Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1608: Sending a big fortune!

"Oh..." At this time, Xiao Hua sneered, followed by "brushing..." A golden light burst, and the two dragons shook their heads in the golden light, and the dragon tail "咔嚓" in front of the magical life, a life will The right arm of Magic Life is cut!

"Ah!" Mo Lishou screamed and his figure fell.

The magic armor of the broken arm just left the body of the magical life, immediately issued a "哗啦啦......" sound, the entire broken arm inch broken, actually a lot of hundreds of thousands of fairy fell out of thin air.

"You are friends at this time..." Where can Thunder really care about these? He laughed softly, a little dark as ink came out of the eyebrows, and the ink swirled through the body, and with the magical powers of Wu Dao, Feng Yu and Huang Tong, there was a touch of white out, with Ink is turned into a yin and yang instrument!

The yin and yang instruments revealed that the Tao began to evolve. The four images of the attacking magician four were also scattered with the ink and whiteness. They did not eliminate the deliberate evolution of these disciples. The yin and yang instruments have already passed through the void. Home four will be around!

"Booming and banging..." The Devil's Four will tear the whole body and shadow, and they will scream, and some scattered fairy will fall from the blast.

"Oh..." At the eastern horizon, the spring breeze started again, and the figure of the Devil's Four will begin to distort, seemingly to be hidden into the four elephants!

"The disciples..." Xiao Hua suddenly felt amazed, and hurriedly said, "Quickly arrange! You are friends, show yin and yang!"

The disciples did not dare to neglect, the figure was formed into a four-image array within the shape of the two instruments, and the avatars were equally astonished, and the yin and yang were fully developed!

"呜呜 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

However, with the brilliance of all the brilliance, the disciples spurred the four elephants to resist, and within the whirlpool, only a few fine elements and life limits were taken out by themselves!

"Not bad..." Seeing that the two instruments are effective, the Thunder is really eager. "The two instruments can resist the four elephants. I have to keep my heart and protect my disciples!"

"Good..." Xiao Hua and other people praised the good, and perceive the full force!

The four elephants have seen no results, and naturally they have increased their strength again...

One year, ten years, hundred years, thousands of years...

Xiao Hua and other hard support, constantly evolving yin and yang, resisting the four elephants, but after thousands of years, Joe's reincarnation and other disciples did not support, "咔嚓嚓..." Thunder sounds like spring thunder will suddenly hit the four elephants It’s broken!

The disciples of the disciples collapsed, the suction of the four elephants increased sharply, and the human form pressure of the two instruments also increased. After more than a thousand years, the two figures disappeared.

At the same time that the two instruments collapsed, "嗡嗡..." the surrounding space shook, and the red dust was born again like a bud!

"Hey..." Thunder sighed, sighing from the broken light and shadow, watching the troubled disciple, yelling, "Can you wait for it?"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua also stepped out from the light and shadow, laughing. "You don't have to blame them. These four elephants are powerful, and they can't easily resist it!"

As he said, Xiao Hua’s face changed slightly, and he looked at the ground and shouted: “Hey, this... what does this mean?”

Immediately, Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed it. On the ground, thousands of bronze fairy pieces floated up. Most of these fairy instruments are intact and have different styles.

"Daoyou..." Feng Yan Yang said, "This is the Taoist friend who used to sacrifice the smashing smashing for the Thunder Taoist friend, and cut off the magical ritual arm!"

"It’s strange..." Thunder really swept away, and it was also strange. "This is the real Taikoo fairy. It’s the right arm of the magical life. No, maybe the magical life is all these ancient ancients. Condensation?"

"Yes, good!" Heavenly man wakes up, and hurriedly, "No wonder that the body is so solid, even a certain family can't compare!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua, who has always been a fan of money, wants to understand, and caress, "You are a friend, I am getting rich!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Mynah!" said the devil, "The big brother means that we kill and kill, that is, we don't want the life of the demon family. Isn't the fairy of the ancient fairy world not endless?"

"What!" The man screamed. "What is the life of the Devil's Four? Now let's save our lives!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "At this time, I have more than enough life, and with the familiarity of the two instruments, there will be four acquaintances, and eventually I will win with Taiji! So I can wait for the initial When you break the Devil's Four, you will be the body, and you will get more!"

"These broken things, who are rare!" Heavenly people sneered at these ancient artifacts.

"Haha, I don't need it, my disciples need it!" Thunder laughed and said, "Mr. Lie is the king of the East. He was attacked by the White Tigers. These thousands of fairy weapons are handed over to them!"

The white tiger battle disciples were overjoyed, but they looked at Xiao Hua with a sullen look and quietly dispatched Xiao Hua!

"Whether it is worth it!" Xiao Hua did not want to say, "You are waiting for the devil's life to be successful, this fairy is given to you!"

"Thank you, lord..." The disciples were overjoyed.

