Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1281: 7 colors Shinko?

"You don't want to live!"

Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and pointed out the eternal battle, "嗖 ” ” ” ” 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 ” ” ” ” 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万 万

"I am afraid that you will not be?"

The gods screamed and tried to stab the battle!

"Hey..." Where does Yuhua Xiaohua give it a chance? With a big hand, the gods will be smashed, and at the same time, Xiao Hua’s blood has fallen on it!

"Hey..." The gods and sorcerers rolled over, and the golden light was great, and it seemed that they wanted to kill Xiao Hua’s blood!

It is a pity that the blood of the gods is stained with the gods, and there is a golden silk in the middle, and it quickly disappears into the gods and disappears.

"Oh..." The gods of the gods seem to have been strong, and they are low-lying.

"Oh..." The tumultuous demon smashed, and the demon rushed out, and the twins flashed golden light to the jade Xiaohua.

Yuhua Xiaohua said with a sneer: "You finally dare to shoot?"

However, without waiting for the demon to be close, he suddenly went to the golden light, and then stood in the incredible look around in the air, and said: "Big brother, I am going, still..."

The word "return" has never been finished, and his golden eyes are pouring out!

"But it, nothing..." Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. "I don't want to go crazy with you. I wanted to see your origins. If you are like this, then let's talk about it after refining!"

After that, Yuhua Xiaohua’s hands were twitching, and the surrounding space was instantly closed, and the gods and jade were sealed.

"The poor road still stunned this **** konjac, it affected the devil's sorrow is the poor road that was expected, but it did not expect it to affect the jade through the demon, even it can make waves in the poor road If this is the immortality, what would it be like? It is no wonder that the ancestors of the Lu family want to suppress their own caves and sacred objects within the family!"

Looking at his own blood, Jinsi slowly blended into the magical scorpion. Yuhua Xiaohua turned to look at the five-color fire. Xiaohua never ignored the five-color fire. First, there was no chance to use it. Second, there was a glimpse of the five-color fire. Biguang, Xiao Hua does not know what to use.

At this time, the five-color crystal grain is falling in the core of the five-color **** fire, and that the blue light is gradually invading the five-color crystal grain. The eyes of Xiaohua Xiaohua are exposed, and the "brushing" is rushing out from the inside and falling into the jade. Xiao Huamei!

"Five ... five colors of light??"

Yuhua Xiaohua was a bit stunned, and she did not realize that the peacock old man Kong Ling of the Tianlin League on the mainland. Isn't this his life? ?

In the same year, Xiao Hua was coveted by Kong Qiang’s lifeless god. He never thought that he actually had the time to get the five-color **** ritual.

The most valuable thing is that Xiao Hua also got a five-color light from the beginning of the age!

How can the five-color gods and light granules that can suppress the gods and konjac be so powerful that they can understand it?

There was hardly any hesitation, and Yuhua Xiaohua once again took out the space and took another drop of blood.

The five-color **** light granules, like the **** konjac, are extremely repelling blood sacrifices, but the five-color **** light granules are almost extremely afraid of the bi-light filaments, so in the twinkling of light, Xiao Hua’s blood is easy to penetrate into the light particles, and immediately Many methods of rituals are born from the minds of Yuxi Xiaohua!

"Ha ha..." Yu Xiaoxiao laughed and rushed to the interface of the gods and gods. "Where is the friend?"

The jade scorpion flies out, and he is somewhat impatient: "What is the friend of the Tao? Do you know that the poor road is being cultivated??"

"The poor road is cultivating the gods, and the jade is also in the purgatory..." Yu Xiaoxiao smiled and said that the space of the seal said, "There are some friends who help you look at it!"

"Haha, haha..." The jade scorpion sees the jade, and laughs. "You have a boy today? Rest assured, this matter is handed over to the poor road. See who is not busy!"

"Haha, yes, no one can watch the fun!" Yuhua Xiaohua also laughed, but when he was ready to leave the space, he was a glimpse, because Zhang Qingxiao, who was condensing the body of the demon, was in the eyebrows. Once again, there is a golden silk like a **** konjac...

"Weird..." Yuhua Xiaohua perceives it. She knows that Zhang Qingxiao is not unusual. It is even more puzzled. "What is the relationship between the body of the demon and the demon?"

Zhang Qingxiao's body of the demon has never condensed, and the gods and devils have never been sacrificed. This question naturally has no answer. Even the intuition of Yuhua Xiaohua tells himself that even if both are completed, they may not be able to know the answer.

Therefore, Yu Xiao Xiao Hua took the thought out of the space.

After the return of the mind, Xiao Hua looked at Lu Shu, and Wu Xinchao sat on the plate and began to enlighten the ritual of the five-color **** light. While waiting for a little income, Xiao Hua took the five-colored fire from the space and his eyes fell on it. On the blue light, I laughed proudly: "The things that Xiaomou sacred are the beginnings of the world. What is the color of the five colors? If there are five colors in the light, there is nothing in the five elements, no things are not broken, then There are seven light in the beginning, no things in the seven worlds, no things to break!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua opened the mouth with five colors of fire, and used three hundred and sixty-five physical bodies to isolate and sculpt the five colors! !

At the same time of Xiao Hua's hard work, Lu Shuxian spent a month to enlighten the rituals of the rituals, and spent more than a dozen Yanyue sacrifices on the caves of the heavens. Seeing that Lu Shukou’s blood fell on the Dongzun Mountain, Xiao Hua’s cultivation was laughing. It turns out that this Dongzun Mountain is actually a fairy monument of Dongtian!

When the last scent of Lu Shu fell, Dong Zunshan vibrated and began to shrink. It turned into a fairy monument in the hands of Lu Shu. Lu Shuyan swept away and said, "I’m sorry, sir, The disciple thought that it would be possible to sacred the cave monument, who thought... Cave Tian was included in the gourd, and the disciple had to sacrifice the gourd..."

"Slowly, don't worry..." Xiao Hua blinked and looked at Lu Shu, smiling and said, "The old man is also retreating, the opportunity is rare!"

"Right..." Lu Shu asked: "Master, how many immortals of the seal are released now?"

"No!" Xiao Hua smiled Waiting for you to finish, and finally say. ”

"Good!" Lu Shu nodded, Zhang mouth swallowed the monument into the abdomen, and then a fine blood sprayed the green skin gourd again.

The sacrifice of the green skin gourd can be different from the Tianxian monument. It took nearly a year for the enlightenment to try. Then, with the sacrifice, Lu Shu spent nearly ten years!

Waiting for this Yuan, Lu Shu a mouth, a clear light spray, the green skin gourd drop into his mouth, Lu Shu quickly got up, Xiao Hua standing in the air with a negative hand, respectfully said: "Master, Although the disciples only sacrificed 10%, they have been able to control them. Together with the cave monuments, they can barely accept them."

"Alright!" Xiao Hua smiled back and said, "If you sacrifice such a powerful Taikoo fairy, you will have to wear a stone to make it, and you will receive it first. Then you will slowly refine it in the years to come."

Lu Shuchi laughed and got up, Zhangkou squirted the cave of Tiantianxian, and waited for the 掐仙诀 to hit the fairy monument, mourning the truth in the mouth, "displayed..."

I saw the fairy monument emitting bronze light and falling to the ground!

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