it right? No way to compare it? Isn't there a lot of traces of the five elements? The strength is not strong enough. It is better to compare the grades of Wuxingxian and Yanxian directly! Even if the potential of cultivation is unlimited, But also have the opportunity to cultivate to the true fairy! There are countless immortals in this fairyland, how many real immortals?" (Remarks, the secret of the fairy mark is still very long, this is a glimpse of the leopard, there are many wrong places...)

Sui Shangren said a lot, I heard Xiaohua more confused, but he also vaguely felt that all kinds of arguments are justified. After all, when there is a sacred appearance, it is normal, and he is practicing. At that time, I also felt that Xianli entered the fairy mark, and even when stimulating some fairy scorpions, the fairy power of the fairy mark was more pure than the fairy power in the baby! In particular, if the fairy marks are compared to the roots, Xiao Hua feels that it is more perfect.

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This chapter is intentionally wrong, I want to see if you can find out, Dao... 8)

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