Revival of the Gods

Chapter 161: Step on the gods, the pressure is really fairy

Xiao Hua thought for a long time, and he said in his heart: "Xiao Mou practiced from the dust fairy to the fairy mark. If it is based on the ordinary saying of the fairy world, it is the achievement of the missing fairy, reaching the realm of no leakage. The so-called leak-free environment, cultivation The simplicity is the perfection of the cultivation of the fairy, and there will be no more leaks of the fine elements. The more complicated one is that the body of the fairy body should be subtlely growing and annihilated. At this time, the immortal is in control of the fairy body. However, Xiaomou It is the baby body. It is the spirit of the fairy spirits. It is integrated with the outside world. The growth and annihilation of the baby body is different from the body of the fairy body. How can simple cultivation be achieved without leakage? So even if Xiaomou conceales the fairy mark, it only shows The strength reaches the sinister, but the realm is nothing to do with the situation."

"In this case, the practice of destroying the nine layers of the martial arts will also be based on the strength of the control, and what realm has nothing to do! Also, the Thunder real people practice the Yuanshen, they naturally can not really compare the realm. Right, right. Chu Yu said that, as well as the practice of the body, it is even impossible..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was dumbfounded: "Grandma's, the fairyland is so big, the practice of cultivation is even more flowers, how do these various exercises practice with Xiaomou? Xiaomou now only has the body of Yuan Ying, I don’t think it’s useful for all kinds of exercises. Just think about your own cultivation path...”

"If the number of meridians is controlled by the method of breaking the killing power, it is too much to play. Xiaomou now cultivates the mustard coagulation technique, and the power of the gods controls the meridians to beat the previous ten times. What is the leak? If you are a fairy, you are not deceiving yourself?"

"If it is based on the measure of arrogance and arbitrage, and the order of strength, Xiaomou enters the body with light, and wins several times more than the scent of the sage, crushing others with the same level, and even bullying others!"

"But it, stop, simply don't think about it, put the name of Xiao's own cultivation, and then take the next step in the way of cultivation!"

Then Xiao Hua smashed his hands and closed his eyes, but he saw his body and light began to flash. The red, orange, green, blue, and purple colors flashed one by one. Within the Shenxiang Danfu, the spirits of the spirits were also turned into seven heavy, if the same seven dragons In the Xiaohua infant body, the body is full of seven or seventy-nine yuan, but seeing the seven-color light and shadow suddenly disappeared into Xiaohua's eyebrows, and the seven-seven fairy smashed into Xiaohua's body, and the sound of "铿" was loud and bright. Huazhong gasified the lotus, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "My way can take care of the gods! What is the first name, the pressure of the real fairy? Hahaha..."

The sacred form of the gods is formed, and the heart of Xiaohua enters the space, turning into a jade, Xiaohua Trail, self-rushing on the starry sky, and rushing into the sky, Xiao Hua’s body: “The poor roads are slightly small, and the specific deduction is to repair the whole road. Friends, have labor!"

But see the starry sky starry, like Tiandao Xiaohua smile.

Yuhua Xiaohua sat down on the knees, and the mind would step on the first heavy work of the gods, and even imagined to post it again and turned out of space.

In the starry sky, the stars of each color begin to faintly flash, and even the trajectory of the stars is changing, and the heavy fluctuations are overflowing in the void. The fluctuations have fallen, and the cause of Xiao Hua’s big hand has also begun to move slightly. Every time there is a movement, there are more than 10,000 feet of virtual shadows. There are countless mysteries in the shadows, and there is no end to life and death.

Xiao Hua’s heart escaped from the space, not to be scorned.

Xiao Hua squinted at the three pillars of fire that did not know the various materials. I thought for a moment, a mouth, and the five-colored fire spurted into a filament, and as the filament disappeared, the runes above the fire column began to flash. The fairy spirits turned into hurricanes and rushed into these runes. Waiting for the fire to cover the pillar of fire, Xiao Hua began to shake the fairy, and saw the celestial rituals of the sacred rituals. On the three pillars of fire, all the runes came out and rolled around the pillar of fire. The rune shines, and the silver light and shadow begins to rush out, gradually turning into a shape of a furnace between the three pillars of fire. In that furnace, the spirit of the King of Fire Spirit is in the eye.

About a meal, the five-color fire will also infiltrate the light and shadow, in addition to the spirit of the fire king, the whole set of furnaces began to color!

Seeing the timing, Xiao Hua’s backhand shot his forehead, “噗”, the fairy mark reveals a silver light column rushing out of the eyebrow of the spirit of the King of Fire! Waiting for a rune to be engraved on the spirit in the flashing silver light, Xiao Hua is a mouth again, "呜" a piece of innate spurt out into the spirit.

"呜呜呜" But see the spirit of the King of Fire Spirit began to give birth to five colors, and spread toward the five-color fire!

"Boom..." seems to be ignited, and the spirit of the Great Fire King suddenly burned up and gradually merged with the five colors of fire. The King of Fire spirit tried his best to use the five-color fire to advance, and now his wish has finally been realized by Xiao Hua.

