Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1549: Every disciple enters the country quickly (Happy National Day)

Not to mention that the surname Yu war will knock the winning drum back to the Shushui Pass, saying that Xiao Hua is flying back with the heavens. At this time, there are blood shadows on the arms of the angels. Although the blood shadows have never spread, but the bloodshots such as the small snakes are smashing within a few feet of the bones, the heavens are ashamed, like the extreme cold, Xiao Hua whispers, Tian Renlian I can't say anything!

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua..." Xu Zhi ushered over, his face was anxious, and said, "This is a blood-sucking knife, a knife like lightning, but anyone who has blood in his body is injured by a blood-stained knife, and immediately becomes a Blood water!"

"Xu Big Brother..." Xiao Hua asked, "This thing must be highly toxic, how to get rid of it?"

"Hey!" Xu Zhi sighed. "I don't want you to say that when I was in my hometown, I used to get a piece of blood-stained knife. I even relied on this piece of film for a while! But, for the brother, it is easy to not use blood. The slasher of the knives, because this thing is out, it is really helpless!"

"No, no!" Xiao Hua was dumbfounded.

"You are in a hurry!" Xu Zhi comforted. "For the brothers in the election of the election, I have received a Dan Fang, suspected of the antidote to the blood knife, but the age is too long, for the brothers to have a good memory! ”

"So there is a big brother!" Xiao Hua handed the heavens to the devil, and some helplessly said to Xu Zhi, "The younger brother is ready to send a disciple to come out and camp here."

Xu Zhi turned his head and looked at the Lishuiguan, which was still standing in the ruined sun. He nodded. "If I don't break this, the surname will continue to come out, even if I wait for the antidote to the **** knife." I’m afraid it’s not good!”

Xu Zhi, Wen Qu and other guards, Xiao Hua turned and flew to the corner, he stood in the air, the Kunlun mirror was sacrificed, and the mind has entered the space.

Yuhua Xiaohua first entered the spiritual space, but seeing that Bai Ze, who is in the territory of Miaohuaxian, did not wake up, the body is still full of various initial rules such as the way of life and death, the way of order, and Yuhua Xiaohua knows this time. It is not suitable to wake him up, and he quenched the mind of the blood-staining knife.

Subsequently, the eyes of Xiaohua Xiaohua swept through the wonderful scenery of Hongxia Fairy, Zixia Princess, Liu Yi and others, and they were not satisfied with their hearts. Xiao Hua and so on in the Taikoo Xianjie Shards to practice the Sanji, equivalent to more than 30,000 years in the Baishoukou Zhongtian Temple, the Wonderland Wonderland is actually a seed, and the Hongxia Fairy is surrounded by a fairy tales to construct the squad washing and reshaping the body, blood, etc. Wait, also continue to practice in accordance with Xiao Hua's practice.

Because there are jade 牒 牒 华 叮嘱 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , be quick!

After seeing the spiritual space, Yuxi Xiaohua went to the fairy space again. He just wanted to enter. Suddenly he shot his forehead and smiled: "The poor road is neglected!"

Immediately, Yuhua Xiaohua looks at the direction of the heavenly space, and Yang said: "Where is the Taoist friend, let the heavenly man return to the space himself!"

"Oh, yeah!" In the space of the heavens, the sound of the Yushu Wenqu sounded, and immediately disappeared, that is, after the interest rate, the face of the jade literary song appeared in front of the jade Xiaohua with a surprise, whispering. "Daoyou, Heavenly Man... He can't enter the space!"

"Damn!" Yuhua Xiaohua whispered, and he knew in his heart that the space that he and the literary songs said was space void, and it was not a space for the gods, because the heavens themselves were in the space of the gods! At this time, Yuxi Xiaohua’s most worrying situation happened, and the heavenly man... is very likely to fall!

"No!" After Yuhua Xiaohua whispered, he looked at the Wudao people in the Wushan space and hurriedly said, "How can Wudaoyou be within his space?"

"Daoyou can go and ask, Xiaosheng can not enter!" Yuxi Wenqu also understands what Yuhua Xiaohua thinks, and hurriedly reminded.

Yuhua Xiaohua's body shape has already arrived, and Wushan space has already arrived. At this time, Xuanyuantian has been well-opened, and the Wudao people danced like before, and began to open up a wonderful day!

Feeling the order of the rules and the power of the interface, Yuxi Xiaohua understands a bit. I am afraid that because these laws contain the rules of time, can the Wudao people return to Wushan space?

Yuhua Xiaohua sighed and did not disturb the sorcerer, and his body fell into the space of the fairy world.

Yuhua Xiaohua’s eyes swept through the air, and did not summon the disciples, but Yang’s voice: “Where are the five deputy hunting bases...”

With the sound of Yuhua Xiaohua landing, Qin Xin, who is working on the Xianbing, and so on, are all listening to the air. They stand in front of Yuhua Xiaohua and prayed: "The disciple has seen the lord!"

Yuxi Xiaohua’s eyes swept through five warriors, and his face showed a smile. The five sub-hunting hunters were Qin Xin, Li Boyi, Luo Yimeng, Xia Qing and Chuan Bo. The previous five battles were all dragons. Riding, but the spirit of the first or middle-level strength, now through the three years of hard work, have reached the high level of the spirit, only one step can set foot on the true fairy.

"You wait for the hard work, train the sages to do your best, the old man is very gratified..." Yuhua Xiaohua lifted them up and said, "Just, the old man will raise you all five as a deputy hunting ground, but... you If the strength is still a scent, if it is to the limit, it is not enough to serve the public!"

