Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1690: Epiphany, bottleneck

"Ah??" Sure enough, Xiao Hua exclaimed that the thing was a cry, "She...what was she here?"

But seeing that the disciple handed it to Xiao Hua... is a remnant sword. Isn’t the style exactly the same as that left to Xiaohua when Yuan Gu’s shot was broken?

The remnant sword is in the secluded pole, but saved Xiaohua’s life. How can Xiaohua not remember?

However, Xiao Hua always thought that Gu Yu was hiding in a certain place to retreat. Who knows that she actually went to the color world, and is still in the Haohui team?

"Fast!" Xiao Hua thought and didn't want to, said, "She is a good friend of the old man in the early years, you... bring her with the flag, no one can know!"

"Yes..." The disciple nodded. "The disciple will go there. There will be a lot of fallen soldiers. No one knows!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua smiled and took out a fairy to the disciple. "This thing gives you help to set foot in the middle of the real fairy!"

"Xie, Grandpa, thank you!" The disciple was even more ecstatic, and he took the celestial hurriedly.

It is not necessary for a long time, the disciple returns, and the flag is given to Xiao Hua. After the ceremony, he went.

Xiao Hua received the flag and did not rush to release the aunt. Instead, he blinked and looked at the messy battlefield, but the bottom of his heart was a wave.

Auntie gave great help to Xiao Hua, not to mention the frost sword, just to say that the residual sword, help Xiao Hua to escape a big robbery, let alone aunts also gave a poison oath, fundamentally speaking, aunt The life and death of the shooting is in Xiaohua’s thoughts, so Xiao Hua can’t leave it alone.

However, how to manage it is another big problem.

Gu Yuzhen is different from his disciples, such as Joe's reincarnation. He is different from Qin Xin and other wars. He is different from Bao Jian and Yan Zhan. If Xiao Hua is not handled well, not only his hidden secrets, but his life may be lost. .

"This is causal..." Xiao Hua looked at the whole team of the disciples and made a bitter smile. "It’s really wonderful. If Xiaomou doesn’t pretend that Xianli is not good, he can sacrifice the dragon whip. As long as you don’t use the frost sword, you can definitely recognize it. If you don’t have Xiaomou, and if you are hiding in the world of Desire or Color, you can’t touch Xiaomou if you don’t want to go to the land.

Xiao Hua was thinking about it. Jing Zhihong suddenly flew in a hurry. When he was not close, he said: "Xiao Yuexiao, fast... with the old man going to the boundary of the three-three-eighth..."

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "When you wait for the disciples to converge, you will go to the soldiers with the adults!"

"No..." Jing Zhihong hurriedly said, "No longer returning to the military road. It is too late, the old man has to... a secret order of an adult, asking me to wait for the fastest time!"

"Also!" Xiao Hua looked at Jing Zhihong, quite a feeling of some meaning. First of all, the prospect of Zhihong, such as the more screaming, is an adult in the next population, and now, an adult in Jing Zhihong’s mouth... What military ranks?

Xiao Hua knew that Jing Zhihong was in a hurry and rushed to inspire the seal, and ordered the team's disciples to swivel at a rapid speed.

After half a cup of tea, Qin Xin and so on, Jiang Meihua returned, and other disciples seem to have been sent to the soldiers.

After receiving the soldiers, Xiao Hua sacrificed Kunlun mirror and said to Qin Xin and Lu Shu: "You are going to carry out the martial arts! The old man must hurry with Jing Daren."

"Yes, Master!" Lu Shu listened, and hurriedly received the Thunder Boat, together with Qin Xin and so on into the fairy space.

Looking at Xiao Hua's clean and clean, Jing Zhihong said a little shyly: "Xiao Yuexiao waits a little, the old man's armpit movement is a bit slow!"

"No problem, no problem..." Xiao Hua smiled and waited for half a meal, smoldering and so on.

Jing Zhihong’s big sleeves shrouded the squadrons and shouted: “You wait too slow, it’s a shame to the old man!”

After that, Jing Zhihong took the Xianbing, and his body shape shook, and the whole body burst into a golden flame, turning into a virtual shadow, and went deep into the boundary.

Although it is a phantom shadow, it is heavier than the mountains and stars. In the tremor of the rumbling, a heavy radial spurt is born, like a gust of wind and lightning.

Xiao Hua smiled slightly, and the whole body also had a light golden flame, but this flame is the law of fire, but after seeing the nine flashes of fire, Xiao Hua’s body shape disappeared immediately, and a string of fire-colored phantoms was also in the space. Born.

This illusion is faint, and it is more ethereal than the light feathers. It is said that the roaring sound is that the wind and the whistle have never been born. Isn’t the law of Xiao Hua’s law shifting?

“Hey?” Li Bing did not know why Jing Zhihong and Xiao Hua had left in a hurry, so he paid attention to the movement in this direction. Seeing Xiao Hua’s law is a teleport, it’s not surprising, the dark road, “What is this trick? Can you be so calm in the world?"

