Revival of the Gods

Chapter 140: Lawyer and mysterious fairy

The rehearsal of the fairy tales 140, the hundred and forty chapters of the law and the mysterious female fairy - 567 Chinese Xiao Hua's previous fairy world space is a prototype, but there is no mountain and other things.

At this time, the expansion of the entire fairyland space is a hundred times larger, reaching a huge one million miles, and this space is gradually increasing, and has not stopped. The space becomes bigger, but on the ground, the mountains rise from the ground, the river collapses, and the various landscapes are slowly forming! As for the Scorpio, there are seven different colors of the sun and the moon, and there are countless stars that are condensing. The sun and the moon are just the stars, but the light has already begun, and the trajectory of the operation has also appeared. What's more, the thunder roars, the clouds are floating, the wind and rain are all exposed in different places, and the vitality has sprouted in the fairy space!

Yuhua Xiaohua was stunned and stunned. He didn’t feel that he was looking at the high altitude of the fairyland. The thing that was previously outside the space was the nine-color Yuanling Mountain. At this time, it has turned into a colorful guise, quietly floating in the air, with the light. It looks like a star.

The nine-color guise exudes a faint wave of volatility. This volatility falls into the air and turns into light and shadow. It rushes into the space. Yuhua Xiaohua’s eyes are in the shadows. Numerous rules are only born in his mind. Yuhua Xiaohua can’t help it. The voice exclaimed: "Law... Law? What is this??"

Yuhua Xiaohua is in the midst of Nahan, and suddenly there is an extreme surprise on his face. His body shape has come out of the space of the fairy world, and he has come to a space void. The fluctuations formed by the extreme expansion of the fairyland space are rippling in the void, and the fluctuations of the nine-color rhythm are also mixed in. The place where the volatility impacts the void has some quirky black and white light marks. This light mark seems to be distorted, and it seems to be Folding, better like a miscellaneous, at this time, a female fairy in a purple robe is closing her eyes and drifting in this light mark!

"Big good!" Yuhua Xiaohua smiled and smiled. "The space of the poor road finally has the first guest! However, this guest seems to be in a bad situation and seems to be in a coma! Moreover, the poor road can certainly see this. A guest, but in fact she is still far away from the space of the poor road, it is not to enter the door, the poor road should ask her to come in, or..."

Yuhua Xiaohua is hesitating, but sees the purple robes that have been damaged by the female fairy, and they have nine different gossips, and nine gossips rush into different light marks. Each gossip has turned into eight different gossips into different light marks, but in the blink of an eye, there are already inexplicable signs that touch the edge of the void!

Yuhua Xiaohua was shocked and hurriedly extended his right hand, but when he pointed out the index finger, he stopped again and smiled: "It is a relationship, or a female fairy, then come! The poor road is a hospitable master. ......"

Yuhua Xiaohua took his fingers, and the colorful gossips in the light marks were broken, leaving only a passage to the space with a pale purple color.

Although the female fairy is still closed, her body shape has been turned into Xiaohua space along the light mark. The edge of the void is almost non-existent for the female fairy. Her body falls into the fairy space in front of the eyes of Xiaohua. .

"咔嚓嚓" let Yuxi Xiaohua puzzled that the female fairy body just entered the space of the fairyland, a thunder out of the female fairy out of thin air, and then turned into a thunder net into the female fairy. The female cicada's gossip purple clothes are broken, and now there is a feeling that the clothes are not covered.

Yuhua Xiaohua was supposed to cover the clothes, but I thought about it, or stopped. This female fairy should be a coma, and may wake up soon, and doing more things is a superfluous addition. The drop of the female fairy is not far from the pool and Xiaoxia. Xiaohua thought about it, and she still shackled the female fairy.

At this time, the "tick" sounded, a drop of liquid dripped from the high-altitude law, and the liquid just appeared, immediately decomposed, turned into countless small fluctuations scattered everywhere

"Poly spirit liquid?" Yuxi Xiaohua heart moved, and gave up the coma female fairy, the body shape immediately fell under the law.

Waiting for a moment, another drop of liquid was born. Yuhua Xiaohua hurriedly raised his hand and grabbed it. The liquid fell in his hand and looked at it carefully. But seeing the numerous small fluctuations in the liquid worm-like vibration, each wave flashed differently. Light and shadow, can be biased, all light and shadow are the appearance of the fairy world!

"The poor road seems to have some understanding..." Yuhua Xiaohua loosened his hand, and countless fluctuations in the liquid rushed out. When he saw the last wave, Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand again, and the wave condensed in the air. Yuhua Xiaohua A whisper, a mouth, "噗" a breath of air blowing, the instant illusion of the seven seventy-four-nine 箓 箓 箓 那 那 箓 箓 箓 箓 箓 箓 包裹 包裹 随 随 随 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒 牒It has been turned into a washing liquid.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at this dripping spirit liquid and smiled and said: "This is the washing liquid of the fairy world space! This law is used to transform the interface law. The law is placed in the space of the poor road. The creation of this fairy sacred spirit liquid, placed outside the fairy space can generate the celestial washing liquid. The most bizarre is that the scorpion enters the space, actually promoted the creation of the celestial space law of the poor road, hahaha, really unintentional Inserting willows into the shade!"