"呜" When the spirit of the Great King of the Fire disappeared, Xiao Hua had a mouth, and a silver light rushed out like a train to swallow a whole volume of the three talents and swallowed it into the abdomen.

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and raised the number of the three talents. In the future, he took out the materials of the ritual protection needles one by one. When he saw the ice heart silver and Nirvana gold, he couldn’t help but show the end of autumn. It is a pity that the Iraqis have become late autumn and the winter is out of date.

In the heart, meditation on the method of protecting the spirits of the needles, Xiao Hua squirted the three talents, and all the materials were put into the furnace!

Another forty days, seeing a silver needle with a few feet long and condensed in a five-color flame, Xiao Hua has a mouth, a scent of scent, and the "呜" silver needle-shaped body runes begin to form, The road, however, the fluctuations in the length of the thumb rushed out of the void and crashed into it! Looking at the runes like a spot, Xiao Hua has been, that ice heart silver fell into the furnace.

"Brush" the flames, the ice heart silver begins to melt, gradually transparent, and make thousands of heart-shaped vesicles! Xiao Hua waited for a moment, urging the spirit of the technique, seeing the law everywhere, "啪啪啪" heart-shaped vesicles broken, and there are more tiny cores in the inner core, these heart cores are engraved with Xiaohua baby body imprint!

"Go!" Xiao Hua snorted, a large hand condensed in the shadow of the Ding furnace, grabbed these cores and sprinkled in the silver needle!

The "咔咔咔" heart nucleus and the needle-shaped body surface emit a layer of faint silver lightning. This lightning produces a layer, the needle is transparent, and the lightning disappears. The silver needle is completely transparent!

"Good!" Xiao Hua praised, and his hands were smashed, playing on the only remaining Nirvana gold, Nirvana gold should be sounded as a golden juice.

Finally, I shot my own eyebrows, and the fairy marks were born. A silver light was injected into the golden juice. As Xiao Hua missed the words, the shadow of Xiaohua in the golden juice gradually solidified!

"This..." Xiao Hua frowned, thinking, "This is similar to the practice of soul repair!"

However, Xiao Hua at this time did not dare to use the soul and the green essay. He secretly sacred himself, and he shot his own fairy mark. The second silver light beam was injected. This golden light and shadow began to annihilate and re-create. Juice, but Xiao Hua is clearly seeing, some green-like runes like green 篆 in this sap are born!

So life and death seven times, the last generation of the golden human form has some green runes, and the whole human form is more solid!

"Go!" Xiao Hua snorted and beaten in the human form. The human figure flashed golden light and fell into the furnace.

"Brushing" five colors of fire and burning, some impurities in the golden human form turned into light smoke, watching those green runes produce pleats and brilliance, Xiaohua's last seven immortals, but listening to the surrounding vague The sound of sings and sings is born, and the golden human figure falls into the transparent needle shape!

"Boom" screamed in the glory of the golden light of the furnace, a heavy and exquisite rune self-protection needles show all kinds of flames!

Xiao Hua did not reach out, but his mind sneaked out, and a roll of protective needles fell into the top door!

"咔嚓嚓" is like a thunder shot down, Xiao Hua feels that his baby body trembles, inside the baby body, those where there should be bones, the faint crystallized solid and strange birth, the collapse of the body is immediately firm!

"It turns out that..." Xiao Hua perceives that some parts of her baby are still condensed, and some are awkward. "The so-called fairy body has bones and stands, has blood and is born, has meat and is full of life, has soul and is alone! Xian Ying, boneless nature can not stand, the guardian needle sounds a bit vulgar, but the reality is the top of the line! It is no wonder that Bingxin Silver and Nirvana Gold are really necessary."

Once the baby body is solidified, Xiao Hua will no longer waste time. Since the surnamed female immortal can be chased, another more powerful male fairy can naturally catch up. Xiao Hua is a little more to repair a little more life-saving opportunity~ But see Xiao Hua's mind, sitting on the knees and sitting on the fragrant Dandan, surrounded by light and shadow, a faint humanoid black shadow gradually emerged, I don't know how long it took, the humanoid black shadow became darker and darker. However, when the blackness is to a certain extent, the sound of "啪" sounds like a young sprout, and it is like a flower bloom. A little light suddenly appears. At the same time, the sun shines on the side of the space, and dozens of rays suddenly Twisted, and more fluctuations immediately rushed from there as the spring surged.

Fluctuations like a stream rushing into the light like a bean, "啪啪啪" bursts of light, like a fried bean, a lot of lights burst, but between the fingers, the waves will completely ignite the side of the human figure.

"Oh..." On the other side, the light of another heavy light is also born out of the darkness. Similarly, another wave of fluctuations is also coming!

However, for a long time, the seven-fold volatility seven-light shadow has completely shrouded Xiaohua's humanoid shadow!

At the moment when the last heavy light was born, the "brush" colors and light began to mix with each other, "嗡嗡嗡" human figure light and shadow roared, countless seven-fold runes were born from the void, waiting for these runes to fall into the light and shadow, "bang" seems like a lead In general, the entire light and shadow will skyrocket and cover the entire cave!

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