Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1655: Time sword battle space 4 icon

The woman's eyebrows are like spring, just stood up, and the corner of her mouth sings and sings: "The weather is strong. The first cold plums spit first. When the spring comes, the scent is reduced, the state is condensed. The flowers are full. The apricot branch is spring and beautiful. The most beautiful and flamboyant, comparable to the east, the female neighbor. The red plum is full. The weather is thick. The warm mountain cherry red dew. The knot points the lips, the flowers thank you, Jun Look at it. The rogue is partial. Pay attention to the scenery. Congratulations on the return of Taoyuan. The water in the hole is late, the fragrance is moving, and the red is innumerable. Where to go. The scenery is thick. The most is the sea bream. Sleeve lining is light red, Yingying tears, resentful spring. Dusk with a little rain. Moss on the scenery is thick. Self-owned Kao-based. Fuyan pressure group, bee butterfly play, Yan Yu language. Dongjun pays. Concentration. The red medicine has been raining. The wine is wrapped around the fragrant plexus, and the flowers are dissolved. Advise the spring to live. Mo teaches easy to go." ([Song Dynasty Li Xixun, "Ten Flowers")

In the woman's mouth, every word is spit out, and the power of the seven-star dragon phase is reduced. After waiting for seven sentences, "the weather is strong," the seven stars are annihilated, and the seven stars tremble slightly...

However, it is not waiting for the woman's petal to condense the hand, "Booming..." The second golden seven-star virtual shadow is born, the surface of the golden seven-star silhouette, the golden smoke is a sparrow!

The shape of the bird has just been swept away, in the summer sword array, pomegranate flower, hollyhock flower, calamus flower, wisteria flower, jujube flower, brocade flower, hosta flower, hydrangea, gardenia, lotus, crape myrtle, hibiscus, purple萼花, Amorpha, Baizilian, Lingxiaohua, Manshushahua and Impatiens, bloom at the same time, "唉...", a sigh rang from the flowers, hundreds of millions of flowers condensed, an old dragon bell condensed.

This old man seems to be in the woods, mourning poetry is also weak, far from the spring woman is full of energy, but every word of every mourning makes the bird-shaped seven stars vibrate, the golden light quickly dissipated.

"Spring is fine. Chunyin is also good. With some children, the spring rain is better. Spring rain is like silk, embroidered with red branches. How can I ban him, Meng Po with soap. Plum blossoms are small. Apricot flowers are small. Sea breezes, cold and cold Gloomy. Years old spring, was blown by the twenty-four winds. The flowers are slow and slow." ([Song Dynasty Jiang Jie "Undressing Order"]

The voice of the old man landed, and the dry palm of the flower condensed, and the seven-star trembling of the bird-shaped trembling, "Booming and banging..." The third golden seven-star virtual shadow was born, the surface of the golden seven-star silhouette, the golden smoke as the smoke, is a Tiger shape!

Tiger-like fall, within the autumn sword array, time to pick up Huaguang, sweet-scented osmanthus, rice flower, bean flower, buckwheat flower, jujube flower, sunflower, morning glory, dill flower, silk flower, silk flower, chrysanthemum, reed, Yellow flowers, golden flowers, buttercups, camellia, frost and scented flowers, bloom at the same time, "cough cough..." The coughing sounds from the flowers, hundreds of millions of flowers condense, a sick, weak middle-aged woman Clot it out.

The woman's face is sick, she is out of breath, but she looks up to see the tiger-shaped seven stars, and the side of the cough is saying: "Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog, the night is half, Tianming goes. Come to When there are not many spring dreams, it is like going to the cloud without a flaw." ([The Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi "Flower is not flowers"]

There are not many words in poetry, and the beauty of women is ill, but the beauty of the petals is condensed. The tiger-like seven-star restraint is dead, twenty-five words are finished, and the tiger-shaped seven stars are like sick cats. The petal hand, inescapable, trembles quickly...

"Booming and banging..." The fourth golden seven-star virtual shadow was born, the surface of the golden seven-star silhouette, the golden smoke as the smoke, is a basaltic!

Xuanwu attacked, within the winter sword array, time is looming, plum, orchid, snowflake, daffodil, rose, ice, plum, camellia, fragrant flower, hawthorn flower, etc. bloom at the same time, a woman with red face Silently and freely from hundreds of millions of flowers.

This woman is very weird. The snowflake and ice flower condense into the skeleton of Baisensen. The plum, orchid and so on condense into half of the flesh. The woman smiles like a smile, watching the basalt of the attack, sings and sings:

Flowers thank you for flying all over the sky, who is pity?

The soft silk of the spring is floating in the spring, and the smudges are lightly covered with embroidered curtains.

The daughter of Yuzhong is cherishing the spring, and she is full of emotions.

Put the flowers out of the embroidered curtains, and step on the flowers.

Liusi 榆 pods from Fang Fei, regardless of peach floating and Li Fei;

Tao Li can be re-issued next year. Who knows who will be in the middle of next year?

In March, the nest has been built, and the Swallows in the Liang are too ruthless!

Although the flowers will be embarrassing next year, they will not go to the empty nest.

On the 360th day of the year, the wind knife and the sword are strictly forced;

When it’s bright and fresh, it’s hard to find it.

It’s easy to find flowers and flowers, and kill the flower people before the stage.

Relying on the flowers, the tears are dark, and the empty branches are covered with blood.

Du Fu was speechless at dusk, and the Dutch returned to cover the door;

The blue light shines on the wall, and the cold rain knocks on the window.

The blame slave is more hurtful? Half-pity spring and half annoyed spring.

Pity spring suddenly angered, and then went without words.

Yesterday, the sad songs outside the court, knowing is the soul of flowers and birds?

