Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1613: Goodbye bell

In the words, Xiao Hua waited for the light and shadow to turn like a wind wheel. A familiar voice of Xiao Hua sounded: "The Taoist friends are so powerful that they can break the big array, come, come, come, and eat my fencing..."

Xiao Hua looked up and saw that it was not the previous half of the human figure, but at that time, the human form has been revealed. It is a fairy with a red dress, a golden hair, a golden hair, and a wide-mouthed lion!

This immortal man raised his hand, flying swords attacked Xiaohua.

Six hundred years ago, the power of this immortal light and shadow was unparalleled in the eyes of Xiao Hua, and it was more powerful than any fairy. Xiao Hua knew that he was not an enemy, but now Xiao Hua is reborn and sees flying swords. Especially horrified, he only sneered; "But flying swords, the poor road can still fear you not?"

In the words, "brush..." sounded softly, and the darkness of the flying sword broke through the air and greeted the immortal flying sword! There is a space rule in the flying swords. After Xiaohua fell into the Taikoo Xianjie fragments, he did not specialize in the attacking winds, and even other fairy instruments did not deliberately sacrifice.

After arriving at Taiji, Xiao Hua was aware of the opportunity, and sent the actual used devices to the light spots in the body, using all opportunities to sacrifice. Just after the break of the four-image big array, Xiao Hua and other people fully realized the four elephants, enlightened the space, naturally will also attack the wind and other fairy re-warming sacrifices, and now sacrificed, the wind and the previous cloud mud!

"Oh..." The wind will block the immortal flying sword, and the rest will not be reduced to the shadow of the immortal light. "Brush", the immortal one will not even cut the red and black robes in the light and shadow!

Not to mention that Xiao Hua took the lead in the shadow of the immortal, and said that Xiao Hua had just flew out. The thunder and the real person met the fierceness of the immortal, and the fierceness could not see the appearance, but the shape of the armor made the Thunder really impressed. It is profound, and the immortal is open. It is also a female voice: "The Taoist friends are so powerful that they can break through the four elephants. Even so, there is only one war with me, come and eat my sword..."

During the speech, the female fairy fiercely waved a sword, but saw that the flying sword gave birth to water, carrying the power of the sea to the Thunder!

"Hey..." Thunder really feels similar to Xiao Hua. I know that I can fight this female fairy, and I will raise the hand to cut it out. "Hey..." Tengjiao cut golden light, not only blocking the female fairy flying sword It is even shaking his head and swaying the female fairy armor through a crack!

"Damn!" The female fairy was surprised and lost her voice. "How is the golden scorpion shear of Joan? In your hands??"

"What gold 蛟 cut!" Thunder really laughed and said, "This is my smashing cut!"

"Oh..." The female fairy snorted and raised a hand to sing a thing and called, "And look at my moon and moon!"

"Oh..." The sun and the moon are vacant, and suddenly the sun and the moon shine. If the glory and glory are like the yin and yang, the instrument will lock up and cut, and the Thunder will not wait for the smashing, "啪..." Moonlight is faster than lightning.

"Hey..." The dragons of Tengqiu screamed and screamed, and the golden light annihilated, still turning into scissors and falling from the air.

"Tengqiu cuts it!" The female fairy sneered, raising her hand and pointing at the moon and the moon, and scolding the road, "play!"

"Hey..." The sun and the moon trembled and vacated again, and the sun and the moon shone in the face of Thunder!

The Thunder lived in a crisis, and Xiao Hua was not good in the distance. The celestial light and shadow of the immortal saw the damage of his red gossip, and he felt furious. He raised his hand and said: "Daoyou, don’t want Speaking loudly, I am afraid that you will die in front of you, you are leaving, you are going to take you!"

Said, the fairy light and shadow shake the thing!

Seeing the object in the hands of the immortal, Xiao Hua is like a thunder, some standing on the spot, the thing is a bell, isn't it exactly the same as the bell in the space of his own Buddha?

I just took a look at it, and now I see it again, this... What does this mean?

"Boom..." The immortal swayed the bell, and there was no sound of a bell, but a roar, and the overwhelming flame rolled over.

"Call..." Xiao Hua saw the flame, but he felt relieved. He returned and smiled. "However, how can I take it?"

Said, Xiao Hua's left arm was lifted, the Buddha's light flashed, and the clean bottle appeared in his hand, slightly rising, the innate water poured out, and the flame was blocked!

Who knows, the flame is so powerful, the sound of "Zi La La", the innocent water is actually burned out!

"This... What is this flame?" Xiao Hua was a little shocked.

However, before the flame spread, Xiao Hua’s right arm stretched out of the light, and the bell that had hidden three stars was also taken out by him!

"Booming..." Xiao Hua shakes the bell, two stars fly out, crazy to the fairy light!

"Ah? are a Cihang Taoist..." When I saw Xiaohua’s bell, the fairy was shocked and shouted, and the tone was a little short.

Waiting for the immortal to finish the words, "Hey..." The bell in the hands of the immortal screamed, and a glimmer of fire rushed out of the bell in the hands of the immortals to burn themselves to the immortals.