Yuhua Xiaohua was full of joy. He looked at the hundred and more babies who didn't know when to enter the fairyland space in advance. He smiled and said: "They are in a hurry, and the poor roads are busy looking for the ritual of washing the spirits." The law!"

More than a hundred scattered infants looked up and laughed: "There are friends!"

Xiao Hua took out the space, slightly identified the direction, and flew toward the busy place!

However, after flying for half an hour, I saw that there was a spirit to fight, Xiao Hua was relieved, knowing that his own way is still in front of him, it is a normal Yuanling Mountain!

Seeing Xiao Hua returning again, he was very keenly aware of Xiao Hua's baby body. He hurriedly took out the golden silk ghost face and said: "Little friend, fast, your baby body begins to collapse, first use this thing to heal!"

"Alright!" Although Xiao Hua was busy falling into the dead tree, nodded. "At the same time as the younger generation healed, he also hoped that the predecessors would inform the younger generation of the secrets of the sacred spirits!"

"What?" Busy and shouted, said, "Is it difficult to become an old man before?"

"If it is said, will the younger generation come to the predecessors?" Xiao Hua cried.

Busy and hurriedly explained: "Sorry, Xiaoyou, the old man is old, the memory is inevitable, I thought I have told Xiaoyou!"

So, busy and busy taking out a crystal bark solemn look, handed it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua released his thoughts and just saw the secret technique. The whole dead tree swayed violently, and his face changed dramatically. He said: "Little friends and quiet repair, the old man went to see what happened!"

Busy to go, Xiao Hua self-conceived secrets, but half an hour, the dead trees swayed, the surrounding space began to oscillate!

Xiao Hua just wanted to go out and see, the vibration was stopped. He thought about it. The left hand flew out through the flowers, and then the heart was in the void. The crystal bottle containing the polyester liquid flew out and dumped a few drops of polyester. In the air, Xiao Hua took a shot of his own eyebrows and released the fairy marks. Then he moved the fairy with his hands and punched them into the flowers and the polyester. In the space of the fairy world, Xiao Hua’s mind has used the magical power to condense and wash the spirit liquid. At this time, when the secret technique is applied, it is methodical, and the scented flower is turned into a transparent object under the fairy scent, and the polyester spirit liquid gradually condenses. The fluctuations of the Chinese law gradually formed, and Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed a few silver light. Xiao Hua’s body was venting!

The sound of "咔" sounded softly, and the polyester spirit liquid was wrapped through the silk flower. A drop of washing liquid was born out of thin air!

"I am going!" Xiao Hua sighed and said, "This washing spirit is too difficult to sacrifice? But think about it too. If I can sing a small leaking fairy, then the washing liquid is too bad. Valuable crystal!"

A drop of washing liquid can not be used for a loose baby. Xiao Hua still needs to urge the gong to restore Xianli to continue to condense. "Boom and bang" the dead tree is extremely shaken, Xiao Hua can not stay in the middle, hurriedly fly out !

At this time, the space where the busy squatting is already very messy, and the beasts of the sacred beasts have escaped a lot, and there is no way to balance them when they fly around.

"Predecessors..." Xiao Huafei whispered to the busy side and asked, "What happened?"

Busy and turned, his face was like a death test, and he was somewhat sad: "The little friend doesn't know, this... this Yuanling Mountain is going to collapse!"

"Ah? What do the predecessors mean?" Xiao asked, "What is the collapse of Yuanling Mountain?"

"Little friends should know that the old man is an ancient tree, and the old man's body is deeply rooted. Any spiritual body in Renyuan Lingshan can't be compared..." Busy explained. "And just half an hour ago, the old man's roots Was interrupted by the abnormalities under the Yuanling Mountain. Although the old man did not know what happened under the Yuanling Mountain, the old man clearly knew that the foundation of the entire Yuanling Mountain had been destroyed, and the Yuanling Mountain collapsed soon! Yuanling Mountain did not guarantee, the old man’s body Naturally, you don’t want to keep the old man’s beast park... I’m afraid it’s not guaranteed!”

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated. He certainly knows what happened under Yuanling Mountain, but he can't explain it to him, but he thought about it and took out the Kunlun mirror. He said, "Predecessors, big robbers. Immediately, the younger generation has a way, do not know if the seniors would like to listen?"

"Small friends please talk about..." Busy and overjoyed, hurriedly asked.

Xiao Hua shakes the Kunlun mirror, and there is a mist of light. Xiao Hua said that Qingguang said: "This is a space fairy of the younger generation. There is a famous fairyland in Kunlun. If the seniors are willing, they can go ahead and see if they can. The younger generation sent the ontology of the predecessors, and even the beasts in the beast park, etc...."

"This..." hesitated and hesitated. After all, he entered the space of Xiaohua. Everything must be controlled by Xiao Hua. I can think of Xiao Hua’s previous use of filling the sky. He is busy and is a bite. "Well, Please send me a small friend to see and say!"

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