Revival of the Gods

Chapter 142: Dingling Peak Zhuling

Even if Yuanling Mountain will not be destroyed, the situation of Yuanling Mountain has changed. At this time, the King of Jinghong is at a disadvantage. He needs the support of Yunfeng. At this time, the King of Fire Spirit was killed by Xiao Hua, and Yao Yao also Returning to the King of Jinghong, the role of Yunfeng has been reduced. Jinghong Dawang will not be able to win the Yunfeng, and take the opportunity to eradicate the heart of this Yuanling Mountain! According to Xiao Hua’s opinion, this Lingfeng Yunfeng can not go as far as possible! Xiao Hua himself... It is impossible to face the female fairy of Jinghong and Yuxian.

However, Xiao Hua had previously promised that Yunfeng would accompany him to set the Lingfeng. Xiao Hua is a generation of talents. Even if he wants to go, he must explain his reasons to Yunfeng. He will not say goodbye.

Unfortunately, no surprise to Xiao Hua, seeing Yunfeng, Xiao Hua said his thoughts, Yunfeng pondered, and after a moment, he looked up and said: "Xiao Zhenren, you mean the younger generation understands, before the younger generation It is not unconsidered, but this opportunity is extremely important for the younger generation. Before the Yuanling Mountain spirits king denied the existence of the younger generation, the present Yuan Jinghong King can use the younger generation, in fact, it is to recognize the younger generation, a Yuanling King who is attached to the King of Jinghong. The younger generation does not care, the younger generation cares about the future, and cares about walking to the stage. This trip is of course dangerous, but forget that there is no younger generation, the King of Jinghong and the power of the Star King are evenly matched, with the help of the younger generation. Pressing the star of the star, this opportunity is extremely important to the younger generation, and please ask the younger generation to think..."

"Okay!" Hearing Yunfeng said twice, "This opportunity is extremely important for the younger generation." Xiao Hua has no choice but to say, "Xiao can **** you in the past, and even... can also help you to win the spirit. The position of the king, but this trip is extremely dangerous to Xiao, so if Xiaomou feels dangerous, he may not be able to take care of you..."

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Yun Feng immediately squatted. "Xiao Zhenren, you can rest assured that the younger generation is asking the seniors to help, not to the predecessors, but the predecessors who feel that it is not appropriate, you can immediately leave, do not care about the younger generation!"

"Hey!" Xiaohua sighed, Yunfeng’s words said here, what can Xiaohua say? Even if it is a change of shape, you have to accompany Yunfeng.

Outside the Yuanling Mountain, in the valley of ancient woods, the sunshine of the glazed gold is sprinkled on the leaves of several feet in size, and the light-streaked light marks sway with the wind, and a stream that cannot be cleared is from two ancient trees. The emptiness of the sky flows out, and the scorpion flows through the space of more than a thousand feet. Then it folds into the trunk of another ancient wood. This ancient wood has more than a hundred feet of thickness. There are some fist-sized runes on the surface, and the runes sway with the light spots. From time to time, it glows in blue.

Suddenly, in the distance, there was a heavy red-red thundercloud between the peaks of the mountains. Thousands of rough thunders screamed and thundered. The thunder of the thunderclouds was a clear sky, but the ancient wood was a distance. The peaks are extremely far away, but the thunderclouds are out, and the runes on the surface of the ancient woods immediately shine brightly.

However, the thunder of the Thundercloud, the disappearance is also weird, the ancient wood has just been born, and the Thundercloud has already died down.

However, not waiting for the glory of the ancient wood to fade, "brushing" the top of the ancient wood, two silver flashes, the shape of the embers and ink flying rock appear in the air!

Namofeiyan was surprised to see the distant high altitude, the light purple eyes flashed a complex look, and the embers disappeared at the side: "This... this is a thunder? Still... or a dust storm!" How can there be dust and dust in Yuanling Mountain?"

"Yes, it's the dust robbing!" Mo Feiyan looked at the moment, if he thought, "For the lower bound, it is called flying robbing! It is the thunder of clearing the dust of the rising immortal people!"

"Even if there is a dust robbing, then... that should be the temple of the spirit!" Yu Yu turned to look in the other direction, and did not understand, "No, ah, dust robbing will not be in the fairy world." The interface appears?"

“Oh...” Mo Feiyan smiled slightly and said, “Clean dust robbery may appear in any place where there is a fairy spirit. Only the more powerful the spirit of the fairy spirit, the greater the power of the dust robbery.”

"Is it difficult to be too bright and jade, and Qing Ming He Tongtian will have a dust robbing?" Yu Yu mouth stunned, a look of anger.

Mo Feiyan glanced at her and said, "It should be, but I don't know if I have it!"

"Then there is no!" Yu Yu replied with a sweet smile.

"The chances of Qingtong He Tongtian appearing to be dusty are not big. There should be no dust robbing here!" Mo Feiyan took a deep breath. "Since there is a dust robbing, it means that there is something dusty!" ”

"Where is the dust?" Yu Yu listened, his face was slightly closed, and he said, "Feiyan, are you saying that flying up?"

