Revival of the Gods

Chapter 134: Fox fairy

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In the words, Xiao Hua’s backhand shot his forehead will break open. In the eyes of the smashing method, the banned winds are different. The chaotic arc-shaped outlines of a circle are disorderly entangled together, and the mountains are generally overlapped and overlapped at a glance.

At the top of the mountain, there are infinitely broken gray lines that fall like dead branches. The lines are different in shape, or curved, or straight, or irregular, and some fall on the gray mountain edge and collide with the outline. Some fall in the air, and the side is the falling edge is dissipated. As for the place where the rock is originally the place where the flowers are scattered, it is the place where some different lines blend, and it is the shape of the dragon in the eyes of the law.

Feeling that the eyes of the law are a little worried, Xiao Hua did not dare to look at it for a long time, hurriedly closed, and took a short break, and sacrificed Kunlun mirror to protect himself and fly to the high place.

The wind blows the bones and blows the clear light of the Kunlun mirror. Xiao Hua is easy to fly to a transparent flower. Looking at it with a fixed eye, this group of dark green nails is nailed in the stone wall of the banned wind. It is better to say that it is like a bone carving, and the dark green bones are carved by the ghosts. The engraved marks on the bones are obvious. Every silk mark has a faint dark green thing. The bone carvings are rendered around, and it looks like some flowers. It is named after the flowers.

Xiao Hua is watching, the sound of "啪" is crisp, a nick is cracked, more dark green is pouring out, it is like a flower bloom! Feeling that there is an unspeakable wave of spurting out, Xiao Huafu to the heart, hurriedly explored the left hand, urging the hand-picked martial arts on it!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua felt that his left hand was shaking, and the buzzer sounded in the space. The weird thing was that when Xiaohua’s palms had a faint shimmer, the sound of "啪啪啪" continued. The other nicks of the silk flower burst, the inner fluctuations and even the dark green things are inhaled by Xiao Hua's left palm!

At the same time, a little ambiguous Xiaoyi rushed into his mind. Although Xiaohua didn't have time to realize it, he still wakes up for a moment: "The wind... the law of the wind?? This... This is actually a broken rule. Condensed?"

Xiao Hua pressed his heart to ecstasy, sat down on his knees, closed his eyes and practiced.

Waiting for this seven-way smear of the scented flower completely burst, the dark spots in the middle of the eye and even the infatuation are invisible. Xiao Hua’s left hand trembles like a lightning strike. Xiao Hua’s eyes look at the scented flowers and know that they are open. He urged the hand to do the tricks, and the flowers were immediately taken into the palm of his left hand!

Immediately, Xiao Hua Ma fluttered to the left and another one next to the scented flower, still raised his hand and covered it, only the hand 乾 功 功 功 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I... my God, this is the law of fire..." Xiao Hua's careful liver, "plopping through the plop" jumped, and Bao Bao smashed into this realm. He was also a stranger before.

Next, there are more than a dozen Yuan Days. Although Xiao Hua is like a hardworking bee flying in the flowers, his left-handed ripening and collecting the flowers are still difficult to compare with the power of the heavens and the earth. The bursting of the flower line is ripe! Numerous interfaces broken up in the escaping of the escaping wind, these spaces are also a hurricane that turns into a tide, comparable to the hurricane of the floods, the top of the forbidden wind rushing down, really turbulent.

If it was before, Xiao Hua decided that he could not stay in this wind for a long time, but after he absorbed a lot of scented flowers, there was also a wave of wind in the baby body. Although it felt like a boat into the sea, it could persist! However, it was a few Yuan Day. Xiao Hua’s mind was black and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. He suddenly realized that he hurriedly got up and said: “Nnd, Xiaoye is lost again. Xiaoye is the body of Yuan Ying. In this esoteric Staying for a long time will be assimilated..."

After all, Xiao Hua hurriedly wanted to leave, but I could see a lot of flowers everywhere. Where is Xiao Hua? His eyes turned, stimulating his body shape and taking the risk of flying in the high place, and at the same time releasing his mind, "brushing brush" is more raging than the wind, and the blossoming flowers are engraved. "Xiao" word, the thief went to the sky... but nothing!

After receiving the flowers, Xiao Hua’s heart was so full of anger that he was more brilliant than the flowers. He hurriedly spurred his figure and flew down the wind. However, it was just flying over a thousand feet, and a looming rumor was released from the side, as if the breeze was blowing.

Although this fascination is weak, Xiao Hua is aware of his face, because he is very clear, this is the force of the interface of the ban, and even the rules are mostly broken, and the rumors will be blown away by the wind. It is possible to release the investigation, and it is obvious that the strength of the immortal who has never met will not be underestimated.

Xiao Hua hurriedly received the Kunlun mirror and slammed the Tiantian ring.

