Revival of the Gods

Chapter 129: Who is the right person to represent the righteousness?

The female fairy thought for a long time, obviously throwing the important things mentioned by Hawthorn behind her head, because she knows that the mountain is certainly different, but after all, the strength is too shallow, can he perceive what is the big anomaly?

Besides, Xiao Hua, the heart is alert to the immediate contingency, the body of the fairy force slightly circulates, ready to deal with the attack. However, until he flew up the mountain, there was no such thing as a fairy or a spiritual king.

However, Xiao Hua still dare not scorn, his figure flies up, bypassing a mountain and immediately urging the celestial ring to hide in the dark, and lingering the silk carefully to explore the situation around Qingyuan. There was a lot of tea work, and there was no fairy or spirit flying out of the air. Xiao Hua was relieved and still covered his body and flew toward Xianying Cave.

"The Qing dynasty is the ban of the seal of the polyester spirit liquid. Although Xiao Mou did not read the entire ban, but only the part of the ban that was explored, it is impossible to break the ban with the power of Xiao." Huabian Feibian is secretly thinking, "So what is the immortal under the ban? Well, if there is no accident, it is the immortal of Yuxian, and the spiritual king who traded with Yuxian, which spirit The king, or which spiritual king, is busy saying nothing, it is estimated that he does not dare to say."

"The problem is that now is not the time when the immortality is flawed. What are they going to do there? Is it difficult for Di Lingshui to appear in advance?"

"On the warning sign of today, Xiaomou is not the enemy of the feather fairy. If you want to get the polyester spirit, you can only take it. Xiaomou needs to rely on the Tiantian ring, plus the Qingqiu mountain secret surgery can have a trace opportunity……"

Thinking of the Tiantian ring, Xiao Hua did not think of the childish voice on the purple gold boat. He said: "The grace of dripping water is reported by the spring. No matter how people think, Xiaomou lives on the Tiantian ring. How can I understand this cause and effect in the future?"

Xianying Cave is not far away, look at the valley under the rain, the invisible prohibition blocks the rain, and there are some water swirls in the halo, Xiao Hua hesitated. He had a good impression on him at the end of autumn. He knew it clearly, but at the end of autumn, he was obviously a fairyland dust fairy. He had never left the Enlightenment continent. The knowledge of the late autumn could not be compared with Xiao Hua. The two immortals may not be able to ask for the right, but if they have different concepts and ambitions, what about He Shuangxiu? Double repair is not a fairy, but also a realm. If Xiao Hua is a goshawk that fights the sky, then the end of autumn is the daisy of autumn. The two immortals are not the same. Xiao Hua, who has always refused to refuse others, does not know how to point out difference.

"Farewell soon!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and finally got a sigh of relief. "It is said that there is a clue to Nirvana, and you need to leave Yuanling Mountain..."

Standing in the four major ministries, you can point to the mountains and rivers. When you first enter the fairyland, you can kill and lead Xiao Hua. Actually, this little child's feelings are deliberate and really drunk.

Xiao Hua flew into Xianying Cave, and the face was hurricane, and there was no water drop! Flying over a thousand feet, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that something was wrong, because on the stone walls on both sides of Xianying Cave, many Dongfu are some light and shadow flashing, and occasionally there are some thoughts sweeping out, but these thoughts pass through Xiao When Huali retracted, it was like a voyeer's gaze after hiding in the rock. However, after Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept away, the Dongfu’s ban was triggered and the Dongfu was closed. It’s really a feeling of wanting to cover it.

"Oh..." For a moment, Xiao Hua understood and said, "There must be that mad world. He said that he wanted to follow the meaning of the double-education in the late autumn. Everyone knows that Xianyingdong is well known. This is really some. Hate! So, Xiaomou is not too hurried to say goodbye. After all, Xiao will go, and at the end of the autumn, Xiao’s support will be reduced. It’s also that Xiaomou is afraid of that! nn, with a mad world The ups and downs, Xiaoye wants to pull out is not easy! I really want to break the sly nose!!!"

Xiao Hua’s awkward look has already been left behind by him, and he flew to Dongfu in the late autumn. However, before Xiao Hua fell to Dongfu, he waited for a long time and did not see it at the end of autumn.

"Is it wrong..." Xiao Hua didn't have the way of communication in the late fall, so he had to swear in his heart, "Is it left Yuanling Mountain at the end of autumn?"

It is very possible to think about it. After all, after the end of autumn, I don’t want to be double-edged with the madness. Can’t afford it?

Xiao Hua’s heart was slightly stable and turned around. At this time, in the distance, a tribute was swept away, and then there was a voice: “Is it Xiao Hua Xiao Xianyou?”

Xiao Hua stunned, just turned around, and the voice hurriedly said: "Xianyou Mo turned back, nothing happened. Now I leave Xianying Cave, I am waiting in the east of Xianyingdong..."

Xiao Hua’s heart burst into a heart, as if he understood something, and waited for a moment, and he couldn’t fly away.

What surprised Xiao Hua was that in the night sky outside the Xianying Cave, a fairy baby he had never seen before stood in the rain.

"Which is Xianyou?" Xiao Hua stopped in midair and arched. "Can there be anything?"