Li Boyi’s face was with red light. At this time, he listened and didn’t feel discouraged. He stepped forward and respected him: “Master, from the spirit to the true fairy, the short is the first, the long is no time. This is qi A threshold for the immortal to the immortal! The disciple waited for the master to teach, and spent three months of hard work, from the middle of the spirit to the high level, has been ecstatic, want to reach the true fairy said by the master, short-term fear is ……Not too possible!"

"Well..." Yuhua Xiaohua nodded and knew that he had never passed on them to practice the martial arts. They did not have the qualifications of the inner disciple of the door. They wanted to set foot on the real fairy, so he smiled and comforted. Dao: "It seems that the old man is anxious. After all, the old man has encountered some difficulties and urgently needs you to wait for help..."

Qin Xinyi was overjoyed and said: "Master, if there is a fight, the disciple will fight, only in the fight, the strength of the disciple can be improved quickly!"

"Well, you wait and the whole team!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "This time, each person brings 100,000 disciples and sends 500,000 disciples to play!"

"Yes..." Qin Xin and others retired.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the distance and smiled: "Where is the clear?"

I heard the news, flew out of the team, and fell to the front of Yuxi Xiaohua.

"Yes, good..." Yuxi Xiaohua will help each other. "With the hard work of the Three Kingdoms, cultivation to the middle stage of Juyuanxian is also very valuable."

Clearly, I did not expect that I would be in the Sanji, from the second Qixian immortal to the Juyuanxian middle class, so he also had a red light on his face and said: "It is a gift from the master, the disciples have no teeth to forget!"

Look at the Xiangqing, at this time, Yuhua Xiaohua has no way to call him a big brother again, so I have to encourage a few words, and give the fairy.

Xiangqing received Xiandan and smiled: "Master, Mei Huo?"

"Oh..." Yuhua Xiaohua glanced at another place in the fairy space, where Jiang Meihua and Ye Jian practiced the Dongfu, so he smiled. "He practiced elsewhere. At this time, he has already cleared the customs. Let him go."

After that, Yu Xiaohua’s voice made Jiang Meihua come over.

Jiang Meihua settled in Ye Jian, urging his body to face Yu Xiao, and swearing: "The disciple has seen the lord."

"" Looking at Jiang Meihua in armor, Xiangqing was surprised, because he found that he couldn't see Jiang Meihua's cultivation as a realm. He couldn't help but ask, "Mei Hu, you cultivated to What is the realm?"

Jiang Meihua did not answer immediately, but looked at Yuhua Xiaohua.

After Yu Xiao Xiaohua nodded slightly, Jiang Meihua smiled and said: "The phase is a tiger, a certain family has just stepped into the middle of the spirit..."

The eyes were clear and stunned. He opened his mouth and smiled bitterly: "Mei Hu is afraid that it is the second immortal who saw the second fastest cultivation. This is the third time, you... you actually practiced from the first stage of the second qixian. The middle of the spirit, really... I can’t imagine it!”

Jiang Meihua also smiled bitterly and hurriedly waved: "The tigers are shy about Jiangmou? A certain entry into the country is really nothing!"

“Is it faster than you practice?” Xiang Qing was even more surprised, but he woke up and corrected, “Besides the lord?”

"That is of course!" Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Huadao again. "I haven't seen Li Yi and Xu Minghao recently?"

"When I first entered the place of experience, Xiangmou had seen it!" Xiangqing realized what, nodded, "They should be the second qixian. Afterwards, they are in charge of the Thunder battle boat, they will see less, recently A training squadron team did not see it naturally. Could it be that they..."

Jiang Meihua shrugged: "A certain family was also seen a hundred years ago, they are already true!"

"Really... really fairy?" Xiangqing exclaimed, and the mouth became bitter, and then gently shook his head. "They are young, they are already true immortals, this person is more dead than people!"

Yuhua Xiaohua smiled and said: "Since you know that people are more popular than people, why should you compare them?? Everyone has different chances. There is no need to compare them! And you have never been tempted before, and you never thought that you could be so fast. If you set foot on Juyuan, now that you have done it, shouldn’t it be satisfied?"

"Yes, what the lord said is very much!" Xiang Qing said with a smile. "In fact, when the disciples saw the lord for the second time, they had already thought about it. If anyone said that the cultivation was the fastest, the lord recognized the second, no. People dare to call themselves first!"

"Old phase!" Jiang Meihua also laughed How often did you learn to flatter? ? ”

Jiang Meihua said that it is right, the seven disciples of the Huamen Gate, Qiao Huihui and Zhang Jing, Xu Minghao, Li Yi and Zhang Ying, Wang Yizhi, Shangguan Yufeng, Hu Wenyuan, Allen and Shu Daojia brothers, now the real fairy Order.

Their cultivation is not the same as that of Xiao Hua and Thunder. They don’t want to engrave, but they follow their own preferences. They regard the deeds as a kind of magical power, some engravings, some of them are not, and they are all practicing. God's gongs and the second gravity cover Jinxian!

I wish our motherland will prosper forever, and wish our friends and friends forever happy, and the flowers and you can not be separated for a moment.

National Day Seven Days, plus three more chapters every day. Special thanks to the support and encouragement of the following representatives (in no particular order): Alan, lolitin, Thunder, idiot, tea egg, Song Xiaodi, reincarnation, shield, rain, Philippine, proud, dark night , return, favorite to sit on the bench, smelly mosquitoes, shrimp and fire, heart and soul, new, zfwz666, Le Shaoye, cola, month and so on. There are also many Taoist friends who have not left their names, and other Taoist friends who have been silently supporting God. Thank you.

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