Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1653: Sun and Moon Convergence 7 Stars

At this time, it was already the winter solstice, and the disciples sang:

"Dongfeng night puts thousands of trees,

More blows, the stars are like rain.

The BMW Carving Car is full of roads.

The sound of the phoenix is ​​moving, the jade pot is turning,

A night of dragon dance.

Moth snow willow gold,

The laughter is full of scent.

People look for him thousands of Baidu,

Looking back,

That person is there,

The lights are dim. ("Sapphire Case, Yuan Xi" Southern Song Xin Qiji)

Thousands of fireworks rushed to the sky, it looked unusually gorgeous!

However, not waiting for Xiao Hua and others to appreciate, the heavenly man suddenly exclaimed: "Dao friends, not good, the moon has changed!"

"Moon?" Xiao Hua stunned and hurriedly looked up and saw the west side of the pagoda. The four stars of the Moon Star, Zhang Yuelu, Bi Yuewu, Weiyueyan and Xinyuehu will appear together. These stars will The fierceness still can't see the appearance, but obviously they don't talk about the fireworks. They are in a short-lived form, burning immediately, and a small silver-white moon-shaped star begins to form. "Brushing brush..." More star flames are born from other parts of the star array, all of which are pouring into this moon-shaped star!

The moon appears, the other five burning stars are even more crazy, and the image of the five-star gold and wood is already obvious!

The moon is out, is the sun far away?

"Japan, Japan..." The Wudao people also heard some impetuous sounds, and they saw the Pagoda East. The four stars of the Japanese Department will appear in the Japanese, Xingri, Fang, and the Japanese. It has not been revealed that the appearance has burned.

Seeing a golden sun like Xuyang Dongsheng, the 28-star cluster and the four seasons swords are illuminated. The demon statue said: "Oh my God, this... this is to kill the net!"

"The same way to play!" The heavenly man also gnashed his teeth and said, "This Taikoo immortal is too low-spirited, and it is so unspeakable!"

"Feng Yudao friends..." Xiao Hua knows that the star-studded squad is a big hit, reminding Feng Xiaodao again, "Prepare!"

"Yes!" The phoenix screamed, the wings spread, and the six hurricanes rose!

"Not good..." The Tianren and the Wudao people suddenly changed their faces again, and exclaimed, "There is a passage between the Japanese and the Moon!"

The two voices never landed. The sun and the moon that just formed began to rotate. Above the pagoda, a rounded path condensed, and the heavens and the sorcerers were pushed down by the track!

Even the heavens and the sorcerers can't save themselves, which shows the power of this star trajectory!

"Thunder Road Friends..." Feng Yi did not want to, and hurriedly cried, "Let the Zifu paintings be used for the poor road!"

"Tell!" Thunder really heard, and hurriedly sent the Zifu scroll into the space, but after a while, he smiled bitterly. "The purple house scroll is the secret of my door. What is the use of the Taoist friend?"

"There is still a poor road!" Feng Yan side, Xiao Hua's fairy baby came out!

"Okay... okay!" Thunder really feels speechless, it seems that there are traces of Xiaohua!

Feng Yu took out the scroll of Zifu, and Xiaohua’s fairy baby was picked up. A photo of the eyebrows fell on the scroll of the purple house. “Boom...” The scroll of Zifu was immediately spurred, and the red dust was like a cloud. Gush!

The Thunder was stunned. He urged the scroll of the purple house to use the scroll of the purple house. This is simple, and it is easy to use it directly.

However, not waiting for the Thunder to say something, above the pagoda, the sun and the moon have begun to rotate in the sky!

The sun and the moon just started to rotate very slowly, but every time they make a circle, the brilliance will be brighter, and the outline of the two stars will increase by one lap. After seven or forty-nine laps, there will be five gold and wood fires. The stars also began to spin.

The rotation of the five stars is different from the sun and the moon, not in a horizontal plane, but in criss-crossing, and the trajectories are different. In the same way, the brilliance and size of these five stars will increase every time you make a revolution.

"Big brother..." The demon statue is a bit ugly, whispering. "How is this going on? It seems like someone is juggling!"

"Oh..." Both the sorcerer and the angels laughed. After all, from their point of view, it’s like someone standing on the pagoda juggling!

Xiao Hua did not answer. He stared at the seven stars that were spinning in a strange way. The trajectory of the rotation was reflected in his nephew. He saw the traces of heaven from this trajectory!

"Absolutely not so simple..." Xiao Hua looked at it, and turned his head to look at the winter sword array. At this time, he had no intention to consider the Camellia, Ruixianghua and Hawthorn flowers that came out behind him. He only knew the winter sword. The disciples of the array are doing their best to perfect the sword array, and they don’t have to worry about it. They can only block the attack of the stars.

"Not good!" Xiao Hua was thinking about it. Suddenly there was a picture in his mind. It was the situation after the seven stars traversed the number of times. Isn't it the seven stars? The goal of the Seven Stars is the Autumn Swords!

Xiao Hua did not hesitate to rush to pass this scene to Feng Xiao!

"Good!" Feng Yufeng's eyes are round and round, and his wings are on display. "Booming and banging..." Six hurricanes immediately spurred.

Sure enough, after the interest rate, the seven stars and the beads, the seven-star glory in a flash, the two big arrays shine brightly, not to mention the ordinary disciples, that is, Xiao Hua and others can not look directly!