Mo said that Li Bing was surprised that Jing Zhihong was also extremely nahan, and he was directly in the middle of a small half-yuan. After the day, Jing Zhihong stopped and slowly moved, waiting for Xiao Hua, "brushing" Xiao Hua appeared, and saw the scene on the head. Zhihong’s strange look.

"Adult..." Xiao Huaqi said, "How come stop?"

"The front front is thin and thin, it is a famous sinister place. I am waiting for the Jinxian to pass through. It is already good. How dare to cast a big trace?"

"Oh, this is the case!" Xiao Hua looked at his head and smiled. "Then ask the adults to lead the way, and the end will be followed."

"Xiao Yuexiao..." Jing Zhihong shot the top door, and the breath quickly converges, then slowly flew up. When he visited the left and right, he asked casually. "What kind of tricks did you just show? It doesn't look like a big fairy." what!"

"Is the adult at the end of the study?" Xiao Hua said profoundly, "The adults will display the big change, and the body of Jinxian will be washed out and collapsed. How dare to show the big move again?"

"Haha, haha..." Jing Zhihong laughed, but he didn't hide anything. He said, "Really, indeed, the old man wants to see what other secret skills you have!"

"At the end, this martial art is not a mystery..." Xiao Hua explained, "It’s just using the law for sorcerer..."

Later, Xiao Hua spoke the law over and over again.

"Oh my God, you really can think..." Jing Zhihong was shocked and said, "The force of using the law is teleported."

"Adults..." Xiao Hua shrugged and replied, "The end will also come under the chance of coincidence. Since flight is a space law, then... at least the ubiquitous five-line rule can finally be teleported. This is normal. Five elements are similar..."

"No, no, completely different!" Jing Zhihong waved his hand. "The five elements of martial arts are based on the power of the Five Elements, and the law is teleported. It is necessary to turn the fairy body into five elements, and only the law of the true fairy can reach... ..."

"Boom..." The speaker did not listen to the intention, and Jing Zhihong’s words were like a thunder, and Xiaohua was directly awake.

Jing Zhihong is really a word to awaken the dream people.

Xiao Hua’s practice of light has always been at the stage of exploration. After he has been tempered by the five elements of the world, he cultivated himself to live in the light, and after he reached the fairy world, he did not know how to cultivate. Then, with Wushan's beginning to cast soul, Xiao Hua finally found his own unique way of cultivation.

Even so, Xiao Hua is still confused.

Even if Xiao Hua is easily cultivated into a law, it will be teleported. Even if Xiao Hua’s fairy body is divided into 130,200 small dots, Xiao Hua still does not link it together.

On the contrary, Jing Zhihong’s sentence is like an introduction, which brings together all the accumulation and realization.

"Yes, good..." Xiaohua’s heart is extremely excited. "Xiao’s law is teleporting, but it’s just that the immortal can be used, not only because the true fairy is strong, but also because the fairy of the true fairy is the body of the law. The body of the law can be turned into a part of the law. Otherwise, it can be done by simply integrating it!"

"Instead, Xiao Mo's brilliance is not the same? Before Xiao Xiao was in the light, it was the entry of the light; now if Xiaomou wants to continue to cultivate the light, then... it should be the embodiment of the light! Of course, Xiaomou is now a predecessor of strength. In fact, he has not yet fully embraced the great situation of light, but the direction of cultivation is really clear!"

"As for why the soul was cultivated with the beginning of the light, a beginning light can clean the body of Xiaomou with 130,200 light spots, so that these light spots can be turned into real light spots; Xiao, a hundred and three hundred and two hundred light spots, there is a strong soul imprint of Xiaomou, not to become a light can no longer condense the adult body!"

Xiao Hua wants to be more excited, knowing that he is true and correct, can not help but shake the fairy, and there is a faint golden light flashing out of the body.

"What's wrong?" Jing Zhihong looked at Xiao Hua with some strangeness.

Xiao Hua returned to the gods and smiled and said: "The adult is not the golden step of the golden fairy, the secret technique that will be inadvertently cultivated at the end, the adults can sum up the essence, and the end will be far behind!"

"Golden fairy high-level?" Jing Zhihong looked at Xiao Hua, and bitterly said in his mouth, "When you get to the high level of Jinxian, you will know the suffering of the old man!"

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, and he already understood the meaning of Jing Zhihong’s words. After all, the team’s cultivation is not the same as that of Zongmen’s cultivation. The Zongmen’s system of practice is complete, and various resources will be provided in an orderly manner with cultivation. You need to find your own methods, and the connection of various exercises is not necessarily complete. Therefore, the foundation of cultivation is inevitably flawed. As for the resources used in cultivation, it is necessary to use military power to change.

As a result, Jin Nian's high-end bottlenecks are all there, so the difficulties faced by Jing Zhihong are much more difficult than the difficulties of the high-ranking immortals in Jinzhong.

These things, even Xiao Hua can't do anything. After all, Jing Zhihong's Taoji is there. Xiao Hua can say unceremoniously that all the disciples of Chenghuamen, except the later disciples of the team, the path of any disciple. The base is several times stronger than Jingzhihong.

Especially in today's fairyland space, there are people who have the same way and two humanoid shapes. The disciples of the Xianjie space can use these two secrets to cast a solid track.

:. :

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