Revival of the Gods

Chapter 153: Can the babies not be able to engrave the scars? ?

The rumbling of the rumbling, the various fluctuations swayed over the earth, and the eyes were seen on the flat ground. The mountains were plucked up, and the deep stagnation suddenly fell, and the clear springs and rivers ooze out from the ground.

The vibration of the earth is gradually stopped, and the sound of "Boom" is a loud noise. The law is bursting open, and the bottom five colors are reborn, and the top three ceilings are transformed!

Once the five colors of Yunxia and the three small flowers appeared, they immediately turned into huge heavens and shadows, and the light and shadows rose sharply. The whole space was filled with eyes!

"Booming... rumbling..."

In the sound of this tremor, the clouds will cover the sky, the mountains will fill the earth, the heavens and the earth will start to rise, and the fullness will be expanded by a hundred times, just like the space of the fairy world. Only slowly stopped.

The space of the heavenly court is shaped, and the fluctuations of various laws are also slowly pacing. Yuhua Xiaohua looks at the eyes and realizes the spatial changes, the rules change, and all kinds of ambiguous waters flow into the water.

I don't know how long it took, Yuxi Xiaohua's heart to look at the Yuxi Wenqu, and Yuhua Wenqu opened his eyes and glanced at the spatial changes, praising: "Made the clock, but so!"

"Really!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "The poor roads also think that this thing that suppresses the fragments of the spiritual world actually has such an effect. This magical thing is thrown in Yunmengze, it is really violent!"

"It's not that they didn't find precious eyes!" The jade songs mean profoundly. "They didn't find precious opportunities. If I didn't have a space that I had never formed, how do I know that this law is so magical? The fairy world has long been formed. Who will find the true role of the law? It is just to use it as a substance to produce a lotion."

"Yeah, you have a cleansing liquid in the heavens!" said Yuhua Xiaohua, looking at the lawyer, but he could see his eyes and stunned, because the lawyer did not produce liquid, but gave birth to three big fists. The petals are falling. The three-color petals fell on the self-discipline and immediately decomposed, turning into countless small fluctuations scattered throughout the space of the heavens, exactly the same as the polyester liquid.

"嘿嘿 ” ” ” ” 牒 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” The two immortals are soaring, isn’t it a bath for men and women? The vulgarity is tight!”

"I...I..." Yuxi Xiaohua wants to refute anything, but when he speaks to his mouth, he swears. "The Taoist friend said, the poor road took this law, and let you know what the fairy flowers are. The trees are all in a bubble!"

"Oh, Daoyou can try it!" Yuxi Wenqu laughed with interest.

"Hey..." Yuhua Xiaohua snorted and looked up at the rhythm of Yunxia. He said, "There are things outside the space of the poor road. I will say it later, let me know!"

"Give me a friend..." Yuxi Wenqu sent Yuhua Xiaohua to leave the heavenly space, but he did not find the smile of Yuhua Xiaohua's mouth.

Xiao Hua's heart and soul returned to the position, and at a glance, he saw the scattered baby standing in front of the hand, and the scattered baby stood there. The smashing scissors in his hand flashed the golden light. Xiao Hua felt it, and the body ban was not broken. He is about to open his mouth and yell, but he can change his mind and laugh. This is the prohibition that the male singer has put his old life on himself. How can it be easily broken? Not to mention that the Tengxiu scissors are just instruments, and they are not good for breaking the fairy!

"There is a friend of work!" Xiao Hua was in his heart, and his heart sent the scattered baby into the space and put the small silver out.

"Mother's mother-in-law..." Xiaoyin shouted cheerfully. "What are you calling Babe?"

"Small silver!" Xiao Hua looked at Xiaoyin and said, "Now, no one is reliable. Even my own avatar has two hearts. Now my mother-in-law is relying on you! Our girls. Let's live together!"

"No, mother-in-law's mother-in-law..." Xiaoyin shouted. "There are mothers! Just wait for the mother to wake up."

"Okay!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Then you will work hard, save the mother, and save the mother's mother!"

Xiaoyin raised his claws and arched it in front of his chest. The little head made a little bit of strength, then flew to Xiaohua's eyebrows, and began to bite hard again.

Mo Feiyan is Yan Xian. What is the prohibition of his full exertion? Can Xiaoyin easily bite open? Xiao Hua waited for half a day and felt that it was not right. The speed of Xiaoyin was not that he could not make merit in the tenth year.

"It seems that we still have to rely on the strength of more than one hundred baby!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and entered the space again.

"You are a friend of the Tao..." Yu Huan Xiao Hua looked at the hundreds of scattered infants sitting in the void. It was quite serious. "I am waiting for this independent baby body, but because of the catastrophe, the income of the poor road, nowadays The Taoist friends experienced the reorganization of the law of the fairyland space, and they have gradually become independent souls. This is the opportunity for the priests, and the poor road will never give you the opportunity to be free. The poor road has got the polyester liquid and the flowers, ready For the sake of the Taoist refining, the spirits are refining. But unfortunately, now the poor roads are in ruins, they don’t care, and they don’t have the resources to help the friends. The poor roads now pass on the refining secrets to the friends, and ask the friends to understand. Each of them refines their respective washing liquids, and the day when the washing liquid is successfully refining is the time when you condense the fairy marks!"


