Revival of the Gods

Chapter 148: Torture

"Well, I won't ask you more about your business!" Mo Feiyan laughed. "But you have to assure me that you must return to the palace of peace!"

"Do not worry!" Yu Yujiao smiled. "I am not Wang Lang. How can I give this little fairy baby chance that even the fairy marks are not condensed? Besides, you have sealed him, he is not only Xianli. Can't be motivated, that is, even the limbs can't move, it's worse than the ordinary monk..."

"That should be careful!" Mo Feiyan nodded, but still reminded, "He can kill Wang Lang, and the means are extraordinary. Even if you want to torture, you must not solve my prohibition!"

"You can rest assured..." Yu Yu replied. "If you want to keep his soul useful, I will break him now! I will never let the palace be in good condition."

Mo Feiyan thought for a moment, and again his hands twitched. The thick silver light fell on Xiao Hua’s forehead. After the spell was finished, Mo Feiyan said, “Okay! So, sister, I put his soul and so on. Also added a ban, you can torture, but you... you are careful!"

After that, Mo Feiyan raised his hand and closed the criminal chain that locked Xiao Hua. The criminal chain of Mo Feiyan had just been withdrawn. The embers waved at the same time. The similar criminal chain had already fallen, and Xiaohua was firmly tied again. live!

After doing all this, Yu Yu looked at the water and looked at Mo Feiyan and replied, "You are also careful, let's see you in the Palace!"

Looking at the embers to fly out of the boat to fly to Helan, Mo Feiyan hurriedly called: "Sister wait!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Yu smiled sweetly and asked, "What else is the commander?"

"Helan is the nearest county to Yuanling Mountain. At this time, there must be a fairy from Tianzunfu. You should not go to Helan!"

"Don't go to Helan..." Yu Yu hesitated and looked at one direction. "That can only be declared a country! There is a transmission array..."

"Well, go to declare a country!" Mo Feiyan nodded. "Try to avoid meeting other fairy scorpions on the road! When you get there, use the transmission array immediately!"

“The brothers are relieved!” Yu Yu replied, “Xuan’s country is more than a million miles away from Yuanling Mountain, not within the scope of Tianzun’s order!”

"Okay, go!" Mo Feiyan laughed, and finally shouted, "Remember, don't unlock my ban!"

Looking at the embers and urging the flying boat, the heart of Mo Feiyan’s hanging still did not relax. He felt that he seemed to have missed something, but he couldn’t think of what he thought. “Maybe it’s worried!” Rock laughed at himself.

Mo Feiyan is worried about Yu Yu, but Yu Yu himself does not care at all, because Xiao Hua is just a fairy baby who has not been condensed, not to mention that he has been locked by his own criminal chain, and the seal of the ink flying rock is forbidden, Xiao Hua It is impossible to escape the palm of the hand.

However, Yu Hao did not dare to care about it. She spurred the flying boat and went straight to the east. She flew for more than a dozen days and felt mentally exhausted before she stopped.

Look at the ridiculousness around, Yu Yu jumped from the flying boat, let go of the thoughts and explore for a moment, and raised his hand to throw a fairy with the seal of Xianfu into the air, a spurt of scent, and the fairy turned into several acres. The size will be covered nearby, and the embers will become invisible in the light and shadow of the fairy.

Yu Yu swallowed a few elixir, closed his eyes and quietly repaired. After a few hours, he opened his eyes. When she got up, he hesitated, sat down again, waved his sleeves, and Xiao Hua, who was tied by the criminal chain, flew out!

Looking at Xiao Hua’s calm face, there was a hint of twilight in Yu’s eyes. She raised her hand at Xiao Hua’s eyebrow!

"You...who are you?" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at Yu Yu. His face showed a very innocent look. He asked inexplicably, "Why do you want to take a younger generation?"

"Oh..." Yu Yu snorted, and the right **** stretched out. A drop of five-color liquid flew out of the air. Once the liquid appeared, it immediately gave birth to a glamorous light and shadow. The mist flew out from the edge of the liquid...

"This is the phlegm solution. If it is dripping on the immortal body of the immortal, it will slowly corrode the fairy, causing the pain of the marrow!" Yu Yu was satisfied with the colorful liquid, word by word, "I don't know What does it feel like to drop on the body of Xian Ying..."

"Fairy..." Xiao Hua changed his face and hurriedly shouted, "You and I don't know each other, why are you so tormenting me?"

Yu Yu simply ignored Xiao Hua, the **** was a bomb, and the pharyngeal fluid fell on Xiao Hua. "Zi La La" burst of blue smoke, "ah!!" Xiao Hua screamed, the body surface was eroded by a deep hole of thumb size! Around the deep hole, countless runes emerge, and these runes are turned into powder in the green smoke!

Xiao Hua's limbs trembled, and the baby's body hurts to roll. Unfortunately, Yu Yu sneered, and the criminal chain tied Xiao Hua to death, and could not move even!