"Oh..." Jinmu Shui and the earth's five elements made a roar, and Qi Qi took off the trajectory and flew straight to the autumn sword array.

Surprisingly, the five stars hit the moon, and the moon seemed to be just a silhouette. Once passed, all five stars were stained with silver!

When the five stars flew to the sun, the sun also flew out, and the head hit the phoenix!

If there is no Xiaohua reminder, Feng Qi will definitely be caught off guard. At this time, Feng Xiao sneer, although facing the power of the heavens and the earth, he still has a good time: "Go..."

Six hurricanes condensed into a whirlpool of seven stars!

"Oh..." The six vortexes are under the seven stars, but they are supported for a moment, broken immediately, but after the hurricane vortex, the gold and silver stars on the seven stars of the bead have disappeared.

"Booming and banging..." Even the seven stars of the beaded into the scroll of the purple house, as before, the red dust suddenly shows the starry sky, the starlight is in the middle, and the seven stars disappear!

However, no matter Feng Xi, or Xiao Hua Xian Ying, no one can sigh with relief, "Zi La La ..." Sure enough, at the end of the starry sky, a five-color star like a sword light will tear the innocent starry sky, even the seven stars thorns to the autumn sword array !

"Hey..." Xiao Hua Xian Ying smiled like Xiao Hua, and as he raised his hand, before the five-color starlight, suddenly there was a yin and yang instrument!

"Hey..." There is no stagnation in the seven stars of Zhuhai, and it is straight into the pen!

"This... is this a two-in-one dusty array?" Even if it was a real person of Thunder, it was shocked to see the infinite dust inside the yin and yang. " actually got one in the scroll of the purple house..."

"Haha, the dog's tail continues to linger, nothing is impossible!" Xiaohua's fairy baby also laughed, and the first sentence, "Dao friends are strange."

"Daoyou 臻契 is the congenital **** ban, simulating a two-meter micro-dust array is not a real thing!" Xiao Hua's voice sounded, reminded, "mainly the Thunder Road friends can not resist, the Phoenix Tong Road Friends, the next step is to look at the autumn swords..."

"Good to say!" Huang Tong sneered, commanding, "Zhu disciples, listen to my orders, full strength..."

"嗡嗡 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

With the sword, all the flowers in the flower are shot with silver and white swords, and this billions of swords rush into the sky, turning into a white tiger like a shaking head!

This white tiger has wings on its back, and there are silver swords in the mouth between the mouths!

"Hey..." When the white tiger screamed in the sky, "Hey..." There was another starlight in the center of the two instruments, and even the seven stars of the bead broke out again!

"Daoyou..." Feng Xiaoji said, "Can you come back to a four-image array?"

"Dao You is really looking at the poor road!" Xiao Hua's fairy baby touched his nose and smiled.

"Look at my autumn swords!" Huang Tong whispered, the white tiger spreading its wings and rushing to the sky.

At this time, the star of the Pearl has been bleak, but its power still has six points!

White Tiger welcomes the unparalleled morale of Lianzhu Qixing!

"Booming and banging..." Even the seven stars of the bead smashed into the white tiger's eyebrows like a sword. The hundred million swords in the white tiger body once again turned into the image of a hundred million white tigers, fiercely swallowing the seven stars!

The sword light is broken, the starlight bursts, the white tiger dies, and the seven stars annihilate!

Countless light and shadow, countless fluctuations, with the road of life and death in the autumn swords, the pieces of flowers withered, withered, one by one disciple reveals, the shadow of death is facing them!

It turns out that the most powerful of the seven stars is not the star power, but the death rule contained in the seven stars!

"Damn!" Huang Tong whispered, and thought a few words with Feng Yu, and ordered the "disciples, listen to my order, evolve the sword!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of thousands of disciples did not dare to neglect, each spurred Xianli, and 18 kinds of flowers bloom again. The power of birth in the flowers resists the death rule of the Seven Stars!

"Call..." Xiao Hua in the distance made a long sigh of relief. In any case, the calculation of the star-studded squad was blocked, and finally it did not interrupt the four seasons.

It’s a pity that his heart hasn’t been put down yet, “Hey...” Within the twenty-eight star cluster, the seven-star pillar broke out and landed on the seven-star trajectory that just disappeared. !

"Booming and banging..." Seven sounds and seven stars appeared again!

"Big brother..." Demon statues must cry, and cry out, "You... are you human beings too perverted? Every time you make a big change, you must be strong, and this is... this time even the starlight Don't condense, just pinch a star out, this is not cheating!"

Xiao Hua is crying, because when the seven stars restart, Xiao Hua has understood that this time will be bound again, and the goal of Lianzhu must be the winter swords behind him!

At this time, the winter sword array has just spurred the first cold chicken breast milk...

--Thanks to the following representative of the fairy friend to help Xiao Zhenren to return to the fairy world, to fight the Quartet, and to make a name for himself: I have been looking forward to the present, Nandi North Horse, return, loritin, Xiangqing, Shield, Stupid, singing whistle, Proud of the state, ruthless, Zfwz666, not destroying the **** fist, Nolan Hee watch (Allen), tea egg eggs, shrimp and fire, drowning repair people, stinky mosquitoes, anti-water Africa and other book fans.

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