Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1418: The fall of Bei Ming

Nine summers show secret techniques, countless blue foxes and shadows once again smashed Qin Jun's **** shadow into the void and disappeared.

“Hey?” Xiao Hua was waiting. Suddenly some of Nahan’s eyes were on the direction of Xiaoyu’s mainland, but seeing Xiaoyin’s flight after the night’s night.

"Mother's mother-in-law??" Feel the atmosphere of Xiao Hua, Xiaoyin was overjoyed, and left the night and flew over!

"Hey..." The night was also anxious, with a pair of wings and a black smoke around him. The shape of the night was more than Xiaoyin, and it fell to Xiaohua's chest!

"Oh..." Xiaoyin said coldly. "I know that you are tired and deliberately let you!"

"Oh..." After Xiao Hua, let Xiaoyin fall into his palm and ask, "How?"

"Useless little night!" Xiaoyin said. "It says that all around is a sultry and burning atmosphere. It can't be found at once, only a little bit!"

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua shot his forehead, and some awkwardly said, "Small night is certainly familiar to this heterogeneous aura, but after all, it is thin in the four major continents, relying on it to find, or not reliable! Not to mention that this little guy is still small..."

"Oh..." The little night can understand Xiao Hua's words, and it screams and agrees.

"Then let it help you!" Xiao Hua smiled and took the light sacred cherubim out of the space!

"Oh..." I saw the cherubim in the night, and immediately screamed, flashing my wings and wanting to pounce on it!

And when the cherubim saw the night, the same four wings, four of them open their mouths, ready to spurt the light!

"I am in a hurry, no hurry..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly, raising his hand to block the cherubim, smiled. "You look around!"

"Oh..." The cherubim looked around, and gave up the night, and the four faces spurted the Holy Light at the same time, trying to kill the alien spirit!

It’s a pity that it’s been sprayed for a while, and there’s a hurricane around it.

Xiao Hua looked at this just-filled cherubim and whispered softly: "You made a mistake, you should go to the roots of these different kinds of aura, and then you can kill this heterogeneous aura!"

"Oh..." The cherubim whispered a few times, flapping its wings toward the direction of the rainy continent!

"Little night..." Xiao Hua pointed to the back of the cherubim and told him, "Look, the path has also been found. You have to compare with him. Who is the most powerful! Who can find the different kind of aura into the Xiaoyu continent? The root of it!"

"Hey..." Not waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Xiaoyao regained the spirit and went with Xiaoyin!

Xiao Hua smiled and released Xiao Jin and told him to follow the cherubim!

The path is like a small messenger of justice. If you can't fly for a moment, you can't help but smother the light to kill the different kind of aura. Xiao Hua is worried that there is no constraint on Xiaojin. The path has not found the source of the alien spirit of the dark spirit. It will die. what!

After passing the path and the night, Xiao Hua once again looked at Jiu Xia, and he did not feel the birth of the wing. He had previously cast a spell in the nine demon world, but the result was half a cup of tea, but this time it was used. The fragrant work is obviously a clue.

Sure enough, there was a small half hour, and the fox shadow began to appear around. After a faint fox shadow dragged back the blood, all the foxes cooperated, and the nine summers gently raised their hands, and the blue shadow fell into her hands. not see.

Then Nine Summer looked up at Xiao Huadao: "Sister, there are two good and one bad news, which one do you want to listen to first?"

"It can only be good news!" Xiao Hua sighed. "The bad news is definitely not the soul of Qin Jun!"

"Hey, my brother-in-law is getting smarter!" Jiu Xia also learned how Xiaohua looked and sighed!

"With you, naturally, it is getting smarter!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Don't sell off, let's say good news!"

Nine summers rushed Xiaohua’s eyes and said: “My brother-in-law, the good news is that Qin Jun’s spiritual seal has disappeared for more than 10,000 years!”

"Qin Jun's soul mark is disappearing in the Wan Yao world 20,000 years ago, just in line with the time when Bei Ming and Bei Xianer appeared in the Wan Yao world. The time when Qin Jun's Spirit Seal disappeared in the four major ministries is 10,000. Years ago, this coincided with the time when the female prostitute met Bei Xianer in the night spirit world, but the space passage of the four major ministries and the Wan Yao world was closed by Shen Peng 30,000 years ago. Bei Xianer and Bei Ming Shuttle between the two interfaces..." Xiao Hua said with a squint, and finally, "... Of course, when there are no passages in the two worlds, Bei Ming has already gone from the Wan Yao to the rainy continent. He must be secret. Interface channel, or crack the magic!"

"Sister-in-law..." Jiu Xia hurriedly said, "If you don't want to be late, let's go to the ghost spirit world! You can't say that the soul of a million disciples is still alive!"

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded and looked around. "The rain has been eroded for a long time. It is impossible to find the root cause in a short time. I will go to the night spirit world and find a million disciples." God's soul, it is not too late to turn Xiaoyu mainland!"

"Yes!" Jiu Xia excitedly said, "Wait to solve the Xiaoyu mainland, no, the disaster of the four major ministries, the brother-in-law used Shen Peng's broken fairy boat to return to the fairyland! Hey, everything is so perfect!!"

"Come on..." Xiao Hua thought that he would not be able to stay in the four major ministries, although he knew that he could find more possibilities, but there was always a hope for the early moment!

The interface channel leading to the night spirit world was in the forbidden place of Yilin mainland. I knew it in the early nine months. She smiled slightly: "Yes, brother-in-law, this sister took the brother-in-law in the past!"

Xiao Hua thought that he had passed, but he couldn't bear the goodness of the nine summers, and he also hurt his mind when he used the magical power to charge the mountain. So he smiled and said: "Then there is work for you! Xiaomou and retreat... ..."

" um..." Nine summers feel Xiaohua's smile is sweet as honey, and nodded in a hurry. "Sister husband retreats, although the ghost world is also the lower bound, but the interface that can make women pay attention, fear It’s not a good thing, the younger sister’s safety depends on her brother-in-law!”

Xiao Hua smiled and sat down on the knees, and did not use the Qingqiu Mountain secret technique and the daily surplus to repair the mind, but entered the space!

Bone Mountain did not surprise Xiaohua. When entering the space, it directly fell into the unconventional space of the wilderness.

When Yuhua entered the space of the wilderness, the heavenly man was standing before the bone mountain, and did not notice the arrival of Yuhua Xiaohua!

"Dao You..." Yu Xiaohua looked at the angels and whispered. "Is it sad?"

"Yes!" The heavenly man is the body in the realm of the wilderness. It is not the shape of the jade. He replies without saying back. "I used to think that the high is above, the humanity is the ant, but... when I see When there are so many bones, the great sorrow is like the tide, which drowns me. I am like a boat in the sorrow..."

"The **** jade literary song..." Yu Xiao Xiao Hua could not help but whisper.

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