"In the Xiayi Xing exhibition..." The fairy baby also said to the ceremony, "I am going to call Xiao Xianyou out, I want to tell where the end of autumn is!"

"At the end of the autumn, in the mad world of the cave house!" Xiao Hua said faintly, "and it was forced by the mad world!"

"Ah?" Yue Xingzhan was awkward, and he said, "How do you know Xianyou?"

"Oh, guess!" Xiao Hua sighed, "Xiao Mou would rather guess himself!"

"Xianyou guessed a part..." Yue Xingzhan smiled bitterly. "At the end of autumn, it was not forced by the mad world, but was forced by the so-called righteousness..."

"Day of righteousness? What do you mean? What kind of fairy friend does not represent the righteousness?" Xiaohua is not without irony.

Yue Xingzhan said the situation of the day, Xiao Hua suddenly angered and angered: "Ning is not a complete smash, even if the war is dead, the ghost can be safe, so coerce a weak female immortal, improper Son of man!!!"

After the end, Xiao Hua body shape shadow flying to Xianying Cave!

"Xiao Xianyou, you... what do you want to do?" Yue Xingzhan was shocked.

"Don't do anything!" Xiao Hua looked at Yue Xingzhan, who was chasing him. "I went to ask the end of autumn to see what she meant. If she didn't want to, I took her out!"

"Xiao Xianyou!" Yue Xingzhan laughed and said, "Yuemou said this to you, not to let you go to the heads-up, the madness of the world, you are not likely to be his Enemy. Moreover, nowadays, the world is the leader of Xianyingdong. Nearly 30 immortal friends support him. How can you take the end of autumn from his cave?"

Xiao Hua's figure stopped, and Feng Feng was awkward. He looked at Yue Xingzhan with one word: "Yue Xianyou, Xiaomou knows that the time is not long at the end of autumn, and he refused to give up at the end of autumn, and regarded Xiao as a confidant. Although Xiao did not dare After the promise, but the end of autumn refused to be crazy, Xiaomou was next to it. Now that the end of autumn is in trouble, how can Xiaomou stand by and watch? If the end of autumn is not willing to sacrifice the righteousness of the shit, then Xiao must bring her out of the predicament! How is the mad world? He stopped Xiaomou, Xiaomou killed! How about the 30 fairy babies? They blocked it, Xiaomou also killed it!! Although thousands of people are squatting, whoever is afraid of the sword! !!"

Xiao Hua is really anxious, and his tone is insane. In the realm of the world, it is all right to say that there is nothing wrong with it. Yue Xingzhan already knows that Xiao Hua took the ice heart from Situ Jingxin and knew that Xiao Hua is cultivating the spirit So he opened his mouth, raised his hand and wanted to say something, and finally shook his head and watched Xiao Hua fly away.

Xiao Hua returned to Xianying Cave, and he was so powerful that he flew to the front of the fascinating Dongfu Gate. He saw two lion beasts screaming and screaming, and it was a move in his heart. The darkness said: "The mad world is rude, but the end of the autumn. It was sent to the Jiji Equality Xianying. In the end of the autumn, in the madness of the cave, how Xiao Xiao didn’t know, if you hit it all the way, it would be a mistake. It’s a pity...”

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua retreats a few feet, waiting for the illusion of the mad world!

"Which fairy friend came to my house?" A voice was born in the cave house. The golden light that Xiaohua entered Dongfu did not appear.

Xiao Hua looked at the outline of the Dongfu, and said coldly: "Under the Xiaohua, I want to see the autumn fall fairy..."

"You can go to her Dongfu in the late fall, come to my Dongfu for what?" The mad world's tone is somewhat intolerant.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Crazy, since Xiaomou is standing in front of your door, it means that Xiaomou knows something. Why do you want to cover it? You just have to call out the end of autumn, let Xiaomou ask her a word. can……"

"Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine!" The mad world's proud voice came out, "Xiao Hua, the old man saw you before the late autumn, I came to the old husband Dongfu, knowing that you are not my fairy-hearted fairy, so the old man patiently told you So much, now the old man is practicing, there is no time to pay attention to you, you go!"

"Haha, it’s so wonderful!" Xiao Hua laughed aloud, and said with a little hole in the direction of the government, "Xiao must give this toast without eating and drinking the fine wine! Xiaomou is resistant to the **** with you." If the pickled person speaks, isn’t it the face of the late autumn? If she is willing to stay in your Dongfu, Xiaomou will not say anything, but if she doesn’t want to, if she doesn’t want to, oh...”

During the talks, several caves in the vicinity were born with light and shadow, and several strange fairy babies flew out from inside.

A tall and unhappy fairy baby flies near, roaring one voice: "兀那仙友 What are you doing? The mad world is practicing at a critical juncture, he is destined for the fate of Xianyingdong ......"

"Shut up!" Xiao Hua suddenly turned his head, and his eyes screamed. "Where are you talking about here?"

At this time, it shows the difference between Feishengxian and other immortals. Xiao Huaping is kind and does not bring any majesty. This anger is full of the supreme power. Although there is no fairy power in the tone, it scares the fairy. Mouth, fly over ten feet!

Far away, Situ Jingxin also flew over, and when he heard this, his eyes were terrified!

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