The soul of the flower soul is always difficult to stay, and the bird is self-sufficient;

I hope that this day will be born with wings, flying with the flowers to the end of the sky.

At the end of the day, where is the fragrant hill?

If the kit is not as good as the bones, a glimpse of the pure land will cover the wind.

The quality is clean and clean, and it is stronger than the dirt.

I am dying to bury and bury, what is the death of my future?

I am a burial person who knows who is buried here.

Try to see the spring flowers fall, it is when the old age is dead;

As soon as the spring is full of red and old, the flowers fall and die, I don’t know! (Cao Xueqin, "The Funeral Flower")

It is also weird, the red-and-white bones women mourn the poetry very long, the basaltic seven-star sings with the poetry, the speed is suddenly reduced, and the golden light is slowly disappearing, and the red-haired white bones women’s voice has landed, and the basaltic has also turned into a solitary seven-star. Waiting for the woman to stretch out the bones of the fingers, falling on the basalt, the seven stars tremble...

Twenty-eight stars revealed the truth, the golden light was annihilated, and the trembling, Xiao Hua saw clearly, the mist disappeared, and the pagoda appeared again in front of himself!

However, Xiao Hua was hesitant at this time, because he was already convinced that the pagoda should be the star of the twenty-eight stars, should he still go?

"Go!" But it was a flash of thought. Xiao Hua was born with evil. "How can I break it?"

"Daoyou and help me!" Xiao Hua told the fairy baby hidden by her side.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s body shape has already rushed to the Eight Diagrams Terrace, and Xian Ying replaced Xiao Hua in the far air.

Xiao Hua was the first to suppress the four seasons of the swords in the winter. When he left Xian Ying, he was under pressure. Xiao Hua thought that Xian Ying was just like himself. He knew that Xian Ying had just set a battle, "Hey..." This has already restrained two. The time of the 18-star cluster is once again loose!

"Hey..." Dragon phase, tits, tigers, and basaltic squats, attacking again.

"Brushing..." means that the four women who died of illness and illness dissipated and turned into Huasi into the four elephants!

Xiao Hua was in a hurry and flew down to the Eight Diagrams Terrace. He looked around and at this time, "Booming..." The pagodas were everywhere, and the mists poured out. In the mist, many different faces of the fairy would fly fiercely. Out, these fierce looks more powerful than the twenty-eight stars!

Xiao Hua’s vest was sweating. He knew that he had fallen into the Eight Diagrams, and once again triggered the real Wan Xian array. Those who raised their hands to kill themselves reappeared!

"Who is this? Dare to marry my grandfather!!"

Xiao Hua was shocked by the flesh, a thin light and shadow holding a bronze flag 幡 appeared out of thin air!

This light and shadow can not see the outline, only to see the long ear over the top, but the bronze flag painted Xiaohua's eyes. But seeing this flag is triangular, and there are many broken, but there are many inexplicable textures and totems on it, which are full of green and bronze luster. These lusters are intertwined. Xiao Hua looks at it, inside. Only the blood sea and the bone mountain shadow, the faint mourning came from the inside.

There are two belts in the flag-bearing triangle, which are like the tails, but they have all been broken. Even so, Xiaohua also has the feeling of turning around.

"This... What kind of treasure is this?" Xiao Hua soul flies out of the sky, this is definitely not something he can resist!

However, at this time, the sound of the dragon whistle of "吼..." suddenly flew out of the mist, flew toward the light and shadow, sneered at the light and shadow, and gave up Xiao Hua, shaking the flag against the little dragon banner.

I know, don’t shake it, the flag is floating, and the little dragon bird’s “吼” sounds again to the light and shadow!

"" The light and shadow were stunned.

Just when the light and shadow broke out, Zhang Qingxiao’s smile suddenly appeared in the light and shadow, and then Zhang Qingxiao’s voice was born in Xiaohua’s heart: “Quickly!”

"Well!" Xiao Hua likes to do this, and he is the most comfortable. Zhang Qingxiao’s smile has just appeared. It doesn’t wait for Zhang Qingxiao’s voice to sound, and the flag of the light and shadow is gone!

"Oh..." The outline of light and shadow is broken like a blisters. Zhang Qingxiao is like a light smoke. He said: "It seems like there is no way out here..."

" I know..." Xiao Hua said faintly, "You and the little dragons are back to the fairy space!"

Said, Xiao Hua sacrificed Kunlun mirror, Zhang Qingxiao and the little dragon bird received.

Just as Xiao Hua is ready to get close to the pagoda, this time the change is sudden...

And said that Xiao Hua broke into the 28-star cluster, which instantly caused the imbalance of the time sword array, the dragon phase, the bird shape, the tiger shape and the basaltic squat, attacked again, and the four women representing the old and sick died and dissipated into flowers. The sea rushes into the four elephants, and the flowers in the sea are all kinds of flowers, such as goose, magnolia, plum, poplar, silk flower, tung flower, golden cherry, goose yellow, silk flower, lotus, betel nut, vine, rhododendron, hibiscus, sweet-scented osmanthus, and reed Orchids, scented flowers, peach blossoms, dragonflies, plum blossoms, narcissus, camellia, fragrant incense, etc. began to flash everywhere, and the four women’s physiques also appeared in some messy places...

--Thanks to the following representative of the fairy friend to help Xiao Zhenren to return to the fairy world, to fight the Quartet, and to make a name for himself: I have been looking forward to the present, Nandi North Horse, return, loritin, Xiangqing, Shield, Stupid, singing whistle, Proud of the state, ruthless, Zfwz666, not destroying the **** fist, Nolan Hee watch (Allen), tea egg eggs, shrimp and fire, drowning repair people, stinky mosquitoes, anti-water Africa and other book fans.

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