"Damn..." Xiao Hua just wanted to talk, and Yu Yu was a finger. Xiao Hua couldn't even talk. Yu Yu smiled and said: "You don't have to pretend to me. Since I can catch you, I naturally know. What, you slowly think, I have time..."

After that, Yu Yu’s big sleeve waved and Xiao Hua was taken away, and he got up.

After flying for about three yuan, Yu Yu stopped again, releasing the fairy to hide his figure and letting Xiao Hua out.

At this time, Xiao Hua, the body has been corroded by the phlegm liquid to the deep hole of the palm-sized, and the five-color halo flashes inside the deep hole, it is like a five-color foreign body slowly swallowing Xiaohua's baby body! As for Xiao Hua, she was pale and her mouth was silent from time to time.

"Hey!" Yu Yu smiled slightly and raised his hand. "Ah..." Xiao Hua’s screams finally sounded, but the sound was already hoarse.

"You... you killed me!" Xiao Hua said with a sigh of relief.

"Why do you want to kill you?" Yu Yu shrugged, so he said, "Our time has just begun!"

Said, Yu Yu is a right hand wave, a group of two-color flames fly out, she looked at Xiao Hua, smiled: "Do you know what this is?"

"Rely!" Xiao Hua roared. "I am not your gimmick. How do you know what it is?"

"Shantou? What do you mean?" Yu Yu stunned, but she immediately sipped and said, "You don't have to explain, I know that it's not a good word. But I can tell you, this is called the stagnation of the soul, it is a special eclipse. !"

"Smelly scorpion!" Xiao Hua angered and cried, "Killing Laozi!"

"You dream!" Yu Yu smiled a little, waving his hand, leaving the soul to ban light into the eyes of Xiao Hua!

"Ah!" Xiao Hua screamed and immediately passed out!

"Oh?" Yu Yu was awkward, and he said, "No, is this soul so weak?"

Said, Yu Yu hands twitching, fine silky silver light fell into Xiaohua's eyebrows, but for a long time, the faint silver light flashed green color floating up!

"Oh, this soul is really thin, actually only 30% of the ordinary dust fairy, just the weight of the forbidden light from the soul is too big..." Yu Yu was surprised, hurriedly raised his hand and caught some golden light by her!

After a moment, Xiao Hua was awake, and his face was pale, his eyes were a little broken, and his breath was only inhaled, and his power was gone.

Yu Wei was very satisfied with this. She still didn't ask. She only raised her hand and sealed Xiaohua's voice again. She got up and went to Xuanguo to fly.

So many times, each time the embers will come up with fresh things to torture Xiao Hua, or for the baby body, or for the soul, or for the gods, or for the meditation. In short, it is only a few dozen yuan, not to mention that Xiao Hua’s baby body is sore, that is, his soul is also falling apart, not to mention the broken of the gods, the fascination, the bias, the means of embers Very distracted, only torment Xiao Hua to want to die, not really want Xiaohua life.

The most let Xiaohua collapse is that Yu Yu does not mention Wang Lang, not mentioning his own reasons, which makes Xiao Hua not even have the opportunity to escape.

In fact, the most difficult thing for Xiao Hua to understand is how Yu Yu and Mo Feiyan found themselves! Not to mention Yuanling Mountain is far away from Helan, saying that Xiaohua was mixed in the spirits on the same day, even the King of Jinghong could not find it. How could Mo Feiyan find himself at once? Moreover, looking at the pre-installation of Mo Feiyan and Yu Yu, Xiao Hua did not doubt that the two immortals had already known where they were before urging the fairy! If this question is not resolved Even if Xiaohua can escape the birth of this day, it will fall into the hands of Yu.

On this day, Yu Yuzheng flew, "Bang Long" left near the scorpio, and it was a thunderous thunder, but it was a bit of interest, and "呜呜呜" was surrounded by squally winds. It was a sky with a clear sky and a dense cloud, not waiting for the embers. In response, "无" countless sized hail has fallen from high altitude.

Yu Yu is not afraid of hail, but the dense hail covers the heavens and the earth, the hail is on the flying boat, and the light and shadow continue! The disorder of the spirit of the fairy spirit makes the embarrassment of the unstable mood unhappy.

Yu Yu had some helpless stops, and raised his hand to block the ice from the fairy, and he was hiding in the fairy with the previous one. The big sleeve sent Xiao Hua out.

Tormenting Xiao Hua has become the habit of Yu Yu. Now that he is idle, how can he not be awkward?

Yu Yu raised his hand to Xiaohua's right shoulder, a silver flashed over, Xiao Hua's right hand immediately picked up, his right arm trembled fiercely, apparently it hurts.

Yu Yu proudly looked at Xiao Hua and smiled: "It's a pity that you are a baby body. If there is a fairy body, can I see how your blue muscles collapsed at this time?"

Seeing Xiao Hua did not answer, Yu Yu made awakening, patted his forehead and smiled: "Hey, look at me, you can't talk! Come, come, let me hear your screams... ..."

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