"Cihang, I will not die with you!!" The fairy light and shadow is low, and the whole body is golden, but the golden light can't stop the flame. The fairy's left arm swings, "brushing" the right arm breaks, the flame will swallow the right arm of the immortal, again Rushing to the fairy light and shadow, "Hey..." At this time, the stars flying out of Xiaohua Bell also hit the fairy light and shadow. The fairy light and shadow never dared to stay for a long time, and the streamer rushed into the flag gate and disappeared!

In the "啪" flame, a bronzed broken pilgrimage fell, and the flame caught in the bell and flew to the hands of Xiao Hua, together with the bell!

"Dangdang..." The two bells touched a place and made a crisp sound. With the sound, the stars and the flames disappeared. The bronze flew up and fell to the side of the bell. Xiao Hua reached for it, but saw it. Five essays, the text falls into the eyes of Xiao Hua, and his righteous self-seeing is "three treasures of jade"!

"What do you mean? This... is this thing a three-treasure jade??" Xiao Hua looked at the pilgrimage, how to watch a jade is irrelevant!

Xiao Hua still wants to see it again. In the distance, the black and white light and shadow are like a light wheel. It is the two instruments of the Zifu painting that are born again. Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly collected the pilgrimage and other physical diseases to fly to the light and shadow. The scattered bodies everywhere will fly over...

And said that the female fairy sacrificed the sun and the moon, to beat the thunder and the real face, the Thunder was shocked, he hurriedly urged the purple house to resist, but the "噗" sounded muffled, the sun and the moon have already hit the thunder real face door!

"Ah..." Thunder screamed and the figure fell.

At the same time, the "brush" Thunder live-action door has a seven-color glow flashing, and the Thunder's real body disappears out of nowhere!

"The obstacles..." The female fairy sneered, and looked at the place and said, "There is still something to be done! Go..."

As the female fairy handed a fierce finger, the sun and moon beads hit another place, and the body shape of the Thunder was just revealed.

This is also a shortcoming of the dead, even if it can be temporarily replaced, but the distance of transmission is limited, if you encounter such a strong man, such as the fierce, can not escape a death!

Seeing that the moon and the moon are coming again, the thunder of the real escaping fled, and exclaimed: "My life is rest!"

"Daoyou is anxious, Xiaosheng is also coming..." At this time, the literary songs whispered, and a heavy blue water rolled over and protected the Thunder.

"Hey..." The sun and the moon beaded through a few heavy shackles, but still can't break the defense of Xuanyuan's water flag!

"You are a bird man!" Thunder really angered, and madly spurred the scroll of the purple house, shouting, "Dare to take the life of Laozi? But a fierce, go to death!!!"

The purple house painting splashes ink like a little ink into the space near the female fairy, and the black and white two instruments are rolled up!

"Ah?" The female sorcerer was shocked and she was about to spur the sun and moon beads. Behind her, Xiao Hua sneered, "Dare to kill my friend, you will come to life!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua broke his eyes and opened his eyes. The sun arrow hit the sun, crossed the sky, and shot straight into the female fairy. The sun really fired the female fairy.

The female fairy was fierce and shocked. She was born with water, and she just shattered the fire. "Brush..." The scroll of the purple house has been rolled up, and the two black and white instruments forcefully smashed the female fairy!

"Damn!!" The female singer snorted, and the sound of "Peng" was shocked. A bronze gossip was born, and the gossip blocked the two instruments. The female genius was fierce and swayed, and the Thunder was caught up in the sky. A volume wants to collect the gossip, which knows, the gossip flashing luster will come out of the yin and yang two instruments to go empty!

Xiao Hua smiled coldly, and took a look at the eyebrows, and the gossip and light shadows were thrown out. "Hey..." The bronze gossip turned into a turtle shell, and Xiao Hua earned a fairy mark!

"Hey..." Thunder really snorted, and the scroll of the purple house was a sacred moon, and it was in his pocket!

"Good insurance..." Wenqu looked at the female sorcerer's Received the Xuanyuan control water flag road, "If it is a small student late for a moment, the Taoist friend will lose this life!"

“Thank you for your friend!” Thunder’s real person took the Zifu painting and sang the literary grace. “If you are not a friend, you will never see you in the poor road!”

"It's too powerful!" The man was also shocked. "It's just fierce, and there is such strength!"

"This fierce look is much more powerful than the human figure!" Xiao Hua also nodded. He looked around and said, "I am going to go, don't let them regenerate what means!"

"Big Brother, where are you going!" Devil Zun was somewhat frightened and whispered. "Don't you say it? What else is there in the 28-star array? Can we avoid it?"

Xiao Hua released his thoughts and carefully explored: "Of course, we must avoid it. A four elephant will kill us. If there is another twenty-eight stars, we will definitely die!"

"Daoyou..." Thunder was a bit of a sham, and asked softly, "The Promise is born Taiji, Taiji is born with two instruments, two instruments are four images, and four images are born with gossip... After the four elephants, it is clear that the Eight Diagrams Why did it become a 28-star cluster??"

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