Xiao Hua took a look at the other teammates and smiled and said: "You wait for the next round of offense, you wait for a lot of effort, the old man waits for the battle of the body, and the genius will reward you!"

"Thank you, sir..." The disciples are all in the same place. They are a bit embarrassed. Now they are stirred up by the genius and can't help but shout.

Xiao Hua and others were not injured. At this time, they were slightly refurbished and re-arranged.

The red dust scene has just condensed into a prototype, but even so, Xiao Hua's figure falls into the shape, still clearly aware that there are forty-nine small worlds in the middle!

The time of the annihilation of the red dust was shortened again, and the four-image phantoms that were born were even weaker. Seeing the red dust, the environment was much smaller. Xiao Hua and others were still in the form of the human body and the life limit.

"Dangdang..." Jasper slammed again, and the magical sea stepped out of the clouds. However, at this time, the southern horizon Suzaku team had long been unable to hold back, not waiting for the magical sea to open up, they first cheered. The sound is so scared that the magic sea jumps!

"Er..." The magical sea stood still, just slammed the rifle, and the Suzaku team had attacked. These disciples were red eyes, how could Magic Sea know that he was not killing in the eyes of millions of disciples. The warfare, but the human form that is filled with the ancient fairy!

Mo Lihai did not let the disciples of the Suzaku team disappoint. During the fight, the demon statue smashed his hand and fell, and suddenly the magical sea was cut down!

"Oh la la la..." A burst of the impact of the orbs hit, tens of thousands of fairy fell out of nowhere!

Demon statue of the gods and devils succeeded, the real Pangu axe is even more unyielding, squatting Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei besieged the fox scorpion, "噗" a muffled sound, will also hold the wrist of the national king of the magic ceremony!

The demon statue and the real person succeeded, but the two figures were once again out of balance, and the disciples of the four elephants were exposed. The mixed yuan umbrella and the blue light sword suddenly converse, and all of them killed thousands of disciples!

Until the Xuanyuan control water flag again sacrificed, the Qingguang sword will be blocked!

Then the Devil's Four will once again be faint, and the four elephants will begin to extract the essence and life limit of the disciples!

Xiao Hua and other flusters once again re-evolved into the human form, and spent a full dozen years, only to protect the disciples in the Taoist!

Soon, it is a two-year period, and the four elephants will take the fine elements and life limits of the condensed red dust!

This time, the four elephants reincarnation, Xiao Hua and the avatars once again negotiated countermeasures. The benefits of the Suzaku team and the Qinglong team returned to the fairy space, and two million disciples were sent out to practice and form the team.

Because the former Suzaku team's disciples have benefited, Xiao Hua has already ordered the martial arts to give orders, so that the disciples in the space will practice the four-image squad, so the two disciples will not be born, and the training can already be followed. The other two teams of disciples cooperated.

Moreover, these disciples apparently also know the benefits of the Magic House, and they are ready to fight and steal the singer!

What strength will the Devil's Four be, even if there is Xiaohua and his condensed two-person figure, even if there are four elephants, the bodyguards, even if there are Xuanyuan control water flag, Qibao Miaoshu, etc. The four-image method of the condensed disciples is still not a rival. They just started to fight, and a sword, a gun, and a scorpion can all collapse the four-image method. Even the literary songs and Thunder livers are killed by one blow. The danger.

However, with the two-person figure, the disciples of the martial arts finally had a cuddly, and the celestial instruments such as Xuanyuan’s control of the water flag were reluctantly resisting the magical instruments of the four masters of the magic house, but after all, they were resisted, and the situation of the confrontation gradually improved.

However, let Xiao Hua's heart is that the two figures of human form can not always spur the splash of ink in the purple house, so that the balance of the four elephants is out of control!

Xiao Hua knows that this is the strength of his own people, but also the lack of realm of the disciples of the martial arts. Therefore, he will continue to cultivate in the four elephants and continue to temper.

Unconsciously, it is more than a hundred years. At this time, the four-image array of the Huaihua Gate has been fully operational. The two human figures of Xiao Hua and the various avatars are also well-constructed, and the four elephants can still extract fine from the disciples. Yuan and life limit, but it has been minimal.

As for the space fairyland, once again set off the enthusiasm for practicing the four elephants, this craze is different from the previous nine songs of the Yellow River, which is to save the masters, this time for the Taikoo fairy! All the disciples who did not have the shackles of the singer, desperately cultivated one by one, desperately familiar with the four elephants, and strive for the opportunity to have room to fight with the magic family.

Do not say that the disciples of the door, that is, Xiao Hua ... are a little hot!

With the Devil's Four will fight for more than a hundred years, Xiao Hua finally understands that the Devil's Four will be purely a Confucian fairy condensed, not to say that the half-breasted sorcerer is cut off, is to break the magic red Fingers will be turned into a few ancient artifacts!

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