Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1575: Middle-aged immortal spirit

"Yes, Master!" All the disciples agreed, and Joe took the Indiana in turn. He thought about it. "Master, the disciple sent troops to attract the enemy to pay attention and see if there is any flaws?"

"Well, you can try it!" Xiao Hua nodded, raised his hand and collected Jiang Meihua, and took Xu Zhifei out of the camp.

"Kill..." Outside the military camp, Joe reinstated and ordered the exemption from the battle card. The Xin surname war will have long been aware of it and once again led the troops to kill!

Xiao Hua and Xu Zhi are invisible, and they are close to the mountains. Seeing that no matter how they fly, the mountains are always in front of them. Xiao Hua and Xu Zhi stopped. Xu Zhi pointed to a mountain road. "Here is the little dragon bird flying before. Where it is!"

"Although I don't dare to believe it, I can't believe it. If there is a killing, that is, those teams, there is no need to hide anything in this place! If it is false, it is easy to doubt..."

In the words, Xiao Hua voiced to Joe's reincarnation, so that he could attack and kill!

Sure enough, the moment when the murderous souls of the sects were all killed, there were flames like flowers in the surrounding space. These flames were extremely delicate, but Xiao Hua looked at the past, and there were eight burning pillars burning in each flame.

Just in the place where Xu Zhi’s finger is located, a round gap is astounding. Xiao Hua and Xu Zhi have already gained momentum. At this time, there is no hesitation. The two men simultaneously display the Qingqiu Mountain secret technique, and the whole body is flashing. Then fall to the gap!

Waiting to fly into the gap, the gap is actually purple gold, a night sky flashing bright starlight is in sight, Xu Zhi overjoyed, behind the urgency: "It must be here!"

I know that Xiao Hua’s face is tight and his figure is flying backwards. He said: “Xu brother, retreat...”

It is a pity that the awakening is already late at this time. "Hey..." The starry sky is fluttering and whistling, and countless stars are twisted and fallen, as if the whole starry sky is under the cover!

There is no reaction at all between Xiao Hua and Xu Zhi. A purple gold squat like a cover, it is the top of the two!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua felt a whirlwind, and his body fell like a meteorite!

I don’t know how long it’s been falling. Xiao Hua’s body is imprisoned, and there is a whistling sound of “呜呜...”, “Booming and banging...” The flames are all around, and the fire of the dragon has trapped Xiaohua. !

"Damn!" Feeling the fire is unusual, Xiao Hua squats and wants to sacrifice the vajra. Who knows that Xiao Hua’s heart is flying out of the sky, he can’t perceive the space!

"Day to destroy me!" Xiao Hua exclaimed, a brow heart wants to open the fairy mark, but unfortunately, at this time, I don’t know what the fairy mark is, it seems that even Xianli must be imprisoned!

Xiao Hua did not bring any fairy tools. At this time, he was bare-handed. His robe shook and shouted: "Jiang Meihua, fast..."

"Master..." Jiang Meihua flew out of the robe and raised his hand. Xiao Hua specially sacrificed the nine-field melting fire figure given to him. "Boom..." The fairy was broken, and the nine colors were long. Different flames such as Xia Cai will cover Xiao Hua, and the burning flame will certainly swallow the fairy flame, but it will be able to withstand it for a while!

"Xu brother..." In the flame, Xu Zhi’s body shape also appeared, and Xiao Hua hurriedly shouted.

Xu Zhifei will come over and fall into Xia Cai. He hurriedly waved his body and said: "What is this flame? How is it so fierce!"

"This is the real fire of Sancha. In fact, ordinary immortals can resist?" A thick voice suddenly emerged in the fire, and it sounded extremely proud.

"Who?" Jiang Meihua’s gun in his hand was low and snarled.

"Nature is the old man!" The voice faintly responded, and then he heard, "Boom..." two loud sounds, a pair of male and female whip flying high, the male and female double whip in the flame, the dragon To Jiang Meihua!

"Hit..." Where will Jiang Meihua fear these? With a low bang, the gun is stabbed, and the dragon gun also gives birth to a dragon!

However, under the two dragons, Jiang Meihua’s dragon gun "Bang" screamed, and the dragon phase was shattered. Then, the "噗噗" sounded twice, and the female whipped on the dragon gun and beat the dragon gun. Disengaged, the male whip in Jiang Meihua's eyebrows, hit Jiang Meihua mouth spit blood and fly down!

"Puff!" Xiao Hua is also angry, and he will fly out with a low voice!

"Oh?" At this moment, the voice suddenly whispered, "You are the blood of the Jiang family, how... How can there be... my family inherits??"

Xiao Hua stunned and turned to look at Jiang Meihua, but see Jiang Meihua struggle to fly, the eyebrows are looming.

"Who are you fierce?" Xiao Hua and Xu Zhifei started to protect Jiang Meihua from the left and right. Xiao Hua looked at the voice and shouted, "Dare to hurt the disciples?"

"Hey..." A faint laugh sounded, and then there were nine pieces of fire like Yunxia, ​​which will be protected by nearly a hundred miles!

These nine clouds can be much more powerful than Jiang Meihua's nine-domain melting map, and the fire dragons will drive away the fire dragons.

Xiao Hua and others looked up and saw that a warrior was fiercely holding a male and female double whip, riding the ink unicorn out of the flame!

