Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1589: 2 cultivating in the instrument

"So there are still some problems in this cultivation..." It is also a practice for several centuries. Seeing the realm and strength of the two worlds is not very entertaining. It is useless for the cracking of the two instruments. Xiaohua began to smash, and he could not help thinking. The cultivation of the Miaohua Road.

"The two instruments are similar to the Miaohua road..." Xiao Hua said, "But one is the way of life, one is the power of death, and the poor road needs to help speed up the cultivation!"

Thinking of the help, Xiao Hua first thought of Hongxia Fairy.

However, Hongxia Fairy has a great chance. It has experienced both yin and yang and Taoist formation in the territory of Miaohua Road. However, if it refers to strength, she is not a star and a half. Xiaoyao Fairy and Xiaohua Seeing that there is still some musty, Xiao Hua sent Hongxia fairy to practice, and maybe he will become a demons.

Princess Zixia can also be, but Zixia Princess is the same as Hongxia Fairy. The realm of the realm is low, and it can't help Xiaohua.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua did not think of the experience of the broken star city and Jiu Xia's realization of time debris. Qingqiu Mountain is really mysterious. Non-verbal can explain that Xiao Hua clearly perceives that the cultivation of Jiuxia is quite a bit of a heart with himself. I think that there is nothing special about Qin Xin’s falling into the space. Xiao Hua is not afraid of any muscles and thoughts in the summer. I think that Jiu Xia is the only one who is out of the predicament, so he sent Jiuxia from space. .

"Ah? Brother-in-law..." Nine summers fell by Xiao Hua, and immediately looked around and exclaimed, "What's wrong with this? Is it a big battle? Brother-in-law, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua was very moved in his heart and said with a smile. "First talk about the recent cultivation, Xiaomou will tell you clearly."

"The little girl has nothing to say..." Jiu Xia anxiously said, "The thing of the brother-in-law is the most important thing."

"Okay..." Xiao Hua’s heart was warm, and he said the story of the matter. This is not a matter of tension. The face of Jiuxia is wonderful. She presses her curiosity, so it’s easy to wait for Xiao Hua to finish, exclaiming. "Sister, this... is this amazing? From the four seasons, there are so many stories happening...? Hey, brother-in-law, you should wake up the little girl, and the little girl went to sleep." Eight hundred years??"

Said, Jiu Xia actually raised his hand, a mirror appeared in the air, after the nine summers, patted his chest, long and relieved: "good, not old!!"

Xiao Hua is a smirk!

What are the thoughts of this!

"Nine summers..." Xiao Hua reminded, "Now Xiao and some other friends have fallen into a two-in-one micro-dust array, and now I am thinking about how to get out of the big array..."

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Jiu Xia smiled and said: "Sister-in-law is the fault of Xiaomei! But, brother-in-law, you said, what do you want the younger sister to do? As long as the younger sister can do it, the younger sister will never give up!"

Looking at the nine summer smiles like a flower, Xiao Hua’s heart did not come from a swing, but he quickly converges and said: “Xiao has not figured out any method for the time being, but the most fundamental thing is the strength, Xiaomou wants As soon as possible to enhance the realm. These two instruments in the dust array, can only accommodate one man and one woman, Xiaomou thought of the cultivation of broken star city!"

"Hey, Xiaomei understands!" Jiu Xia saw Xiao Hua, and laughter continued. She said with a smile, "There was a lot of cultivation in the cultivation of the younger sister. Presumably, the Taoist and the younger sisters can practice together and do more with less."

"But..." Speaking of this, Jiu Xia looked around and frowned. "Sister-in-law, there is no fairy spirit in the cultivation of the door. How do you cultivate?"

"Xiao Mou..." Xiao Hua is going to say that he has his own way. In the afternoon, he ignored Xiao Hua, and his eyes turned. "My brother-in-law should not consider the inheritance of the younger sister. There are many secret techniques. Maybe maybe There are ways to break the two dust mirrors!"

"The inheritance of Qingqiu Mountain??" Xiao Hua brows his head and thinks of the holy shrine. This holy shrine is actually Xu Zhi to Xiao Hua, and Xu Zhi reminded Xiao Hua that even in the future, he could not mention the holy shrine in front of him; in the end of the nine seasons, let Xiao Hua take the holy shrine, at any time. Can't take it out, Xiao Hua doesn't know why Jiu Xia proposed to come to the holy shrine at this time.

Xiao Hua carefully said: "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah!" Jiu Xia nodded, "that is the holy shrine! This is a voucher to enter the secret land, but there are some secrets that the brother-in-law can understand, but the ordinary things can not be taken out, fearing people Scorpio, leaking the trace of my brother-in-law!"

"Well, Xiaomou understands!" Xiao Hua nodded. "This is a piece of Taikoo fairyland. There is no immortal, and it is still within the special time rule, and will not reveal Xiao’s whereabouts."

"Yeah!" Jiu Xia smiled and said, "Even if it is leaked, say that the brother-in-law can still take it out of trouble!"

"It makes sense..." Xiao Hua smiled and chined. "But, can you be sure that there are secrets in it that can crack this battle?"

"The younger sister certainly can't be sure..." Nine summers shook his head. "But don't try to know how? And, brother-in-law, you know, the root of my Qingqiu Mountain... What is the relationship between you and me? Is this yin and yang instrument broken?"

Speaking of here Nine summer's little face is reddish.

Xiao Hua hurriedly took the photo and looked at other places. He smiled and said: "That... I might as well try?"

"Try, of course, try it!"

Nine summers are almost as charming as silk.

Xiao Hua took Lingyuan Yuanguang and threw it to the Thunder live-action, and he took the holy shrine out of the seal of space.

"Oh..." The holy scorpion fell into the air, and once again gave birth to a strange roaring sound. The extremely glaring nine colors were shot from the statue of the nine-tailed fox.

The nine colors of light and shadow came out of the holy shrine, and gradually turned into black and white. When the black and white light and shadows were reflected in the big array, the big array began to roar, and the black and white colors began to gather together. At the same time, the nine-tailed fox once again became smart and looked back at Xiao. Huahe and Jiuxia, like the deep pool, Xiao Hua's body shape trembled, his eyes will fall into the black eyes of the nine-tailed fox.

"Cough..." Nine summers coughed and reminded, "Sister, you can use your blood at this time!"

"Good...good..." Xiao Hua woke up like a dream, and hurriedly screamed, dropping a drop of blood into the eyebrows of the nine-tailed fox, knowing that this drop of blood was dripping on the holy shrine, and Do not penetrate!

Nine summers bite the lips, and also drop a drop of blood on the holy shrine, but the nine summers did not drop in the eyebrows, but in one eye of the nine-tailed fox sculpture.

"Brush..." The eyes of the nine-tailed fox sculpture bloomed with black flames. At this time, it is not necessary for Xiaohua to do anything. His blood rolls into another eye, and the "white" flame blooms in the eyes!

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