Yuhua Xiaohua smiled slightly, raised his hand a little, more than a hundred index finger virtual shadows appeared, fell to more than a hundred scattered baby eyebrows! But seeing the light and shadow flashing, more than a hundred scattered infants are slightly changed, and their hands are neatly swaying.

After waiting for the baby to practice, Xiao Hua will send the scattered baby to the space. Seeing more than a hundred scattered baby sitting on the knees of Shenxiang Danfu, familiar with Xianyu, Xiao Hua did not feel that he looked up to see the fairy spirits in the Danfu space. He said: "The fairy spirit here is too strong, even It’s nothing but a fairyland in the fairy world.”

The spirit of the fairy spirit in Danfu is certainly rich, but the dusty gas in the scattered baby is still unable to be cultivated. Even the Xianli, who is refining the washing liquid, does not have any baby. Fortunately, there is Xiancao in the space of Xiaohua Xianjie. Yuhua Xiaohua asked Xiaoyin to find some available ones and put them around the scattered infants. Once the body is insufficient, they will swallow the grass directly.

In this way, the washing liquid was smelted by these scattered infants, but the prohibition in Xiao Hua did not make much progress. Every time I watched the frustration of Xiaoyin’s rest, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but comfort herself. From time to time, she also got through the flowers and gave it to Xiaoyin.

This is about half a year, Xiao Hua’s head ban was finally bitten by Xiaoyin, and Xiao Hua’s mind and so on restored most of the freedom, and the babies’ rituals also came to an end.

In the middle of the half-year, Xiao Hua did not rest, he was practicing mustard coagulation. When he was in the Broken River, Xiao Hua had already realized the secret technique of the name of the mustard, the mustache of the scorpion, and this mystery can be included in the Qingqiu Mountain. It is naturally mysterious. However, the cultivation of this technique is extremely difficult. In the initial introduction, the fairy body is required to be silenced. Not only can the body be unable to mobilize, but the force of the body cannot be scored. The most abnormal thing is that in the absence of Xiaocheng, the gods must temper each Every moment is carried out, and the non-stop ups and downs will be reduced. Once there is a slack, it will be abandoned! That is to say, when practicing mustard coagulation, the immortal can not be disturbed by a little, and must be protected by fairy tales or other immortals.

Previously, Xiao Hua did not have the opportunity to cultivate this mystery. At this time, Xiao Hua was also very good. The harsh conditions of mustard coagulation were not difficult at the moment, because he could not move at all. Moreover, because the ban of Mo Feiyan has the ability to self-recover, Xiaoyin will stop recovering the ban, and the ban will be quickly restored. When Xiao Hua swallowed the ban, the eternal tempering of the gods and minds also played. The role of confrontation with the ban is to prevent the recovery of the ban. Even Xiao Hua knew that the mustard coagulation technique involved the space **** of the gods, and also specifically found space debris in the scented flowers, and joined them during the tempering of the gods, which made Xiao Hua reluctantly enter the room in the short half of the year!

"Brush..." Seeing a faint clear flash of light, a scattered baby will sacrifice the last drop of washing spirit liquid, and the baby will receive the washing liquid, and the figure will fall in front of Xiao Hua and wait for hand.

Both the first one was successfully sacrificed, and the other ones were quickly sacrificed.

"Good!" Xiao Hua secretly hid, letting out the mind to bring the scattered infants into the space again, and they immediately entered.

"Congratulations to all of you!" Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the scattered baby, smiled. "At this time, you can use the washing liquid, but if you wash away the dust of the body, you can also engrave the fairy with the poor road. poor road is ready for the exercises, and you can practise after you have concealed the fairy marks!"

"Good!" All the faces of the baby are born with joy.

Yuhua Xiaohua did not dare to use more than a hundred scattered infants to use the washing liquid. Only in the order of the ritual washing liquid, a scattered baby was taken out of the space.

In my heart, I have already passed the experience of using the washing liquid and carving the fairy marks to the baby. Xiao Hualing has a baby sitting on the knees. She has taken the crystal bottle containing the washing liquid and tilted it toward the head of the baby. However, seeing the washing liquid falling into the scattered baby body, the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of "噼里啪啦" was born in the baby body, and then saw the blossoming little green lotus in the body surface with the silver light bloom, Xiao Hua is put down the heart. .

However, when the top of the baby's head is above, a hollow tear with a size of more than 100 feet, the silver-white thunder "霆" is played on the scattered baby, and many green lotuses are transformed into a heavenly deed. The silver light is scattered from the baby's foot, and when it goes to the eyebrows, the silver light does not condense into a fairy mark, but it is rotated there and does not enter the baby body. Instead, it is Xiao Hua, where the eyebrows are. One bright, the fairy marks and the awkward release of the silvery light, cut the prohibition of the ink flying rock!

"It’s strange!" Xiao Hua frowned. "How come there is no sign of a scent? The strength of the baby is not inferior to that of Xiao. Even if it does not lead the Taoist, the Taoist must have some space to express it!! ...what happened?"

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