Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1702: Oriental Yushan?

"I've seen Liaobuyao!" Gu Sheyong bowed and saluted, and did not introduce himself, Xiao Hua said, "Liaobuyao, this is the second general who the old man took after you. You call him Qingge. That's it! "

"You are so kind, young man!" Huo Ran agreed, and reached up to help her shoot. "Since it's all under General Xiao's account, you and I should work together to help the adult go up."

"Yes Yes……"

Auntie shot at this time strength can not be smoldering, identity can not be leaked, only smiled and nodded.

"That's it ..." 苒 YAN solemnly said, "You brother can tell him why you are here?"

"Isn't the adult talking to 苒 Buyao?" Gu She asked and looked at Xiao Hua.

"I was in a hurry when I came, and the old man happened to understand another secret technique, but he ignored it ..." Xiao Hua said, "I just want to say that I can think of you, just let me tell you!"

She heard that Xiao Hua didn't want to go. She shrugged and told the story.

Huan Ran thought for a moment, and asked, "Qinger knows Xiaoguo, do you know Yuan Xing?"

"How do you say?" Gu Sheyong smiled with a tilted head. "I have heard some wind before, but I also know some things recently."

"Do you think he can introduce the King of Soundtrack for adults?"

"I don't know!" Gu She 茕 thought and didn't want to answer, "But if you don't try, how can you know?"

"Okay ..." 苒 Ran felt that Gu She was very sharp, a bit like a fairy, and she simply stopped discriminating with Gu She, and asked Xiao Hua, "Is there a little holy lotus in your hand?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The old man has a business alliance, called the Liaoning Business League. The black bear in charge of the Liaoning Business League has a small holy lotus."

"Luoyi Business League?" 苒 Frown frowned, and looked at Gu She, said, "Why haven't I heard the name of this Business League?"

"That's your ignorant!" Gu She said politely, "The mysterious Confederation of Merchants is now second only to Yuxian!"

"Oh, this way!" 苒 Ran awakened and asked Xiao Hua again, "Is it possible for adults to get more things from the black bears of the Business League?"

当然 "Of course!" Xiao Hua proudly said, "The seven realms all have business alliances!"

"That's good!" 苒 Ran laughed, "With the words of the adult, even if Yuan Xing can't introduce the King of Shooting for the adult, the adult will not go for nothing!"

Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hand a little, and asked, "What do you mean?"

You do n’t need to answer the question, Gu Sheyu sneered: "Master, the end will understand, this Yuan Xing has made a similar retreat here by using the reputation of the King of Shooting, and it is no wonder that Shooting Wang Yanming does not know him Here it is! "

After finishing speaking, Gu She rushed to Xiao Hua and bowed down, "Sir, the general will have a little knowledge, but it will make the adults laugh. Please forgive me, I will return now!"

Xiao Xiaohua looked at Gu She, intriguing, and looked at Yan Ran again. It was Gu She who tried to come and tried to fight against it; now she understands it, she agrees, but she refuses to go!

Of course, Xiao Hua also understands what Gu She's thinking. She doesn't like someone to trade the booty of the world war, and she doesn't want to let the things that make up Tianxian go out.

It's just that such things are by no means unstoppable 茕 alone can stop, even if her previous life was a long sky handsome!

That white ice, that Mao Bing, isn't this kind of business?

Mao Maobing is also Wei Chongwei's special envoy. Who can say that Wei Chong does not know about this?

So, who can say that the King of Shooting has no interest in Yuan Xing?

But, does this have anything to do with Xiao Hua? Xiao Hua didn't feel itchy at the thought of Xianyu, but it was a good place to find fish in the muddy waters. Xiaohua had not taken advantage of others for more than 3,000 years from Xianyu in the dusty sea!

"Go!" Xiao Hua commanded without saying a word.

大 "Master ..." Gu She frowned, some stubbornly, "Xiao Guchou should be a place where dirt and dirt are hidden. Does the adult have a bad reputation in the past?"

Xiao Xiaohua smiled at the corner of his mouth and said righteously: "The old man's visit this time is to use his limited strength to stop the outflow of loot from the War of the World!"

"Master is terrific ..." 苒 Ran could not help but gave Thumbs up for Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua then turned around and said, "Again, is the old man famous? For the old man, the reputation is ... Fuyun!"

大 "Master!" Gu She sighed gratefully, "The general will invite you to rehearse in the celestial space of the adult retreat, and hope that the adult will agree!"

"Let's do it!" Xiao Hua nodded. "If you practice one more yuan day, you can restore the strength of one yuan day and go!"

I watched Xiao Hua shake Kunlun Mirror and took her shot, and whispered, "Master, which team is this younger brother? Although I don't know him, I feel a little familiar ..."

"I didn't need to pay attention to where I was before ..." Xiao Hua smiled at Huan Ran. "In the future, she and you will share the same account, so be close."

"Yes, sir, the end will understand!" Zhuan Ran urged Xianzhou and flew close before he said, "Sir, the sir will be a small step, but Yuan Xing should also have a record there, the sir. Is it appropriate to talk to adults? "

"This ..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and nodded, "If so, you should turn to meditation."

After receiving the flames, Xiao Hua alone urged Xianzhou to go to the place where Jin Guang was.