"Not bad!" Mo Feiyan nodded. "The position of the dust robbing is Yuanling Mountain. It does not rule out the existence of other dusty things. But the possibility that the dusty things have a relationship with Feishengxian is too great! We can't wait any longer. Beware of changes!"

"But, Feiyan..." Yu Yu was worried, "Your fairy..."

"Can't wait!" Mo Feiyan replied faintly, "Clean dust robbery appears in this strange, although it is like a white horse, but the prisoner's imperial court will be able to detect, their punishment will soon be When we arrived, we had to finish this before they came, and we must not let them perceive any clues."

"Okay... okay!" Yu Yuben is worried about the ink flying rock. If he can listen to the ink flying rock, she is also in the heart, nodded. "However, Feiyan, you have to promise me, if it is shot, first Let me shoot, you have to force the use of Xianli!"

"Do not worry!" Mo Feiyan said proudly. "It’s just a flying celestial. Even if you just set foot on the fairy world, you can make a fairy mark. He can't be my opponent!"

Yu Yu’s eyes are different in color, and it seems that he appreciates the arrogance of Mo Feiyan.

Dingling Peak is not the highest mountain in Yuanling Mountain, but it is the most majestic mountain within Yuanli City. Looking far away, Dingling Peak is like a giant standing between the heavens and the earth, guarding the Yuanling City, the peak is as its name!

However, the legend of Dingling Peak is destined to become history. At this time, the entire Yuanling City is shaking, just like the solidified waves. From time to time, some stone walls will collapse, and many spiritual bodies will escape inside! Seeing that this huge gully was born in all parts of Yuanling Mountain and even on the earth, Dingling Peak could not help but tremble.

Surrounded by the swaying Dingling Peak, the spirits of the spirits are full of enthusiasm, and there are tens of thousands of spirits gathered around the peaks. These spirits are large and small, with different shapes and light. Although most of them do not have a morphological shape, they do not see where they face, but these spirits are extremely trembling, even more so than the Lingfeng, obviously they are concerned about the Yuanling City in the distance.

"This... What is going on here?" Niu Lingwang, a pair of bulls eyes, screamed loudly and looked at the mountain king who was several times bigger than himself. "Mountain King, why don't you say anything?"

Although the shape of the mountain spirit king is large, but the shape of the mountain is not as strong as the spirit of the great king of the cow, he resists the trembling of the spirit and replies: "The king of the cow spirit, if the king knows, he has long told You, why wait for you to ask again?"

"How could you not know?" Niu Lingwang was slightly exaggerated. "You are a mountain spirit! You should know when you should be moving in the Yuanling Mountain!"

The mountain spirit king looked at Niu Lingwang with impatience, and said coldly: "Yunmengze has a group of wild boars who have got a calf. Do you know why?"

"Where do I know this!" Niu Lingwang blurted out and debuted.

"So..." Shan Lingwang replied in a word, "The king does not know why Yuanling Mountain is like this!"

"How is it possible?" Niu Lingwang was not fooled. He watched the spirit of the mountain spirit swinging and sneered. "You look at your own spirit, and it is as bad as Yuanling Mountain!"

"Oh..." The King of the Mountain Spirit just wanted to speak, and the **** king who listened to the gods was screaming coldly. "The comet king came."

The spirits hurriedly looked at it, and they saw the high altitude of the fairy spirit. A meteor crossed the long sky and dragged the long star tail to the front of the spirits!

The cow spirit king and so on did not dare to neglect, and each flew to meet the past, transforming the humanoid archer: "The comet king..."

The spirit of the comet king stopped in the air, and there was a star flame of more than a hundred feet. There was an infinite star flashing, and the starlight flashed between each other, or the shape of a star, or the illusion of a rune. Even the **** king can not see the true shape of the comet king spirit!

Seeing the spirits of the great king Shi Li, "呜呜" a burst of the sound of the wind is born in the star flame, the spirit of the comet king is transformed into an adult shape! This human form is different from the illusion of the Niu Ling Da Wang. The human form is not only delicate and solid, but also a robes on the body. The stars on this robes are brilliant, which makes people feel dizzy. The comet king smiled a little, and the mysterious double eyes flashed the starlight. He also vowed: "You have been waiting for a long time."

Then he looked up and looked at the other side of Dingling Peak and said, "Isn't the King of Jinghong yet?"

"Yes..." King Yongteng replied in a hurry. "The King of Jinghong has never appeared."

Say, after seeing the king of the comet, Mr. Wing Teng said: "What about the mad world of Xianyingdong?"

"The mad world was killed by a fairy baby named Xiao Hua!" said the fabulous king of the comet. "Now Xianyingdong is the leader of the glory, and the king of Jinghong is the first to go."

"Well..." Yong Tengwang did not seem to put Xianyingdong in his heart, and greeted him. He asked, "I just asked the King of the Mountain, he didn't know what happened to Yuanling Mountain. You do you know?"

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