Seeing this war, Xiao Hua did not feel the light in his eyes. Since Xiao Hua entered the Taikoo Xianjie shards, he has seen many wars will be fierce, but he has never seen a warlord who is fierce and complete, but has not seen it. Any warlord will look fierce! In the eyes, this battle will be fierce and not only intact, but even the appearance is clearly visible.

The war is a middle-aged immortal with a crown of nine clouds, the long hair under the jaws is like a fire, the face of the immortal is square, the nose of the tiger nose, the sharp flash of light in a pair of eyes, not only looks just, but also ferocious!

In particular, the fairy eyebrows have a vision in the middle, and there are a few feet of white light in the closed. Xiao Hua feels that the white light almost sees itself as transparent!

"Oh?" The middle-aged immortal fierce eyebrows swept over Xiaohua and other three people, his face revealed an accident, and the middle of the eyes closed, a pair of fires looked at Xiao Hua, seems to be thinking about what!

"Predecessors..." Xiao Hua Jishou, not swearing, "The younger generation Xiao Hua, with his friend Xu Zhi, his disciple Jiang Meihua, accidentally fell into the fire, if you disturb the predecessors, please forgive me! The younger generation is not malicious. Also, please ask the seniors to open the fire, and the younger generation will go far..."

"Oh..." The middle-aged immortal smiled fiercely and said, "If the old man can open this fire pillar, how could he still be burned to death?"

"Silk..." Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air and looked at Xu Zhi. Both of them were bitter smiles. After thinking about it, they still fell into the calculation of the murderous soul!

Looking at the look of Xiao Hua and Xu Zhi, the middle-aged immortal asked with faint enthusiasm: "This is the battlefield of the Xiantian Wars. How can you get here with your strength?"

"Fairyland War?" Xiao Hua moved with a smile, "Can the predecessors say the so-called Xiantian War?"

"The old man is only a dead soul, what can be said?" The middle-aged immortal look at Jiang Meihua, cold and cold, "If not unexpected, the Jiang family will win, you ask him... naturally know."

“Predecessor...” Jiang Meihua took out the elixir and took it carefully. At this time, he was careful. “The younger generation is Jiang’s son, but... the seniors also saw it. The younger generations practiced the Taoist inheritance and have already turned out the **** family! As for the so-called fairy In the field war, the younger generation did not see the record in the Jiang family..."

"Good! The opposite is good!!" The middle-aged immortal is fierce and slap in the face. "Ginger's teeth are well-known. Jiang's family must have few good things! It seems that my family is generous. You have practiced his inheritance and must have a promising future."

Xiao Hua’s heart is stunned, but even more puzzling, this middle-aged immortal is obviously a Taikoo immortal. If his lord is a Taoist, then... What is the story of the lord of the fairy world now?

"Predecessors..." Xu Zhi looked at the joy of the fierce face of the middle-aged immortal, calmly said, "The younger generation does not know who is the **** tooth, and does not know who the predecessor, but the younger generation knows, Jiang Jia, Shen Jia, Wen Home, Chongjia, etc. are all Taikoo immortals, they have all fallen. Do not say that they are the ancient family also compromised, the fairy circles known to the predecessors... have long since disappeared!"

The fierce look of the middle-aged immortal was not shocked. He looked at Xu Zhi and said: "If you are just right, you will not be frustrated if you don't know what to do."

Xu Zhi Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he thought about it for a moment or shut up.

The middle-aged immortal said, "The old man does not know how you call the old man's fairyland, but the old man knows that the time has passed so long. The long-time old man has even diluted his hatred. This fairyland naturally has long since passed. Not the fairy world known to the old man..."

"If the seniors want to know the time outside, the younger generation can tell in detail..." Xiao Hua smiled. "The younger disciple is Jiang Jiazi. He knows the past of the Taikoo fairy. The good friend of this generation used to be a punishment for the palace." Know the fairy world today..."

After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the middle-aged immortal murderer interrupted Xiao Hua’s words and said: “The old man even forgot his hatred. How could he still think about the outside world? You, though compassionate, good thinking, But it’s too indecisive!”

"This..." Xiao Hua cried and smiled, touched his nose and said, "The younger generation seems to have such a shortcoming?"

"Well, it seems that the old man is wrong, you still have some thick skin!" The middle-aged immortal is grinning and waving, "When you talk about how you accidentally enter this heavenly fire pillar! The old man has never seen Some immortals have come in!"

"Predecessors is like this..." Xiao Hua listened, and he was overjoyed. He knew that the middle-aged immortal was fierce and convinced, and he hurriedly said the reason for the matter. Xiao Hua said Looking at the fierce face of the middle-aged immortal, it is a pity that the middle-aged immortal's fierce face has not changed from beginning to end.

After Xiaohua finished, the middle-aged immortal was fierce and sighed and sighed: "Oh, I can't think of it... It was a famous singer, and now it has become a fierce one, and it has become a goal of experience!"

"Predecessors..." Xu Zhi waited for the middle-aged immortal to say fiercely. Be careful, "The younger generations are unintentional, but..."

"You don't have to say more!" The middle-aged immortal glanced at Xu Zhi and waved his hand. "The old man already knows the reason and lied to you, it is the Shen Gong Leopard!"

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): Alan, lolitin, Thunder, idiot, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfwz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month, look into God, 巛 御 、, 淫龙天天, long *7 and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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