Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1564: Building the door to rob (middle)

After that, Xiao Hua’s thoughts were released, and the seven disciples’ income space was rolled up. They are all true immortals.

"Qin Xin, Li Boyi..." Xiao Hua looked at the five major battles and smiled. "You wait a little longer, waiting for all the disciples to gather together, and the old man will send you together..."

It’s a pity that Xiao Hua has not finished talking. In the distance, the disciples of Chenghua have come over like tides. Tens of thousands of disciples can walk away and can’t walk. Their eyes are eager, they have not yet arrived, they have already shouted. : "Master, don't be afraid! It was your time to protect us. It is time for us to protect you."

"The lord rest assured, we will lay down the battle..."

"Master, although we don't know the battlefield, we will practice now, you can rest assured that even if we don't want to live, we must protect you from the old days..."

Xiao Hua’s eyes are instantly red, how good a disciple!

"No..." Xiao Hua is still somewhat stubborn, yelling, "You can't wait for the five elements, how can you protect the old man, quickly line up, the old man receives you into the fairy space..."

"No..." Hearing Xiao Hua, all the disciples said the same thing. "I will not die, I must protect my lord..."

In the words, the disciples who know that there is no one, the Xuanyuanxian, have begun to command, and the disciples have continued to form.

"You!" Xiao Hua was a little angry, just wanting to let go of her heart and accepting them. The literary songs whispered, "Daoyou, go to the space and see..."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua's incomprehensible look at the literary verse, the literary song does not answer.

When Yuhua Xiaohua was at the time of the Xianjie Space Station, I felt that it was full of tears, but when I saw the space of the fairyland, all the disciples of the Taoist temples fell to the ground. They read the words in their mouths: "Master, I will wait for the old man to pity, give I am waiting for an opportunity, we are willing to take the life to change the lord a safe, if the lord is not willing, I will not be able to get up again, if there is any accident, if I am willing to follow the lord together, go to Huangquan!"

"This..." Yuhua Xiaohua took a deep breath and appeared in front of the disciples. "Why is this? The old man only..."

"The lord may have a master's way!" Just waited for Yuhua Xiaohua to finish, and Joe turned back to swear. "But this is the mind of my disciples. The lord is our heaven, our land, no lord, we What do you mean even if you cultivate into a fairy king?"

"Master..." Li Yi also said, "Give a chance to the disciples, okay? The disciples have too many gifts from the lords. It’s really difficult to report. Now... the disciples are sheltering the rain for the lord! !!"

Yuhua Xiaohua bites her lips. He never thought that there would be such a day, and he did not expect that the disciples were so deep in their family!

At this time, how many thousands of disciples are made?

Within the space of the fairy world, the mountains are everywhere, and the people who cover the sky are all immortals.

One by one waiting to wait for Yu Xiaohua's answer.

Yuhua Xiaohua traveled to see the heavens and the earth. Every disciple of Chenghua felt that Xiaohua’s eyes looked at himself. They almost straightened up at the same time and greeted Yuhua Xiaohua, as if they could offer for Yuhua Xiaohua. Life is their highest honor.

"But it!" Yu Xiao Xiao Hua said, Yang said, "The old man agreed that you should go out to shelter the old man from the rain, but ... you are also clear, you are the old man's child, and you are also the door of my creation. If you can't do anything, you need to listen to the old man's arrangement and immediately turn around the fairy space! Moreover, the disciples of the Five Elements are left here. You are the foundation of my creation, and you can't take risks."

"Yes, lord!" Shangguan Yufeng and other big joy, cried, "You are assured, disciples must wait for the master to arrange!"

Yuhua Xiaohua can understand that these disciples are saying this, but if they are not stable, they will never return to space.

After Yuhua’s command was over, he was about to get out of the space. He knew that there was another Yanxian flying up, falling in Xiaohua’s not far away and saying: “Master, disciple has something to say!”

"What do you have?" Yu Xiao Xiaohua is strange.

Na Yanxian said: "Master, disciple is young, the history of the disciples is not much, but the disciple knows that the disciple is a disciple of the creation of the door, the death is the death of the door, and the life and death of the disciple is incomparable with the life and death of the mother. The life and death of Yan Niang is incomparable with the life and death of the master. Although the disciple is shallow, the disciple’s determination to die for the lord is definitely no less than the determination of the niece..."

"Not bad!" This disciple disciple has not finished yet, and a group of Yan Xianfei flew up and fell around and said, "I am not a five elements, but I have practiced for a long time, and can also work for the master. Don't let me wait for the teacher to go out together. As for the success of the creation of the door, if you don't give it to the disciples of the fairy and the dust fairy, they are the real foundation of the creation!"

"Master, I beg you to be old, I am willing to work for you, I am willing to give my life!"

All of a sudden, all Yan Xian called at the same time, once again stumbled.

"Noisy!" Yuhua Xiaohua has tears in his eyes and pretends to be, "You wait... you wait..."

"You wait", Yuhua Xiaohua has already choked, and it is hard to say it.

The heart of the martial arts disciple, Yu Hua, Xiao Hua, feels clear.

"Master..." Zhang Jing bit his lip and whispered. "The disciple has a word, can you listen to it?"

"Call..." Yuhua Xiaohua said with a long breath and said, "You say!"

Zhang Jing’s eyes swept over the fallen disciple of Yan Xian, one sentence at a time: “Master, among these disciples, there are also younger generations of disciples who have lived in the gates since childhood, even if they are recent experience, they also participated. To be honest, they are children in the eyes of disciples! But, Master, they have such a decision today, really let the disciples feel gratified, the disciples think... they are really grown up, it is time to go through the storm~www.mtlnovel .com~ lord..." After Zhang Jing, her twin sister Zhang Ying also flew out and said, "Have you just said it? If there is any accident, you can always send them back at any time, since they If you want to work for the lord, give them the opportunity to see the sinister and experienced hardships of the world!"

"Master..." Still not waiting for Yuxi Xiaohua to make a decision, and there are some disciples who are ready to speak.

"Call shut up!" Yuhua Xiaohua frowned. "The outside is dangerous. The old man and you and other fathers and teachers are in distress. Yanxian disciples go out to be long-sighted, and the following is a mess. You wait in the Daoist Palace." Dedicated to cultivation, as long as you wait for the heart that loves me to make a door, there will be opportunities in the future."

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): Alan, lolitin, Thunder, idiot, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfwz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month, look into God, 巛 御 、, 淫龙天天, long *7 and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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