The thoughts look like the eyes of the old man, slowly moving, and I will take it back after I have seen it for a while.

Xiao Hua did not dare to move, lest the thoughts suddenly come again, but after the interest rate, the two shadows flew from a distance. Staying close, Xiao Hua frowned, because a shadow flashed red light, a shadow is a mottled color, and can not tell what.

Fortunately, the two shadows did not fly to Xiaohua with the same day of Fujiwara and the weeds, but they were thousands of feet away from Xiaohua.

Hidden, some sounds drifted into Xiaohua's ears.

"...Wang Gang and the scribbled thing... is your family respected by the dusty fairy? How can you wait for the king to prepare?"

"Hey?" This voice is in the ear, Xiao Hua immediately discerned it, isn't it the fire spirit king of Yuanling Mountain?

As for another extremely fascinating voice, Xiao Hua was a big frown. He said: "This... although the sound is unfamiliar, can you know how Xiao knows it is a fox?"

"...Da Wang, you think about it, you don't mean anything else, just want to help you..., you see, the Frost King is being smashed, the son of Yuanling appears, if you don't take advantage of this opportunity to expand your power, you can No chance..."

"...The cooperation between the king and your family has not been unpleasant. The king also hopes that there will be no unpleasantness in the future. Now Yuanling Mountain has been squandered by you, and the things that the king has obtained in Qilingshan have not been completely refined. You How can the king expand the power? Oh, yes, during this time, the kings of Yuanlingshan are very tightly stared at each other, let's talk about it, if there is anything, you must see the king himself!"

"...The feathers are coming to Yuanling Mountain again! They will come to take the spirits. You are staring at the King of the Kings, seeing where he is, and what means to get the washing liquid..."

The fire spirit king has been silent for a long time, as if thinking, after a long while, he said: "... Your family respects the magical powers, yes, the King of Jinghong is mastering the washing spirit of Yuanling Mountain! Where can I take it? How to take it, don’t say that the king, that is, the comet king is not clear..."

" my family respects the chaos of Yuanling Mountain, otherwise I will wait for how to win in chaos... Dawang you are in Yuanling Mountain, you may not know the value of a washing liquid, it is not only representative of Qian Jing, but also Representing a kind of strength... The fairy world is so beautiful, the lower bound does not know how many mortals want to come to the fairy world... Only by mastering the washing liquid can you really establish a strong relationship with those families..."

"Hey, this king really doesn't know how many thoughts you admire... There is a spirit, you want a fairy baby, you have a baby and you need to wash your spirits..."

"Hey, Dawang, look at what you said, isn't this all done as much as you want? What the king needs, hasn't my family ever been short?"

"But it, nothing, this king knows!" For a long time, the King of Fire Spirit finally became impatient. "At the beginning of the month, the king will stare at the King of the King and take the message you want."

"No, no..." Fox said in a very tempting tone. "Getting the message is only the first step. The purpose of the king is to control the washing liquid..."

"Know it!" Huo Lingwang sneered, "I want to control the washing liquid, I have the strength of the King of the King, the king is now the key to cultivation, hehe..."

"Gege..." Fox Singer said with a smile, "My family has given up the blessing to the king and is ready..."

The fire king and the fox fairy said for a while, and then they flew away.

Xiao Hua is a little embarrassed. This Yuanling City is really too chaotic. What is the son of Yuanling, what is the king of Xianying, and now there is a fox fairy, and a reverence with the fire spirit king, the root of Yuanlingshan’s chaos Actually it is Jinghong King and Washing Liquid! This is too ridiculous!

However, Xiao Huajing thought about it, and some of them realized it. If you don’t say anything else, just say yourself. It’s really painstaking to wash the spirits. Knowing that you are waiting for yourself in Helan, you can only harden it. The scalp went to find the feathers to wash the spirits, if not by their own means, afraid that they have not yet received the washing liquid has been taken by Wang Langzhen? I came to Yuanling Mountain myself. Although the original purpose was to protect the needle, can the purpose of today be not the washing liquid?

A small Yuan Ying of his own needs Do you need a lot of family? Washing liquid is actually more than a washing liquid, but a strength, a means!

Xiao Hua’s thoughts flew out of the ban, and he flew slightly in the direction of Qingyiyuan. However, it was just a few miles away, and there was a loud bang in the head of Xiao Hua’s head. A fire that has a size of more than a dozen acres is poured out. This fire burns the cloud once it is revealed. Xiao Hua is a flame that has a fine hairspring!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua saw the situation, screaming badly, and the body was driven by Xianli, it was necessary to display the light...

Ps: "The Revival of the Gods and the Immortals" has finally been put on the shelves. This moment is special for the flower exploration and important for the friends. It is 2018. In the new year, I wish you all the best, always thinking, always 18 years old!

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Thank you for your enthusiasm. This chapter is the lord "lazy white little soil"...

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