Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1570: Tianxian Gaojie

"Daoyou, Daoyou!" Thunder really took the sorcerer and squinted. "What do you need for your friends? Just say it, the poor roads will help the Taoist friends find their way!"

"What do you need for a poor road, do you know your friends?" The Wudao people asked for a smile.

"Daoyou!" Thunder really cried, said, "What do you want, where do I go?"

Said, Thunder lived a La Xiaohua came over, "Daoyou, it depends on you!"

Xiao Hua smiled and ignored the Thunder live and the sorcerer. He looked at Wenqu: "Actually, if you say the biggest gain, you should be a friend!"

Wenqu squinted and smiled: "If you say that at present, the natural niche, the three golden flowers of the twelve golden celestials are really useful for the niche, and the sacred secrets of the Taoist friends are too overbearing, and the niche actually steps into the jade. Qingren immortal is really unexpected to Xiaosheng! But... If we say that in the future, the income of Taoist friends should far exceed that of Xiaosheng, and the harvest of Taoist friends is the biggest!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and raised a handful of Wenqu Road. "Twelve Jinxian is my golden door after all. You are a Confucianism... you have to sell it cheaply!"

"It’s just a little weird!" Wenqu smiled and said, "How can Taoist Jinxian have three flowers?"

"Do you ask the poor friends, who are the poor roads to ask?"

"Dao You Mo said that he did not get the inheritance of the twelve golden fairy!" The literary song means profoundly, "Does the Taoist do not know?"

Xiao Hua learned the tone of the Wudao people and cried: "The conscience of heaven and earth, what is the poor road, do you not know the Taoist friends? Those three flowers and five qi are pure spirits and the spirit of the innate five elements, there is nothing else, How can the poor road know?"

"Haha, the Taoist friend said this way!" Feng Xiao laughed. "The poor road is the Yaozu, the cultivation is still the power of the stars, but it also benefits. And according to the poor road, the shape is like a song." The big battle of the Yellow River just melted me and waited for the road, and did not take away the mark of my soul, which would not leave any trace!"

"Yes, good..." Huang Tong nodded. "I think the twelve golden celestial beings were the Great World Wars. If I was left in the big squad, they were left in the big squad. This is what I got cheap!"

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"Not bad!" Even if it is a man of heaven, he nodded at this time. "The Taoist friends took the lead and got to the touch of the sky. I suddenly saw a more mysterious realm. This kind of realization... Everything is precious!"

"Big Brother..." Mozun whispered, "You said that the legacy of the twelve golden celestial beings, like the fierce squad, will appear again?"

"You really want to..." The heavenly man sneered. "You haven't even killed the fierceness of the female sages. How can the legacy of the twelve golden sages appear?"

"This needs to ask Xu Big Brother!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "And I have already passed the cultivation, it is time to move on!"

"It seems that the time in this place is absolutely different from the fairy world!" Wenqu looked at the fire in front of his head and said with a smile, "Otherwise the black and white chess sacred should have been found!"

"Now is not the problem of chess and his old man coming or not!" Xiao Hua also looked into the distance, very serious, "Now is the problem of my survival!"

"The big squad of the Jiuqu Yellow River is too powerful..." The heavenly man was a little scared. "I only weaken my way, but I don't take my life. Even if I have to wait for death, I can't escape life." The end of the game!"

"If there are not 200 million disciples, I will be turned into a mortal under the Yellow River at this time!" 龘 龘 龘 苦 苦 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 龘 , ,!

“Daoyou went to see...” Xiao Hua smiled. “I waited for the retreat of the 500th century. They also worked hard for five hundred years. The roads of the twelve golden cents were also absorbed by them. Their progress is natural. extraordinary."

"That's good, then it's good!" He nodded. "This is the so-called no-tall, and it is a blessing in disguise!"

"Five hundred years..." Wenqu seems to think of something, asks, "plus the suppression of the three hundred years of the Yellow River in the Jiuqu, I should be booming in all walks of space?"

“Not bad!” Xiao Hua said with excitement. “The poor roads have gained a lot of souls in the fairy world. When the four major ministries were salvation, they received a lot of souls. Now these have begun to reincarnate in my space. See you now!"

"The Eight Hundred Ages, that is, the 2.8 million World Years..." The thoughts of the literary music are not here, he smiled. "I am the Emperor of Heaven in the heavens?"

Xiao Hua shrugged and replied: "The 2.8 million years of the celestial world, that is, 8.6 million years in the ancient Heavenly Palace, the poor roads wanted to send them out of the Miaohua Road, but they thought about it. It’s been almost a thousand years, and if you let them wait for a few more years, it’s a real life experience, and the chance is really rare!”

"Well, Xiaosheng understands!" Wenqu nodded and said, "But the poor roads feel that the disciples of the creations are all organically fast, they stay in the realm...not worthy of closing the door to build a car, which is not good for their cultivation!"

"Dao Youxiao smashed the wonderful fruit!" Xiao Hua explained, "That is the thing that even Bai Ze has eyes! They are within the Miaohua Road, with the growth of Wonderland, get the mysterious Moisturizing is far more rewarding than eating a wonderful fruit!"

"That's it, let them stay for a while!" Wenqu smiled. "I will go home and see and say!"

"Alright!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The squad of the Yellow River is just too dangerous. Even the poor roads don't want to go the second time. If other disciples come to practice, how can they pass? The poor road is just here. Channels."

"Really, indeed..." Thunder really reconciled, "So there are working friends!"

“Well...” Xiao Hua’s mind entered the space and said in his mouth, “You wait for the retreat, and the poor road finishes the ask Xu Big Brother to talk again...!”

All the scattered, Xiao Hua arranged a good space channel, only to send Xu Zhi, watching Xu Zhi has reached the realm of Tian Xianxian, Xiao Hua Gongdao: "Congratulations to Xu Big Brother, He Xi Xu Big Brother..."

"Xiao Hua..." Looking at Xiao Hua, Xu Zhi is speechless. He has already been a fairy, and he is definitely a realm that he never dreamed of. However, Xiao Hua himself still can’t see through his strength. Xu Zhi thought. Say, "You have been in the sky... high-order?"

"Well..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Big brother is a good eye, the younger brother is indeed a high-ranking fairy, and can advance Jinxian at any time!"

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): Alan, lolitin, Thunder, idiot, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfwz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month, look into God, 巛 御 、, 淫龙天天, long *7 and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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