Anyhow, Jinguang was just in front of her, and Xianzhou flew for half an hour, but she didn't come close.

Xiao Hua was absent-minded and didn't pay attention to these at all. Although Ruyi was entrusted to Xiao Hua and Causal Xiao Hua to understand, Xiao Hua himself kept pondering. At this time, a distant world rushed into a place, and suddenly a "buzz ... … "A beeping sound suddenly appeared, a raised bump suddenly appeared, the bump was still a whimpering spring eye, countless glowing lights like a tumbling stream.

Xia Guang was getting taller and bigger, and after doing tens of thousands of feet, "噗 ......" burst, and seven or forty-nine arcs rushed out from the inside, this arc is very strange The size is different, but from the Xiaguang source, it is no less than ten thousand feet, and then it grows up one by one. In the end, there are more than one hundred thousand feet.

"铿 ......" A sharp sound of Jin Ming came out from the arc, and immediately saw a very long, fairy-like ghost boat flying like a spindle!

"Pop ..." The virtual shadow broke out of the arc, and the sound of bubble breaking was issued. Then, forty-nine arcs quickly cooperated with one another, and flickered across the virtual shadow of the fairy boat, just in Xiao Hua's vision. Condensed in the shadow.

仙 This fairy boat glides gently and looks like a swan!

Xiao Hua never stopped the fairy boat, and Tao Yannian was swept up within the swan fairy boat.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua waited to see the two immortals on the Xianzhou boat, and then he stopped.

Xianxian Zhou had a ban on the defense of immortals and had not yet been withdrawn. The two immortals on the immortal boat also had silver light covering, but this could not stop Xiao Hua's inspection.

The first male immortal was wearing a light blue robe, with thick eyebrows and eyes, looking at the location of Jin Guang in the distance, and ignored Xiao Hua; and the male immortal Xiao Hua knew that it was a long time ago when Xiao Hua met at Huang Zengtian Ling Yunchi East Yushan!

However, today's Oriental Yushan is already a true immortal, far from being the former immortal when Xiao Hua encountered it!

"Weird!" Xiao Hua slammed his mouth and said, "When did geniuses go away? In 300 centuries, from Yanxian to true immortal, it is even worse than Zhuang Yan!"

The enlightenment that swept Xiao Hua is naturally Yushan of the East. He looked at the fairy boat of Xiao Hua in the distance, and looked at the male immortal in front of him, and said something in a low voice. The male fairy turned to look at Xiao Hua, it seemed Hesitating for a moment, slowly nodding, Oriental Yushan urged Xianzhou to fly to Xiao Hua's place.

"This senior ..." The male immortal had a smile on his face, and rushed to Xiao Hua's archway, "Younger Zhan Xiu, I wonder if the senior went to Xiaogu worry?"

As Zhan Xiu's voice sounded, Xianzhou defense, and the silver light of Zhan Xiu and Dongfang Yushan all faded like water.

Xiao Hua squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and turned Xianzhou and greeted him. When he got closer, he nodded, "Yes, are you waiting?"

"The younger Oriental Yushan, have seen the seniors!" Oriental Yushan stopped the fairy boat, and saluted with Zhan Xiu.

"Hmm ..." Xiao Hua looked up at Dongfang Yushan and Zhan Xiu, without talking.

He Zhanxiu still had a smile on his face, and said, "The younger generation seems to be in the wrong direction when they watch Xianzhou, so they dare to ask the senior, did the senior get a solitary order or a carefree order?"

Where does Xiao Hua have any order ~ ~ He laughed: "The old man just came back from tasting Haoyuan fairy wine from his friend Yu Yazidong, and occasionally passed by, and passed by to see ..."

"That's what it is!" Said Zhan Xiu, "If the predecessor does not have a solitary order or a solitary order issued by Xiao Gushou, the senior is afraid that it will not be easy to enter. So, the younger just happens to have a distress order. If you like, you can go with the juniors. "

"Haha, so good!" Xiao Hua agreed with a laugh, flying off the fairy boat where Zhan Xiu and Dongfang Yushan were.

Dongfang Yushan is a little scary, but still accompanies the laughter: "The older generation sits a little, the younger generation urges the fairy boat."

"Huh!" Xiao Hua smiled. At this time, his face had changed. He could not see it with the strength of Dongfang Yushan, but Haoyuan Xianjiu and Yu Yazi were Xiao Hua and Dongfang Yushan. The ladder experience is encountered, if this oriental jade mountain is that oriental jade mountain, he should know.

I can't believe that this Oriental Jade Mountain has gone unheeded, apparently not the Eastern Jade Mountain that Xiao Hua encountered.

However, Xiao Hua didn't care, because he had a very close relationship with Dongfang Yushan, and Zhan Xiu accompany him carefully and asked: "The senior is wearing a battle armor, and his eyebrows are filled with heroic spirit. At first glance, it is Hao Hui. The team's famous generals, I wonder if the younger generation can ask the name of an adult? "

Xiao Hua waved his hand and replied: "Oh, my husband is just a whirlwind, and the name Xiao Zhenren is not famous ..."

"It turned out to be Xiao Xiao ..." Zhan Xiu's eyes lit up, arching, "The adult's name is like a thunderous ear!"

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