Revival of the Gods

Chapter 168: Killing the fairy? Ray

Xiao Hua did not look around, but looked down at Xiao Jin’s back, but saw that the light rain hit the dragon’s dragon phase, the dragon gave birth to a golden texture, the texture was easy to absorb the light rain, and poured out Fist-sized runes. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

“Is Xiaojin a metal?” Xiao Hua looked up and looked at the light rain in the sky. He said in his heart, “Isn’t the power of the gods should be the property of the earth? Could it be because it swallowed the dragon body and swallowed the dragons, and the attributes changed. So light rain, it looks like tempering... Hey, Xiaomou is negligent, isn’t this a good time to temper the frosty sword?”

Thinking, Xiao Hua hurriedly sacrificed the frosty swords. Sure enough, the remnants of the sword all came out with ice layers, but the light rain hit the ice layer and hit the frosty sword. Xiao Hua is overjoyed.

Xiaojin naturally does not know where the space is exported. It only carries Xiaohua around, so it flies for about a dozen days. Gradually the light rain begins to stop, the space is high, and the thick golden stream is born. The stream cloud looks like a cloud, and it can be carefully explored. It is like a wave of waves, covering the sky with a heavy, majestic atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, only born on it, overwhelmingly falling!

"Destroy the fairy tales?" Xiao Hua also gave birth to a shock, looking at the sky.

"Old... lord..." Xiaojin seems to be afraid of this breath, but it is still stuttering. "Don't be afraid, the small body is very hard and can help the master block..."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua looked at Xiaojin and said, "If you are afraid, you can go back to space first!"

"" Xiaojin was anxious to cry, arguing, "No, lord, small is not afraid, small... small..."

Xiao Hua is a somewhat complicated look at Xiaojin. To be honest, Xiao Hua doesn't like Xiaojin very much. After all, Shenli is different from Xiaoyin, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang. It is Xiaohua who got his own white when he was in Xiaoyu. Zong was a monk surnamed Fan. At that time, Xiao Hua was only looking at the power of God. He also wanted to try the techniques of maintenance, which left the power of God. Who knows that after a few moments of divine power, the opportunity is actually so far, it seems to be more powerful than the small silver.

"But it..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and Yan Yue said, "Let's go ahead!"

"Yes, Master, yes, Master!" Xiaojin clearly felt the change of Xiaohua's tone, and he was very happy.

Xiaojin wouldn’t dare to devour any light rain. He only carefully took Xiaohua’s flight, and it was half a day. The light rain was clean. At the moment when the light rain disappeared, the sound of thunder was born in the air, and it was a piece of gold. Lightning slowly grows out at high altitude!

"White light kill??" Xiao Hua heard the thunder, hurriedly looked up and did not feel the sound, "No, this is not the white light killing of the jade dragon thunder! But this breath is similar to the light kill, that golden white There should be some white light in the lightning! No wonder it is called destroying the fairy!"

"Hey..." Just in the surprise of Xiao Hua, his feet were empty, and then the shadow on the top of his head was revealed. Xiaojin was transformed into a hundred feet to protect Xiao Hua under his own body!

"This child..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly and was about to talk. Xiaojin called again. "Master, I will call out Xiaoyin, it is the best way to find it!"

Xiao Hua’s heart moved, and Xiaoyin was sent out. When Xiaoyin came out, the two eyeballs were agile. The nose twitched a little and flew toward the place. The side was called: “Mother’s mother’s mother Dear, come with me, export here!"

"Go to protect the small silver!" Xiao Hua distressed the small silver, and hurriedly told Xiao Jindao.

"Yes, Master!" Xiaojin promised, and hurriedly flew to the top of the small silver head to protect it.

Xiaoyin turned a few laps in the air, and then rushed straight into the sky, but after flying a thousand feet it stopped, with a trembling voice: "Mother's mother-in-law, the exit is still above, the child's bones are soft and flying. Moved."

"Small silver, come up, I will take you there!" Xiaojin did not think, hurriedly shouted.

"Good!" Xiaoyin cheerfully promised to fly down to the back of Xiaojin. Unfortunately, it was just over a hundred feet. The little silver mouse kept shaking. Xiaohua looked distressed and laughed. "You and Xiaojin Go back, then the old man will do it himself!"

"" Xiaojin’s tone trembled, but he said very stubbornly, "Small **** lord!"

"Go back!" Xiao Hua released a small volume of two hearts into the space, then he squinted to look at the sky, a hand to take out the golden ball, Xianli urged, "唧..." a sharp The sound of the humming sound, the golden ball ruptured, and there were thousands of fragments that were triangulated and scattered around Xiaohua. All the pieces were shaking and sounding different rhythms.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua saw this method of subpoena for the first time. Although he felt that this technique was quite lame, he still smiled and waited.

Sure enough, it was only the practice of half a cup of tea. Zhao Cheng, Sui Shangren and Yu Yun Fairy flew from two places. When the fairy singer hit the old distance, he shouted: "Xiao Xianyou, have you found space to export?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded and pointed to the high airway. "It’s on it!"

"Up... Above??" Somewhat fairy screamed incredulously. "Are you talking about destroying Xianli?"

"It’s not clear in Xiaomou!" Xiao Hua said, "The left and right Xiaomou knows that the space exit is on top!"

"Not bad!" The monk also flew over the sky. He looked at the sky and hit the palm of his hand. "It should be at high altitude! After all, the ground on the space has been searched for almost the same height, only the sky!"

"Come on!" Zhao Cheng is more acquainted, his body shape keeps saying, "The annihilation of the sacred eagle will fall, I want to escape, can only take risks!"

Someone in the Yuyu Fairy hesitated to see the shape of Xiao Hua and others flying straight, reminding: "Well... if it is not right, I will not have room to retreat!"

"Now there is no!" Xiao Hua looked at the top of the head, the lightning at the height was getting fuller, just like the mature fruit can fall at any time, he said faintly, "When the singer is formed, the whole space will be a catastrophe!"

"Bang Long" Xiao Hua's voice just fell, surrounded by high-altitude thunder, all the light and shadow flashing, some Thunder have fallen.

Just when the fairy fairy was honed, Zhao Cheng had already produced a strange fairy charm, and the fairy symbol turned into an eagle-like light group, and when it flew to a place, the sound of "bang" Burst, a crack of a few dozen feet in size was revealed in the air, Zhao Cheng laughed and shouted: "Haha, really!"

Immediately, Zhao Cheng did not pay attention to others. The golden light of the python in the silver light suddenly rose and stretched, and the Zhao Cheng fairy body rushed into the narrow gap!

After the squatter arrived, he hesitated a little, and then he was full of silver, and a fairy with a long shuttle swayed and flew out, and the figure was swiftly stretched, and the fairy was flying. Go out!

Above the cracks, the smashing of the scorpion thunder and the surrounding space have been distorted, and the cracks are beginning to be unstable! Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and tried to urge Xianli to turn into light and shadow. Just on the side of Xiao Hua, the shadow of the fairy bird in the sky, the sound of the wind and the sound of the wind, the sound of the whistle, "呜 呜 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

The cracks are not big, Xiao Hua is also able to pass the illusion of the body shape, and now the fairy scorpion is also squeezed in, and there are signs of collapse around the unstable crack.

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, his left hand snorted, "Hey!" Ruyi smashed out, "bang" a loud bang, the bird's head has been hit by the wishful bar, roaring, countless The rune tumbling is shattered, and the silver light is also gray!

"Ah!" The fairy screamed and the figure was stagnant.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua snorted, his body shape turned into a flat light and shadow into the crack. Behind him, the bursting sound of "噼里啪啦" continued, apparently the space crack collapsed.

However, before the eyes and eyes flashed, a cluster of cyan light curtains was passed by the baby body, and Xiaohua’s nose and mouth came with a touch of grass and fragrance!

Xiao Hua’s hand was not recovered, but he was guarded in front of himself. However, when he stood in midair, he did not encounter any sneak attack. It seems that Zhao Cheng’s relationship with the singer is not as shameless as that of the singer. Even the people on the scene saw Xiao Hua flying out, but also said: "Xiao Xianyou, borrowing your light, Zhao Xian friendship seems to find the dust!"

"Dust 曦?" Xiao Hua is puzzled, but still smiles on his face. "Congratulations to Zhao Xianyou!"

Zhao Cheng’s face also had a touch of joy and smiled: “This is the blessing of the fairy friend. If the non-fairy friend finds the space exit to here, how can Zhao find the dust?”

Speaking of this, Zhao Cheng looked at Xiao Hua's body and looked at Xiao Hua's hand in his hand. It is a pity: "It looks like a fairy is too fierce!"

"哼’s not a singular fairy who is so fierce, it’s Xiaoxianyou’s eyes are fast...” The **** said coldly, although he was not next to Xiao Hua, he seemed to know everything that happened in the space. .

"Hey..." Just in the middle of the three-person talk, a voice of sorrow was born from Xiao Hua, but seeing the fairy singer flying out of the air, the sorrowful voice, a cluster of blood. As for the fairy goddess, the silver body of the whole body has been absorbed into the body, revealing the convex and concave lines. Previously, the light and shadow of the birds have disappeared, and there are many birds in the blood.

"Hey..." The squatter smiled and flew a few steps, laughing. "Congratulations to the fairy scorpion!"

The fairy goddess sees the monk coming over, scared his body shape, and hurriedly flew over the hundred feet. On the side of Baizhang, Xiao Hua smiled and stood. Look at the iron rod in Xiao Hua’s hand, and the fairy goddess was really biting, she could not No more flying down!

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